HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-05-06, Page 5The Zurich Herald. Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensall, is per- manently located in his gallery againfor the winter and will be open for business every day Tuesdays excepted, Gito. TROTT, 13•tf Photographer. Notice. i'j1HE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM. iL posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. -CHAS. LINDER, leader, or Mr. A. MoKnr, Secy., Hensall, Ont. • Red Cedar Shingles. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OP Shingles on hand which we are •selling at 00 cts.., 05 cts., 75 cts., 78 cis,, 'Snits., 83 Cts. and 90 cis, per bnncb at - Welsh's Planing 19Ii11, .Near Ry. Track. tlr:NsALL. A man to represent `iOANADA's GREATEST NM:.SERtis`S" in town of Zurich and sur- rounding Country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In. Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, vines; —Seed Potatoes, Etc.— Stock true to name and free from San -Jose Scale A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 800 ACRES. Toronto, Ont. Cudnlore & Sons, ....DEALERS IN .... Lime e Cement, LATH, AND ALL KINDS OF Building Material. -;0;-- • WE SELL CHEAP. Give us a Call. West of G. T. R. Station. Hensall , - - Ont. Clubbing rates. "We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing z ates with THE He:RAL» : Daily Globe • $ 4.25 t . Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.75 „ Mail & Empire '1.75 • Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly eekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Sold by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Plano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental—al Complete Pieces far Piano—Once a Month for as Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. If you will send us the name and address of Prvx performers on the Plano or Organ, we will send Sou a copy of the Magazine Free. 3. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth i Locust Sts., Philadelphia. Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE • TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS die. Anyone sending a sketaa and description may gulokly ascertain our opinion free whother an Invention is probably patentable, Conimunica- Mons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents' taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. 1. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cin culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $8 a year ; four months, $1.• Sold by all nowsdeal ers. MUNN & Co,3616roadway, New York Branch Office. h,Y;`. " St.. washinnton. D. O. H o f m a. n's Jubilee Laundry We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and We Guarantee our Work.' TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. N. HOFFMAN GENERAL NEWS. About 50 masons and bricklayers are out on strike in Berlin, as a re- sult of a demand for a five cent ax hour increase, the present rate be- ing thirty-flve cents. Fernie, B. C. suffered by fire last Friday to the extent of 5750,000, The principal bizsinc'ss places were nearly all wiped out. The distillers of the Provilzce paid for their licenses last Monday, the .„amount ' collected totalling $30,000. Seagram's cheque was for .$6,5000. Toronto Junction is now under the local option law. Four hotels and ono shop have been closed. The law is good for three years. The acerage raider wheat in Man- itoba last year was 2,442,873, and present indications point to a great- er area for 1004. The averago yield last season was 16.42 bushels per acre, and the total yield was 40,115,878 bushels, A Winnepeg real estate firm sold 100,000 acres of land to actual set - tiers last week. Edward Zavitz, who lived in Strathroy, committed suicide by hanging himself on Wednesday morning, It is supposed that mon- ey loss worried hiui. Mr. J. C. Wood, of Wood's Fair, has made an assignment. COUNTY NEWS. At the annual meeting of the Goshen Methodist Sunday school, Stanley, held recently for election of officers and teachers, Mr. Thos. Robertson was elected superintend- ent and Mr. J. T. Keys bible class teacher. R. and J. Ransford, Stapleton, have purchased a locomotive to draw freight cars from the G. T. R. tracks to their salt works. Dr. Hodgetts, secretary of the Provincial Board of Health, has re- ceived