HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-06-03, Page 4The Zurich Herald. 7 Ei . -x.agA l.L1 IS PUBLISHED RV. ZY THURSDAY EVRNING. BY B. zELLER 'DMUS 0)3' SUBSCRIPTION:—$1.00 per year paid strictly iu advance. When the paper is not ordered to be discontinued it will be sent until such order is given and arrearages paid. $1,50 to be eharged when not paid in advanee. ADVERTISING• RATES.—Tran s i e nt r (lvertisements, 10 cents per Brevier line :; ar first insertion and 5 cents per line for .. N1,eh subsequent insertion. Small Advs. sad.). as"Lost" t rEstrav)' or "Stolen will t e charged 50 cents first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Copy for change of ' Ivertisement must :ie handed in not late' %tan Tuesday night of each week to insurb change in follow - %ng issue. Local notices in ordinary reading typo 5 cents por line. Notices for Church en- tertainments or other benevolent institu- tion at special rates. Contracts for column, half -column and quarter -column rates for specified periods will be cheerfully given. Address all communications to .1 T .,G ) eralcL, E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURI011, P.O FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1004. The 'eater Supply. Rum wr.i.r,. TER. .r..•z:. • i .\r7o.,r and CR1.nii.ril-. Some rather startling facts- in reF'ard to tlltl water ,apply of our farms, cheese factories and cream- eries,brought out at the eon - f r (• n(of 41arrv,lllstln(.tors and e pe'rtt• lE hi. in Ottawa last fall. tile ofit..lal report of which is now bo- ing distributed' s 7. A. RutLti '-.. Chief of the Dairy Div isitl,Ottiaw; a. Irl diseussifet the sanitation of e"beese Pati uritis and cre,merit''), )r. Con '1l. bluet'ri711tigist et the r•"%"',t `rt Dairy i7('11nel, ]) 1 Ijtt' 1 ) touch them. $uch a well is generals ly termed a ('zzlinor&11' one in the section, Probably beoaause the sal phuretted hydrogen of decompo- sition causes a odor somewhat like that of natural sulphur Water. Improvement eeessary. A fac- tory well cannot be kept nncou taminated, so long as •the drainage and whey disposal system of the faetoryis not carefully looked after so • that the first essential for a pure water supply from the ordi- nary well is good drainage. Next. is the proper construction of the well. including its covering, so as not to permit surface washing flow- ing in. As Prof. Shutt pointed out, the drainage matter, apart from its actually poisonous character; is the very material upon which microbes and germs live, and water polluted from the barnyard, etc., is always loaded with countless millions of bacteria. It is impossible to turn out first class dairy products where such water is used, so even from the dollars and cents standpoint, improvement in this respect is im- perative. It is not the smell or appearanceI of water that denotes its condition. Many:an1111e:4 of water, which to the sense Of smell or sight or taste are perfect, yt simply reek with filth. The bacteria which we. can- not detect by our senses are far more dangerous than those which we can deteet. Peach Trees Damaged, rf r.4uto, May 25.