HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-06-24, Page 1THE The Official Organ of Zurich a d. Bray Towush p• Vol, IV., No., 48. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1904. LEGAL CARDS. ll J. D. COOKE, (Late with %arrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor; Notary Public. Hensa11. Ontario. 3'. G. sTANBUFLY, B. A. P. W. GLADMAN. Gladian & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village snot Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original Gorman read and advised open. --AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES-- ilensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROIIBFOOT, HAYS & BLAIII BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR1ES PUBLIC, &C. Godereh, - - - Canada. W. rEOCTFOOT, K. C I it. C. IIAYS. G. F. IITAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. JACITIAND & CO., ) REAL BUIE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and: sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing. of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life • Insurance 'Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. y —OFFICE— Zur ch +ZELLER ' Ontario.BLOCK (L. V. ii totwA.vn, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats an diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds ulweys on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. 'OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Oki Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW 'I~. H ESS. Five Insurance effected in all leading companies. Aooident policies issued. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. S'E L L ERY, Dentist, gradnate of the. Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Pinto wozii: a speciaLlitq. At Domu on 'Hoarse, Zurich, every Mem tiny.. 1-20 E BOSSENBERRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully sOlkits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaetion guaranteed. LOCAL NEWS Mr. D. S. Faust is recovering from an attack of illness. Miss Tillie Well, of Toronto, is home on a short visit this week. C, Sohrag expects to receive a carload of shorts one of these days. Mrs. Ash, of Sebringsvillo, visit- ed- relatives in this vicinity this week. ' Don't forgot the Lawn Social this Friday evening. Zurich Band in ^ttenclance. Miss Laura Kraus, of Howard City, Mich., is visiting relatives here at present. Mr. Hy. Ran says the Pandora Range he bought from 0. 13artleib is a avorld beater. Miss. Tena Hartung, who has been visiting her mother left lust Saturday for Detroit. :Miss Clara Buchanan passed her second year examination at Toronto University with honors Miss Katie Schmidt is at present' helping out at the Commercial; owing to the illness of Mre. Rau. You are cordially invited to at - bend the Lawn Social to be held on Miss Lydia Faust's lawn this even-. ing. Mr Ephriam Holtzman. and wig, left for Pigeon, Mich.; on Tuesday.. Ephriam intends locating in that vicinity. .Mr Ed. Bossenberry has improv- ed the looks of his dwelling coei- .sider6ubly by the application of a .gout of paint. Rev. Mr. Yager, of the Evangel- ical church here. exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Finkbeiner, of Se- bringsville, last Sunday. Mrs. McCausland, wino had been staying ' with her mother, Mrs. Zettle, for some time, left on Mon- day for her home in Galt. Mrs. C. F. Wagner, of Grafton, N. D., is visiting her mother, Bars. Stelek, at present. Mrs. Stelek has been rather poorly of late: Mr. William Henderson, Detroit, a former teacher in the Zurich pssb lie :school, was renewing old ac- qusuintances here last Friday and Saturday. Dr. E. J. Hagan, now of the L&.oehurst Sanitarium, Oakville, has successfully passed his third' year examination. We extend. congratulations. As Rev. E. Schuelke will con- duct services in Hamilton next Sunday, no services 'will be held in the Lutheran church. Sunday school will begin at 10 a. m. Beginning next Tuesday the en. tranee examinations will be held here. Niue pupils will write from the Z. P.: S. and it expected that about twenty-five will try here al- together. Mr. Chester Steinbach, of Water- loo, was home over Sunday. Chester had been attending camp at London and met with great suc- cess. He was promoted to the rank of corporal. The Excelsior Orchestra, under the leadership of blr. Frank Bos- senberry and composed of Messrs. Louis Weber, Fred W. Hese, John Schafer and Wm, 0. Hess, furnish- ed music for a lawn social in Clandeboye, on Thursday evening, June 23rd, As has been the custom in the past,Tn i Hl;RALD will not be issued next week. Our many friends will please bear this in mind. Our office however will be open as usual everyday in the week except Fri- day (Dominion. Day) when all busi- ness will likely be suspended in town. Elgin, son of Fred Hess Sr., rnet with a painful accident last Mon- day. With other children he was playing hide-and-seek in.?. F. Rick- beil's implement shop and in hitting he came in contact with a scythe with the result that he cut a deep gash on his right leg just below the knee. It required three stitches to close up the wound. He will bo laid up for a time. WEDDING.—A quiet but happy wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Deichert on Wednesday evening, when their daughter, Lavina•'was united in Harry to Mr. Yungblut, butcher of this town. The nuptial knot was tied by- Rev. E. Sehuelke. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present at the ceremony.. TIM HIUsALD joins with their many frion.ds in wishing them a happy and prosperot'as wed - (lett life, 3HILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales''to ea;11 on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your patronage selicited. HOTELS.. 111000400000000000000000000 • 0 4 0i 0 ttTHE 4 0 0 0 0 COMMERCRL HOTEL • 0 Ly, $ 0 ZURICH &z 0 0 Q3 0 0 4 0 as 0 0 a 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. Strictly up-to-date in modern im provements. Dining rooms is sup- plied with only the very best. 10 ¶ Bar contains choice liquors and cigars. If ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. • 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 4 0 G3 a THE ®mimeo Duce. This House has recently changed ' hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted House§ in the Province. We getter gable le the poinlnion. R. R. Johnston & Son PROPRIETORS, Potatoes wante 1.at,Feed Store. New ads this geek -H. 