HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-20, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich ' and Hay Township.
Vol. IV., No. 43.'
1, Per Year.
i J. D. COOKE,
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris -
es, Solicitor, Notary Public.
Hensel', Ox tario.
T. G. STANBURY, B. A. .F'. w. 0LADMAN.
G1acitur i & Stambury.
ries, Conveyancers, Money to. Loan on
Village and Farm Property at lowest
•rates of interest. Documents in original
•German read and advised upon. •
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
'I eosaill—Over Stoneman's :jewellery Store
sExeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank.
(Gorderich, - - - Canada.
.W.,I'ItOUDFOOT, 1S. C I R. 0. HAYS..
'Village and Farm Property bought and
•soli.. .Rents collected. Conveyancing
of all kinds promptly attended to.
'We represent the Leading Fire and Life
Insurance Companies and respectfully
solicit your patronage.
:Special attention given to collection of
Notes anti Accounts.
2ELLER Ontario.
(:III�ilalv'li ► BLOCK
(L. V. BACHAND, Notary Public)
Vet. Surgeon and Dentist
Treats all diseases of domesticated
Animals. Veterinary medicines of all
kinds alway-s on hand.
Dayand•night calls promptly attend-
ed to. •m iQE— In Win. Bender's
OldStand, Malin St.. Zurich, Ont.
Fixe ;inaearanaeeffected in all leading
companies, Aedident policies issued.
Mr. N. M. Cantin left for Ottawa
last Friday.
Mr. E. W. Horn, of Exeter, spent
Sunday iii town.
Miss Irwin and Mr. Marks, of
Baiyfi&1d, were in town, Sunday.
Mr. T. Pfeffer spent last Friday
and Saturday- at his home in Mil-
The population of Zurich, accord-
ing to Assessor Lzpphardt's state-
ment, is !S03.
Coat -makers, pant -makers and
vest -makers, keep away from
Zuxich—trouble on.
Ferl'r;i'ig-9 wire woven fencing
i egulax price 50 cents per rod. for
40 cents •a't Hartleib's.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a par-
lor mooting on Friday evening,
June '3rd. Particulars later.
Farmers ! .Be up-to-date. J. F.
Rickbeil keeps the latest improved
farm machinery at right prices.
Mr. A. Campbell, of Parkhill,
general agent of the International
Has wester :Co., was in town this
Mr. ,Stewart, the blind piano
tuner of Hamilton, tuned- quite a
innmber of instruments in town
this week.
Mr- .John Deichert.Jr., has secur-
ed the .agency in this town for the
Rezlsall laundry. All work guar-
anteed frst•class.
Do you know ! Hartleib can sell
you binder twine cheaper this year
than any man that wears hair and
every inch guaLnnnteed.
Mrs. Jonathan Merner, and two
children., left for Qoderich last
week, where she will a.&ma.in during
Mr. Meriaear's .absence in ,the west.
The many friends of Mr. William
Callas will be sorry to hear .that he
is laid up with a severe attack of
pneumonia. Ile is improving slow-
Messrs. J. Foster .and A. Mittel-
holtz have rented the western part
of the "Green Valley" farm, ni., owned
by Mr. Hy. Bauer,. Sr., for pastur-
ing purposes.
Dentist, graduate -of the Royal College
sof Dental Surge/me, Toronto, :List, honor
graduate of Department of Dentistry,
Toronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a epeciality.
At Dominion House, Zurich, every
Monday. • 1-26
Licensed Auetioneer for Bar-
on County, respeetfully solicits the pat-
ronage of those who ,intend having sales.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Licensed Auctioneer fbr the
County of Huron. I would request
those having sales to call on ane. •
Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran-
teed, Your patronage solicited.
0)0)t:rvoggi er,•a 1]..a;re;,t"v7Galf0:0r a*0;66,¢x,.4+
xs w* fk 5r .0 T H E a 6 0s
Qs 0 f:3
e� G 0r a 6 ZURICH * 0) 0 0
m rnaNett.. new. 310..".wn yin i.,,mv..wm,araa
O:;; 5 :''artier be•Blair •.^lfls:{+agiSsieseei ki ssace'ea,'
Strictly up-to-date in modern im cis
provements..• Dining rooms issup- Wa
plied with only tlie'very best. 11 1f o
Bar contains ehoiee liquors and
cigars. 11 IT 1i
]✓xcell;cnt sample Rooms
for Commercial Men
o mtnton
_• House.
This House has recently changed
hands, and,is now ono of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted. Houses, in the
cater k able in the pcnninicet.
R. R. Johnston & a
Good floor and house paint, cheap
at Hartleib's.
Choice mangle seed and seed corn
at Schrag's Seed Store, Zurich.
Mr. Abraham Geiger is erecting
a barn on his' property near the
fair grounds.
