The Herald, 1904-06-17, Page 1TIDE The Official Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol, IV., No. 47. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1904. LEGAL. CARDS. J.D.COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solieitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. G. STANBURY, B. A, P. W. CL'.DMAN. Madman & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. —AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES— Rensall—Over Stoneman's .Tewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PRORDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. Goderieh, - - - Canada. W. PROUDB00T, K. C I IR. C. HAYS. G. T. BTAS,R. BUSINESS CARDS. JACUAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. r�r —OFFICE— Zs urich ZELLER BLOCK Ontario. (L. V. Dacus -an, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases ,of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Win. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all loading companies. Accident policies issued. ZURICH - - ONTARIO. pg,. F. A. SELLEI Y, Dentist, graduate of. the Royal College of Dental Surgaons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department; of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction o'f teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Moodily. 1-26 E BOSSENBERRY, • Licensed Auetioneer for Har- em County, respectfully sosicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. pI.IILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auetroneer for the County of Huron. I would request these having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. Your, patronage soTieitrd. HOTELS. 4Ha** *w*c3a ******** *¢ ap 0 0 * IS at zl Ea THE $ Q 61 6a0 0 COM ERS[ IL HOTEL e 0 e.. 0 ZURICH p 0 0 0 C 0..0 '0 0 Strictly up-to-date in modern im as provementa. Dining rooms is sup- 0 0 plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ e, Bar eontains choice liquors and 0 cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ €9 Excellent Sample Rooms 0 for Commercial Men. 0 0 J. P. RAU, P=ROPRIETOR. 411 000000 140100t'.+000000000 0000. 0 0 0 Nr 0 0 0 0 THE 1Donhinlon.. House. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. Jo Potter ,able in the ISiominion. R. R. Johnston & Son, „,,,,,, PROPRIETORS. LOCAL. NEWS Mrs. Magel is recovering ' from her recent illness. Messrs J. Eilber and W. Wentzel of Crediton, spent Sunday in town. Mr. W. H. Hoffman and family visited at his home in Crediton last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Bender and children are visiting relatives in Hensall this week. Mr. Fred Hess Sr. was in St. George, Tuesday and Wednesday, on business. Mr. Fred. Witwer and wife, and Miss Addie, visited friends in Exe- ter last Sunday. Mr. Andrew Mittelholtz has sold his fishing grounds and nets to Mr. Laurence Manard. Mr. end J. Mrs. Weitzel, of near Tavistock. were visiting friends in town os'er Sunday. Mr. John Ellis and daughters, of Dashwood, were the guests of Mr. J. Pree*er on Monday. Don't forget the lawn social to he held on Miss Lydia Faust's lawn on the evening of June 24th. Mr. J. D. Merner was in London; the other day on a buying trip. Waatdh for specials next week. Special values in muslins. Limles that ave sold at 10 cts. and i2' cts. ayarclnow 5 cts. ayard at Preeter's.' M•r. and Mrs. Wendel Smith, .of Cie (Goshen line, returned. house, after a week's vacation in Michi- gan. Messrs. John Foster and Ed. Dedman are on the jury at the court sittings in Goderich this wsaik. 