HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-06, Page 6PS. JUST ONE YORE LIGHT ON THE LAI'1 careful kions win-) Keeps Her lamp '1'riintugcl and Steady. It is not an uncommon "thing for *women who are fastidious in ()tiler meetere to pay little or no atten- tion to lamps except to fill them ;when necessary and trim the wicks when they bscone uneven. Lamps should lee kept perfectly clean on the inside as well as oil the outside. They s9touid be care- fully exam:necl and LIled each morn- ing, and tviten necessary, cleaned out and trimmed. The burner Of a lamp should be especially look- ed after, but this is the part most often neglected. The fine Boles in It, or the "gauze," through w'elcii the air is admitted to the flames should be kept entirely free from ell and dust. The little machinery which nov.ee the wick up and down must also be cleaned out when necessary. If the lamp is a large brass lamp with a tube for ventilation running clear through the fount to the burner, so that the air ascends to the wick freim beneath, be careful to examine this specs., for It is like- ly to become choked with dust and burned off particles of the wick. If the wick needs trimming, take a r'atelt of smooth bit of wood and gently rub it over the edge of the :wick, after turning the wick down until the metal tube bolding it is on a line with the lower edge of the burned out, crusty rim of the Peck. The metal tube acts as a guide for the hand, thus making the trimming even. Whether or not lamps need clean- ing and trimming, they should be filled with oil every day, Tbey burnt Metter when the fount is full of oil. When the inside of the fount is found to have a sediment, the residue of oil .should be Poured out and thrown away, and strained and used for other household purposes, such as cleaning mouldy or damp woodveorlc in the cellar or in the comibination with boiling water and soap for cleaning the iron sink in the kitchen. 0ee only the beat and' clearest oil for lamps. Cheap kerosene often gives forth unpleasant odors and does not burn brightly;. Never leave a lamp `turned low. It creates gas and uses up as =oh '0!1 as when it burns brightly!. If it ig necessary; to have a lamp during the night in a (sick room u'se a &ivy, night lamp and burn it at full force. In a country house where a large dumber of lamps are used, it is 'bet- ter 'to keep them in a. little claret by themselves than to expose them on a shelf in the kitchen, where they are sure to collect dust!, I Worry wont cure a cough. When you find a cough holding on— when everything else has failed— try i ':iia g s _ m f� � ""!'.'[ x pts re Toni The Lung c It is' guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't, well refund your money. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 304 25c. SOc. $L LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. Facts About Russia. Two and a half times as large as large as the United Slates and t4.laska. t Thirty thousand miles of coast line, half of it ice -bound. Thirty-six thousand miles of rail- road, and two-thirds of it owned by the Government. Total exports $150,000,000. Next to the United .States as a grain -producing country_ Population in 1903, 141,000,000. Rhussians, 66 per cent.; Poles, 7 per cent.; Finns, 5 per cent. ; Turco feartars, 9 per cent., and Jews, 3 per cent. Average, laborer gets one-quarter as much wages as in the United Mates. Ugly; 90 daily papers. INTOXICATED WASPS. Wasps have.a great fondness for over- ripe fruit, especially pears, plums, and sweet apples. The sugar of these fruits has a tendency to pass into a kind of alcohol, in the ordinary process of rot- ting, and after imbibing large quanti- ties of this liquid the wasps become out- rageously intoxicated. Tbey crawl away in the grass in a semi -somnolent con- dition and remain till the effects have passed off, when they will go at it again. It is while in this condition that they do their worst stinging. A person receiving a sting from one of these in- toxicated wasps will suffer severely from nerve poisoning for clays. DIRECT PROOF That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Promptly and Permanently All Morms and Stages of Kidney Di- sease—New Bi'unslviek Alan Tells of Terrible Urinary Wontplalnt Ban. ished Once and for All. St. M'are's Ferry, York Go., N'. >d,r April 25. -(Special.)