HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-27, Page 5The Zurich Herald Mr. Geo. Trott, of Housall, is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. GXsu. TRarx', 13•tf Photographer. Notice. 'PT1HF HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM .11. posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. 'CUAs. LTNDER, leader, or Mr. A. McKay, 'Secy., 1'Iensali, Ont. Red Cedar Shingles. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCI€ OF Shingles on hand which we aro Belling at 60 cts., 03 ots., 75 ets,, 78 cts., 80 as.; 85 ccs. nod 90 cts. per bunch at Welsh's Planing mill, ..]+Tear Ry. Track. 1110:SAr,L. 7771-A-1\7==.. A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES" in town of Zurich and sur - wounding Country, and tale orders for Our liardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, noses, Vines, —Seed Potatoes, Etc.— Stock true to name and free from San .:Jose Scale A permanent position to the sight man on either salary or commission, Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES, GIVER 800 ACRES. Toronto, Ont. Cudmore & Sons I)1 &LERS SN .... ime & Cement, LATH, AND ALL KINDS OF Building Material. -- o -- 'ViE SELL CHEAP. 'drive us a Call. West of G. T. R. Station. Hensall , - - Ont. Clubbing rates. ,We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing Tates with THE H>7:1tALD Daily Globe . $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe. . 1.75 , Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free PreSS 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1,75 Farmer's Ativoca,te2.25 =Sold by All )Tewsdealers MANN Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental—at Complete Pieces for Plano—Once a Month for a5 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $=.00. If you will send us the name and address of Prva 'performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. .Eighth 3A ooti mist .. Philadelp. W. PEPPER, hia. Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERlENC ' TRADE MARRS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS 801. Anyone sendlog a sketcn and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communism Liens strictly contldentiai. 1Xandbook on Paten ts went free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. Melva pedal notice, wtatout charge, in the Scientific R ericane A handsomely illustrated 'creek] y. Largest cir. emotion of any sctentitle journal. 'Perms. $3 a sear; four months, $1. sold by ull newadeuters, W1N & C0 3S1Broadway, Newyork Branch Cam. Iv', St- Washington. D. C. Hoffman's Jubilee Larnidry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. N. HOFFMAN DROWNED AT TILSONBURG, Fell into the Water While Fishing With Companions. Tilsonburg, Ont., May 25.—(Tara, daughter, of Mr.. J, H. Roeclding, fell into the water near the novelty works yesterday afternoon, and was drowned. It appears, she, in company 'with a number of other girls, had been • fishing. SVhen just at the dam she by some means missed her footing and fell on the slide, which being Worn smooth by the action of the water, she was carried into the deep pool below the] dam Which is from ten to twelve feet in depth. Her com- panions instantly gave the alarm, and Mr. L. B. C. Livingstone and Rev. Hughes were among the first in the water, followed by many nthers,btit about forty-five minutes elapsed before Alex Brown succeed- ed in locating her, having been carried some distance by the cur- rent. Assisted by .her two brothers she was taken to land,where every- thing possible was done to resusci- tate her, but without avail, She was passed human aicl. Just on the verge of wornanhood, possess- ing a cheerful disposition, having alwa3's a kind word for all, she will be sincerely mourned by the Wide circle of her intimate acquaintances but around the family circle of her home, accustomed to the daily sun shine of her presence and the music of her voice, will remain only the memory of a vanished life. GENERAL NEWS. Fire in the Russel House. Ottawa last Thursday morning, matte the 225 guests get out rather early. Many of the senators and members make the hotel their headquarters during their stay in the capital. Fortunately the fire was confined to the ba.oment and one of the dining rooms and the total loss will be about $3500. Two Chinamen were killed last Friday morning in a fire which broke nut in their laundry at Mon- treal. Two other celestials were al- so badly injured. The Conestogo flour mills and a warehouse at St. Jacobs, owned by Menne