--Ileport, frolr the poach districts are coming in t') the Agricultural Department of the Ontario Government. In the :4i.1_:.tl':a Peninsula, anis in. the tf E t'S and along the west- ern 1,,,rder, these report- sliow that ' l!.n tries are looking well, lilt ones have been greatly danl- ;a•_ tl. Thousunt1 of trees are dead 1111'1 the majority of r1(1 trees alive ll't',-t' few i)er>!•;i(tlll?s and matth (li?it(7 \':(''t!. :']ii? prod'cet i:4, therefore. t 1a( the 1)4'4.47'h ('eo]) t1),; year, Rill that one groat sanitary recut-lt,, s .a:4. Flu' (tt .t;;e t.' u'tat. !,•ted. water. lost of tit'.I t It. t': , trees ; Y 1.('14. greater t_.t..a ...1'741111 their 'Nvatt.,, et'c)111 :!t(11i ,� :•.a Iei.tr,e.•.1. \°:(ll•., only 0 it'w. '.1x:11_^' wat'`I' 1',';'4.., ((7'1)\,(1' 3, springs, c e('kT ('1' 1'i\e' • ,''`,siee ats for ..)nae, F.100r1 water t.,113. bt. 00:7 red ilei,' -`....-' shall,,\V" ( ', .ltaet` u(]l"1. \ t ;;11 t)'' 1:r. 1i..' J.Tidl' , 41 1:1111 i 4.4.14. , .} i' a(', 111'7°, 11'7'7(. 14' I 4.'.'' t 1 l 1 4.11 a" s .\, 11'(:1, . 11,1• • period ..t '1 t. ) ! :* i, ,L+' ,'+i4'}111(7 4 • '.\tt, li 11:1 (.l. inlr4U4 lir' sitnitarians ween it 14111..,,; is {'1'4:(1'111 t1I1 the 141t ,.111 1 , (t ::. 1)011 d N: -irk on (1 It.. t'tt 2 r la ki 1p, .4Prpo.... '.. Th..' • 1114, , . o; •!1 44. ('it1l n for L' . 1 $}1•'.'12. ; will. 1 : 'r, .'t:it:a.l' 1:11101', '•14 t1 r 11li. Sinillly Tilsit `-'1711'11 7.',111 'Ta1'lr, 141111I1'M t.art.anott'• iII .'l; •1, 1'111 ,4: I1. rep. ratt('1', • ,:1 ' ) i't", 3 (• 1, and. '1' "r( �l „ tit's . ('li t,. ' :, .tftL i:-re�t11I1(1 W441-41'. •ctet lwt`;1 1'4� ',.'E't',:s'l !)lili.ith i,�" 1. �l" �4)' 1'i. f� " 1,, :,:1 1• , .1:4.'1'1',;_";1 1. 4tl the rain '.)1' • t.t:'/•:. f L`.'li,tl. 1'ii1I'. and 1Cy...c 44 . ,) • La' t (;. .r: rt•li l :vno':: 'at.?i•1'• iltal,t' \\' 11(`11.4l1'r r/••• -lit •li l.�t 1'0 44. 4441.t ill:1•ii, i:1.^ Ng' (', a., 11,411,471r 11t't'l r14L`,tt' (.'a'$t' i.1 tit' Inv i' ll't'tla1('I' clialiL;t' :1 t' . , (.. 14711( 11 7'.741 .:i . 41'rain on 24111ri- Tionse 413. .4. tt`re which tiles \, i� ,+ia ;Lrll7�r ally :'4)[!1 1 \'iii :11' t.0 '. silly it!), a l 0":110,01:.1 )l 1 a 1 t t.1 i the soil in ',14.4.:4 :1':1 i 110\\ the storif t t , art to 11.`.(•7!4)1' ('."1' ti'.t'('',1,. ... }+`1:1171 Till' t 'ta:• ] :1 `.ai1i4't(':... u14..1 ...I` ('7`T 1s 4:114.1411:'':: 447'; r•: :1".,':: 4L('1'.1''.'+ t Ili' coviittr\' lat•'r 1.' lr4'7.71 i4\' t.,'i'eI. 11.,,•11 •:14' 't,•,.1 to tilt? 4`111. ,77•1' 1' mili ,fi'i}•. 1'.0, }.. ,1 4:. . `ii. l.. 't'l;t . t, `,. t'!; ti \, .ii:( 7'ljt'. '14(•4.' 1:1. . _. .1. bat, ., , V: -.:e.1.11:. }'+ ,t 4 ,l'.:1'i•: .. 1+'t• 411. ,. .'w .! ,i =t ' ```1'. '' .. .. ;. .!