HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-06-03, Page 1The Official Organ pf Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. IV., No. 45. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1904. LEGAL CARDS. ® J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow 8 Proudfoot) Barris er, Solicitor, Notary Publie.; Tiens{tdi, Ontario. 3. 0. ST.eNI3L'Rl, D. A. V. W. (MADMAN. Gladanan & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loans on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. --AT HENSALL--- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ---OFFICES— Hensall--Over Stoneman's .Tewellery Store Exeter Offices --Over O'Neil's Bank. 'ROUBFOOT, MAYS & ELAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC. &C. Goderich, - - - Canada. w. ra:ornrool, K. r; i R. a DAVM. 0. T. 1 TAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. ACI- AND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. Vie represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts; —OFFICE — uriChZELLER s BLOCK Ontario. (L. V. BAr`la.t\n, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of ,lomestinated .Animals. Veterinary medicines of all hinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE-, rn Win, Bender's Old Stand, ilIain St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW E. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Aecidont policies issued. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. DRQ. F. A. SELLEEY, I)s3ntist, gpadnacfe of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mor�raay. 1-2G Ea BOSSEJ�.Ls j�RRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on (Canty, respectfully so'ieits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. plump SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sates to call on me. `rents moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, Your patronage solicited. HOTELS. 1.0 G. fir v * air 0 THE ala ala tit Ga .e caw 11+ COQ"ESL HOTEL a . t a'I & zllIli CW ala a;I 0 E3 tG <•te... ..�. N... , ccJ Al* Strictly up-to-date in modern im O'' movements. Dining rooms is sup- F t plied with only the very best. 11 1f o II 13er contains choice liquors and a'a ::x cigars. li 1f 11 1f if r Excellent Sample Rooms cs slI for Commercial. Men. , q ...� t w a J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. re.*e3atielav ;.$ar';atersia.aette 3.c�:flv3i,Ri+$Y3e* LOCAL N EWSS New ads., R. G. Nichol,C. Schrag. The county council will meet in Goderich on Tuesday, June 7th. Mr. Phil Sipple is digging a well on Mr. P. Bonder's lot at present. Mr. Henderson of 'the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth, was in town Monday. Mr. Ed Wurn2 and lady friend, of Crediton, spent Sunday , in town with friends. Mrs. Hasenpfitlg, of Milverton, visited her sister, Mrs. Fred De- muth, this week. Mr. Chas. Fritz has a good second hand cook stove, with reservoir, which he will sell cheap. In the Hough. Cup football series, Clinton 0. I. defeated London C. I. last Saturday by a score of 5 to 2. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerber, of Minnesota, are visiting relatives andfriends in this vicinity at pres- ent. Mrs. William Callas is ill with a severe attack of pneumonia. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Charles Hey, wife and family, of lilnanagh, Mich., are visiting relatives and friends in this vicin- ity at present. Presiding Elder Knechtel con- ducted. quarterly services in the Evangelical church here last Sat- urday andSunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Roth, of New Hamburg, are the guests of their son-in-law, Mr. R. Sehwartzen- t-ruber on the Bronson. No services will be hell in the Lutheran church next Sunday as the pastor, Rev. E. Schuelko, will conduct services in Perlin. Dr. Hamilton has a pair of guinea pigs. They are nearly mire white in color and somewhat larger then a rat. He procured then) in Gude- Mr. Jas. Swnn, of Brueefield, dis- trict agent for the Brantford Wind- mill Co., was in town on Mondayand -chile here sold a windmill to Mr. John Gellman of the lath. June 17th is the date which has been fixed for holding the public school picnic. The Town TrnsteeS will be asked to ]hake this a civic holiday, Full particulars next -week, Mr. Ed Christie, who has been. connected with the Sovereign Bank Exeter, for some time who wus for- merly On the staff of the bank here, has been platted in Wyoming, where the Sovereign Lank have opened a branch. Mrs. J. Zettle, and her 'laughter. 