— Tlhomas Har- rison, a well-known resident of this Place, adds lila testimony to that of the thousands who have proved that Dodd's Kidney Pilincure promptly and permanently any form or stage of Kidney Disease. Mr. Har- rison says; "Some years ago I began to suffer from pain in the back, accompanied by a lethargy iinp!oesible to over- come. I was attended by a phyele- lan. but continued to grow worse, and began to pass bloody urine. "On the advice of al friend I started using Dodd's Kidney Pills, and by the time I bad taken one box I passed a stone welch is nowin the doctor's proeseasion. " Three boxes of Dodd's Kidney cured me completely, and though it is now years since i was cured I have bad no return of any com- plaint." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys, and with sound kidneys you need never fear urinary complaints. THE BLEATING OF THE KID. Dad ses I am always on the go, but I don't feel that way at bedtime. l'd rather sit up. Every day when I wash myself, maw ses I'm afraid of water, and yet she makes an awful fuss when I go inswim- ming. Just about the time a feller tries to be real good the fellers begin to call him a sissy. 1 ain't never been called a sissy. Girls has just as much cussedness as boys, but they don't show it in the same way. From what I lain gather repartee is what is called "back talk" in a kid. Dad ses if I could raise the dust as easily as I could raise a dust he'd own a bank. Pittsburg Dispatch. Ask for Minard's and take no Other. Present Popularity of the Walking Stick. For the past few years walking sticks have been more generaly used by the gentlemen of the frock coat. They will, however, be seen on all occasions during the spring and summer season. The well groomed man carries his walking stick to business for service all through the day, and the man who spends but a few hours about the business district of town like- wise leaus on his stack. Some are of white walnut,stained with acid to thes taste of the owner, Eng- lish furze is very popular, as are like:, wise the Madagasear and cherry. Part- ridge wood and the piniienta are sought, and oak is always in demand. It would be quite impossible to say what style of handle is most favored. Each is good if not clumsy in treatment. Thorough- breds carry the cane Ior service rather than to whirl in the hand. I know: 111TNAItD'S3 LINIIIENT, sp'iil pure Diphtheria, JOHN D. B4OUTILLIl!'aR,.. French Village. I know M'1NARD'S LINI:11ENT,•w111 cure Croopi. J. P. CUNNINGIiANI. Cape Island. I know MINAitD'S LINIIIlENT.is the best remedy on earth. JOSEPH. A'. SNOW, Norway, Me. 'Twos Fire Insurance of Old. (Cleveland Plain Dealer.) A system of fraternal insurance is re- comended by a Detroit pastor as an in- ducement calculated to increase church membership. It was insurance of an- other sort that the old churches aimed to give their members. No, Maude, dear; French clocks are not all fast. JOLLY OCTOGENARIANS. In the charming village of Chailly, France, 140 of its 523 inhabitants have attained the advance .age of eighty, and all are in the enjoyment of excellent health. Chailly is situated in a delight- ful valley, open on its northeastern side, and has a sea frontage of 350 yards. It is interesting to note that Chailly is known throughout the country as the village which consumes the largest amount of spirits in proportion to its size, and among its octogenarians not one is credited with being of sober habits. • HEADACHE RELIEVED INSTANTLY Got a constant headache? Ten chances to one the secret of your suffering is that "white man's burden," catarrh. Here's a sentence from one man's evidence or Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder: "One appli- cation gave me instant relief, cleared the nasal passages and stopped the pain In my head." It's a quick, safe and sure treat- ment, and it never falls to cure. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure is' for heart, stomach and nerves. 