HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-13, Page 1THE The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. • Vol. IV., No. 42. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 13 1904. 1.. Per Year. LEGAL CARDS. ° J. D. COOKE, (Late with Carrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. J. G. B7.'ANBURY, D. A, F. W. GLADMAN.. Gladina*i & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. --AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES-- Tlensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOOT, IIAY8 & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. Godericln, - - - Canada. W. I'ROUDFo0T, R. C R. C. HAYS. 0. N. nTAiR. BUSINESS CARDS. JAC1iAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE— Zurich, BELOc1 Ontario. (L. V. BACHANND, Notary Public) 1)R. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's --Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont, ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. ZURICH - - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, '.Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth.. Plate work a speeiality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 E BOSSENI3ERRy ° Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solieits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. pH.ILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request (hose having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, Your patronage solieitrd. HOTEL$(. *******0*****************. * W t;? Ew T H E 0 t;; *A:4 0 0 COMMERCG ie. HOTEL 4; {� %3 ai 4 O,i cs� 0 0 Strictly up -to -(Tate in modern im .,a provements. Dining rooms is sup- s plied with only the very best, ¶ jj r-: Bar eontains choice liquors and cigars. V ff If if 0 Excellent Sample Rooms l� for Commercial Merl. t+ -- -- 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. g 4i3 4t3 t ZURICH ty at 0 THE 'Dominion House. This House has rorently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best ron- duuctod Houses in the Province. o Reiter l al^1e in the nominien. R. R. Johnston &Son, rutorrir.r•.TORS. —1 LOCAL NEWS Mr. J. F. Blackall, of Hensall, was in town, Tuesday. "Say, Jack, do you know, Hoff- man is making suits for $4 " Mr. August Hill and family, of Crediton, spent Sunday in town. Twenty bushels of potatoes for sale at C. Fritz's shoe shop, Zurich. Mr. Harry Parker and fancily, of Hensall, Sunday -ed at Mr. Henry Randall's. Mrs. C. Either, and daughter, Dora, were visiting friends in Dash- wood on Saturday last. Miss Katherine Treumner, who spent the winter in Detroit, arrived home last Thursday evening. Mr. John Knorr is managing the fisls wagon for Mr. John Schafer. John makes a good fish peddler. Mr. Walter Scott, of Sarnia, a one-time celebrated athlete, was visiting Mr. Chas. Fritz last Fri- day. Mr. Calvin Williams left for To- ledo, Ohio, last Saturday, where he has a good situation at the dock as freight master. A number of the horsemen of town and vicinity have levelled the track at the fair ground& and speed- ing contests ere of nightly occur- rence. Mr. Peter Lamont sold his pacing mare to Mr. Fred Hess Sr., last Saturday, who sold it again the same day to Mr. J. G. Stanbury, of Exeter. About 130 gallons of port wine were lost in the runaway accident which happened in town last Thurs- day afternoon. The loss is esti- mated at about $200. A cow belonging. to Mr. R. R. Johnston, got fast in the ditch east of town on Wednesday and it took abort twenty men to haul her out. She was none •the worse for her mud bath. The boys expect to go to Exeter on May 24th where they will play against the Dashwood boys. They practice early closing evenings and indications are thae they will be able to put a good team in the field. Mr. Charles Weber is making some improvements to his place. He recently bought a stable which he has moved on the rear of his lot and has fixed it up. He is now busy building a. kitchen to his house. Mr. Fred. Hess Sr., has planted about one thousand small trees in his park lot east of town. These trees are mostly maple, basswood and ash and much work was in- curred in