Mr. Henry Zapfe, of the Town
line, had the misfortune to lose a
good cow reeentiy.
Mrs. Turner, and family, of Strat-
ford, visited at Mrs. D. Bock for a
few days this week.
Mr. Sam. Rennie had the misfor-
tune to lose a valuable mare last
Friday night through death.
• Mr. John Voeiker, and sister,
Mrs. Ball, of, Dashwood, spent Sat-
urday in town, visiting friends.
Miss Alice Johnson returned
home from Clinton, where she had
been visiting friends for some time.
Mrs. Cann, of Exeter, was a visi-
tor with her brothers, Messrs:
Conrad and John Fuss, the past
Mr. John Torrance, of Clinton,
and Dr. Fowler, a vet. of Seaforth,
were looking up old friends in town
on Wednesday.
Mrs. Kuntz, Mrs. Carr and Mr.
Farmer, of Goderich, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rau, of the
Commercial, on Sunday.
Barn and Roof paint, colors—
yellow, green, deep red and wine
color. Regular price $1.50 a gal.
for $1.00 cash at Hartleib's.
Mr. Peter Lamont shipped a car-
load of cattle to Toronto on Mon-
day. He has also bought another
carload which he has put on grass.
Mr. Holstead, of Waterloo, super-
intendent of the Dominion Life,
and Mr. J. Ireland, Clinton, dis-
trict agent, were in town last
Friday. "
Mr. Louis Foster has started op-
erations on his brick and tile yard.
He has about 12 men employed and
will soon be able to supply all
wants in this line,
Mr. Peter Becher has completed
his contract of mo.vine C. Schrag's
house to the northern end of town.
He is busy this week moving some
buildings for Mr. Christ Gasho on
the Bronson..
The total loss in the Toronto fire
is estimated, by the General Ad-
justment Coznmitlee, at about
$11,000,000. The W. R. Brock Co.
on a stock of $568,000 will receive
$550,000 insurance.
Tomorrow, (Saturday) Messrs.
• Mr. Jonathan Meaner left for
Assiniboia district laet .Saturday,
where he will remain for a short
time prior to leaving for his section
of land in Alberta.
Mr. C. Eilber, the baker, will
have the Parnell -Dean bread on
hand every. Saturday and will be
able to supply any of his customers �C Eilber and E. Boysenberry will
with that make on those days. leave for Parkhill, where Mr. Eilber
Sheriff Cameron, of 4rloderieh, . has entered his colt, Frtd E., in the
races, to be held there on Victoria
was in town on Tuesday serving
the 'witnesses and jurors in eon- Day, May 24th. Snorers Christ.
rection with the Sherritt ase The Young People's Alliance will
which will be tried in (xoderioh on hold a rally meetingin the Evan -
June 14th. gelicaa.l church next Sunday evening.
If you are looking for a seed drill
An appropriate sermon • will be
be sure and see me before you bug preached in the morning by the
elsewhere. I am in a position to pastor. For the evening an inter-
esting program has been prepared.
sell you one from $10 to $15 cheaper
than any other agent. J. F. Rick- Mr. Jonas Hartleib, of Dashwood,
beil. Zurich. met with a painful accident last
• There is an agitation on foot for Friday morning. He had gone into'
thebaseball team his stable to tend to his live stock
organisation of a
hare. I1; -is high time to get started When a one -,year olct colt kicked
as the long evenings areapproach-him -in the side, with the result
t two ribs were: broken.' He is
ing. There is plenty of material in that
town to get up a good team. progressing favorably.
with all newest designs such as
UNDERSKIRTS -white and black with lovely Frills; Prices $1.25, $1,40, $1.50
$2.25 each.
READY-MADE WAISTS=in Linen, White and Black Lustres at $2.00 and $2.25..
WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular $2.00, now for $1.50.
FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest from 50 ets. to 7.5 ets. per yard. Call ands
see those Waistings.
LADIES' VESTS—From 8 els. upwards.
A special on LADIES' DOSE -15 ets, a pair or two for 25 ets.
FANCY LACES—Of all different patterns and prices.
READY-MADE WHITE APRONS—Small sizes 25 cts., long sizes 50 cts.
A new range of WAIST SETTS for 25 ets, a sett.
Cream Basket Wove DRESS GOODS for 60 cts. a yard.
Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 ets. a yard.
MEN'S TIES the very latest for 25 ets. and 50 cts.
LINEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 ets, all other collars in Linen 15 etc each..
MEN'S HATS—In Fedora and stiff at different prices.
We invite everyone to call and look at these goods. Also
invite you to see our
A report from Toronto says that
Reports from the w'auble line say owing 'to the effects of the severe
that the fall wheat an that line is a winter, a great many swarms of
complete failure. Not in the neem- bees have been killed ; the lass' will
ory of any of ,the residents has this average 30 per cent in Ontario."Mr.