36 ABSENT TREATMENT. Row a Baby Was "Treated" at 000 - Mile Range. A young mother left her baby with her obliging mother-in-law one night, in order to attend the wedding of a rela- tive who lived in a town about a hen - tied miles distant. The young woman, . ippareetly free from all family cares, spent an enjoyable evening; but just as the newly -wedded couple were pre• psirng to depart on the midnight train, an expression of acute anxiety flashed across the young mother's countenance. "Oh, George!" she exclaimed, clutch- ing her husband's arta, "there was one thing that I forgot to tell your mother to do for the baby, and he'll never go to sleep without it. You must go right out and Bond her a telegram." "Nonsense," said George; "this isn't the first baby she's taken care of." "But, George, she'll never think of doing just the right thing, and the baby is so perfectly trained that he won't accept any substitute, I know he's crying hard at this very minute," She was right. A hundred miles away a weary grandmother was at her wit's end because she could think of nothing that would pacify a wailing infant who was most wretchedly sleepy yet utterly unable to go to sleep. She was pacing wearily back and forth in the nursery to the accompaniment of her grandson's howls when the door -bell rang and her daughter-in-law's telegram arrived. Tear- ing it open, the tired, perplexed grand- mother read: `Lay baby on his stomach in the crib." Two minutes later the baby, adjusted to his liking, was sound asleep.—Gordon Watson Rankin, in Leslie's Monthly for May. There is nfore Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. Fora great many years doc- tors pronounced It a'local disease and pres- cribed local remedies and by constantly fail- ing to cure with. local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease and therefore re- quires a constitutional treatment. Hail'sCa- tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for any case It tails to cure. Send for circu- lars and testimonials. Address F, J. C13E1 EY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists -75c. Hall's Family Pills constipation. A Stern Chase. "Do you suppose grafting will ever be stopped?" "I don't know," answered Senator Sor- ghum. "Somehow we don't get started to investigating a graft until it is a played out proposition. And in the meantime something else has developed. We are always on the trail, but we can't catch up." A BIT OF DOMESTIC ECONOMY. "There's a mint of money waiting for the man—or the woman—who will in- vent a sock that won't wear out," said the man with an economical turn of mind. "I can't afford to buy a new pair of socks every time my toes poke a hole through a sock, and 1 hate to have my wife spend most of her time darning for me." "I am worse off than you," declared the economical man's unmarried friend. "for I've got no wife to darn for me. "But," he went on, "I've found a way to snake my socks last more than what you might call their normal life. It's simple enough. Don't wear the same sock on the same foot more than one day at a time. Put to -day's left sock on the right foot to -morrow, and so on. "I've been astonished at the amount of extra wear I've got out of my socks by this easy method. It has saved me ,many a darning bill at the laundry, and if you will try it, your wife will Stave less darning to do." The Tired Razor. Gasaway—My razor's in pretty poor condition. 1 believe it's tired. You know they say razors get that way. Sharply (wearily)—Ahl yes, tired of your chin. �.., _.......,, Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. SUCCESS AS AN ENTERTAINER. A visitor undertook to amuse the pa- tients of a lunatic asylum by singing • a comic song. He was carrying every - thin;; before biro, shaking the place with laughter, and filling the eyes of his audi- ence with tears of joyous hilarity, when a voice from the back, breaking through the laughter, plunged the whole farce into tragedy. Said the voice: "You'd better stay here!"—Kansas City Inde- pendent. "They Sell Well" says Druggist 0' Dell of Truro, N. S. Want any better evidence of the real merit of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets as acure for all forms of stomach trouble than that they're in such great demand? Not a nauseous dose that makes one's very inside rebel—out pleasant, quick and harmless—a, tiny tablet to carry in your pocket. 