•�, 111 i:i t't"; .1 and thunder. Change to westerly winds, rising barometer and fair, cooler weather will come in from the west and north as the storm areas pasts oft to the eastward.. June comes to its close in the midst of is regular storm period. This period is central on the 29tH, reaching from the 27th to July 2nd. On Monday the 27th, the first day of the period, the Moon is. at full and. extreme declination south, in- dicating that disturbances of this period will 'develop , early in the period, .and continue with greater or less•intensity for several days. The center of low barometric Ores, sure will lie to the south, inducing northerly air currents and causing cool northerly to north-easterly rains during most of this period, over all sections north of the cen- ter of low barometer. Hay Council. Council met on Saturday, May 28th. .All members present. They formed into a Court of Revision of the assessment roll, Tho following changes were made in the assess- ment according to appeals :-- Wm. Dawson 4a+8essecl NX 24, Con. 14 instead. Caspar Ro^hrig ; John Ford W. ; SB instead Wm. Ching H. Guenther F. S. Pk. A. Dashwood,instea(1 of Chris Beaver Wm. Snell, S. ;.1 3, con 13 instead of Wm. Pfaff; Conrad Schilbe, E. 25, con. 1.4,. instead. of S. Dietz ; 4 S. Stanlake Sr„ lot 0, S. 13., instead Wm. Ching ; David Beattie, N. W. Cor , Lot 2.3 N. B., instead J. Thir,1. ; .1. Thirsk, N lot 25, N.13. instead A. Th(.lnp ')n ; H. Bauer, V. Vii. 1.10 Znrioh. instead Mrs. E. Ifi( S ; Jena', ban Merner, V. t;i. pt. Vic, 21 Zurich, instead of 3'. 1.). ie ner; C'. Schrag, l \V, eor. lot 21 con. 10, inst.) ul (f J. D. lllcrner ; .A. (:411(1\'vCll assessi-11 joint 0\.11er 11 :42'19. 20, 0')11. .4. The assess- ment of T. ,T, l'•Iernt'r for personal in npel't;\ strop!: r1; . (.'has. IIart- io]1) dog struck i'ii'. The 0lllrt was t'1:"i adj')ilr1PI3.. '.1'114.' 1110( t-iiig \\ , vai17 t1 to order at':..1 the, fullm,illg Ree.enits were t Fr•(1 :---• ;'1 44.1 ( l)eirret+ 01(.;initig 41111'li, Tt. ; 'i'p, '.'1•t'et. 1i 'r, 4:711. t'1 1.1(Hl- 1; Il^. 114t111).\wort4. 7)I1 C.11., '. ; J )trl;••11,(111, rop. bridges, Zighlr The time is here when you want a new Side -Board, Parlor Suite, Bed -room Suite. R anything in the line of furniture, ) designs, new finishes. , Organs and Pi nos, and Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Valises Single and Double Harness. HE best judge of a collar or other piece of harness is the horse. As he is not com- petent, the owner must exercise great care in its selection. No possibility of a mistake if a PNEUMATIC COLLAR is used. <at t..l: 1,ortiettlh_v;v ", ,..t,) L%.C1 11 .•1i),. 4. _ T - .Looe ! _ 4171,, 1' 4..1',01 a .` i1: y 1111 the 0:11.1 :)t'. ,:!4.. tmil L.1 i'. 4. a 1(': r.. t`4.• h(' \,.4'^t7'. 7.-14!0;1 , _ i';.4 .r . t..) 741441 .... : ,..:tit til (' ,i •:It'`r li0€' wells art' ..• _t 7 (:•t1 a1 t )` 4' i) (1 7:4. i1 N' ':4 1 'alit:4, tilrat174. t14.0.' ore :1,,t 4.a. 0I)OV(„' t'lIO :.1'1'otinli 4'4.41't'; 'e't hence revolve 7:4.;4. '^I t1.le \ 11••4tits direct. Farmers and . 111.1:11 ^ •414.. , to realize that 0. suri'0t'r' well not get its 1I-M'er 8':311 some 11:,,'..•11 SOl11'('t' below, lint is simply a ,• leetirig re.ervOir for the err';:". water derived frtri11 rain 14.1:(L sn e water. And further, that if the soil In the neighborhood of 41le'il well is saturated with slop \ 410,. and 11oroe or factory- llrainin:'-, that sooner or later these \wi11111 i itis their way into the well. Some Tests. Prof. Shutt's chem- ical analyses of farm well water have shown the majority of the 'Fells to be little better than cess- pools. 