HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-27, Page 8S The Zurich Herald. New Butcher Shop. 1 wish to inform the Public that I ha.vo purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continue the business At The Old Stand. 1 will carry in stock all kinds of Meats and will give rely Custo- mers the Best Value obtainable, Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich m Ontario. (Locals continued from page 1.) One of the features of the W C, T. U. program for the parlor meet- ing will be a mandolin and. guitar duett. Mr, Smith, from near Piattsvilre, spent a few clays recently with his brother, Daniel, at the bauble line. Dan and his visitor palled, on Zurich friends on the 24th, The regular meeting of the W. C. T, U. will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Zeller, on Monday evening May 30th. All the members are requested to attend, Mr. Henheffer, familiarly c,allecl "Ailee," asks us to inform the young men that their presence at his house is not required, The old gentleman claims that some of his recent visitors broke some of his furniture, and if those surprise parties continue the chances are that the magistrate will have to deal with the young fellows. Mr. Henry Ortwein took advan tage of the holiday on Tuesday by moving his house effects to the house recently vacated by Mrs. Hartung. Mr. Ortwein and his good lady expect to be comfortably; settled in their new home by the end of the week. The editor is sor- ry to lose such good neighbors as this aged couple proved themselves to be. J. 1I. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH, Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at sic o'clock sharp. Kalbfleisch's MILLS. for a time. • Mr, T. Palmer has added a fine new delivery wagon to his already well-equipped restaurant. Mr. Thomas Wood has been visit- ing at Mr. A, McPherson's the past few wed ks. Planing and Saw Mill --All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A. full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. GOLDEN WEDDING. — A golden wedding anniversary was celebrat others drove to tl�e ed by Mr. and Mrs. Mittelholtz at their home in Stephen, on Monday May 23rd. Mr. Mittelholtz ha. reached the age of 74 and his part ner in life 70, For 50 long year they have lived to enjoy each other's trials and joys. For fift years together they have fough life's battles. Out of a fanily o thirteen children eleven are stil living, and those present were Mrs. Thos. Steveson, Henfryn Mrs. John Foster, Zurich ; Andre Mittelholtz, Zurich; Mrs. Sitno Hartman, Stephen ; J. Mittelholtz Zurich and Mrs. L. Dabus, Babylo line. Among those present from distance were : Mr. and Mrs. For well, St. Clemens; Mr. and Mrs S. Brown, Crediton ; Mrs. Thos Steveson, Henfryn. Quite a num ber of other guests were also pre sent. The descendants of Mr. ant Mrs. Mittelholtz number fort grand -children and six great -gran children. Rev. Father Scantelon Mount Carmel, officiated in th church. The day was happi , spent and when the guests wer ready to depart all joined. in wish ing Mr. and Mrs. Mittelholtz man, more happy years of wedded life. DASHWO0© Special to Triu HERALD. Mr. Jonas Eartleib who has been confined to the house for a few days through injuries received from the kick of a horse is able to be around again. Dr. McLaughlin attended the King's Plate races in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Kellerman and Mrs, Fenn aattended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Stoltz, of Berlin, last week. Mr. J. E. Hoffman returned. home from Guelph. Saturday night. ,Mr. John Hildebrandt is putting up an addition to his house. The brick work. of Mr, E. P. Paulin's house is about completed. Tuesday being Victoria Day all places of business were closed, and the celebration held as usual, Mrs. Smith of London is visiting at her mother's, Mrs. England Sr. The Misses Hall of Ilderton are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. Hall. Mr. E. Tiernan delivered a larg consignmraent of Trees and. Shrub cin Thursday last from The Pelhan Nursery of Toronto which was sold to the people of this town ant vicinity by their enterprising agent, Mr, Thos. Werden. Miss Mackay of our 1:'. S. staff left for Walkerton on Saturday t spend a few days at home. A manger of our citizens drovc over to Crediton, Monday evening to hear the Rev. 3:3.rinniiiler of Cleveland, Ohio,g ive his oololarateC lecture "Miracles and Miraa.c]es." Messrs, J. W. Graaybiel and (4 Edighoffer left for Chatham Tues day morning to attend the Provin