Snider, were totally destroy- ed by fire last Thursday. Also a- bout 3000 bushels of wheat and 200 barrels of flour contained in the buildings. Loss *12,000, insurance $8;000. Osborne Mooney, the four-year son of Patrick 14iooney, Hamilton, fell inert the bay at the font of Jaunes.Street and was drowned. COUNTY NEWS. the shoulder attended to The party pausing ,the accident never stopped to see what injuries ]YXr. Bon had sustained, G. M, Baldwin & Co. have solei their second-hand bicycle business with the livery and repair shop to J. C. Thornton, who has had charge of this department for seine years. Win. ()mitts, a former resident of Goderich, has secured the right for the sale of the otieial a>ticie of the St, Louis fair for district No. 3 of the fair grounds. A serious affair was narrowly a- verted on the farm of .D: MoNaugh- ton, Stanley Township, the other day. • Two small boys going home from school gathered up some leaves and set fire to them behind the barn. It Avast only through the exertions of Mr, and Mrs. MON. and others that they managed to get it out before any damage was done. Mr. A. W. Stobie, Seaforth, a Fenian raid veteran, has received his certificate for his farm which the Province gives him for his ser- vices at the tinre of the threatened invasion of the Fenians. While playing football on the school grounds in Exeter the other day, Perry Windsor, son of G. H. Windsor, Stephen, had a small bone broken in his ankle. Two or three boys came together In at scramble for the ball and in the scuffle young Windsor was knocked down and fallen upon with the above result. The second contest for the Hough. Cup, which was played in Clinton last Saturday between teams repre- senting Clinton and Seaforth Col- legiates, was won by the for;hier by a score of 1 to 0. Back From Jerusalem. New York, May 19.—The excursion steamer Grosser Kurfurst returned today from her trip to the I'lt•ly Land with 533 passengers, Nearly 800 of the 800 delegates who went abroad on the steamer to attend the World's Sunday School Con. von tion at Jerusalem stayed in Europe for a more extended trip. Court of Revision, ' TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Court of Revision of the Aases<- ment Roll of the Town4tip of Hay for the year 1904 will be held in the Town Hall. Zutioh, on Saturday, the 28th day of May, 1904, at 10. o'clock, a m. All per. i sons having business at said Court will ; govern themselves aecortlingly. FUER. n. HESS, SB., Clerk. Zurich, May lath, 1004. iA1$ORTuAGE SAT.{ 08'FARM. PROP- -LT -IL erty, at theD.rninian Hotel, in the 'illage of Zurich, on Friday. May 30, con- isting of N. k S. i Lor, No. 9 and E 3 N. Lot No. il, L. R. H. Con., Township of Iay, containing 57 nares. 11. J. D. Coorr', Vendors' Solicitor, dlensall; E. BussaN• ]]:arty, Auctioneer. 1 A letter has been received from ' t D. J. McCallum, who arrived at St, Louis on M•ty 14th from Seatfnrtli. He is stopping at the °•Inside Inn," a a hotel withilt the grounds, 'built to accomodate 6.000 guests. In his opinion there is no comparison be- tween the St. Louis exposition and the Pan American,the former being far superior in evory respect. Many of the buildings are not yet com- pleted. About 50 cars of grain a day are shipped from the Goderieh elevator at present. The following figures aro taken from the assessment roll of Col- borne township : Acreage cleared 30,000; total Taalne of real and per- sonal property, *1,089',100: male persons from 21 to 90 years of age, 407 (a decrease of 20 from last year) total population, 1,070 (a decrease of ten) ; cattle, 4,110 ; sheep, 11,106 ; hogs, 2,630 (an increaaro of over 500) I horses, 1,200 ; aures of orchard 770 acres of fall wheat, 1.420 ; school nhildren, 350 (a decrease of 27 from last year) ; nhlklren between the altos of 5 mu.l 21, 468 (a decrease of 14,1 Mr. Jelin Kestle,form eriy foreman of the Suther]aand-Innes works in Exeter, now travelling superinten- belong- ingof the differentmills bolon„- ing to the company, was in that place last week winding up the business for the company. The mill is at present being torn down and tho property will be sold. The logs that are at present being deliv- ered aro shipped to Denfield to be cut into staves. Mr. George Hanley, of Clinton, has bought the 100 -acro farm on the London road, Stanley, from Mr. Wm. (Jolwill. The price paid srtis $6500. Last week the Bell Foundry Co., Soaforth, shipped two carloads, containing three saw mill outfits and supplies, and a traction engine and separator, to the