The Herald, 1904-04-29, Page 8The Zurich Herald. New Butcher Shop. I wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Buteher- i.ng business of John Schafer and will.00ntinue the business At The Old Stand. I will carry in stook all kinds of Meats and will give my Custo- mers the Best Value obtainable, Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich Ontario. J. H. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH. Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. All work promptly attended to,. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbfleisch's MILLS. nalayaillenilMEMINMIt Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing Bono to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbiieisch Zurich P. O. CERTAINLY. You need a nice pair of CUFF LINKS OR BUTTONS fifty cents and up buys the "genuine" article. I now show a fine line of Watches, Clocks and Jewellry. Also Musical Instruments Fine repairing my hobby, let me have your "PUZZLERS:" Prices right.[y P. W. HESS, THE JEVU'ELER. The Hess Buggies are noted for their Style Neat and up-to-date in appearance. Quality Made of the very best material. Price As cheap as any similar grade of buggies. See them before you buy. We are now preparedto put RUBBER -TYRES �.R-TYRES on any kind of vehicle, new and olcl. First class work guaranteed. E. Hess & Son Zurich Ontario. BLAKE Special to THE HERALD Mrs. Agnew. who has been ing in this place for a utunber of years, moved to Clinton. last week. Mr. Peter Brenneman has pur. chased the house and lot, west" of Mr. J. Leslie's, from Mr. John Gingerieh of Wilmot Township., 14TH: CON. HAY. Special to Tilk HERALD. Mr. Ed Geiger, our teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday at his home in Hensall. - Mr. Roland Geiger and sister, Laura, were the guests of Mr. John Gallman on Sniiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. George Wits et'.s on the Babylon. �?Jr. Stephen M.eidinger sold his dri#er the aStier day. The roads in our burg aro, nice and dry now. Mrs. Sam Merrier was visiting at Mr. J,. Gallinan's last Fridays Some -,:farmers have started to plough sea this week. Mrs. William Treumner has re- turned horse from Milverton, where she had been. visiting her mother who is ill. DASHWOOD Special to THE HERALD. Mr. John Hoffman who has been in Guelph for a short time, returned to town last week. Mr. George Snider is horse from the Dental College at Columbus, Ohio, to spend his vacation. Mr. Levi Hamacher has moved. into the house he recently bought from Mr. Geo. Kellerman. and which was vacated by Mr. S. Hardy last week. Mr. David Pfaff has sold his en- tire horse, "Young Fulton," to Mr. E. Walker, of Gore Bay. Mr. Sol Hardy, who recently pur- chased the butcher business of Wood & Fuke, Exeter, has bought the residence of • Mr. J. Manning, Simcoe St. and moved to that place last week. It is with a deep sadness that we chronicle the death this week of Mr. Edward Neeb at the age of about 30 years. The deceased had been in poor health for some time and on Tuesday, April 20th, death relieved him of his suffering. The departed was well known in this community and was well liked by all who came in contact with him. He leaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing widow, and three shall children, who have the sympathy of all. The funeral was held this morning, Friday, and was largely attended. SLABTOWN' Special to THE HERALD. Miss Raechel Bechler spent Sat- urday with her friend, Miss Lydia Decher. She has engaged with Mrs. Louis Foster for the summer. Mr. Samuel Hey has suffered se- verely during the past two weeks from a bacl attack of quinsy. His many friends will be glad to hear that he is recovering. Mrs.. John Decher Sr., and her daughter, Mrs. Weber, visited friends on the 14th on Tuesday. On Wednesday last Mr. Tem Bis- sett of Exeter brought his fast colt out to the Babylon to try its speed with Mr. Johnny Decher's "Lady," Mr Bissett has a good one this time, but not fast enough to get away from "Lady." Needless to say he came in second. Mr. Arthur Rennie, of Chisel- hurst, spent Sunday with his par- ents in Slabtown. Mr. and Mrs. Battler and Mr. and Mrs. Haugh, also Miss Ida Weber, of the Bronson line, spent Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. John Decher. Mr, Albert Foster treated. ,him- self to a new hat on Saturday even- ing. He was surprised to find, when he got home, that the hat was missing. Later in the evening it was found on the road by Mr. C. Hey. A young man from the Bronson line had Co take a borrowed bridle home from Slabtown on Sunday evening. last Stinday. Mr, D; 7.'; Walkornn who has been employed at the station here, left for; Berlin last week where he has seotired. a, good situation at the sti Linn 141r. Richard Speare left for Boise - vain, Manitoba, this week with a oarload of household effects. Wo are glad to see that Mr. Satre. SLxiillie, who recently fractured his. leg, is, improving nicely. Mr. Gee, leader of the Seaforth band, has offered to load our band in case the • boys concluue to re- organize, The Epworth League gave a very enjoyable ontortainment on Mon- day evening. An excellent program was rendered and a fair sized aucionco was present. Mrs. Medd and daughter have re- turned from Leamington, where they have been visiting relatives for a few weeks. Mr. Sinton Dow and family have moved into the house he recently purchased on the London Road. Rev. Mr. Arrest, B. A. of Lucan, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday. He delivered a very able and powerful discourse which was attentively listened to by a large congregation. Born.