1• 111 100 to 200 samples :1 year 41," lysed at t iit. c]"..1. t 1i I labrat''•-' r the Central El,cri- me11tia1 Fart)',, and not ono'-fitth 111 these can be passed as sate and 'wholesome. By far the greater Lumber aro utterly condemned, while others aro reported as sus- picious, putting them in the cats. gory ati- gory of those that are unsafe to nee Tho bacteriological examination of Dr. Connell, and Prof. Harrison of the Ontario Agricultural College, show sibnilar result. Dr, Cannel mentioned th it out t f a, dozen fac- tory waters s :lit hila last tt1111r)nc'1' '4ie,(, ; 110 was lit fur 1Use. All were Dallis (:olit,L}ninittec.l, and.for drink• ing puri70se:1 would be immediately ('ond0mned. Later Dr. Cannel had. :in opportunity of seeing two of the wells from which the samples 'Were taken. Both \were subject to direct gross contamination from drainage ;;aster lying under tlae factory floors nn(1 the streams Of flirty slime setild lye) seen opening into the wells a- bout four feet below the surface. Both these waters were very foul, so foul that animals would not 1t p h1,.i r'ac 110:l, • 1'17111t''il of the 1;1 '10\\'21. e'rprl`4.r , 'al : 1 ...tl t'l;w, 111(' ,. '4.. ,I .e t•a1:'''l. 4' 1111 a,7111'017$: .. , 7;1*. ,), ?.ilv, tl't'1 ' i'.4..;.......1` t• s':.. 1 ;r,a',ri1i t :r, t..- ,. t -4711,Z;''.4 \ 1 1:)t ') -.• ( .. I... •11 tr:,. 1:11.01:;,1 1; ;1 .:i 11, • .4;1.7.'('i i i,44, i• 1.,1" , ;,�_•. •.'t'. it4 ,. :1t' .i •11. _ 7.(' ! 1; :4 ':,. af;•, )f fl,., 1.", •h 1...'. :•1,1,1 • 5 ii .:, 1, ,ts.,i i•'t' i': t .411. t' t' 1 ' a 014i.1 . :,' tilt' '1'1^ , .a t _.. 4..1 't4.)'• and tl,,i,t .: the 11'ta 411'11 11111 4.r (lta' .'.3•lh1' 1)41'+`:4 `,ti ,.:Y'11' ,,..11 (•,. t'tl .a n '7'741 ,14�:1• eontitr'1. i. 111 ' , s )1111' e. t 1 tr 1 As 4l. ,'•t. ,11:111 r' ,:111 01 t`f 14;0111i !.4471. 14-7.T!. ti..i' E li''h 4.74•('•1:114'•4 l�\ , .411":1.11 with tlitte'1'Oti)7111 01101 (':V•'i` :t' Liii:illl('I'L'•7':7t:`i'- ai .4. OXCI'K71111 7+11:!.'7 4.1:'iitnin'; w'ilt'4lIl" (1:.^11 'rltatt't.'i Ill) i'nc. 7:1('1'444 a]'(' t'oi111`1l1a s 111 till:'4 1::'i:{4.•:1'1.?Il 1 4,'ot.r1<".'111 t•Xl'i 1:1111;:). 611:41 11 dt:r tcirba Tr('S c:iii 1.0a(!1. a IYla:C4/1111111 al)6111 1.110 lista 741111 1.1 t 11 44)1(1 (7•44.lti11110 441 311trkell ftn•rt.' 111111 frequency until /tear the elld of the month. A reactionary Storni period \rill be central on t'lle 12th and 1.;711, vwith the :ne)(441 at i10.11'.4.and extreme north dec'linat'ion on the 1"3711. The' disturbances ilnine(liat(:ly ])rece(1-- ing .these dates will run over into this period. The. temperature will. rise greatly. and the 1) urometer \will fall to s r...w ll r eu (1ings 021 471(1 touch ing tilt 13tH, with many electrical t,'terills in transit from west' to oast This next storm period is central Ion the 18tH, anti the Mercury period ir( central on the 1(it'h, so that the Revised every. Thursday afternoon. Wheat .............. 88 to 0() Oats ufl 32 Barley . , ..... •10 45 Peas ., . • ... 