HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-27, Page 1TIDE HE II The Official Organ of Zurichand Ray Township. Vol. IV., No. 44. ZURICH; ONT., FRIDAY, .MAY 27, 1904. 1. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE 9 (Late with Garrow & Prondfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. I3ensa11, Ontario. a. G. STANDORY, B. A. F W. GLADUAN, 'Glad/nail & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Villaage and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read •and advised upon. —AT RENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES— Ilensaali—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. ROIDFOOT, RAYS & DLAIR BAR,RISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &O. Godericti, - - Canada. W. PRot:Droo•r, N. C I R. C. IIAYS. 0. F. BTAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. JACHAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. Zurich, —OFFICF— BLOCK Ontario. . (L. V. BACHAND, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines • of ali' kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued ZURICH - - ONTARIO. DR• IF- A. SELLERt, Dentist, gradnnte of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduhte of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every 14MondYiy. 1-26 Em.13OSSE,LYAEI- R.F. , .Licensed Anctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully so'ieits the pat- ronage of these who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. -PHILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of I•Iuron. I would request those having sales to call on me, Terms Moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, Your patronage solicit;d. i -10T ELS. .******0*****************? k 40 0 rip 0TH a * r 03 ris e; 0 COMW1ERi! IL HOTEL e * r,, r,. 0s s UR1CHr3 iii ei * 4� 4J r a £!t Strictly up-to-date in modern ha err 0 provonlents. .Dining rooms iesup- be a. plied with only the very best. ll If +~r 0.tzar contains choice liquors anti ' cigars. jl 1f II If If r;, 10 04 Excellent Sample looms Y'' ri0 ill for Commercial Men. 0414 •r e�oais.amawlutatuanm..eumwemrc,t 9va .u++rommmamww 0 ca '" J. P. RAU, 6-ROPR1ETOR. ;` DOMirlion House This Molls(; has recently -changed haulm, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. 1 ;la wetter " ;,stile in the Delttinion, R. R. Johnston & Son rnotsteeToi/S. .vmru+m„cn:,oxc...,etiniovAv�nnr+�.aa„rtim.mm�.a�me..,nu 'LOCAL NEWS A Farmers' Institute meeting will be held in Hensall on June 1st. Eggs taken in exchange for seeds at Schrag's, He also pays cash for them. Turnip Seed at -Seed Store,Zurich, at 20 cts. per lb. We keep none but the best. Miss Bedard, of Stratford, is visiting at her home on the .Sauble line at present. Tent Murdock's horse, Joe Stant• on, got 2nd money at the Mitchell races on the 24th., Misses Clara and Ida Klein, of Baden, are visiting at Mr. Thomas Johnson's at present. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bechler, of Tavistock, were the guests of Mr. 0. Schrag on Monday. Our town was very quiet on the 24th, most of the citizens going to other towns to spend the day. Watch for the concert to be held in Zurich, oz Saturday, June lith. Stewart and Vincent Concert Co. Miss Pearl Fisher, who has' a good situation in Galt, spent a few days at her home here, this week. Mr. C. L. Fitzgerald, of London, was the guest of Miss Beatrice •Steinbach on Saturday and Sunday last. Mrs. J. Sienion returned on Wed- nesday evening from a visit to her sister, Mrs. D. McCalpin, Wood- stock. Mrs. Fred Rummel left on Tues- day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Cook, who died at her home near Milverton. Canadian postal notes can now be cashed by United States post- masters. This will be a great con- venience for the public Quite a number of our citizens went to Parkhill on Victoria Day and witnessed. the races. They all report .a good day's sport. SERVANT GIRL WANTED.