HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-13, Page 8New Butcher
I wish to inform the Public
that 1 have purchased the Butcher-
ing business of John Schafer and
will continue the business
21Ct The Old Stand.
I will carry in stock all kinds
of Meats and will give my Custo-
mers the Best Value obtainable.
Terms Cash.
Harry Yungbiut
Zurich = = Ontario.
Horse Shoer and
Verity Plow Rapairs al=
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of each -
week, at six o'clock sharp.
Kai fleisch's
Planing and Saw MiU
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given. for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con,, Lot 25.
3. C. Kalbfleisoh
Zurich P. 0.
You neecl a nice pair of
fifty cents and. up buys the
"genuine" article. I now show
a fine line of
Clocks and
Also Musical Instruments
Fine repairing my hobby, let
me have your "PUZZLERS."
Prices right.
•The Hess
are noted for their
Neat and up-to-date in appearance.
Made of the very best materiai.
As cheap as any similatr grade
of buggies.
See them before you buy.
We are now prepared to put
on any kind of vehicle, new
and old. First elasS work
F. Hess (SI Son.
Zurich Ontario.
Services were held, in the Luther-
an church in the forenoon on As-
cension. Day.
In a hotel fire in Lansing, Mich,
about two weeks ago, four .men
were burned to death. Among the
names was John Volland, and it
has since been learned that the
dead man was John, a brother to
Mr. Henry Volland, His wife still
lives in town.
Mr. Donald Burns has pilrehased
from. Messrs. Hamden tgut McDonald
of Exeter, the imported Ciyclesdale
stallion, "Tinwald St. Clair." He
is a very large horse, a fine speci-
men of the Clyde ,and is highly
recommended as a stock getter. He
will be travelled in this vicinity
this season.
Dowsm—In Stanley Township, on
Apr. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs.. Win,
Dowson, a daughter. •
Rtnapr—At St. Joseph, on Sunday
May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs.' Fred.
Rumpf, a daughter.
SARARAS—At the Goshen Line, Hay
Tp., on Wednesday May llth, to
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sara.ras,
Special to THE HERALD.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bloch visited
at Mr. John Decher's on Sunday.
Mr. Morris Hamacher assisted
Mr. Joel. Baechler to make his
garden, last week:.
Mr.:John Hey had. the misfortune
to lose one of his horses this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neeb are
this week receiving congratulations
of their friends—it is a. boy.
Messrs. John Hey and Mr. S.
Rennie sold some fine cattle this
week to Mr. G. Dick, of Kippen.
Mr. Samuel Hey's friends are
pleased to see him out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Rader and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader visited
at Mr. Henry Neebs on Sunday.
Special to THE HERALD.
Miss McTaggart was visiting with
her sister in Exeter last week.
Rev. W. H. Waddell, of Sheddon,
a former pastor of this circuit, was
recently married to Miss Haynes,
of Welburn.
Mrs. W. J. Holmes has sold her
dwelling on Oxford street, to H. B.
Ingram, who has been living in it
for some time.
Mr. Fred Howald is making pre-
parations for erecting a brick resi-
dence on the west side of the rail-
way track. This will greatly
improve that part of town.
Mrs. Brandt, wife of the station
agent here, is undergoing treat-
ment at th.e Gunn:Hospstal, Clinton.
The principal of the Chiselhurst
public school, Mr. Hillen, has been
on the sick list for some time past,
and his mother is taking care of
him at his boarding house.
Miss Jennie McCloy has accepted
a position with Mr. Copeland, mu-
sic dealer.
Miss Kaiser is meeting with good.
success with her vocal class.
Miss Annie Kemp, who has been
in London for some time, is home
and is assisting Mr. McPherson.
Special to THE HERALD.
Messrs. Herman Eidt and George
Brown have gone to South River,
Parry Sound district, to spend the
Rev. Mr. Clemens has arrived,
we welcome him to our town. He
occupied the pulpit of the Evangeli-
cal churcla for tho first time last
Messrs. Alf. Tiedeman and Wni.
'Ilse, left for Sarnia last week
where they will put in the summer.
Rev. J. C. Morlock held his fare-
well sermon to large congregations
on Sunday morning and evening,
May 1st. His text was chosen from
11 Cor. 11-13, and was rendered in
a most kindly manner. His remarks 0
were attentively listened to by the
congregation and seemed to make a
a deep impression on all present. g'
At the close ,of tho prayer meeting
on Tuesday evening the band gath-
ered, in front of the parsonage and
played a .numbor of appropriate se-
lections in honor of Rev. Morlock,
On Tuesday evening, Miss Loretta
Morlock was made the recipient of
a, sum of money and an address
from the choir, as a slight token in
which she. has been held by the
members. ti•
The Zurich Herald.
noted horse, Lord Lothian, 5998;
darn, Sally Parkhead, 14404. He
ha,osefvol•eyjefaseilikx:tyhne,airwith an abund-
anMr. Arthur Cook was busily en-
gaged. uponMr. W. W. Farran's
big orchard near Clinton, last week
where he placed 7,000 grafts. in
addition to this he bridged seventy
trees which he expects will now
fully recover from the ravag-
es of the mice. This bridging pro-
cess is an interesting one, quite
simple when you know how and by
its general use very many trees,
welisicaliveadre otherwise doomed may
Mr. G. B. Scott, better known as
"Grogan," has been engagecl to
furnish two illustrated articles for
the Tdronto Star each week. That
Grogan will distinguish himself in
the wide sphere as he has certain-
ly done in tbe local arena, we have'
no doubt. We hope however, that
this arrangement will not event-
uate in Mr. Seott's removal from
The license board of West .Huron
met at the residence of Chairman
Stevens on Tuesday of last week to
wind up the business of the year.