1 Mrs. Gerber. arrived. home Siatma day evening from El alt. 1'r s. Zet- tle has gone through a severe siege of illness during her absence and the aro pleased to Sete that she is able to be around again. Don't miss the Znrfch W. C. T U. parlor meeting which is to be held in the Baptist church, to -night (Friday) tit 8 o'cloek. A good pro- gramme is being prepared after which a lunch will be served. A silver collection will be taken.. Como one, come all. The survey for the electric rail- way will soon be completed. Two gangs have been at work on it the past week or so. One started from Stratford, and the ether one at St. Joseph. Six scrapers have arrived at the Hensel) station which are to be used for grading on the proposed line, Ret J. Stren)pfor, and daughter, vIiss Martha, of Toledo, Ohio, at- tended the Synod, which was hold here. Rev. Strompfer was a for- mer pastor of the Lutheran church here and his many friends were very pleased to moot him again. Miss Strempfer will remain with friends for a short time.. Svvon. Tho Lutheran Synod end- ed last Monday evening and by Tuesday all the visiting ministers and delegates had returned to their ospective homes, They were b100- cnct with find weather and large congregations were present at all services. The ser141011s delivered wore forcible and educating and were attentively listener) to, A Goon Roast:. Ono day last week, Mr. T. J. Berry, of Hensail, bought a handsome driver from Mr. Earett, of Stanley Township, pay- ing i250 for hint. Mr, Berry had the horse in his possession only a few hours when he sold him to a party tram Blsrtih for $000. This beast got the let prize in the driv- ers' class at the fall fair here in 1903. ..,,,.,,.e........w...u....c,. ,...moe...,. z.......e TH Dominion se. This House has recently changed hands, and is note 0110 of the iuost orderly and best con- ducted House:, in the Province. o Vetter Table in the iominien, ennommoussemoviamememenzamenergaremernmavrmannoammeepero R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPRIETORS. 0101.11t, .etrasnagemokileareforum r Z.. Per Year. Mrs, Peine, of London, was the guest of Mrs. J, Deiehert over Sun- day. For a nice, cool shoe Tor wear, give C. Fritz.a call. slut you. Mr. 0. Fritz has purchased a pair of Belgium hares from Mr. Andrew Mittelholtz, Mrs, J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, was the guest of Mrs. C Fritz, Mon- day evening. Miss Clara Buchanan is home from Toronto University to spend the holidays. Mr. Fred Hnwald wv;fe and child, of Hensall, spent Sunday With friends in town. Miss Louise Wurin, who spent the Past few months in Detroit, arrived home last Friday evening. Mr. Wendel (%olosky, sired son, of the state of Indiana, is visiting with his brothers, Cyrus and Sampson, at present. Mr. Godfrey Nicholson, of the Bronson line, has purchased a fine Durham bull from Mr. David Me Cloy, of Tuckersrith. Mr. J. A. Williams sold hie, team of heavy horses to a party in Blyth for the handsome figure of :5325. Andrew Theil delivered at Clinton on Wednesday. Mr. Abram. Geiger hrts disposed of sixty .hives of bees so far. He has about 50 more on hand. He in- forms us that be only lost eight hives the past winter. Messrs. 0. M. Bender. J. H. Ben- der, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brennernian and Mrs. Yantzi, all of Now IIanI- burg, were vesiting relatives and friends in this vicinity this week. Mr. Robert McArthur, of the 2nd Con., Hay, left for Nove. Scotia on Monday, where be will attend the (general Assembly of the Presbv- terian church of Canada as a dole - tate. Last w1 -eek - one day. Mr. Peter. Becher, with a gang of six )nen Proved a barn, on the. farm of Mr. Jacob Oeseh, a distair of 100 rods. This is considei'ed exceptionally good work and Pete says it kept 'em hustling. It is said that flies so strongly object to the odor of lavender that they will not remain in a house in which a little oil of lavender and water has been sprinkled about c through a perfume 'itemizer. ktos- quitoes are said to have the same peculiarity, The regola r meeting of the W. fi T. U. which was held at the home of Mrs. E. Zeller, en Monday even- ing,May 30th,was largely attended, The President opened the intuiting, The business was devoted mostly to making arrangements for the parlor meeting to be held on Friday evening June 3rd. Jinee t Y. P. A.