word. from the Township of Stephen, of a case of smallpox. .Pile patient contracted the disease in Michigan, while working on rail- way construction, but the case is a mild one, and all who have been exposed to the contagion have been quarantined. While assisting in the erection of a windmill at D. A. Forrester's, Clinton, recently, Guy Miller met with an accident which might have resulted seriously.SHe was up the ladder twenty-five feet when .his foot slipped and down he went, feet foremost, as it so Happened. Had he struck terra firma directly it would have been worse for him, bnt the roof of the woodshed inter- vened and he went through it, breaking the force of his fall. As luck would have it, he struck fair between the rafters and thus es- caped unhurt. Mr. George E. Henderson, of the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, had a very fine array of undressed furs displayed in his sample rooms the other day. The entire lot were captured throughout this district within a radius of 15 miles and were purchased by Mr. Henderson. The display consisted of two dozen red fox skins, three dozen mink, 125 skunk, 100 coon, about 50 musk- rats and a few ground hog. The skins throughout were fine speci- mens and were awaiting the inspec- tion of a prospective purchaser. The lot was valued at close to $500. The 33rd Huron Regiment goes under canvas at Carling's Heights Juno 7th next, accompanied by the Regimental Band. Each company is expected to be complete, 42 men. Sergt-Major Wescott is busy re- cruiting for the Exeter company. A Clinton machinist is on his way to California to claim a fortune. Mr. John Hunt recently, received word that a relative who had made a fortune in the fruit bnsiness in San Jose had died and left him heir to about $50,000. Mr. J. Grieve V. S., of Seaforth, while attending a sick horse for J. Oldfield one day last week, cut his hand so severely that it required six stitches. Messrs. James and William Car- rick have moved from the old home- stead in Hay into the house recent- ly vacated by Mr. Silas Stanlake in :MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat • Oats . Barley Peas.......... Flour ... Butter Eggs.... Chickens ib Ducks Geese - Potatoes.... HENSALL Wheat Oats Barley...... Peas Flour .... Hogs (live) per 88 to 90 30 32 40 45 ..... 60 62 .....2 25 2 50 12 13 12 13 . 4 5 6 6 s 5 30 30 MARKETS. ... 88 to 90 .... 30 32 ...... 40 40 ., 65 75 ...200 210 cwt.. 4.25 to4.75 Stephen. The annual spring show Was held in Brucefield last week on Wednes- day. The attendance was not large. There were, not so many horses Shown as last year but a leading feature of the show Was the bulls, supposed to be the best ever seen in the' 'county. County •Olerk Lane has prepared a statement of the population of Iluron County as shown by the as- Sessments rolls of 1903 from which we take the following ;—Population of Bayfield, 533.; Clinton, 2,280 ; Exeter, 1,895 ; Goderich, 4,015; Hay 3,395; Hensall, 722; Stanley, 2,014; Stephen, 3,996 ; • Seaforth, . 3,116 ; Tuckersmith, 2,348 ; Usborne 2,191 ; Wingham, 2,166. The total population of the county was 57,964, In 1901 the population ' was 59,786, showing a decrease for the two years of 1,822. Mr. A. Wettlaufer, of Blyth, re- cently shipped 70,000 brick to Strat- ford, Mr. Arthur Ramsay. of Staffa, has purchased the veterinary busi- ness of Dr. Tennant, Exeter. Messrs. T. H. McCallum and G. N. Willis have bought out the coal and wood business of Geo. McNeil, Richmond St., London. Last Tuesday the railway, com- mittee of the House of Commons approved of the bill to charter a line from Guelph to Goderich. This Iine is now an assured feet. Women's Institute meeting will he held in Exeter, Juno 2nd and Bayfield. June 3rd. The meetings will be addressed by ladies on in- teresting subjects regarding the home and the farm. In the House of Commons the bill respecting the Berlin, Water- loo, Wellesley and Lake Huron Railway Company was reported after amendment providing that the purchase or lease of the Galt, Preston and Hespeler, or Preston and Berlin Street Railways, which are provincial corporations, by this company, shall not remove them from provincial control or constitute them works for the gen- eral ,advantage of Canada. AL'CT10N SALE OF HORSES, 15 head of Thoroughbred, Durham Cattle and 6 head of Grade Cattle, at Kippen