'Well, J. Weseloh. Messrs. N, and C. Cook, of Ben- son, spent Sunday in town,. Leave your order for strawberries at Schrag's Seed and Feed store: Mr. J. J. Merner returned From the Northwest on Wednesday even- ing. Miss Mabel HarcTy, and brother, Earl, of Exeter, visited friends in town, Tuesday. J. Preeter has opened out a fine range of dinner; and Toilet, sets. See display in windows, Mr. Chas. Grob and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rill, Crediton, on Sunday,: Misses Maggie and Emma Wese-' lola., of London, vieited at their parents here this week. Mr. McKee anti daughter, of Sault Ste. Marie, aro visiting rela- tives in this vicinity this week. • Mr.Jacob Deiclaert still continues in a very low condition, although some hopes are entertained for his recovery. LOST. — Last Friday between Grand Bend and St. Joseph, a Chatelaine purse. Finder will please leave at this office. Mrs. A. Weber and. sister, Miss Carrie Kirsch, left 'for Rochester, N. Y., on Tuesday, after a pleasant visit with their mother here. Messrs. Fred. Hess` Sr. and Alex. MoBeatlt, of Stanley Township, left for Burke's Falls, New Ontario, on Monday, They are en a prospect- ing trip, Remember that S. T. Hopper, the optician, will be• at the : Doininion House, Zurich, on Saturday, June 25th, from 11 a. in.. to 3 p. in. All work guaranteed. Mrs. H. 0. Doan: left for Kansas City on Wednesday, on a visit to her mother and other relatives. She will visit other points of interest along the route and expects to be absent some months. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Stock, of Tavistock, were visitors with the editor and family this week. C. 3. is still the jolly good fellow of over twenty years ago, when we first made his acquaintance. In IonaCounty, Mich., several farmers used steam plows this spring, says the Detroit Tribune. Lne farmer reports his ability to turn ten acres a day with his engine and plow, and another ac- complished the remarkable feat of turning his land with a gang of four steam plows. to which were hitched a land roller and a drag.. The Queen City Oil On., have seratont letters stating that in con- sequence of the duty on Boal oil, benzine and gasoline having been reduced 2%• cents a gallon, that their prices have dropped accord- infely, asad further state that they trust dealers will reduce prices to consumers proportionally. As the process under which their refinery operates is the same as that used in the refineries in the United States they expect very shortly to be able to offer customers high grade American oil made in Canada. A syndicate, the members of which at first were Messrs, Peter Lamont, Wm. Hoffman and John Schafer, have bought a horse from gypsy Watson. The horse to ibok at seems like any other common every -day horse but you can't al- ways go by looks. They say that that horse can kick with its hind two feet, also with its front two feet and bite at a fellow, besides doing two to three other stunts all at the same time. Hoffman has since sold his share to Mr. John Weseloh and Lamont has sold half of his share to Mr. Jac. Wurm. COUNTY COURT.—At the County Court sittings held in Godericb last week the following cases of interest to residents in this vicinity were given a hearing : Crown vs Sherritt.—Most of the people are familiar wit the facts of this case. A charge of criminal asssault was laid against Mr, Sherritt. This was changed to aggravated assault. The verdict given by Judge- Doyle was as follows. The defendant to pay $100 fine and all costs pertain- ing to the case. Defendant was bound over to the crown for $12,000 to keep the peace for two years. Routhier vs. McLean. --This was another case of assault, which took place in St. Joseph last fall. The verdict gave plaintiff judgement against defendant for $75 to be paid in a week and in default of payment, 60 days in jail. Locals continued on page S. $1. Per Year. FAUST 15 STILL 'CO THE FRONT with all newest cleSigns such as UNDERSKIRTS—white and black •with lovely Frills; Prices $L25, $L40, $1.50 ' $2,25 each. READY-MADE WAISTS—in Linen, White and Black Lustres at $2.00 and $2.25_ WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular $2.00, now for $L50. FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest from 50 cts. to 75 cts. per yard. see those Waaistings. LADIES' VESTS—From 8 cts. upwards. A special on LADIES' HOSE -15 cts. a pair or two for 25 cts. FANCY LACES—Of.all different patterns and price$. . READY-MADE WHITE APRONS --Snail sizes 25 as., long sizes 50 cts. A new range of WAIST SETTS for 25 cts. a sett. Cream Basket Wove'DRESS GOODS for 00 cts. a yard. Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 ets. a yard. LIEN'S CELLULOID COLLARS 20 cts: each. MEN'S TIES the very latest for 25 cts. and 50 cis. LINEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 cts, all other collars in Linen 13 cts MEN'S HATS --In Fedora and stiff at different prices. We invite everyone to call and look at these' goods. Also invite you to see our Call nab each. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 FAUS ig Class My spring Stock of Ito W has arrived and I have a large range of the best foot -wear made in Canada. Do not 'fail to see them they will suit you in Eggs and butter taken in exchange. CHAS. FRITZ, THE SHOE A N, .. - ZURIOH 6 NACf09E A aw �""1wUYd N ecia i, itAils We are offering big bargains in Men's Serge and Fancy TWEED SUITINGS. We are offering Tweed Suit Ends for x;3.00, $3.50, $4.00, worth from $15.00 to $17.00 a suit. A good All Wool Navy Worsted Serge for $6.00. There is big money in this line for any one looking for a suit of up-to-date goods. No Shoddy or Toronto fire Goods, but • 6erhie ti -date 0 S . Call and be convinced that what we say is correct �. PREETER, ZURICH dem ,,aria, V ..oast tr. iss with t ▪ m ONTARL tory. . excellent cro `` icing the demand R WWWircles at Ai'innip .d class oontin is • cal YES! We o Pri We do neat and qui Let tv. `t ,nd, a.n eeeeeseekeewea her co n when t] rche story, THE