HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-20, Page 88 The ZurichHerald l�t�w Butcher ..Shop. I wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continue the business Itt The Old Stand. I will carryan stook ; all kinds of Meats and will give my Custo- mers the. Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich _ ® Ontario. J. H 4 WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH, Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbfleisch's MILL S. (Locals continued from page 1.) New ads --.T, Preeter, C. Sohrag, J, F, Rickbeil. Mr. Oliver Johnson, of Clinton, was in town, Wednesday. A quantity of potatoes for sale. Good quality, At FeedStore, Zurich. Mrs, R. Richardson and son, of Exeter, is visiting relatives here at present. For eavetroughing and tinsmith ing in all its branches. Charge - moderate. Good. work. ()all a Hartleib's Mr, R, F. Stelok,, principal, an' Miss Hart and Miss Nicholson, assisstant teachers, of our publi school, are attending conventio at Goderich at present. Planing and Saw Mill —All hinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles. 'All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates; Water- Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. C 4 Kalbfleisch Zurich P. 0. CERTAINLY. You need a nice pair of CUFF LINKS OF BUTTONS fifty cents and up buys the "genuine" article. I now show a fine line of successful raising' bee' on '.Friday last. Mr. John McBeath was visiting at Mr. Jas. Cochrane on Sunday, Mr. Thomas Farquhar sold a very valuable team for the sum of $430. He delivered thein on Monday. Misses Jesse and Jennie Cochrane intend leaving for N. Dakota in the ...... C'.-4 Our band is once more a reality. 'Once more "sweet music fills the air," and long may it continue so, On Tuesday evening the first prac- tice was held and the music pro- duced showed that the boys have not forgotten how to blow their, horns. A number of new members have been secured, which has add- ed greatly to the strength of it, and others have signified their in- tention of joining. We hope the town will encourage the boys as much as possible, as keeping up a band in a town the size of .Zurich is no easy matter, at least, if all the expenses connected with it have to be borne by the members. Here is a farmer's mode for rid- ding the premises of rats and mice : "If you will sprinkle sulphur on your barn floor and through your corn as you gather it, there will not be a rat or mouse bother you., I have done this for years and have never been bothered with rats 'or mice. I have some old corn in My crib at present, and not a rat or mouse can be found. In stacking hay or oats, sprinkle on the ground and a little through each load, and my word for it rats or mice can't stay there. A pound. of sulphur will be sufficient to preserve a large barn of corn and it is good for stock and will not hurt the corn for bread. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U., which was held at the home of Mrs. Magel on Monday evening, May 16th, was very interesting. Miss Ethel Williams ably led the devotional part, after which the business was conducted by the President. The comfort bags made by the different members of the union will be sent to Goderich, also a box of fruit to the Francis C. Williard Hone for girls, Toronto. Mrs. Williams, Missionary Supt., then took charge of the educational half hour, which proved not only interesting but instructive. Dif- ferent letters, from Miss Sproule and Mr. Leckie, our missionaries in Northern Ontario, were read, giving an outline of, their work, during the past year. Tho meeting was then closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer. Born. Franz,—In Crediton, on •Saturda.y, May 7th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Fritz, of a daughter. EILBER.—In Stephen, on Tuesday, May 10th, to Mr and Mrs. Chas. Eilber, a son. Watches, Clocks and Jewellry0 Also Musical Instruments Fine repairing my hobby, let me have your "PUZZLERS." Prices right. . F. W. HESS- .- THE JEWE. ER. The Hess Buggies caro noted for their Stye Neal and up-to-date in appearance. uallty f the very best ynateriai.. Price As cheap as any similar grade Of buggies. See: them before you. buy. We aro now prepared to put ,RUBBER. -TYRES on e,ny kind of vohieie, new and old. First class work guaranteed. . Made F. Hess Sc. ° O Zurich _ Ontario. RIGHT GOODS at RIGHT PRICES Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and Glassware. Curtain and. Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers, Sl'a.GxTT.l'1. - 'C"illla. a lci 1-1,03.2.-57W0001. �'a -�a .• Oils and Portland .Cement. The famous Lamb Fence made of No. 9 coiled wire, stays are also No 9 ; , and the Kokoma Garden Fence. ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE. Agent for the London Fence Machines. HENSALL Special to Tin HERALD. A petition signed by 76 rate- payers and. 17 others was presented to our Council at their last meeting, requesting the council to pass the necessary by-law to enable the electors to vote on local option. The petition was held over for future consideration. Miss Millie Petty left for Win- nepeg, Man., last week, where she has secured a good. situation in an office. Mr. James Bell has purchased the farm of Mr. Andrew Murray, Loudon Road, for $6500. Mr. Mur- ray will live in Hensall, but his intentions are to go to the North- west. Mr. Hanson Petty has left for London where he has secured a good position. Mrs. G. Smallacombe is visiting friends and relatives in Guelph at present. Mrs. Manns is still very ill and very little improvement has taken place the past three weeks. James Bell Jr. has just complet- ed. his dental course at Philadelphia coming out first in a graduating class of 110. He took highest honors making 100 per cent in some subjects. when it is taken. into account that Dr. Bell had never attended. High School and that he had to prepare his matricu- lation work during' his first year, his success is all the more credit- able. He will be home shortly prior to locating for practice. On Tuesday the members of the women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church drove to Wood- ham to attend the district conven- tion. At present it looks as. if Hensall will be without its band this year, on account of the removal of some of the players and the absence of a band. master in our midst. It will be greatly missed. Miss Eva Stoneman has tendered her resignation as oraii.ist of the Methodist church to take effect the first of the month. Kow-Kure and Bag Balm for cows only, aiad Bibby Cream Equi- valent for rearing* calves on skim or seperated mulls: are strongly recommended by our druggist, . S. T. hopper. Ask him for some litern tare At the quarterly- meeting of the Methodist church held last week, Mr. E. Rennie was appointed to attend the district meeting at Exeter and Rev Dr. Medd was granted a vacation of six weeks. SLABTOWN Special to THE HERALD. Mr. Torrance of Clinton called on Slabtown friends on Wednesday. Mr. Arthur Rennie of Chiselhurst visited his parents on Sunday. Mr. John Bois, who has lived in Mr. S. Rennie's house at Slabtown for some time, has novel into Mr. Edgar Broderick's house. Mr. George Campbell, a 'former teacher in our school, is visiting his Babylon line friends. Mr. John Decher has 'this wedk purchased a hay loader from Mr.. John Voelker. Mr. Geo. Broderick recently bought a, . colt from the same. gentleinan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and Mr. Seth Brown spent Sunday with Mr. Joel Baecbler and family. The Misses Lily and Raechel were also home the same day. Miss V. 'Whiteside left on Thurs- day to attend the teacher's• conven- tion in Goderich. HILL. GREEN Special to The HERALD. The farmers in this vicinity 'fin- ished :;ceding last week; while many have ploughed up their fall wheat and sowed in spring gratin: Mr, John Cochrane is busy haul-. ing stones and gravel for the found- ation of his new barn:. Mr. Alex, McBeC.th had his en- gine in his saw mill broken and it will be about two weeks before it. can. be fixed. again. A very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, Sr., when a niunber of young friends were invited. ; the evening was spent in singing and dancing, after which the young people returned home feeling well satisfied and re- ported a good time, Mr. Arthur Andel son. had a very Photos enlarged and framed all complete for $1.25. Zurich Ontario. We have large stock of SPFV!NG AND SUMMER GOODS that we will sell to your advantage. We have this season, the Mr. G. McEwen, M. P., has been . home for a few days. Mr. J. MoDonnel went to London on Tuesday evening. Rev Dr. Medd was ir_ Ciinten on Tuesday. PURINA RI0IG A shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron- age because we know we can satisify you and give you value for ........your .a.'noney. .... P. BENDER & Co, alriC17. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Spring has come at last. This is the time when farmers remodel their, FENCES. We were never better prepared to serve your wants in these lines. On friday evening last the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church held. a social in the church. After hearing a first class entertainment the aucdience was invited to the baserent to . partake .of refresh- ments.- On Sunday evening Rey. Dr. Medd preached ail Epworth League sermon in Main St. Methodist church Exeter and. Rev. Mr. God-. win took ].lis work in Hensall. The sacrament was administered hi tlae Presbyterian : church Sunday inorning. • A congregation- al meeting is to' be' held on Monday evening. They are getting tired of being without a regular preacher, We have the 74tneriean Fence and the IDEAL FENCE made of all No. 9 Coiled Wire with No 9 Stays and Lock that can not slip. Also full stock of other wire If you want an UP►.TO=DATE HARNESS, Good Stock, Best Workmanship, call on us PRICES RIGHT, QUALITY CONSIDERED. See the new . andoraRange Just in at G.HARTL IB, . THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE AND HARNESS HOUSE. Furnishin s Nothing suits a house wife better than a BRIGHT NEW CAR 1 ET ur stock this season is an entirely new one and we do not hesitate in saying the best ever shown by us. You want to inspect our range of TAPE Y (for floor and stairs.) INGRAINS and ALL WOOLS. JAPANESE just the thing for something cheap. See our.... . afts1 1 tet , (pure Mohair)., 'i3OC CAI,..-7";...4.0tia.S in different widths. uSIiPs for Curtains` PRODUCTS TAKEN' IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. s +,ri.c v:4wm1 ozz,, •.fwd -1.244013..