HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-20, Page 5i The Zgr1Gh Heralds Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensall, is per- manently located in his gallery again for. the winter and will be open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. 0E0. TROTT, 13-tf Photographer. Notice. rpuE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - .JL posed of about 20 pieces, are now 'open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. .CiiAs. LINDER, leader, or Mr, A. McKair, Secy., I'rensall, Ont. Red Cedar Shingles. PTE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF �� rr Shingles on hand which we aro ,selling at 60 cts., 65 cts., 75 cts:, 78 cts., 80 cis., 85 cts. and 90 its. per bunch at Welsh's Planing Mill, Near Ry. Track, IIELSALL. A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES" in town of Zurich and sur- rounding Country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties :In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, —Seed Potatoes, Etc.— Stock true to name and free from San Jose Seale A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stone F' Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES, ova 800 ACRES. Toronto, Ont. Cudniore fin' Sons, .... DEALERS IN .... Lirr�e & Cement,, LATH, AND ALL KINDS OF Building Material. GVH SILL CHEAP. Give us a Cali. West of G. T. R. Station. Hensall , - - Ont. Clubbing rates. e We have made arrangements • to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HL.R ALD Daily Globe • $ 4.25 ,, 11Itiil & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe 1.75 5 , , Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 'Weekly Free Press Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate 3.25 1.75 2.40 1.50 1.75 2.25 Nd 'etaofaPp!!gd ' ssgssnaoi It 43431,1 'zsrlsllgnd '2134d3d 'M -r •aaJA ettmaa t eta jo Moo a noE &fear &OA'w ax° ao oueid aq; no izamzo;zed seta ;o ssazpps pun g'ag's mil en pugs itlet noE;I 'oo•zt'0ondizosgng Atria; -ssua3 Sz ao; gI0opi n soup—oueid z03 saoald asaldwe3 in—initarunDeuI fist °A fteV ',interim oueid ;o sailed irg saounw zein -dod Isom ern Eq suoIslsodwo3;421zddoD 4ola43 'asap ;o emntos ;enc a olenlq pun 2005 JO ezasoi lin M iAR43uo111 sagatuznd siappsmati IIs Aq ploS SA YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone sending a sketch and description may �g111Cldy ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communise.. tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ag(tency Tor securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the SCientific Jtmerkkan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cin ciliation of any sclentD to journal. Terms, 23 a year; four months, $L Bold byall newsdealern, MUNN & Co.3616r0adway, New York Branch Office. Me:' :•' St- Washington. D. C. dramammalmagmlimith Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . ITAILORING IN CONNECTION We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. w. H. HOFFMAN CREDI TON Special to Trne H3R4.L0.• Mr, Dan. Wein retrirned from Detroit and is DOW working on the brick and tile yards of Mr. Henry Kuhn. Messrs. Young Bros. have added greatly to the appearance of their store by erecting a galvanized awning at the front of it. • Our band is onoe more a renlity. Under the management of Mr. W. S.• Chisholm of the Merchant's Bank,'a full,band has been organiz ed and good progress is being made, Our village, a few years ago, bad a band second to none and we believe our boys will retain the good repu tation. TIie grey Percheron Sbftllion, Favorite Alias Zeno, was sole], last. week by Mr. Frank Taylor to Mr. Wm. Baxter, of Shipka. Rev. Sam. Brown and family, of Pelham, were visiting relatives in this locality last week. Rev. Brown will leave for the Northwest short- ly, where he has been stationed by the conference. The brick and tile yards have started operations for the season. Thus far the weather has been rather unseasonable for this kind of work. Many of our citizens expect to go to Exeter on May 24th and see •the games. Our baseball team is billed to play the Exeter team. Mr. Bert Clark has accepted tt position in London and left for that city last week. Success Bert. Anniversary services will be held in Zion Evangelical church on Sun- day next. Rev. Heinmiller, of Cleveland, Ohio, has been secured to preach. Rev. Heinmiller is one of the ablest divines of the above named denomination. On Monday evening he will give his celebrated lecture on "Miracles and Miracles." His lecture treats thf a live topic. The, claim is boldly taut forth today that the apostelic age of miracle working power is fast returning, and that