HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-06-17, Page 8The Zurich Herald.
New Butcher
I wish to inform the Public
that I have purchased the Baitoher-
ing business of John Schafer and
will continue the business
t The ,Old Stand.
I will carry in stock all kinds
of Meats and will give my Custo-
mers the Best Value obtainable.
Terms Cash.
Harry YiragblUty
Zurich - = Ontario.
]Morse Shoer and
Verity Plow Rapairs a1=
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
Planing and Saw Mill
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
l�fills 14th Con., Lot 25.
J. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. O.
You need a nice pair of
fifty cents and up buys the
"genuine" article. I now show
a fine line of
Clocks and
Also Musical Instruments
Fine repairing any hobby, let
ale have your "PUZZLERS."
Prices right.
F. W. ., ESS
The Hess uggies
are noted, for their
Neat and up-to-date in appearance.
Made of the very best material.
As cheap as any similar grade
of buggies.
See thein before you btty.
We are now prepared to put
on any kind of vehicle, neje
and old. First class work
R lless & Son.
Zurich Ontario.
(Locals continued from page 1,)
LosT,—A pair of gold -rimmed
spectacles in case, Finder will
please leave at this office.
The annual meeting of the Far
finers' Association will be held in
Blackall's Hotel, Rensall, on Wed-
nesday, June 22nd, at 2 P. M.
Mrs. Guhr and daughter, Pearl,
of Varna, and Miss Bubbols, of Sea -
forth, are visiting at Mr. T. John-
son's and other friends at present;
Mr, Peter Ducharme, of Sanilac
Co., Mich., is visiting friends at the
Sauble line. He intends locating
in the Township if he can secure a
suitable property. •
A GREAT OFFER. To new sub-
scribers we will club THE HERALD
and The Family Herald and Week
ly Star to the end of the year for
60 cents. Present paid up sub-
scribers of our paper can procure
the Family Herald and Weekly
Star for 30 cents to the end of the
year. Send an your name at once
and get full benefit of this offer.
The common . niethocl of killing
out Canadian thistles were tested
at the North Dakota station last
year, and the greatest succes was
obtained by frequently cutting the
plants. A plot of about five square
rods was cut over at intervals of
four to seven days during the seas -
son. Twenty-three cuttings were
made, after which the plants had
decreased from two thousand to
On Tuesday forenoon while Theo-
dore, the young son of Mr. Loris
Foster, was coming to town on a
load of wood, and when in front of
Mr. Peter Woolley's place, one ;of
the stakes of the wood -rack broke
and Theodore was thrown to the
ground. Some of the wood. fell on
his foot and it was at first thought
that his heel was crushed but luck-
ily it turned out to be only a severe
bruise. The lad bears up bravely
under the injury.
BLACKWELL.- On 6th Con., Hay
Township, Mrs. Thomas Bla.;k-
well, at the age of 68 years.
dence of the bride's parents, at
Hurondale, on June Sth, by Rev.
Dr. Medd, Mr. Edgar L. Fanson,
to Miss Almina Blatchford,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
STATHAM-HORNEY - At the resi-
dence of the bride's mother, on
Tuesday, June 7, by Rev. W.
Godwin, Mr. William Statham to
Miss Hannah Horney, all of
• As a wagon load of hay.
The Exeter girl gots a grip on hereelf,
'And carefully takes off.her hat,
Then grabs the man in a frenzied way,
Like a terrier shaking a rat.
The lfippen-girl says never a word.
Oh! ,She's so gentle; timid. and tame,
But she grabs the jay by the back of the
. And she getk; there just the same.
But if you want a perfect kiss,
That will set your head in a whirl,
Yon reach the acne of earthly bliss
When you kiss a Hillsgreen girl.
Special to Tns IIERAL»..
Miss Annie Wren has been ap-
pointed organist of tha Methodist
Our foot -ball team. on Monday
.afternoon journeyed to Lucan and
defeated tho home team by 2 to 0.
They arrived home about 3 o'clock
and report that they had a good
Rev. C. Baker took Dr. Medd 's
work on Sunday, the Dr. assisted
at the evening service.
Over 50 tickets were sold for
London on Circus day.
Saturday was a delightful day
for the excursion to the Experi-
mental Farm, Guelph, • but only
about half • as many went as last
The meeting of the Huron Pres-
bytery, which was held in Hensall
on Friday, sustained the call to
Rev. Smith of Milverton.
On Monday afternoon Geo. Mc-
Ewen, M. P., wanted to get on the
front of the last passenger car, but
could not as there were others
ahead of him, so attempted to get
on the rear,. having an umbrella
and satchel in his hand. He grab-
bed the rail but missed his footing
and was dragged a short •distance`
before he let go, having lost his
hat, the train was stopped for him
and off he went, but if it had not
been the rear of the last car, there
would likely have been a serious
accident. •
The scraper, which should have
been here in May came last week
and put our main street in much
better condition and the merchants
are improving the appearance in
front of their stores so that we are
now said to have the prettiest, vil-
lage in Canada.