—For the Commercial Hotel, Tavistock. Highest wages will be paid. Apply at once. John Landreth, Tavis- took. 44 3 Mr.. Addie Koehler left for Strat- ford last Monday where he will take a course of business training in the Central Business College of that city. Mr. John Decrier recently sold a colt to a party in Usborne for $130. He has bought another one from R. McLaren, near Hensall, paying as good price therefor. tri•. Louis Prang, who has been in the employ of .T. Deichert & Son, blacksmiths, for a number of years, has invented a similar position with Mr. J. W'escloh of this town. Mr. 0. Either got 3rd money in the Parkhill races with iii, colt, Fred E. on Victoria Day*. ()iris. considers his colt done well, it be- ing the first time that he wags en- tered in a rice. Mr. E. Zeller, Mrs. (Dr.) Buchan- an and Mrs. 'Wm, Klopp attended the funeral of their niece, Clara Roedding, Tilsonbarg, on 'Wednes- day. An account of her unfortun- ate death appears in another col- unin, A GOOD Tm n.—Thn W. C. T. U. of Zurich will hold another of their popular parlor meetings, on Friday evening, June 3rd, in the I3apti;t church. A. good program and ex- cellent lunch are being prepared. A hearty invitation is extended to all. Twelve to fifteen public school teachers are e peetotl to bo present, A silver collection will be taken.1I .Program to commence at 8 o'clock. II In justice to myself and my numerous customers I roust contra -1 dict Mr. Eilber's advertisement of last week regarding Parnell Dean Bread. He doer not handle it as I am sole agent for Zurich. We have• it fresh every morning'. Also those lino largo sweet Oranges, Bananas, Candies, Ice Cream and everything usually sold in connection with- a first class Confectionary Store. Opposite Post Office. F. Witwer, A Goon COLT.—About a year ago C. Eilber bought a 2 -year old colt from Ed 13ossenbcrry for $115, The colt wall nothing pretty at that time but under Chris's care and management it has become a hal.nd- some driver and has developed. no little speed. On Thursday Chris. met Mr. Roland Beattie, of Wing - ham in Hensall and as a result the colt changed hands the consider- ation being 000, Chris, is no nov- ice in the horse line. and this is just another example of his knowledge in this' lino. Miss Mclntyre spent the 24th at her home in Parkhill _- Choice Seed Corn from $1 to $1.25 per bushel at Feed Store Zurich. Mr. Chas. Schumacher, of Park- hill, was in our burg , last Sunday. Miss Ida Sipple, who spent' the winter in Detroit, arrived home on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Wentzel iu d wife, of Crediton, spent 'Sunday in town with friends. Chief of Police Mains, of Park- hill, was in town on business yes- terday, Thursday. Miss Phoebe Rickbeil was visit- ing at Mr. Sol. Hardy'ra, Exeter, the fore part of this week; Mrs.. August Hill .0 id daughter, Aluia, of Urediton, wware guests at C. Greb's on: Sunda0Lst. Mr. Morrison, a surveyor from Ottawa, is the new man surveying the proposed electric railway. Miss Tena Hartung who spent the whiter inonths in Detroit, arrived hone for the stunner.. Mr. Amos. Bechler and Miss Fanny Bechler, of Tavistock, visit- ed at Mr. 0. Schrag's on Saturday last. Miss Ernestine Truemner arrived home from Detroit, Saturday even- ing, where she had been spending the 'winter. Mr. J. B. Dennis, wife and child, of Galt, spent a few days with Mrs. Dennis' parents,' Mr.,tind Mrs. G. Holtzman, this week.., Miss Maggie Rupp, who spent the past few months in Pigeon, Mich., arrivea 'horne on Tuesday for a short visit with her parents. If you want anything in the line of shoes, see R. Nichol, Blake, bout it at once. ge has then to suit all classes. See his new ad next week. The Council will meet to -morrow Saturdaay, in the 'Town Hall. The Assessment Roll for the year 1904 will be revised and all the necessary changes made. Mr. Henry Sehroeatereind wife, of Berlin. were renewing old acquain- tances in town this week. Mr. Schroeder conducted a shoe shop in this place about five years ago. Mrs. Trevithick, mother of Mrs. Louis Roedding, formerly of this town, but now residing in London, recently broke two ribs as the re- sult of a fall. She is in a very weak state at present. Mr. Ephriain Holtzman, who has been living in Ohesiay for a num- ber of years, arrived here with his family' on Saturday to. spend a few weeks with his parents. .He in- tends locating in Michigan.. Mr., G. M. Baldwin and Dr. Cooper,af Seafortli and Mr. Robert- son, of Toronto, passed