1Ir. Louis Weber was in GorIerldh fora few days this week. He is .a wiriness in an assault case which was up for trial.. Messrs. C. Fritz, J. D. Mesmer. S7iin. Faust and Thos. Kelly, went to7London last Friday to see the Rimgling Bros' circus. Mr. H. Leinweber and family, of South Easthope Township, eune vi- siting Mr. Leinweber's mother, Afros. Henry Bender, this week. Messrs. Fred. Hess, Sr., .Jacob Haberer, John Haberer, and Fred Klgus drove to Goderich. last Sat- urday to see the sights of the eCAM • ty town. Mrs. Haeffy and two children, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Volland, for some 'Weeks, returned to her home in New York state on Wednesday. Lawyer Garrow, of Goderich, ,ac- companied by Mr. Ed. Swartz, of the British Exchange Hntel, of the same place, were guests at the Dominion House last Friday. h.Ir. J. A. Schmidt, hardware merchant of Sebriugsville, and Mr.. E. E. •Kastner, of the Trader's Bank, Stratford. visited the former's sis ter, Mrs. C. Hartleib, a few days this week. The Y. P. A. of Zurich cordially invite the public to attend their ice-cream social. Admittance 15 cents. Supper served from.6 to 8 O'clock. Don't forget the date, Fridayevening, June 24th. Mr. Chris. Eilber has purchased another driver from a party in Stephen. It is a four-year old and Chris. had to dig down deep in his pocket for the price. Mr. Eilber has sold. him again to Mr. Menne Oesch. Mr. 0. Grob has received a car- load of coal and some of our resi- dents are putting in their winter's supply. This may seem rather out of season for getting in coal but in June and July coal is always cheap- er and the delivery is more prompt. Tho,concert which, was advertised for. last Saturday evening, was postponed owing to lack of patron- age. There is no doubt that the talent which had been obtained for the evening's entertainment would have given satisfaction, but the night was unsuitable as Saturday night is generally a very busy one. Corns= MEETINe,—A special meeting of the Township Connell was held in the Town Hall last Sat- urday afternoon. All the members were present except Mr. A. Thomp- son. The only business of impor. tance that was dealt with was that of reeeiying the report of Lawyer. Stanbury who was present, re the Ducharme case. Mr. Stanbury was the solicitor for the Township at the trail. The costs of the Town- ship, including witness fees and mileage, in the case will be in the neighborhood of $400. Council will meet again.on Monday, July 4th, Mr. Jacob JOeichert is on the sick list at present, Read Ed Bossenberry's new ad on page 4 of this issue. Mr. Chas. Fritz and family spent Sunday with friends in Crediton. For up-to-date miislins at come - again -prices see J. Praetor's stock. The Zurich Brass Band will be in attendance at the Y,_ P. A. lawn social Mr. Chas. Eilber and Wife, of Clrediton,spent Sunday with friends in town. The Anti -Cigarette Bill has passed its second reading in the House of Commons. Mr. Henry Hoffman and wife, of Dashwood, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mr. John Freid, of London, was the guest of his sister, .Mrs. Chits. Fritz, on Monday. Mrs. John Weseloh rand Mrs Louis Kraft of Stephen, visited Berlin ir.'sends over Sunday. -Mrs. D. Steinbach was the guest of her aaughter, Mrs. G. M. Bald- win, Seaforth, last week. Mr. C. Eilber and wife and Miss !R' oxie spent Sunday at Exeter, the !gtiests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy. Dr. Buchanan and Dr. Campbell :attended court at Goderich this week as witnesses in- the Sherritt ease. Mr. Albert Heideman, and son, Arnold, visited his brothers at Stratford and Shakespeare on Sun- day and Monday The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Fritz, on Monday evening, June 20th, at 8 o'clock. Messrs. J. Deiehert & Son have secured Mr. Win. Kyle, a practical blacksmith and . horseshoer, from Seaforth to work in their shop. The prize for the homeliest mall in the school picnic contests has been withdrawn. This is surely a compliment for the men of this school section. Judge Holt accompanied by Sher- iff Cameron, drove down from Goderich on Monday Judge Holt presided at the Division Court sit- tings held here on that day. If you have any doubts about your sight, consult S. T. Hopper, the Hensall optician, who will be at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, on Saturday, June 25th. He is a re- liable man. Today, Friday, is Zurich's civic holiday and Public School picnic, and bath young and oh]. are having a days outing at the