HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-13, Page 6f% h Luncheons' There is nothing -so -tempting and satis- For DaintyEying as Libby's Luncheon meats. There are many delicious ways Libby's Peerless Dried Beef, Potted and Deviled Ham Chicken Loaf and Veal Loaf Libby's (Natural Flavor) Food Products can be served for Luncheons. Send for our book, "How to Make Good Things to Eat." Libby's Atlas of the World sent postpaid for five ac stamps. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U. S. A. A MILE IN 3z YEARS. A postcard, posted in Swindon on April 10, 1372, has just reached the ad- dressee's son, having taken 32 years to arrive at its destination, which is con- siderably less than a mile from the place where it was posted. Both sender and the man to whom the icttre was addressed have been dead for many years. ---London Express. Port Mulgrave, Jan. 5, 1S07. V. C. RICHAR.DS & CO.. , Dear Sirs,—MINAR,D'S LINIMENT Is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the best liniment I have ever used. , MRS. JO:aIAIi HART Was He Asking the Time? "I wonder what time Mary's young than left last night," said mamma. "It must 'a' been exactly 1 o'clock, ma," said the younger brother. "The idea! How do you know?" 'Why, just as he was leaving I heard him ask Mary some question, and she said. 'Just one, only one.'" Dropsy and Heart Disease.—"For ten years I suffered greatly from Heart Disease. Fluttering of the Heart and Smothering Spells made my life a torment. Dropsy set lin. My physician told me to prepare forthe worst. I tried Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose gave great relief, one bottle cured me completely,"—Mrs. James Adams, Syracuse, N. Y. 10? The Strong Barred. Fox—The Japanese have a system of physical training called jiu-jitsu, which, it is claimed, enables the weak to mas- ter the strong. Knok--Why? .Are the strong barred from learning it? TUE INOURABLE DUPED ASI J. J. Perkins Owes His Life to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Manitoba Man Helpless From Kidney Disease Rade Strong and Hearty by the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Tyndall, Man., Dray 12.—(S.pecial.)— Among the 'many in the great West who confidently, elate that they owe their lives to Dodd's Kidney Pills Is Mr. J. J. Perkins, a well known resident of this place. "Four Vivo years( I was troubled kvith .. my kidneys," Dir. Perkins states, "and ,a:ti last 'became so lead that the doctor gave nee up and staid I (was incurable. "I, at times, had such, severe pains in' my Pack and kidneys. that I thought I woiukl leave to give Me raEl hope and die. I seal unable tel work and was be•co(ming destitute. "While in this I_:ondi.tidn a friend persuaded pre to try Dodd's Kidney pills. I had little faith in them., and It was more to please him than any- thleg ate° I game them) a, trial. "Ta airy surprise the first box did fuse so mien good that I felt like 1.1, new ,pan. Five boxes cured me (cotni(pletely. "Dodd's Kidney Pills .saved my life Anel I rianno't praise them, too mu'cll.'t Thohi,sands of cares similar to that ee Mr. Perkinsi etre the proof that any Kidney Disease, froom lea.ckacJie to Bright's Disease yields readily to h'ead's Kidney Pills. Too Many taws. The truth is, of course, that we have too many laws already. 'SVe need not more laws, but the enforcement of those that we already have. Every law that is not enforced constitutes a peril to the entire legal fabric, and it is notor- ious, unfortunately, that fewer laws are enforced than are unenforced. The ratio of punishments to offences ,The is so small as to be almost in- fiitesimal. This inevitably breeds contempt for law and constituted authority, not only upon the part of the criminal class, but in the minds of people higher up in the social scale. It has been well and truly said that the lynching mob is by no means the most sinister and menacing' manifestation of disregard for law. Too Grabby. "Some, of the young girls nowadays," said Miss Ann Teck, "are positively ter- rible. The idea of a girl being engaged to two young men at once! It's shame- fulf" "Auld," suggested Miss Peppery, "it's aggravating, too, isn't it?" Ask for Minard's and take no Other. the married flirt always commences a flirtation by insinuating to the girl that lies isn't appreciated at home. The Deadly Microbe. "Germs cause an enormous amount of sickness, don't they?" said the super- ficially informed young man. "Yes," replied the old fashioned