35 cents. -104 NEW STORIES ABOUT BISMARCK. There are many stories of Bismarck's valet, Pinnow, who has just died. When Pinnow filled his master's last pipe for him the day before he expired, the end of July, 1898, he was astonished at what he thought was a return to health and life. "What!" said he, "the Prince wants to smoke again? Well, the devil can fill 'his pipe for him." A few years before, he trod on bis master's foot and appear- ed most unhappy. Bismarck swallowed the pain he felt from his gouty limb, and turned to his servant to soothe him: "My dear Pinnow, I should have suffered no other European to tread on my corns." Pinnow served Bismarck for twenty years, and was a veritable sphinx when any inquisitive journalist or politician tried to pump him. It would be inter- esting to know just how large a figure his great master appeared to this faith- ful servitor,—Loshe's Weekly. New York Central Lands You in Grand Central Station. Above station in New York ie situated on corner Fourth avenue and 42nd street, and the New York Central is the only trunk line ' whose trains enter It. Colored Tailors in Washington. One of the best tailors in Washington, D. C., is a colored man, who is employed by one of the largest establishments in the national capital, He is an expert in uniforms and makes big money. There are also two firms of colored merchant tailors in Washington wb.o have a large and growing trade, and prosper accord- ingly. Sunlight Soap willnot bum the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. REDUCES EXPENSE. Ask for the Octagon Bar. sat GREAT AGE OF LIQUOR TREES. A history of one of the sequoias of California, as shown when it was cut for lumber, is given by a United States Sen- ator. It 'was but 15 feet in diameter, while many of them are twice that size. In 245 A. D., when it was 516 years of age, a forest fire burned on its trunk a scar three feet in width. After 1,196 years of placid life, in another fire in 1441 A. D., the tree, aged 1,712, received another injury. Another scar fgllowed in 1850, and was not covered with new tissue for 56 years. The worst attack of all was in 1787, when the tree, then 2,068 years of age, was attacked by a fire, which left a scar 18 feet wide, reduces' by 1890, in 103 years, to 14 feet. Only ten isolated groves of these tree remain, and only one grove is protected by gov- ernment ownership. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. MUSICAL SCALE AND COLOR SCALE . The analogy between the musical, scale and the color scale has been many times noted. Helmholtz draws the following anal- ogy: nal- g sharp .. .. .... ..End of the red G,. . .. .. .. .. ., .... ., Red G sharp.. .. .... .. .. .Red A ... . Red Asharp .. .. . . ... . .. . .Orange -red B.... .. .. .. .. .. .. Orange C .. ..Yellow C sharp .... ..„ .. ., Green D . .... .. .. . ... .Greenish -blue D sharp .... .... .. .. Cyanogen -blue E .... .... .. .. ......Indigo -blue F .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . Violet F sharp. . .... , . .. Violet G. .. .. .... ... , .Ultra -violet O sharp .. .... . . . . ....Ultra -violet A .... . . .. . . ........ Ultra -violet A sharp.. . ,. Ultra -violet B.. ...... End of the solar spectrum Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians. Just What the Trouble Was. "What's the matter, little boy?" asked old Mr. Goodart. "What are you cry- ing for?" `-Boo, hoo" sobbed the boy. "Boo, hoo" "Come, come Don't mind! Don't mind-" "Boo, hoo! I didn't, an' that's what I was licked fur." Lever's Y—Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. 3e It's after a man is found out that he begins to repent. It would often be a relief if the self- made man would only make himself scarce. ISSUE NO. 19 1904. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething. it soothe the child, sof tons the gums cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhtea. (ANTED- OUSIIMA1D, GOOD WAGES. conifortabya home, foot' maids kept. Mrs. Collinson, "Rightield School," Hamil- ton, Ont. Any Lady C'an Make Easily In her locality 1n hero spare Mfiane oThel potare ssi- tion la pleasant and profitable the year round. Will gladly send particulars to any lady who mayneed to make some money. and will convice you that this to no decep- tion. Mrs. Davidson, drawer'66, Brantford, Out Ideation this paper. The Independent Cash Mutual Fire In- surance Company, Toronto, Canada, Applications will be received for Ontario Agencies at leadingtowns and villages. Ad- dress head office, 4 King street west. Chao. 0. VanNorman, President and Managing Director ; Wm. Gray. Superintendent. BUSINESS GUIDE tells all about notes, receipts, mortgagee, leases, deeds, wills, property exempt from seizure., landlord and tenant, ditches and watercourses, etc., one agent sold 47 copies in three days ; another sold 8$ in a week; French edition now ready; outfit 25e ; order outfit to -day; if not satisfactory money refunded. The .T. L. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto. Mention this paper. it e.A^:ie,,:, i::;, p, L L 9110 HIP, A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 STYLE k,I l?ib!i ste""n' ?..:1 'Y,i� .rq; u�l�a>'`N r" iS:eS'.tei NO BRASS EYELETS i.y+S• J < ro,:.u F4.'fn:C,.,al t^' • ,0,1". MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TORONTO, ONT. English Story of American Women. King Edward recently left some cherry stones on his plate at a publie function. The moment he left the table a crowd of American ladies scrambled for them, with the object, it is said, of handing them down to their descend- ants as family heirlooms.—London Daily Mail. When Baby had Scald Head— When Mother had Salt Rheurn— When Father had Piles.—Dr. Ag- new's Oletment gave the quickest relief and surest cure. These are gems of truth picked from testimony which is given every day to this greatest of healars. It has never been. matched in curative qualities lu Eczema, Totter, Piles, etc. 35 cents. -103 Give Misery the Cold Shoulder, (Atlanta Constitution.) Never mind whether or no misery Iikes company. When you see him hanging his hat up and feeling around for a chair all you have to do is --tell him it's your day to go a-fishin' and you've only three minutetto catch a train and get the jug filled. Use ONLY the SOFT, SILKY 8 TOUGH MANUFACTURED BY Insist en being supplied with one of the following brands :— In Rolle—"tttandard," "Hotel,' "York," "Manirnotti," 414e. In Sheets—" Imperial," `° Royal," "Regal," "Orient," dto. FOR. COEt.E ,ECT ANSWERS TO TIiiL :FEED PUZZLE woo,. spending thousands of cetera to advertise our business. Each of these pix smea pictures represents a well-known Garden Vegetable. Can you think out the names of three of them? If so, the money is surely worth trying for. Three eorrectanwerswin. It you cannot make it out yourself, get some friend tohelpyou. EACH OP TH13-SIX PICTURESREPRE• SENTS A GARDEN VEGETABLE. CAN YOU NAME THREE OP THEM? It does not cost yon one Cent to try and solve this puzzle, and if you aro correct you may win a large amount of Cash. We do not ask any money from you, and aacontest like this is very interesting. It does not matter where you live; we do not caro one bit who gets the money; it you can make out the names of three of these Garden Vegetables, mail your answer to us, with your name and address plainly written, and it your answer ie correct wo will notify you. Wo are giving away $200,00 for carrot answers, and a tow minutes of your times Send in your guess at once, with your full name and address, to IT 1112; hi.t1 .VFL 33L JH14TCr CO.. DEPT 1407 TorLON ICO, ONT. Women Discarding Heavy Soled Shoes. (The S1ioe Retailer.) Women who have aped the sterner sex in the matter of footwear are discarding the heavy soled shoes which were more or less popular for a time. The natural successor to the "mannish" shoe is 'the distinctively feminine pattern in a fine turn or a fine welted shoe. The single sole Oxford made on a "mannish" last is about the only reminder of a clumsy looking heavy shoe—never seriously in- tended for women. The Curse of War. (Woodstock Express.) Von Moltke is quoted as saying that "war is holy and of divine institution; it is one of the sacred laws of nature; it keeps alive in men all the great and noble sentiment,' honor, disinterested- ness, virtue; in one word, it keeps us from falling into the most hideous ma- terialism," and it is to be feared that a good deal of what passes for Chris- tianity in these days is saturated with this same barbarism.. owaamamosnaromawnimimeaft eari ri��?I' ..� rY l� � � sh , :' Ib is the fence that has stood the test of bine—stands the heaviest strain—never sags—the Standard the world over. Order through out locsl agent or direct from us, THE PAGE WINE FENCE 00. LIMITED, 010 walkerviYle, Dat. itentrcal, (tee. St. John, N.11. 201 WinnIIDex, Fieri