getting them out of the bush and transplanting them. Last Saturday, Mr. N. M. Cantin bad the misfortune to cut one of his hands quite severely at St. Joseph. It seems that he was handling some plate glass, when his fingers came in contact with the edge and as a result the tips of some of his fingers were taken. off. A collision occured last Saturday night a short distance west of town. A livery returning from St. Joseph and owned by T. Murdock, Hensall collided with Harry Badour•'s rig, and as a result the shafts of both vehicles were smashed and the rigs otherwise damaged. Luckily none of the occupants were hurt. A man is working the country in this vicinity at present selling tweeds. Of course, he offers big bargains—they all do, lnit whether his goods are better and cheaper— quality considered—remains to be found out. Patronize your home werehants, then you know what i you are getting, .and if not satis- c factory you ban change them. How would it be if our town fathers would arrange to give our fire engine a trial some early clos- ing evening. It has had a good long rest all last winter and we are b glace that there was no occasion to s use it, but still it is always better s to have such matters attended to. 1 Zurich has been lucky thus far in a escaping set•iotls conflagrations but. it is always better to be prepared. a Now that the time is here when F the small boys and girls will "go c barefoot," it will happen that some l of them will tread on rusty nails, "' inflicting not only painful but very o dangerous wounds. Everybody should know how to treat such wounds. They should be thor- oughly washed with clear water, and then thoroughly smoked with tobacco sinoke, or smoke from aur bning woollen cloth, then bound up in a bandage wetted in a teak solution of sugar of lead. If you want an up-to-date suit give W. H. Hoffman'ft call. Mr. Chas. Fritz was in Dashwood on business Tuesday evening. Buy your Empire Cream Separa- tor repairs and oil from J. S. Mel - lick, Zurich. Mr, John Sweitzer and family, of Crediton, were the guests of Mr. Fred �v itmer,, on Sunday. Mr. Harry Gaihnan has engaged with Messrs. Kochens & Weseloh, carpenters, for the Si.lmmer. Misses Emma and- Maggie Seim - maker, of Parkhill, ,were visiting friends in town aver .Sunday. The Canadian Press Association will run an excursion to the St. Louis exposition on Saturday, May 14th. Mr Harry Yungblut ]las engaged Mr. William O'Brien to Help him in the butcher business for the summer. The regular meeting of the W. U. T.17. will be held at the home of Mrs. Magel, on Monday evening May 16th, at 7.30 p. m. The masons have started on the foundation of Mr. Philip Hanch's residence. Mr. Oudrnore. of Hen- sall, has the contract of the mason - work. Mr. Joe. Dirstein, of Hensall, is helping Mr. Reuben Hamacher in the barber shop the past few weeks, Reuben hasn't been feeling well lately. Mr. William Bender left fur (cran- berry Island on Tuesday, where he will remain for some time looking after Mr. Magels and his lumber interests. Mr. Alex. Thompson, who recent- ly sold his farm west of Blake, has purchased the residence of Mr. Matt Ellwood, Hensall, and will move to that place shortly. The Chosen Friends will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening, May 20th, at 8 o'clock p. m., instead of Friday afternoon as formerly. All members will please note the change. On Tuesday evening;, I�;glia, the six-year old daughter of Mr. John Schafer, met with a painful acci- dent. She was playing in front of the house, when in some way she fell and her forehead came in con- tact with some rough object, cutting a deep gash above the eye. We are glad to say that she is getting a- long nicely. The twenty-seventh annual meet- ing of the West Huron Teachers' Association will be held in the Godericlu Collegiate Institute on Friday and Saturday. May 20th and 21st. An interesting program has been arranged in which many of the teachers will take part. As a result there will be no school a week from to -day. The members of the Lutheran church have decided to make some irnprovements to the church prop- erty prior to