.happened before. Many farmers Jacob Raberer has been very lucky
are'tlow busy turning it under and in this respect, its his large number
will sow another cordal in its place. of swarms have evintered -.remark.
.re mark -
A good old Methodist preacher ably well and the will, no doubt, be
long ago removed from this scene able to supply otter wants in that
of temptation, in relating his „e-' line next fail,
perience," said that woman's eye A serious misfortune befell Mr.
was once so powerful as to draw Louis Hildebrand at Patterson' ;
Mini thirteen miles over a rough planing mills, 1 ' tsaLll, on Thurs-
road in winter, simply for her to day last. Ile was working at the
tell him that the Rival Herbs is the rip saw and in sonm way his index
medicine that, mired her. J. Dum finger on the right hand ea.hlte in
art, Agent, Zurich. • contact with the saw, severing it
The Clinton. Newel -Record says: completely. The necessary motl%-
'141r. J. P. Tisdall,• tho only auto- cal attention watS:immediately given
mobilist in Huron, has exchanged
the machine he has been using the
peat -two seasons for a now one.
The new liurehaso is an ilnprove-
nient over the old auto and Mr.
Tisdall is looking forward co many
a pleasant run during the season."
The News -Record is not aware of
the fact that Father Loiselle, parish
priest at. the Bauble line, is the.
owner of an automobile. It is an.
electric,driven machine, and he re-
cently had the -battery re -charged
in London. The Rev. Father has
not used it this -spring as yet, but'
when the roads dry up and the
weather becomes more seasonable
it will, no doubt, be a familiar sight
with us.
but he will be laid oft from work
for some time. Louis is a son of
Mr. John Hildebrand of this town.
The close seasons as fixed by the
Fishery Department for fish are as
follows: Bass, from April 15th to
June 15th ; iriuskinoge, from April.
15th to Juno 15th ; pickerel ((lore)
from April i ;th to May 15th ; speck -
lea trout, September 15th to April
30th.; salmon trout, from let to 30th
.November , whitefish, from let to
80th November. In 'Bice Lake the
close season for maskinonge ends
1st Juno. The sale of speckled trout
bass or naskinoil e, is prohibited
before 1st July, 1906.
Locals continued 01 page 8.
D. 5. FAUST,
HiCl i S
My spring Stock of
has arrived and I have a large range of the best
foot -wear made in Canada.
DO .110t fail is see them
they will suit you in
Eggs and butter taken in exchange.
THE . HO :MA ,
ZU i .
>10 ZURICH A .
A�/,A,t�;�,,�P Baty �l � (�f,� C. P c '� l? �" E� „^�,F sf'� i },� �S� '��, �. a �a' �3 � � 1
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l-ftI��_���l� l in s
b' lY ii ft s tt �' lM lid t3 ti'� INiil ifi F5 MMINIVA i @"�
edi ] B rgains
We are offering big bargains in Mona Serge and Fancy
We are offering Tweotl Snit Ends for $3.00, $3 50, $4.00,
worth from $1.5.00 to wi7.00 a suit. A goad All Wool Navy
Worsted Serge for $6.00. There is big money in this lino
for any one looking for a a,•ttit of up-to-date goods. No w
Shoddy or Toronto fire Goods, but
Call and be convinced that what we snv- is
come t........
;;'J . P � y 'J' JT E
. ,ice
m...,....ruxam ..,rm nton m..,,.s,.t * -. er....,.r —---.•-.?,- .....-..--- ., .« ,—..,,.n,,.,.,.....
W L-n)N4- ryCI Ti; w c✓'e 5q1k DDVZArtk a5`?Y +ry1 U U ^ NIKrc 3is.; q.i•SY v�"1• U cis,' 3'f T ^5 WI oi)
(o f{ ? ' f Yr'f t ;37w.✓ite6 'Sp in \ATE' u'o 44 P is � a
(h d' ..1 I^" /�. _`i -t; vi �r Willi I'af $e Stiff sta 3. woes, malce'a a perfect fence a)
se 1� .,_-. _. ---.. — ah.
to te ��is , :Cot one pound of soft wire eaters into the construction of c)
rp THE,' FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the �,)
running wires with THE FROST WEDGE -LOCK, snaking an a)
r 'i;tir absolutely Stock -proof Fence. Ik11e Locks bind without kicking c,l
or erihn Ain eifher the stays or lateral Wires. Will itot slip, and our �j
l 3' l
R, new method of enamelling and baking prevents rust, which adds greatly ?)
0. to. the appearance of the fence, Make no mistake. Rey THE Iw'ROST. 0)
(o tis the heaviegsj��t and the best.
� l+orq�yy�{asale by y(��/yy�q' �l t?� +"rte- (�p�
�m a%h' . eta ,uT• SL pit .M9" ' Rat @�a.iM 0/ 1J4 0 6
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