—The junior Y. P. A. held their election of officers, May Jest,. The following officers were elected for the coiling term : President, Iva Weber ; Vice .Presi- dent,Laura Bender; Corresponding Secretary, Laura Bossenberry; Re- cording Secretary, Rnxie Silber ; Organist, Etta Thirtieth ; Assistant ,Organist, Lily Faust ; Librarians,. Lily Johnston and Albert A.Geiger. summer Ho can Dut ir.uo a vs. TOWNSHIP at,' IIAY. This case had a hearing before the High (lout in Goderich on Monday and Tuesday. The history of the case is as follows : At the time of 0110 of the first thaws last winter, the water, having no outlet on ac-, canna of the snow and, ice on the road, flooded th.o barn and yards of Mr. John Laporte, who lives on the east side of the ,Sauble line. Mr. Laporte, to give the Water an out - lot, dug a small ditch across the road tltrotigll, the snow and ice, so the water could rim to the west side of the road and thus find its way to the Iake. `lige action of the. water on the snow gradually in- creased the sizo of the ditch until it assumed dangerous proportions. It was about this timo that Mr. and Mrs, Ducharme drove along the line and when they came up to the ditch the horse made a bolt and threw Mrs. Ducharme out of the cutter, breaking her arm. She brought action against the Town- ship, with Mr. John Laporte as co- defendant, for 0500. The decision of the Jaclge gives Mrs. Ducharme ;;300 and costs to be paid by Mr. Laporte, the Township to pap their own costs and Mr, Loporto will have to fray his own costs. Proud- fout, Hays and Blair, solicitors for plaintiffs ; Gitelman & Stanbury, solicitors for defendants ; Cameron &Killoran, solictors,2oz co-defend- ant. 15 TILL TO THE FRONT with all newest designs such .as UNDERSKIRTS—white and black with lovely Frills; Prices $1.25, $1.40, $L5) $2.25 each. READY-MADE WAISTS --in Linen, White and Black Lnstres at 112.00 and $2.'?5. WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular $2.00, now for $1.50. FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest front 50 cts, to 75 cts. per yard. Call and see these Waistings. LADIES' VESTS—From 8 ets. u.15i4ards. A special on LADIES' HOSE -15 ets. a pair or two for 25 cts. FANCY LACES -Of all different patterns and prices. READY-MADE WHITE APRONS—Small sizes 25 cts., long sizes 50 cts. A new range of WAIST SETTS for 20 ets. a sett. Cream Basket Wove DRESS GOODS for GO ets. a yard. Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 cts. a yard. MEN'S CELLULOID COLLARS 20 cts. each. MEN'S TIES the very latest for 25 eta. and 50 cis. LINEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 cts, all other collars in Linen 15 ets cash. MEN'S BATS. --In Fedora and stiff at different pHcos. We invite everyone to call and look at these goods. Also invite you to see our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. D. 5. FAUST, ±�cv Alss 1,0 My spring Stock of has arrived and z have a large range of the be.14t foot -wear made in Canada. Do not fail to Aee ; ;. they will suit you in Eggs and )allttel' taken in exchange. °HAS. F ITZ THE SH MAN, 0 ZURICH., c Special Bargains �-a TWEEDSUIT/NUS. We are of-1'cring 10,- ieu'gains ill .ion's Sergei .tn Fancy -- al 5 We are offering Tweed Snit Ends for $3.00, $3.00. worth from $15.00 to $17.00 a snit. A gond All Wool Navy Worsted Serge for 0.00. There is big money in this line ntat%,., for any one looking for 0 snit of up-to-date , o.ods. No Shoddyclr Toronto lire (roods, lint R ace 0 -date 6000 Call (111(1 be convinced that what we say' is correct J. Y REE Sl ER9 e s tfie rrec.; (02( DIU my - ZURICH . - ONTARIO. P. S..' AND IIIciic SatrtOt)L EXAMS.— The high school ontrancc examine - thins begin on .lune 28th at 8.1:5 a, ma lasting three days. The exahn- inations will ho held a.t Goderich, Exeter, Zurich. Bayfield, Hensnll, Dnngainnon, Kinta,il., St. Helens and Crediton for West Huron and at Clinton, Seaforth, ti'iringh.tl.n, Brussels, 'Wroxeter, Pordwich and Blyth for East Huron, Junior leaving, part II, senior leatving, matriculation (pass and honor), and commercial specialist examinations begin Monday, Jttly 4th, at Goderich, Exeter, Clinton, Seaforth, Brussels and Wthgham. Rei. Mr, Yaeger will peewit Stratford on Sunday Rev, Clem- ens will conduct services hero t:; Sunday evening, The Illnriliah sermon delivered in the Lutheran church on Sunday. evening by Rev, Maas, of Preston, wo.s nitwit appreciated by the la.ree. eongregatiolt. The ret ereini genta'- man is a very forcible speaker una rises splendid la nn age, EiigI sl; eerviees every. Snnday evening would ant as 0 great stimulus in ohurcih attendance, especially 1)y the younger generation, told the trustees should 'lake an effort to this plan,