God is again bestowing upon individuals the lost gifts of healing the sick, a.nd that the time will soon come when doctors and drugs will be relegated to oblivion The healing of the sick without the use of material agencies is claimed to he the chief cause of the phe- nomenal. growth of Dowieism, christian science spiritualism and kindredisin in our day. The Rev. Heinmiller was formerly an in- structor in one of the leading Sem- inaries of Germany and for the last twelve years he has been editor of one of the largest and most influen- tial religious periodicals in Arneri- ca. All should embrace the oppor- tunity to hear him on so timely and interesting a subject. Admis- sion, adults 20 cts. ; children 10 cts. COUNTY NEWS. Beattie Bros., of Varna, have purchased the Mills farm, Contain- ing 75 acres, on Con 5. Stanley Tp. from the executors of Mrs. Shipley, Clinton. The price paid was $2200. Mr. John Gillespie, chief encr at the big mill, Seaforth, had a narrow escape the other day, and is laid up with a few bad strains. He was applying some belt dressing to one of the large belts, when his arm caught and he carne nearly be- ing thrown around the shafting. He saved himself just in town. Mr. F. C. Elford, who has had charge of the poultry station at Holmesville since its beginning, has been appointed Inspector of Poultry Stations, with headquar- ters at Ottawa. He will retain possession of the Holmesville sta- tion, and will have a competent man to manage it. One of the; oldest and best known residents of Exeter iii the person of Mr. •John McInnes passed away on Tuesday, May 10th, at the age of '74 years. He leaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing widow, bat no family:. Tho funeral was held last Thursday to the Exeter cemetery. the end of September, A bowling club has been organ- ized in Exeter.. The following. offi- cers were el'ebted for this .year := Hon. Pres. Rev. R. Perkins ; Pres. L. II. Dickson ; Vice, -Pres. B. S. O'Neil ; 2nd Vice. -Pres. Dr. Ibyntl- man ; Sery. Tress, J. G, Stanbury ; Chap., Rev. W. Martin; Executive Committee, Messrs. N. D. Hurdon; It. Samuel, W. J. Heitman, J. ;:Davis and iEr, W, Horn; Jiutiie Dicl 's .hotel, Seaforth, had a narrow escape from dest.ruc- tion by fire on Sunday morning, May 3th. The kitchen and dining room were badly damaged by fire and water •and it was only by hard work on the part of the firemen that it wasgot under control. Mr. J W. Duncan, a former Sea - forth boy, has bought an interest in the Seaforth News. A regular meeting of the Huron Medical Association was hold in Clinton on Tuesday of last week. The officers elected for the ensuing year are:—President, Dr, Woods, Bayfield ; Vice -President, Dr. Mc- Callum, Liondesboro ; Secretary - Treasurer, Dr. Shaw, Clinton. On a recent Sunday afternoon as John Nash, Walter Murray and J. Holmes were preparing for a drive, their horse became frightened and made a clash out of the lane in the rear of Stephen Lamb's livery stable, Seaforth. On turning at the road the buggy upset, the occupants being thrown out, and two of them received quite se Vero injuries about the head and shoulders. The'buggy was badly smashed and the horse sustained only slight injuries. On Monday. as Robt. Casemore, a farmer; of Morris and wife were driving home from W inghain, the horse stopped at the railway cross- ing as the freight train was ap- proaching at full ytapeed. Mrs.' Casemore was killed instantly and Mr. Casemore cannot recover. The horse was also.killed. Mr. Case - more was about 60 years of age and was partially deaf. Court of IRevision. sTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Hay for the year 1904 will be held in the Town Hall. Zurich, on Saturday, the 28th day of May, 1904, at 10fo'clock, a m. All per - 50119 having business at said Court will govern themselves accordingly. FREn. HESS, SR., Clerk. Zurich, May 16th, 190.4. The Godericli Engine works are making a brick machine that will, it is said, turn out 40,000 bricks per clay, which, seven days after leav- ing the machine will be ready for building purposes. The other day, while Mrs. John Taylor, of Exeter, was eating her supper, she met with a serious mis- hap. She had partaken of some canned plums and one of the stones was accidently taken in with the fruit and became lodged in her throat. Medical aid was binned. iately procured but it was found almost impossible to remove the substance. Later relief was riven but Mrs. Taylor was nearly ex- hausted. The final shipment of apples made by D. Cantelon, Clinton, to Glasgow was delayed in transit and arrived there in a poor state. He received only 48 cents per