the beginning of the Synod which will be held here the latter part of this month. The old fence has been torn away and a new one will be put in its place. A cement sidewalk' will also be built in place of the one in front of the church. Messrs. F, Hess & Son sold three new buggies last Saturday. Mr. J. [. Stanbury, of Exeter, bought a complete outfit from them, horse, harness and buggy. Mr. John Ran of the Commercial, also treated himself to a fine rubber -tire top buggy, and Mr. Henry Holtz, of Blake, bought the third one. On Tuesday they shipped one to Gains - bore, ASsa. The family of birds that help nest towards keeping weeds in heck are our native sparrow,, not the English ones. The song, vesper; and chipping sparrows and the snowbird and field bunting practi- cally subsist on them during the winter. The meadow lark and rown thrasher also consume many netts. While we are enjoying the ongs of these and many other Ards, we can also reflect that they re working for our benefit. A most enjoyable evening was pent at the home of Miss Lily aust on Wednesday last in the elebration of her birthday, by t number of her sob.00l friends, hhe was presented with a number f costly presents. At seven o'clock is dainty tea was served, the table being decorated with foliage and flowers. After tea the girls enjoy- ed themselves in games of all de- scriptions. Those present 'were Misses Freda, Hess, Joanna Elbert, Pearl Buchanan, Emma Heideman, Pearl Wurtz, Roxie Eilber,. (4ertie Hartleib. FAUST =- 15 STILL TO THE FRONT with ail newest designs such as UNDERSKIRTS—white and black with lovely Frills; Prices $1.25, $1.40, .: 1.SS T,, $2.23 each. READY-MADE WAISTS—in Linen, White and Black Lustres at $2.00 and 42:_a WHITE MUSLIN WAISTS—Regular $2,00, now for $1.50. FANCY WAISTING—Of the very latest from 50 cts. to 75 cts. per yard. Call racxtl see these Waistings. LADIES' VESTS—From 8 efts. upwards. A special on LADIES' [-LOSE-15 cts. a pair or two for 23 cts. FANCY LACES—Of all different patterns and prices. ' READY-MADE WHITE APRONS—Sma11 sizes 25 cts., long sires 50 ets.. A new range of WAIST SETTS for25 cts. a sett. Cream Basket Wove DRESS GOODS for 60 cts. a yard. Black Frill DRESS GOODS for 40 ots. a yard. LIEN'S CELLULOID COLLARS 20 ots. each. • MEN'S PIES the very latest for 25 as. and 50 cts. LINEN COLLARS the newest kind for 15 cts, all other collars in Linen 15 cts enii. MEN'S MATS --In Fedora and stiff at different prices. We invite everyone to call and look at these goods. Also invite you to see our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. ALL RINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. s. F UST. High Class My spring Stock of R. has arrived and I have a large range of the best foot -wear made in Canada. Do not fail to see them they will suit you in ST= -1= dtli= 12M=C n. Eggs and butter taken in exchange. OHAS. F IT Z THE S ! O MAN, ar - ZURICH ,l'. • 1's or As t•he season for these good, is advancing we wish to tar. call the attention of the Public to the fact that we have u most complete stock of both . Rk: • Ladies' and Men's Gar ents. arC Tr - 5: Our Ladies' a saa P 0 FS are 111(, most up-to-date in Quality and Style we have 'parried and at Prices that will be sure to clear ....them out in a short time eyea MEN'S COATS. --We have them to slut all Classes and at prices as low as the lowest ; Quality Considered, Be sure and see our goods before buying as we eau guarantee you special Values. "Bring us your DutchSetts, we payhighest prices for all produce." J. P :ESTER, Zurich y� ASR : $wMwM els MAAM�IRS tl kwrwww ; rs�ry " ;visa eta ,gad;, rcr . ass eras C•J^y11Tis .-71%rOp^^dbVa^r^er^niVi'Cevati c••Zoo'iErit` d+►'mib^a ^onod`aa^lmaa Co t4 dE FR `f�STs' ; Orna ental Gates : n 0 Ce 0 (0 (0 0 Light in 'weight Artistic in design Reasonable in price Also a large line of Standard Farm Gates always on hand. Rvery progressive and up-to-date farmer insists on having PROST GATRS. Catalog and prices on request. FOR SALE BY f .c suiln r. :z,eeA:.7412,'�''.`v.�:"'.�'..nivuuv.�v.d:V-t'iV.�.. QJv''��wV��..`✓ +�0Vv41�.r.�..ly lA'��..4�0�VVW `rw5.• re; SAl` 6T by. .i