doc- tor; "if they don't get into a man's sys- tem they are liable to get on his mind and worry him half to death." letraXiatereeeleeeeefe Let the Children Wash They can do it easily with the New Century all Bearing 'Washing achine and quickly, too. Fire minutes' easy work will thoroughly clean a tubful of clothes; no handling of the gar- ments or rubbing on the board neces- sary. Itis without a peer. Your deal• er canet it for you, or you can get a booklet fully describing it from THE DOWSWELL MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. HAMILTON, CAN nOr.C:3 ,iariC4e't E a r, .u'ar s XLMSMIII Made a Mistake as to the Place. Right Rev. Alexander Mackay -Smith, the witty coadjutor of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, told a story recently at a dinner which was to the effect that a young Scotch min- ister having married the daughter of the wealthiest member of his church, in a country town in Pennsylvania, was obliged to apologize publicly for an error in the report of the wedding. The re- porter had asked where the pastor and his bride intended to live, and had been told "At the old manse." As this state- ment appeared in print, the reply was "At the old man's.' There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. Fora great many years doc- tors pronounced it a local disease and pres- cribed local remedies and by constantly fail- ing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurabie. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore re- quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cs, tarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is oho only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circu- lars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists -75e, Hail's Family Pills constipation. • Price Going Up" Winnipeg is threatened with another land boon. Instead of raising buildings they will be raising prices. A Sweet Time. It appears from the despatches that the King and Queen are having a suite time of it in Ireland. Minard's Liniment Lumberinan's Friend. TAKiNCI SLUMBER IN VOLTS. Properly Applied lfteetrioity is an Excellent Sleep Producer. Eltere seems no end to the uses to Which electricity can be applied. It lg cow,, found that it oaa be so em- ployed as to be the best soporific In existence, . Ziemssen has shown that the cerebral substance is the best Conductor in tho human body and exceeds by 3,000 times the con- duetivity of ,the muscles, this au- thor further stating that If electri- city has not been more extensively employed in diseases of the brain this is due to exaggerated fears of the dangers wh:ob would result therefrom. A current of electricity passing from one ear to the other causes stupefaction and creates the impression that objects seen by the subjso,t are all placed on a moving wllteeI, wlt'fe currents passing from the forehead to the neck appear to be not only harmless, but beneficial. An electro current raised to five m:llia,mperes in five minutes and maintained at this intonsity for five more Minutes with the electrodes on the forejl.ead, and the neck increases muscular power from 6 to 7 per cent. On the other hand, it has been discovered that the hest way to produce sleep is a current of four milliamperes at thirty volts, inter- rupted 100 times per szcoud. Speech ceases at first, then the motor fac- ulties aro suspended, the respira- tion and pulse being unaffected if the electrification remains within the Limits indicated, although arrest ma,y be produced by an increase of the intensity of the current. Imme- diately after the electrification — that is, when the operation ceases— the subject awakens, but a genu'ne sensat:oa of comfort is experienced. The Confusing Verbs in English. "There are two verbs that are always confusing," said the man who minds his p's and q's. "They are rent and marry. I want to rent a house,' says your friend, the broker, and no ono can tell whether he desires to be a landlord or a tenant. The verb applies to either the net of letting some one have property for hire or the act of paying some one hire for property. "Marry is no better. "I just married a charming woman,' says your friend the preaeher, and if he has been a bachelor you do not know whether to congratu- late him or inquire the amount of his fee." When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take Consumpti re ThOniCe Lung T at once. It will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. soy 25c. 50c $1. LeRoy,N.Y.,Toronto, Can. MAGNIFICENT EXHIBIT. The Myers Royal Spice Co., of Niagara Falls, Ont„ and new York, have just shipped a magnificent ex- hibit of their Cattle and • Horse Spice, Hog Powders and other goods to the St. Louis Exhibition. Their display in the manufacturers' bulld- Lig w.ili be unique and iilastrd,te fit- tingly the fact that they are the oldest manufacturers in the world of this class of goods. There is lit- tle doubt but tiett they will take the honors of the great Fair. One striking feature of their ex- hibit will be a elhotograph 1 dis- play of their large plants on both sides of the river at Niagara and in England. Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians. PROOF POSITIVE. She—Do you still adore me, George? He—Didn't I stop reading the base- ball news to hear about your new waist? —Chicago News. CATA RH TAINT More Lives are Blighted by Catarrh than by All other Diseases. If There is Hint of Catarrh Taint Apply Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder without delay. It will save you suffering, heal you quickly whether you have been a slave one month or fifty years. It relieves cold in the head and catarrhal headache in ten minutes. The Hon. David Mills, Minister of Jnstice for the Dominion of Canada, in- dorses it. Ton Cents buys Dr. Agnew's Livor Pili s—tho best. 37 . PREFERS A MODEST REQUEST, The following model of modesty ap- pears as an advertisement in a London newspaper: "Will any wealthy, char- itably disposed gentleman, enthusiastic automobilist, or large firm, give 'a spec- ially interested roan of small means a second-hand car? Applicant, who would be deeply grateful. is very keenly inter- ested in motoring, but cannot afford to buy a car. As a guarantee of good faith he would gladly undertake not to dispose of car at any time without the full consent of donor." Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 36. A Hybrid. The older members fee the family hav- ing departed in gala attire to attend a wedding, the two-year-old Elbridge in- quired of sister Helen, aged five: `What is a wedding?" "I'm afraid you're too young to understand," was the worldly- wise reply, "but it's something between a funeral and a dancing school." Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. as Natural Deduction, (Chicago News.) "That singer gets $500 a , week," re- marked the critical patron of. the vaude- ville show, "yet she has a voice like a buzz saw." "Perhaps," rejoined his friend, "that is why she makes so much dust." SWITZERLAND IN CANADA. tt&t a ibint 15 miles north of To- ronto, on the Grand Trunk Railway System is reached one of the most magnificent distrlets in the High- lands of Ontario, and which has been named by many world-wide 'travel- lers "the Switzerland of America." The region is knoeen as the Lake of Luys district, and comprises a ser- ies of connected lakes, over which large steamers are navigated. What greatly adds to the Lake of Bays value as a health giving and sport- ing resort is the unmatched purity of the air once breathes upon its heights. The cranky grumbler, un- less h els a confirmed dyspeptic, for- gets his ills under its reviving influ- ence in lees than aweek, and sees life's problems in a smoother light if he only has the sense and capacity to enjoy the good things in this life which Nature and Providence have prepared for him. The whole reg- ion egion is placed high above the level of Lake Ontario, and its bracing morn- ing breeze which rivals the celebrated atmosphere of Pike's Peak, Col., im- parts new lung power and fresh vi- tality. For all information, full particu- lars, descriptive matter, maps, etc., write G. T. Dell, General Passenger & Ticket Agent, Grand Trunk Rail- way System, Montreal, Canada. At the Horse Show. There are many costumes at the Horse Show that are perfect dreams, but in the whole equine parade there is not a single nightinare. ISSUE NO. 20 1904 Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething. It soothe the child softens the gums, euros wind colic and is the Best remedy for Diarrhoea. 