through here Saturday on their way to Port Franks fur a few days' fishing. They returned again Tuesday even- ing and report a fair each. Making money by buying goods is easier than working for it+ (ood lawn mowers regalar price $4.001 for $3,50 ; field hoes, 35 cents for 251 cents ; dippers 10 cents for 5 cents, Lots of other goods equally as low fur next week only. 0, Hartleib. In a former issue we noted that Mr. Alex. Thompson had bought 11fr. Matt Ellwood's residence in I Hensall, Mr. Thompson has since! changed his mind and "has bought ' the fine residence of Mr. Alex, Johnson of the sante place paying about *1.900 for it. The 24th at Exeter passed off rather quietly. The crowd on the grounds in the afternoon was not large. Crediton and Exeter teams played 0 game of baseball, the for- mer winning by a. Score of 11 to 1, A concert was held in the evening and was well attended. Our boys drove over. to Exeter on Tuesday to do battle with the Dashwood boys for football honors. Long and patiently they waited for the appearance of the .Dashwood, team—but Haat was all that came of it—it was a vt'oiting game. As it w is our boys claimed the prize money and got it. • AetTer Trnar. Socervi .—A meet- ing of the Directors of the Hay Branch Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall here on. Monday evening. A. number of changes were made in the prize list. It was also aleeided to have a ferane 's trot wizen a purse of $25 will he offered. The Zurich Brass Band will be engaged for the occa- sion.. The dates for .the Fair have been fixed for Sept. 14th. and 15th. Locals continued 011 page 8. FA:UST ..—••• 15 STILL TO THE FRONT with all newest designs such as UNDERSKIRTS—white and black with lovely Frills; Prices $1.25, $1.40, $1,5a $9.25 each. READY-MADE WALSTS—in Linen, White and Black Lustres at $2.00 and $2.25. WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular $2.00, now for $1.50. FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest from 50 cts. to 75 cts. per yard. Ca11 and see these Waistings. LADIES' VESTS—From 8 els. upwards. A special on LADIES' HOSE -15 cts. a pair or two for 25 cts. FANCY LACES—Of all different patterns and prices. READY-MADE WHITE APRONS—Small sizes 25 cts., long sizes 50 cts. A new range of WAIST SETTS for 25 cts. a sett. Cream Basket Wove DRESS GOODS for 60 cts. a yard. Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 cts. a yard. GLEN'S CELLULOID COLLARS 20 cts. each. MEN'S TIES the very latest for 25 cts. and 50 cts. LiNEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 cts, all other collars in Linen 15 cts etch. MEN'S HATS --In Fedora and stiff at different prices. Weinvite everyone to call and look at these goods. Also invite you to see our .... _►ILL,INERY '1 E A "'TM NT ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5. FAUST, High Class F. 0 My spring Stock of rs has arrived and I have a large range of the best foot -wear made in Canada. Do not fail to see them they will suit you in STM -7.1.4= OF IC ,.. ., Eggs and butter taken in exchange. OHAS. FRIT Z, THE SHOEMAN, Special rt &nom ~, \Ve are offering big bargains in Men's Serge aul Funz,y TWEED RATINGS. We are offering Tweed Suit Ends for x+3.00, $3.50, :54.00, worth from W.00 to *17.00 a snit. A gold. .@ tl Wool Navy Worsted Serge fur $0.00. There is big money in this line for any one looking for a snit of up-to-date goods. No Shoddy or Toronto fife Goods, but rav -plume up - 'to -date Goous. '1'3 Cull and ire convinced that whit sell;- is correct si j. tor tom' ZURICH ONTARiO. ,•.�°p�1 �' Y � Pr �.°.�� yn',,�'�>a✓c�.R�y�n�.� r r;,�i�9S�^t�m?�t�`�aMy�� Y U !V YV:1+aVAR V V ,SAA UV ��1��s`jt1;Jl: Vi2`�'.' 1 Ce a, ai eg eta'. a^rcvNr e so'W^a lVirra`c aVelviaw^o Qa^eIKviitrif mii7 Ca• •.. rel (e Use✓ei,av e ess,wuu ti'vwuawuu0..avve, •2„LaAs 0w�rmvvvuuui Fr, Q Q.•) °a � Fe ce Has no equal as General al Purpose Farm Fence It will turn Stock without °a injury --beautify the i'arrn — s does not need constant patching iZ ) and with reasonable usage will e) last a life -time. Booklet and 5 aakhi��11���%7 - � full particulars given on request. e7 •9t. a, o� w,.ww Cw+r.: .un"taw NFMa,ro �'xs wwauw-aw NOR SALE nY cd) 10 LEIB L 9 Amick.