60 02 Flora:2 25 2 50 Butter .:. 11 13 th°' Court of 117'- :0, the 11 n'.'i}:•:•;•i , !.ai'i to the iii t}:. i'1 •, 1'•• ,,:. !� 74.14,,'. !•1,(' 111)1 :1.01 171' -4• .,:..lit 14.',11 4.'.11'•4' ('721..,1. .,,} a:r, i.,l . :.,',••:rl('.:t •..t; 711$144i 04.d. ;'4t: .' 1i. 71. frit` Y°4': \,.t contracts R•r.iro' let, . a±1('1, ,(mlI.Llif(`(L`111 all to ~'i lar' t+,l.•?t':'u„ eiders IVI'rt` :Til tt 1. 7. ;:2 ; ,. 7`4.'0717\', ',1171.,7 „� \vrl 1< 7311 ('re(li• •11 1'•41,e], Charles Brown, 3)'a. � 4.1.1`;1•: t'' 1 :'il'('7 :o. Li:Mi ter, [54 , , i ell lol•,;1ntttllg in 110x, { •,'. it '-„ii. ikon, 1'01), t'i'i1Cr?1't•,, 1 i. Armstrong., rep, bridge. L'. A 111;':t('1', ' 2'('p. 1)1`1.3,41', 1 ; (•i. U. }L.11^d4!n, dr11iying plank, :at; ..\ni.114. ';awtnr,dit('ia of Con, 'ri:):F 4( i:.. iilllr•r, ('4 }1.'11ses for :71,t'tes,�::'�)J,•'ii) I. i)l.7i'larll staf 111•• 101) )1•, ?)4.. 1). t1 c+. -stencil. part pa..7m '11t i'r•r '.onc'rett' tile, 1'•100 ; �i.lflln i•1- €eseser, file. ,4.(421. The Celine: at1)nlu'ned to meet again 111 the T' vsn .Lillis -Crediton, (1x1 ihlld(ty, O1nl;-'1111, 100.4, tit 10 1..a. 111., when the by-law granting the London, Parkhill mill (rand Bend Electric Railway the right to use the Public Highways in the TOW11- ship, will be considered. I1eltrr•I+3iiber, Tp. Clerk. Till•: 114.111ILi) from, Dov: •10 Janu- ary, 1005, for 50 cents, MARK .F T two periods combine their influen- ces from the 16th to the. 21st. Tho crisis of this period 'will fall from about Saturday the 18th, to Tues- day the 21st, the storms centering more decidedly on and touching the 20th. Look for startling and con- tinuous displays of lightning throughout the nighty at this period ,arid IllOSt Iikel} for many (lays. through all the central parts of the month.. The 23rd, 24th and 25tH aro con- traal dates of a reactionary storm period. On these days there will be increased tendencies to decided storms—higher temperature, fall- ing barometer, growing humidity, all followed by storms of wind, rain Eggs.,..,... 3.03 Chicks ib .. , . I)ttoks .,,. , 0 (Meese 5 5 Potatoes. •..,..,,. 30 30 U t'NSALL MA.RKET,S. wheat,,,.,• ..... ,.. 88 to 00 Oats 30 32 :Peas , , 65 75 Flour , •,,a, 2 00 2 10 Bogs (live) per o' t. , 4.50 to 5.00 15 5 6 new lush *****-* *'#* -#**-* •*�*-* . s *- o; 7.1� - ,rvr•, rti,;.'n, 3'fA _s;� .F;F. •.” �:,•` ^o. 0 off: '-S♦ M K� P4s y..c PJ"�. OHS of Regular Price 15 to fo Clear Out 9 LT ets. a roll, cts a 4.k cel * * M :G>� on S to r L S ch nce^,1f 0 Prodi ce of all kindds wanted, -- 0 r==' V The e Far o e 1 il! \ e h:tVe made a rra.lgein(nts to supply the (citizens of Zurich and vicinity '\V.itl1 the above excellent bread. . t�-llicll We sell at orlD 471A.111 (every loaf stamped.) •W"e have la -till stock of fresh .Oranges, Bananas, t:1ti11tIies and. other goods -usually kept in a first class colil'eetionery store. • 9 ONTARIO. S! We d '. Printing. iet'te : .. .a ..s, ; 1 �tM' 7e c; AT',��= m� '4.1 Bti.._./tat`Y'.!✓W1s'G,&Y)S..Xrlave'.W 4J7k�''•.pi) Or anything in this line. Wo do neat and quick work. Let us know your wants. arrnmstntAva 11 ALD.