'Q?FTANTED-vvGOOD WAGES, PF comfortable home, four maids kept. Mrs. Collinson, "Highfield School," Hamil- ton, Ont. GENTS ATTENTION "DAVIS" Pocket Hitching Device; sold any- where on its exceptional simplicity and effectiveness being demonstrated ; scam be carried to the pocket, and no person with driving rig should be without one 1 sample by mail, 500 ; circular letter free. Novelty 11danufaeturing Co., Toronto, Ont. ES $800.00 fA or mien or AR enerNDgy tic women4 to visit our agencies, to establish new oues, procuring names and addresses, to advertise our goods ; experience not necessary, but honesty and industry, Bradley-Garrotson Co., Limited, Brantford, Ont. A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 STYLE '4,4t 1.N .1, NO BRASS EYELETS '_."LS1Fie^'11s..Vi"exa:t uk,'r, f'Af+ "s'rduq.7e[t';'issi.' MANUFACTURED ONLY BY T07i.ONTO, - ONT. :fl<;•r>t.we-1 _ ,:FF,ia,ti:rr'r,:t It Cures all Creeds.—Here are a few names of clergymen of different creeds who are firm believers in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to " live up to the preaching" in nil it claims: Bishop Sweatman, Rev. Dr.Langtry, (Episcopalian) ; Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers, (Methodist) ; and Dr. New- man,all of Toronto, Canada. Copies of their personal letters for the asking. 50 cts. 105 • How It Strikes Us. We do not rant and rave about the Horse Show; We can't go crazy o'er four -legged brutes; But we'll gamble all our money that we do know That the lovely girls up there are simply beauts. FOL COR.R.ECT ANSNR7ERS TO TI: -IIS STEED PUZZLE, We are spending thousands of dollars to advertise our business. Each of these six small pictures represents, s well-known Garden Vegetable. Can you think out the names of three of them? If so, the money is surely worth trying for. Three correctaawere win. If you eannot make it out yourself, get some friend to help you. EACH OF THE -SIR PICTURESREPRE- SENTS A GARDEN VEGETABLE. CAN YOU NAME THREE OF THEM? :o It does not cost yon one cent to try and solve this puzzle, and if yon are correct you may win a largo amount of Cash. We do not ask any money from you, and n ontest like this s very interesting. It does not matter where you live; we do not care one bit who gots the money ; if you can make out the names of three of these Garden Vegetables, mail your answer to us, with your name and address plainly written, and if your answer is correct we will notify you. We are giving away 8200.00 for correct answers, and a few minutes of your time. Send in your guess at once, with your full name and address, to IT 3L Iti Art.V0 L ELUENG CO.. DEPT 1407 'FOROMTO, ONT. New York Central Lands You in Grand Central Station Above station In New York le situated on corner Fourth avenue and 42nd street, and the New York Central is the only trunk line whose trains enter it. , It Does Seem thatWay. (Cattaraugus Times.) Licking a boy to make him go to Sun- day School is a first-class way of lead- ing him to the devil. HEAVY LIFE INSURANCE. It is a tossup, since the last policy was taken out, which woman carries the heaviest life insurance, Mrs. Leland Stanford, of California, or Mrs. James Dunsmuir, of Toronto. The odds are in favor of Mrs. Stanford, for she is now rated as insured for "over" a million, whereas Mrs. Dunsmuir is put down at an even $1,000,000. There is no ques- tion they are the most heavily insured women on the American continent and far ahead of any of their sisters in the east. The next nearest is Mrs. Basil N. Duke, of Durham, N. C., who has poli- cies amounting to $385,000. Use ta11L Y the SOFT, SILKY, TOUGH -raII LimAgikFlosts WIAPIUFACTURED BY Insist on being supplied with ono of the following brands :— In Rolls—" etandnrd," "Hotei," "York," "Mammoth," ."Le. In Sheets—" Imperial," %,Royal," "Regal," "Orient," &c. The Tall Missourians. • (Kansas City Journal.) Missourians are said to be the tallest mon, on the average, In the world. They average, it is asserted, 5 feet 0 incites. Keep Minard's Liniment in the Mouse. His Time Was Limited. "Ever se de devil?" "Only one time" "What did he look like?" "You reckon I waited ter see?" MOTHER OF A FAMOUS SON. In the old thatched cottage of Rock- hampton, near Dorchester, in which she had spent nearly all her life, the mother of Thomas T Iardv. the novelist, has just passed away at the age of 00. From all parts of the world admirers of her son had gone to visit her, and she always received them kindly. To the last she remained simple-minded and generous -hearted. It was in this typical, humble Dorset home that the Wessex novelist was born and brought up. E E 3 feet wide, 4 feet high, including hinges and 10 fent wide, 4 foot .high, including hinges and latch Other sizes in proportion. TTIE PAGX W141[a.E FENCE CO. Xixlaatcd„ • ES $2.75 supplied by us or 2O3' local dealers W.tkog ftlis, Montreal, Winnipega at. Co,I ee. ;� 5.75