The fines during the past twelve
months have amounted to $600.00,
made up as follows; twenty-six $20 Zuri-h
fines, two of $25, one of $40, and
one- of $50. This is a much larger
amount than was thus collected the
previous year,
Hardware, Tinware, Granite,
Silver and Glassware.
Curtain and Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers..
Shex'w-in. "Ts7\71.3.15.az=„S"
ara.ca. ..=012:37WOcca.
Oils and Portland Cement.
The farnous
'Lamb Fence
made of No. 9 coiled wire, stays are also No 9; and the-
Kokoma Garden Fence..
Agent for the London Fence Machines.
Photos enlarged and framed all complete for $1.25.
The following taken from the
Regina. N. W. T. Standard, refers
to a son of the Rev. W. M. Martin,
of Exeter ; "Mr. W. Martin, B. A.
who has j nst passed his. final law
examination will enter into part-
nership with Mr. Balfour, barrister
of this city, with the firm name of
Balfour & Martin. Mr. Martin's
career as a student -at -law haS been
a very successful one. He spent
two terms at Osgoode Hall, Toronto,
where he suoce.eded securing sec-
ond place in his year. Having de-
cided to practice in the Territories
he came to Regina to complete his
course. In the final examina.tion
just passed, he obtained highest
marks of any of the candidates
writing. We predict a bright fut-
ure for Mr, Martin in his profession.'
A number of Huron newspaper
men will join the Canadian Press
Association party in the trip to St
Louis this month—C, H. Sanders,
of The Exeter Advocate; W. D. Mc
Lean, Seaforth Expositor •, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Bradwin, Blyth Stand-
ard ; Mr. and Mrs.' H. B. Elliott,
Wingham Times.
.A quiet wedding was solemnized
in Exeter on Wednesday, May 4th,
of which the pricipals were Mr.
Ezra Brenner, of Grand Bend, and
Miss Annie Stewart, adopted daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Stewart, Farquhar.
Mr. G. M. Peebles of Colborne,
the inventor and. manufactured of
the Colborne voting machine, was
in town Monday evening to demon-
strate to the council the economy,
safety and speed of his device. It
does without printed. ballots. does
not require a poll clerk, if the di-
visions were doubled up it would
do .the work for two of them and
the moment the last vote is record-
ed the result of the day's polling is
in evidence, there are no long waits.
The machine has, we understand,
been used in the town of Colborne,
where it has given excellent satis-
faction. He waited upon the Stan-
ley Council on Monday.—News-
On Saturday, Apr. 30th, 'Wesley
Brown, William Finkbeiner and.
Daniel Wein received sentence at
the, county judge's criminal court
robbery at Crediton, •Gaing sen-
tenced by His Honor Judge Doyle
to two weeks in jail with 'hard la-
bor. It was only owinglto the
youth of the offenders that a mneh
heavier penalty was not attached
to the crimes. It appears a syste-
matic campaign of robbery has been
conducted by a gang at Crediton
for some time back and many com-
plaints have been made.
In April the customs revenue col-
lected at the port of Godcrich was:.
$8,6e3.25, an increase of .83,318.89
ver the amount collected last year.
°heel. Report. S. S. No. 11, Hay.
The following is the report of the
pupils 'of S. S. No. 11, Hay, for the
month of ApriLbased on rcgnlarity,
Punctuality, conduct and general
proficiency — names appear in
order of merit, -
IV Sr.—Verna Jennison, Nellie
Campbell; III Sr.—Irvin Smith,
Willie Campbell, Albert Kalb-
fleiseh, Herbert Garinger, Henry
ackste+ter • III jr.—Thomas Ded-
um ; 11 Sr.—Oliver elaringer,
Itylor : If 3r.' --Adolf Badour, Wil -
Mabel Cha.rette ; Pt, IL
r. — Morley Dodman, • Olive M.
The Huron Old Boys of Toronto
intend running, their annual. (mane
mon this year to Lueknow and (•Iode.
rich, leaving Toronto on Saturday,
Tnlyf)th and rettirning on Mendey,
the 'Ilth.
Mr.rp J. Berry, of 110115511 has E
received. another good -Clydesdale
stallion from Mr. John Kerr, Red
Hall, Ivington, England. This horse
is three years old. He is by tho
rnei3. M. a "1,,Y ' .10•
albfielsch. Bertha ; Pt. I.C.
niddle)—Beryl Jennison, Abner
aringer ; P. II Jr. — Englino
adour, Percy Zirk ; Pb. 1 Sr.
ster Chare,tte Agnes Charette,
Rosil Melick ; Pt. 1 Jr.—J. Harvey
Taylor, Lily, M. Paton, Lorne Tay-
= Ontario.
We have large stock of
that we will sell to your advantage. We have
this season, the
A. shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron-
age because we know we. can satisify
you and give you value for
your money......
P. BENDER & Go. Zurich.
Eggs taken in ekchange for Goods.
Spring has come at last.
This is the time when farmers remodel their
FENCES. We were never better prepared to
serve your wants in these lines.
We have the
ertean Fenn
and the
made of all No. 9 Coiled Wire with No 9 Stays
and Lock that can not slip. Also full stock of
other wire
If you want an
Good Stock, Best Workmanship, call on us
See the new
Pandora age
Just in at
Nothing suits a house wife better than a
ur stock this season is an entirely new one
and we do not hesitate in saying the best
ever shown. by us.
You want to inspect our range of
AEST RY (for floor and. stairs.)
just the thing for something cheap.
See our
7-45.923.nar1 14ats,5 (pure Mohair) 2,-7-1100:c
012. =lotlim in different widths.
SCHIMS and Muslins for Curtains..