Mills, j5 mile South of Kippen, on Tuesday, May 17th, 1904, at 1.30. p. m. JNo. McNRvIN, Proprietor; B. S. PHILIPS, Auctioneer. CEDAR POSTS !'OR SALE: --We have v a largo number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will —Easy to run—Easy to clean—A money-maker—Easy be sold at reasonable prices. ' For particu- lars apply to 48-tf MAGEL & BENDER, Zurich. came maeasararaannatzmrat -1 —4 SEEDS -. A choice .line of Field Seeds such as Mangold Carrot, Sugar Feet, etc. ALSO GARIDEN SEEDS Two packages for 5 cents. White Clover and Lawn Grass. Flouvf and Feed ALWAYS ON HAND. LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR SEE co Zurich = 9 = Onto rio. r ( UR Lines of Farm Implements gave such General Satisfaction last season that we have again put in stock the FLEURY, COCKSHUTT, WILKINSON and PERCIVAL Ploughs No Better at any Price Drills,Cultivators, Discs, are noted for Good Quality and Low Price When you lookokfor the best, look for This •year we are selling the J iagnet Cream Separator Farm for Sale. Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres good hardwood bush, frame house, bank barn and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00. Apply at once to E. ZELLER, Znrich. Farms for Sale. I have a number of farms for sale as follows: -100 acres, miles from Zurich, price $4000; 50 acres, 11 miles from Zurich for $2,400; 25 acres,.33 miles from Zurich, price $950. These farms are in good neighborhoods and are worth the money. Apply to E.ZELLER, Zurich. Notice. As my daughter, Hilda, • has left my home without cause or reason. 1 hereby notify the public that I will not Le respon- sible for any debts contracted by her in my name from and after the first publica- tion of this notice. MUNE: KoCIIENS, Zurich. Dated the 21st April, 1004. 39-3 J. F. kickboil, to buy— Deering Agency ZURICH[ NOTICE TO HOUSE WIVES. Now this is house-cleaning time you will want a nice attractive WALL 'r "APER, We can supply you with what you want, prices, from '2 cts. to 20 cts. per roll. Call and see our spring goods in Prints, Muslins and Dimities. We have gust the thing, boys, in the line of Latest in in style, excellent quality and moderate in price. We have also a nice assortment of Ladle's Ready -to -Wear Spring .Hats. A call is solicited. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. R. G. NICHOL', - Blake, Ont. rreff:q :15)11cce, ,Pou_Amy d Wo know of no offer we could make that would more thor- oughly prove our confidence and faith in it. If the Chat- ham Incubator is not all we claim for it you are not out one cent. Chatham Incubators are made just as good as money and skill can make them. We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts aro as strongly made and as well finished as the parts you sea. They aro built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very best of service. They embody every real improvement known in the manufacture of Incu- bators. Cut out tho coupon in the corner of this ad.,orwrite your name and address on a postal card and sail it to us for fall particulars of our offer. Do it to-dalr. Mention thioMe CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited paper. There is big profit in raising poultry if you go about it in the right way. Halt - measures mean only half -profits. If yon would get the full profit out of this fruitful department of your farm you must work under the best conditions: You can do this only when Brooder. We positivelyyou use a Chatham Incubator and guarantee it to be a good hatcher and we sell it on tho most liberal torma ever offered by any manufacturer. We will ship you—freight prepaid by us—a Chatha 1 Incubat without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1909 14i ` a`,„: n: 4411111 �! I 4 DEPT. 610 CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders. Distributing warehouses at Montreal Que.; Brandon, rftin.t. Calgary, Alta.; Vancouver,11.0,: Halifax, N.O. Factories at Chatham, Ont, and Detroit, Mich. Also Manufaetuturs or i tits famous Campbell Nanning Mills. 101 '7'31 G 4. v CAMPBELL FANNING MILL co. cliATrHAM, ON' ���• 610 Please send your descrip. tive Catalogue of the Chatham Incubator,togcthcr with allinfor. ration about your special offer, whereby no cash will be paid until October, 151o4. Name P.O. Address 0 Nearest .1 ailway 5tegams Address all letters to ChatbaOnt.