If your sight is not perfect, re-
member that S. T. Hopper, optician
of Hensall, will be at the Dominion
Hotel, Zurich, on Saturday, the
25th inst., from 11 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money
Recently J. Sheppard shipped 225
hogs in one week from this station.
He paid out $2500 for then.
Mr. Robert McArthur, of the 2nd
Con., Hay, who was a delegate to
the General Assembly held at St.
John, N. S., returned last week. He
reports a very pleasant trip.
Mrs. Janes Taylor, and her
anther, both of Toronto, visited
•e atives here last week.
Mr. Richard Wright and wife
have moved to Seaforth. Hensall
has lost some good citizens of late.
A semi-annual meeting of the
South Huron County Orange Lodge
was held in this town last. Friday.
Mr. Alonzo Ortwein has left for
Detroit where he has secured a sit-
Mr. Will Kemp is back to town
Ind has seoured a sit with Albert
leBrine, harness maker.
Mr. Alex, Thompson, of near
lake, has moved into the house he
recently purchased from A. Thomp-
son. We welcome Mr. Thompson
and family to our town.
(Too late for last week.)
. Mr. George McEwen, M. P. re-
turned to Ottawa Monday evening.
Rev. Dr. Medcl was one of the
speakers at the conference mission-
ary meeting in the First Methodist
church, London, on Monday even-
ing. The Advertiser says he "spoke
for almost an hour on the theory of
missions, his deliverance being an
ovation of power " Dr. Medd and
wife returned home on Tuesday
evening, His work on Sunday was
taken by Rev. Robert Buchanan,
who is at home for a visit.
Mrs. S. T. Hopper and her sister,
Miss Dulmadge, Dr. Sellery and Dr.
Campbell attended the Masonic -at -
Home and dance in Exeter on Fri-
day and report a first-class time.
Music was furnished. by an orches-
tra from London.
On Monday evening the fire en-
gine was brought•out to the corner
and found to be in good working
order. The small boy hacl an en-
joyable time. •
We would be glad to hear of a
football match between Zurich and•
Special to The HERALD.
(Too late for last week.)
Mr. Geo. Campbell and sister of
near Brucefield visited at Mr. Chas.
Stelck's, Saturday.
Mr. John Cochrane is busily en-
gaged getting the material ready
for his new barn. Mr. Parker is
overseeing the work.
Mr. Lin Workman, who has been
in London for the past few months,
is home on the sick list.
Mr. Isace Hudson purchased a
driver last week.
Mr. Will Love returned to Strat-
ford last week to resume his studies
in the Business College there.•
Mr. Ed. Troyer purchased a
handsome horse from Mr. Hand-
ford of Exeter recently.
Mr. Will Jarrott attended the
football match in Seaforth, Friday
Mr. J. W. Hogarth will take Mr,
Shaw's work at Chiselhurst next
Sabbath. '
Mr. Johnson of Kippen will
occupy the pulpit in the Methodist
church, Sabbath evening, next.
Kissing Girls,
The Hensall girl bows her stately head,
And fixes her pretty lips,
In firm, hard way, then lets 'em go,
And sips, and sips, and sips.
Tho Dashwood girls, with a hungry look,
And tightly fastened oyes,
Snatches her kiss like one closing a book
Than right about turn and flies.s
The Zurich girl has a way of her own;
In a soulful, clinging way,
She takes a I,,iss Chat's just as big
Earl Grey, Lord Lieutenant of
Northumberland, has been appoint-
ed. to succeed the Earl of Minto as
Governor-General of Canada. A
striking coincedence in connection
with the new appointment is that
the townships of Grey and Howick,
in Huron County, were called after
a distinguished predecessor of the
new Governor-General.
Hardware, Tinware, Granite,
Silver and Glassware.
Curtain and Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers..
Sherwin.- - Williaxr.s
ara.d 1 -1o11 -37 -wood.
Oils and Portland Cement.
The famous
Lamb Fe ce
made of No. 9 coiled wire, stays are also No 9; and th&
Koko ma Garden Fence.,
Agent for the London Fence Machines.
Photos enlarged and framed all complete for $1.25.
ase re
We have large stock of
that we will sell to your advantage. We have
this season, the
A shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron-
age because we know we can satisify
you and give you value for
your money......
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
Spring has come at last.
This is the time when farmers remodel their
FENCES. We were never better prepared to
serve your wants in these lines.
We have the
theriean Fence
and the
made of all No. 9 Coiled Wire with No 9 Stays
and Lock that can not slip. Also full stock of
other wire
If you want an
Good Stock, Best Workmanship, call on us
See the new
Pandora Range
Just in at O • H A RT LE I B,
.SER G 1, 1; DS
to suit
That is what you are looking for, is it not? Then
call and inspect our lines of
LINENS, in different shades,
SILK, white with the open work.
Our 1 ines of. Cotton, Cashmere and Lisle Lace
Hose is complete.
:See our : ----
and Belt Buckles the new thing.