Bend. We will have a full report of the picnic in next week's issue. Messrs. Hess & Deiehert have se- cured Mr. MCBeth, of Stanley, a practical saw -miller, to saw the timber on the Lamont farm into lumber. Mr. McBeth has been busy erecting his mill and expects to be- gin operations this meek. Mr. G. Holtzman has been very busy this spring putting up light- ning rods. This is something every farmer should have 'on his build- ings. Mr. Holtzman furnishes the material and puts them up itt a very reasonable price. The excursion to the Model Farm last Saturday was. well attended, although it is said that the crowd was not as large as last year. Many people of this section took advan- tage of the cheap rates and visited relatives in Berlin, Hamburg and Other towns. l+ ournaar ,—Last Thursday even- ing our ven- iu •our football teazel journeyed to Dashwood to play a friendly gauze of football with the team of that town aucl succeeded in winning, by a score of 1 to 0. The game at times was very fast butthe Zurich boys were decidedly in best form. The Dashwood team has lost some of its best players'and this.was especially noticeable when they shot for goal. Zurich scored the only goal in the first half. A return match will be played soon. DIVISION COURT.—Court sittings were held in the Town Hall here on Monday, Judge Holt presided. Huiser --s. Bock—In this case Fred Huiser -sued David Bock for a bal- ance of $1.50 due Huiser on a straw - cutter which he (Huiser) sold to Bock. Decision given in favor of plaintiff. Randall vs. Zettpl•—This case was withdrawn and has been entered in the. County court. It seems that a Division Court has no jurisdiction in a case of this kind. The other cases were adjourned till next court, Locals continued on page 8. Vy UST street ieadys ite kat $1. Per Yeaarer pub ,at 80 load ... bush - 'es un -."h, ,o ;1 15 STILL TO THE ERON1,a ra • with. all newest designs such as 'a'a$7 UNDERSKIRTS—white and black with lovely Frills; Prices $1.35, $1.40, $1.50, 96p; $2.25 each. r 8Se; READY-MADE WAISTS—in Linen, White and Black Lustros at $2.00 and $2.2535 to WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular $2.00, now for $1.50. ° ' FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest from 50 cts. to 75 c?s. per yard. Call and per see these Waistings. LADIES' VESTS—From 8 cts. upwards. A special on LADIES' HOSE -15 cts. a pair or two for 25 cts. FANCY LACES—Of all different patterns and prices. READY-MADE WHITE APRONS—Small sizes 25 cts., long sizes 50 cts. Anew range of WAIST SETTS for 25 cts. a sett. Cream Basket Wove DRESS GOODS for 60 eta. a yard. Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 cts. a yard. C1EN'S CELLULOID COLLARS 20 eta each. MEN'S TIES the very latest for 25 cts. and 50 cis. LINEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 cts, all other collars in Linen 15 cts each. MEN'S HATS --In Fedora: and stiff at different prices. We invite everyone to call and look at these goods. Also ...... invite you to see our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TA1tT N IN EXCHANGE. D. 5. FAUST. High Class FOOTWEAR. My spring Stock of has arrived and I have a large range of the best foot -wear made in Canada. • Do not fail to see them • they will suit y ou in . ST="7.--1= 1INT= MaTh =- Eggs and butter taken in exchange. CHS. FRIT D ac..� / !E SHOEMAN, — — ZURICH. 6i< i1Nww ww w Special t0 argains We are offering big bargains in Men's Serge and Fancy I TWEED SUITINGS. Wo are offering Tweed Suit Ends for $3.00, $3,50, $4.00, worth from $15.00 to $17.00 it suit. A good All Wool Navy Worsted Serge for $0.00. There is big money in this line for any one looking for a suit of up-to-date goods. No Shoddy or Toronto fire Goods, but ienuke np to date Go Call and be convinced that what we say is correct J. A R.Efl TER, ZURICH - - MYMAMVMyAMUW- WW- A1p$M p e�aC' ONTARIO. YES! We do Printing. We do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants. T U I 1 iogsi 17e; cry, to lies age, .nd- crt- 195, ,s3tt to $9; rrt. 1.4 -s