- In Baltimore, Md. on Apr 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. G. C Hassell, a son Owing to a defect in the stove- pipes the family of Mr. McDougall came near being suffocated •with coal gas on Wednesday night. Miss Papple and the children of her, de- ceased sister were sleeping upstairs and during the night she was awak- ened by a choking sensation. Upon rising she had just strength enough to get down stairs with one • of the children. Mr. McDougall ran up- stairs and brought the others down throwing open all the windows. They were all so weak and sick that they had to have medical at- tention and were confined all next day from the effects. Had they remain'ecl in the gas a short time longer all would have been suffo- cated. A Discovery Better Than Gold. -- "Hello, Bob !What's the trouble?' "That horrible itch we caught in camp last year is driving gree • niad. By the way, how about your arm?" "Look at it ! And my legs were even worse than niy arm. They were covered with itching sores from my knees down." "What on earth did you do?" "Simply applied RIVAL OINTMENT night and morning and took a RI- VAL HERB TABLET each night, and the disease soon disappeared. The care was worth more than a mint of gold to hie, and the whole treat- ment only cost_q 1.25. "—J. Dumart, iAgent, Zurich. In Palestine. • Mount. Carmel, Apr. 5th, 1904. We left Bryont at 11- p. m, yes- terday ; arrived at Maifa this morning at 0 a. m. and were taken to shore in small tenders. This morning our party scattered, some took the overland trip on horse- back, some went to Gallilee and Nazereth.- I am in No. 0 trip, which will start tomorrow morning early for Gallilee, Nazereth, Ti- berins,.Tordnn and all other historic points of Bible history.' We will make the drive by carriage, it will take us four days. After arriving here our resting place was assigned to us, where do you think? On Mount Carmel, where Elijah built an Altar with the Baal priests as a test who is the true and living God. Oh what an honor to be quartered upon such an historic"place. We will leave tomorrow morning and return here Saturday, then embark at Joppa, from thence to Jerusalem by train, about 30 miles, will.arrive Apr. 12th. We are now in Palestine, the Holy land. I cannot express my feeling for the honor and privelege granted ire. There is an elegant German hotel here, I itrn sitting in niy bed room while ' writing. The room is furnished with iron bed- steads, all single beds. Brother Drisbach .from Ohio, a member of our church,stays in the same room. There are twenty of us quartered here. Mount Carmel is an elegant spot, the land is very fertile. I picked off some "traubern da der verlornen sohn suchte zu essen, nieniand gab sie ihrn." We are having a fine time. Gods blessing has been with ns thus far of which we are thankful. My prayer is that His favours may continue • to abide with us. This afternoon we were taken in our carriages to • the monastery which is built over the grotto or cave whom Eligeh hicl himself many times when in danger of those wicked kings, Ahap and Jose - bel. Oh the thoughts that ,fiocked through my mind when I entered this cave, . it is beautiful. The monastery that is built over it is grand. Candles are burning in the cave continually day and night. Best wall. ishes tci H, 5, FAUST. HENSALL Special to THE HIt'.f$.ALL. A telephone has been installed in the Queens Hotel here. This will be a decided convenience to the guests. Others in town are also contemplating installing phones. Mr. Percy Wanless, who, has been employed with Mr. Jos. Look for some time and Mr. Will. Cook, of Varna, left for the West this week. . Mr. F. B. Welford, on the .Mol - sons Bank staff here, has been trans- ferred to Woodstock. He was well thought off hare. Mr. lktoysey, of. Woodstock, has arrived and will take the position rendered vacant. Rev. H. Horn, of Elora, .occupied the pulpit of the' Carmel church RIGHT GOODS at RIOLIT PRICES Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and Glassware. Curtain and Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers. Gras- :C- o117Wood. 'a ra.t • Oils and Portland Cement. The famous Lamb FenCe made of No. 9 coiledwire, stays are also No 9; and the Kokoma Garden Fence. ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE. Agent for the London Fence Machines. Photos enlarged and framed all complete for $1.25. ehas. _ Greb, Zurich = _ = Ontario. SPRING BARGAINS. We have large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that we will sell to your advantage. We have this season, the PURINA ,sll-MOt A shoe worth living in. • We solicit your patron- age because We know we can satisify you and give you value for your money...... P. BENDER, & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Spring has come at last. This is the time when farmers remodel their FENCES. W e were never better prepared to serve your wants in these lines. We have the..' American Fence and the IDEAL FENCE made of all No. 9 Coiled Wire with No 9 Stays and Lock that can not slip. Also full stock of other wire If you want an • UP-TO=DA`L'E HARNESS, Good Stock, Best Workmanship, call on us PRICES RIGHT, QUALITY CONSIDERED_ See the new Pandora Range 0. HARTLEIB, Just in at THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE.AND HARNESS HOUSE. House Furnishings. Nothing suits a house wife better than a BRIGHT NEW CARPET our stock this season is an entirely new one and we do not hesitate in saying the best ever shown by us. You want to inspect our range of TAPESTRY (for floor and stairs.) INGRAINS and ALL WOOLS. JAPANESE just the thing for something cheap. See our at 9 (pure Mohair) a'93.,GX)= .71 Cloths in different widths. Scrims and Muslins tor . Curtains,. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. 1\\1"7:3.&.01'1,, . p�J° ay�y ^�, w - . 1.:1 M 5..0 wiv me