barrel for them, which will not be enough to pay the freight. The merchants of Bayfield have decided to close their business pla- ces at 6 p. m. ea0h Tuesday and Thursday eveaing May 26th until TriEORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROP- erty, at theDominion Iotel, in the n h I„' -d M o0 EE1F)S In Manger Seed ...... We have-- , Long Red and Yellow Giant. Intermediate Mangel Seed. at 12 1-2 cts. per lb. Long Giant Yellow, 15 cts. Royal Giant Sugar Beet, "24 cts. In Seed Corn ..:: We have the following :varieties • Corptons Early, Angel of Midnight, Abun- dance, Early Butler, Baileys Favorite and ,Mamlxloth Southern Sweet: Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. PRICES RIGHT. 0.1111111611, e. Schrag 1p Zurich = = = Ontario: EEIi1!6 E l.0 MOWER ,1791 Farmers' Favorite the world over. They are equipped with roller and ball bearings and containing' every modern improvement,. these glowers are Light Draught Ideal Machines. Drills, Cultivators, Discs, Magnet Cream., Separator, Woodstock Windmills. Cheapest and Best. Call on. me before you buy Village of Zuric , on. 'ri ay. ay , con- s x si Lob of 9,N. � S. }Lot on.No9 ow E gip N. J o o ,1 ,' boil, if Lot No. L. R. E. Con Township of Hay, containing 57 acres. H. J. D. Cooxs, Vendors' Solicitor, Hensall; E. Bossmi.- Malin', Auctioneer. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE:—We have a largo number of first Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to s 4S-tf MAC=EL & BExotta, Zurich. Farm for Sale. Containing 100 acres; about 90 acres good hardwood bush, frame house, bank darn and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00. Apply at once to E. TELLER, Zurich. Farms for Sale. I have a number of farms for sale as follows: -100 acres, 2k miles froth Zurich, price $4000; 50 acres, 1,i miles 'from Zurich for $2,400; 25 acres, 4 miles from Zurich, price $950. These farms are in good neighborhoods and are worth the money. Apply to E. ZELLER, Zurich. Deering Agency ZURICH NOTICE TO HOUSE WIVES. Now this is house-cleaning time you will want a nice attractive WALL PAPER, We can supply you with what you want, prices from 2 cts. to 20 cts. per roll. Call and see our spring goods in Prints, Ifuslins and Dimities. We have just the thing, boys, in the line of �'eIt Hats Latest in style,excellent quality and moderate in price. We have also a nice assortment of Ladie's Ready -to -Wear Spring .Hats. A call is solicited. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. R. G. NICHOL., = J31ake, - Ont. fiqT.„ onE07- 00 1,4 • There is big profit i n raising poultry if you !,o about it ln the right way. Half - measures mean only half•proftts. If you Would get the full profit' out of this fruitful department of your farm you must work under the beab conditions: You can do this only when you use a Chatham Incubator and Brooder. We positively guarantee it to be a good hatcher and we sell it on the moat liberal terms ever offered by any manufacturer. We will ship you—freight prepaid by us—a IWe know of no offer we could Chatham ncubator make that would more thor- oughly prove our confidence and faith Mit. If the Chat - without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1904 ham incubator is not all we claim for It you aro not out one cent. Chatham Incubators are made just as good as money and skill can make them. we haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts are as strongly made and as well finished as the parts you see. They aro built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very' bust of service. They embody every real improvement known in the manufacture of Ineu- bators. Gut out the coupon an the corner of this ad„or write your name and address on a liostal card and mail it to us for full particulars of our offer. Do it today. 3fcnttonthte M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL C0., Limited DEPT. 510 CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders, DIstrIbutingq warehouses at Montreal, Quo.; Brandon, Alan.; Calgary, Alta.; Vancouver:B.C. • Halifax, Y 5. Factories at Chatham, Out., an,t — - . - - Detroit, Mich. Also Etamdaetuterd or the ��Illlla l famous Campbell Yenning Mille. let ')11-11T1-` paper. 4 O �y 4 4 4® M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO. Limited CHATHAM, ONT. DEPT. gm 4” Please send your descrip- tive Catalogue of the Chatham Incubator,together with all infor- mation about your special offer. whereby no cash will be paid until October, xeo4. AO. Address.. a «....,e+d ..,ara....,.. «,a..., Areareai Railway Station. .,• e...••.a.x eese i to et le Address all letters to Chatham e Oast, .f h, ,