Northwest. One evening last week, Robt. D. Bell, of Tuckers.mith, met with a serious accident, Ho was driving from Brttcefield to Kippers when a man drove up behind hitn at a rap- id rate and while Mr, Bell was in the eel of turning out to allow the party to pass, the wheels of his sulky were caught and Mr. Boll thrown to the ground. His shoul- der was dislocated and he was otherwise bruised and shaken up. With the assistance of some neigh. bors nedioal aid was procured and (`tEl) ail, POSTS ittA:t ALLz -44'o have a'large number of first Class Posts at the Lake Frost, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For portico. lars apply to 484f IIAULX, & Brxil:lt, Zurich. Farre fur Sale. ' Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres frondla hardwood bush, frame. horse, bank barn anal other ontbuildin; i. Good water. Price $4000.00: Apply at once to E. ZLEER, Zurich. Farms for Sale. I have a number of farms for sole as follows: -100 acres, 21 miles from Zurich, price $4000; 50 acres, 1+ miles from Zurich for $3,400: `3 a.,i'es, 33 miles from 1 Zorich, price *0511. These turns are in good neighborhoods and are worth the money:. .Apply to E. ZEi .tag. Zurich. rye IHEDS In Mange] Seed a.i�trtt1 .I We have.,..,. Long Reel and Yellow Giant. Intermediate :Mange] Seed at 12 1-2 cts- per Ib. Long Giant Yellow, 15 cts. Royal Giant Sugar Beet, 24 cts. In Seed Corn We have the following varieties • Comptons Early, Angel of Midnight, Abun- dance, Early Butler, Bailey's Favorite and Mammoth Southern Sweet. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. PRICES RIGHT. e. Zurich = res rimennr etammrairiaartma zeuziem.. � ,T 9 _ Ontario. Ei RN116 IDEAL WER Farmers' Favorite the world over. They are equipped with roller and ball bearings and containing every modern improvement, these mowers are Light Draught Ideal Machines. Drills, Cultivators, Discs, Magnet Cream Separator, Woodstock Windmills. Cheapest and Best. Call on me before you buy_ J. Deering Agency flag ZURICH NOTICE TO HOUSE WIVES. Now this is house-cleaning tune you will want a nice attractive WALL APE We can supply you with what you want, prices from 2 ets. to 20 Cts. per roll. Call and see our spring goods in Prints, IIilluslins and Dimities. 'We have lust the thing, boys, in the line of ......asraiTak.Feit Flats- Latest in style, excellent quality agog moderate in price. -We have also at nice assortment of Ladic's Iteady-to-Wear Spring Hats. .l call is solicited. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. R. C. NIC H r1L, - Blake, outniry. rAatzh'in b Ont. r i,;ea 01«,, There is big profit in raising l potit1 if t w about it 10 tho o right way. Half - me n Half - Incas roe moan r r� only half•proffis. If you 'would get the frill profit ,rawM•.,:s•+ out of this fruitful department of your farm you must work under the best conditions: You can do this only when Brooder. We positively you nso a. Chatham Incubator and and we soli it on the moat liberal terms ea v r offd eredlby any manufacturer. We will ship you—freight prepaid by us—a We know of nooffer wecould h.rYth C , Vii. make that would more thor- tor a, 1i oughly prove our confidence and faith init. If the Chat withone cent of cash from you until Oct,, 1904 ham Incubator is not all wo claimamake thorn a We b vent stiout one nted ient. Chatham anything. Thin e holden paarrttsdare ae as madeondlus well finished as the parts you see. They are built to st and the hardest kind of wear and give the very best of aorvice. They embody every real improvement known in the manufacture of Incu- tr baentons. '' Gut out the coupon in the corner of this ad.,orwrite yournameand address on a ostal card and mail it to us for full particulars of our offer. Do it today, enthis M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited paper.DEPT. 1310 CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham incubators and Brooders. Distributing Warehouses at Maontreal, Quo.; Brandon, Man Calgary, Alta.: Vancouver:B.C.; Halifax. X.S. Factories at Chatham. Ont.. and Detroit Mich Also Mannfacttuors of tho famous Campbell Fanning 51111,. 101 1 a 44 • M. f . CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO. Limited CHATHAM, ONT DEPT. 010 • ' ' please send your desert!). �, tive Catalogue of the Chathaaa incubator,togctherwith all infor- mation about your special offer, whereby no cash will be paid until • October, 190 4. P.O .Name P.O. Arleta cert ..., ilrr4Ytrt Railway Slatiox,. • ... • ... • • .. • . 5,,,, r.wr Addrestl all Tetters so Chatham, Oatts.