dial convention of the Knights o the Maccabees, which begins \"t'eci ncClay, The contract for the big Tucker- smith. draini has been let to A, Dougall and J, Priest. The price the Township will pity for the work is as 500. Rev. D. Wren, of Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, is spending his holi- days at his home here. Mr. Cecil Simpson has secured a situation in a store near Listowel and left for that place last week. Mr. r. Palmer has secured the services of a first-class baker and is now ready to supply all wants in that line. Mr. A. Johnston and wife have va.cated their residence and will spend a few days in 'Klippen with the latter's mother prior to their moving to Sarnia. Mr. Smith, of Ailsa Craig, has taken a position in the trimming department of the Miller carriage works. Last week Mr. J. McArthur ship- ped 40 head of splendid cattle to his farm near Ailsa Craig. Victoria Day passed off very quietly. Some of the citizens went to Exeter to see the games while RIGHT GOODS at RIGHT PRICES Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and Glassware. Curtain and Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers. 6120::W irk - arid. c11'y"w od.1'aints. Oils and Portland Cement. The famous Lamb Fence made of No. 9 coiled wire, stays are also No 9; and the Kokora Garden Fence. ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE. Agent for the London Fence Machines. Photos.enlarged and framed all complete for $1.25. Zurich Se re Ontario. Meld Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. We have large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that we will sell to your advantage. We have this season, the J. C. Kalbieisch Zurich P. O. CERTAINLY. You need a nice pair of CUFF LINKS - OR BUTTONS fifty cents and up buys the "genuine" article. I now show a fine line of w tches, Clocks and Jewell rye Also Musical Instruments Fino repairing my hobby, let me have your "PUZZLERS," Prices right, F. W. d+o li 5��ry �S: S B � a+�, THE JEWELER, The Hess Buggies aro noted. for their Style Neat and up-to-date in appearance. PURINA 8110E A shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron- age because we know we can satisify you and give you value for your money.-- P money. • •... P. BENDER 8G CO. Zone . Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Spring has come at last. This is the time when farmers remodel their FENCES. We were never better prepared to serve your wants in these lines. We have the American Fence and the IDEAL FENCE made of all No. 9 Coiled Wire with No 9 Stays and Lock that can not slip. Also full stock of other wire If you want an UP,(TO--DATE HARNESS, Good Stock, Best Workmanship, call on us RICES RIGHT, QUALITY CONSIDERED. See the nesv Quality Made of the very best a e{erai. As cheap as any similar grade of buggies. See thews before you. bay. We aro now pr epareci to put RUBBER -TYRES on any kind of vehicle, new and. old. First class work guaranteed. F. iiess & Son. Zurich _ _ Ontario. HE NSA LL Special to Tun )I.ur',LT). Mr.C400rgo Mcb wen,i\t,P. l.>rough two carloads of fine cattle with hin last week. The cattle were bough near Alma. Mr, is able to bo out ,f,g ai aithongh, he has to use crutches He is recovering rapidly. Miss Ethel Murdock has coin, plotedher courscd. of study in the Commercial college at London and will accept a position in that city. On Wednesday of.'last week, Mr. .A.lbert VVliitosides, while fixing a cream separator,. had the misfor- tune iisfor- tune to crush the end of his thumb quite severly. Ho will bo laid off Just in at THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE AND HARNESS HOUSE. Pandora .ail G. HAR LE IB, e J4.use F stand in aa. lintel with a card on it, s,ay*inn, i'iais dxnibrella belongs to a man who can deal a blow of 250 hounds wejn'ht enc. who will be l.aaa.e in ton ininutesc." On h.is re- turn ilo found the umbrella gone and in its' pace a card inscribed, "Thu, card was left here by a man wild can run twelve miles an hour and 'who is not conning back." ;s H) Nothing suits a house wife better than a BRIG T NEW CARPET ur stock this season is an entirely new one and. we (lo not hesitate in saying the best ever shown by us. Yon want to inspect our range of A. EST IP Y (for floor and stairs.) INGRAINS and ALL WOOLS. 'JAPANESE ,just the thing for something cheap. See our 1,asa1i.r�, ..a 1 t(pure Mohair) 1-7'1002-: ,�,,1..�.�, ,w x 011C:3.0t1-1.ra in different widths. Scrims and Muslims for Curtails. PRODUCE TAKEN' IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. . 13= ,