HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-29, Page 69 PROVERBS. Ila bet;,lrin ug au examination into the ;n'ovelts of different pecplesilnd Eitffere.ut ili,'e•`', o•liii can hardly start 'with better material than the bits of y tali ed wisdom to be found to the pages of the Old Testament. Among those wise sayings in eomu1O1 use w .Hose origin is to be found here are the following ; A good 'name is rather to be chosen than great rIelies. A soft answer turnetll away wvratll; but grievous; words stir ups anger. A Nr -Ord fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. ..ks a jewel of gold in a swine snout so is ae fair woman who, is without discretion. • Before honour is humility, Better is a dry mo.rsei and quiet- . noes therewith than a house full of sacrifices with strife. Better a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewitht Fear God and keep His command - n eats, for .this is the whole duty of n1ani, Go to !the ant, then sluggard, con- sider her ways and be wise. Ile that is of a merry heart liath a continual feast'. Heil and destination are never ful'.; tee the eyes of man are never sails - riot Hope deferred maketh the heart sick!. If ye cast pearls before swine they drill turn again and rend you. it is 'better to dwell in a corner of the house top, than with a brawling woman in a wide house. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. The race not to the swift nor • the battle to ti: • strong. The wicked flee when no man pur- meth. '.Crain up a child in the way he Should go and when he is old ho will not depart from it. Res -sway, Jan. 28, 1901. C. C. RICHARDS Sr CO.: Dear Sirs,—This fall I got thrown •rrnr a fence anti hurt my chest very Pad so that I could not work, and .it hurt me to breathe. I tried, all hinds of liniments and they did me ing good. One bottle or AMINARD'S LINIJMENT .warmed on flannels and applied on any breast cured m^ completely. C. H. COSSEBOOM, Rossway, Digby Co., N. C. Then He Kept Busy. (Cincinnati Enquirer.) He stole a kiss, but strange to say, She did not bid him stop; She merely said in a gracious way, "Sir, this is no retail shop." neemewOlosim Do you catch cold easily ? . Does the cold hang on ? Try pilo ; gs mum tIption ClareThe Lung Clare Tonic c It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Prices: S. C.'Wntes & Co. 303 25e. 50c. Si LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can. TIME SAVED BY METRIC SYSTEM, 'The United States statistician says two-thirds of a school year would be saved to American girls and boys by putting the metric system in place of the other twelve or thirteen systems. (.rry the enormous saving of time into the counting -houses of the country-, into a.t kinds of calculations from the farm re the factory, and a fairly good idea is obtained of what the metric system would save. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. p,,#@,w!I.�.�.n.nwn4ku.4rwr..gowu. S A E OFF TIIA.T I THE TINTED FEAT -IE . Xt is in some E"ale Color and Sets 0. PRIM G FEELING I "C° Black Black Cltapeaa. Dodd's Kidney Pills Wil! Do It Naturally and Well, Cause and Cure of the Tired Feeling That is Epidemic at This Season of the Year. The spring is here. You can feel 1t^ in. every part of your body. 'Your clothes are too heavy and though your are ;not 'too sick,, you. are ,too tired to walk, too tired to work., yes, even' too tired to eat. , IV's that "spring feeling." Da you knoiw, the cause of it ? No, all 'you want to know is how td get rid of it. Well, the explanation and the euro are alike simple. Inthe winter you eget used" to the cold, you think. .Ass a. )matter of fact, it •is the body that .gets prepared. It puts on- a fortifica- tion of extra tissue that keeps the cold out. In the spring time this tissue is thrown ofl' by the body and if the system is all in good working order, the blood carries away the east -off tissue, which is in turn filtered out of the blood by the kidneys, and expelled from the ihody. This means exx.ra work Tor the kidneys, and if they are at all tired or worn out they `fail in their work. Tho result is clogged circulation and that tired spring feeling. The cure is to tone up the ,kid- neya witli Do le'.. R cn. y Pill i'o3d o Kidney Pills ;make healthy kid- neys. Healthy kidneys quickly cleanse the blood of all impurities and the "spring feeling" is replaced with a vigor of 'body and buoyancy of seirit that makes work aplea- sure. A Utilitarian. (Chicago News.) Tailor—Do you wear padded shoul- ders, my little man? 'Cilie—Naw; pad. de pants: Dat's where I need it most. 1 Proved Priceless.—Buby coats and cinnamon flavor. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are household favorites. Impurities leave the system. The nerves are toned. The blood is purified. The complexion is bright and ruddy. Headaches vanish and perfect health follows their use. 40 doses 10 cents. —101 COFFEE -DRINKING IN BRAZIL. Brazilians are great coffee drinkers. Numerous cups are drunk each day by the average man and woman. The bever- age is made very strong and very sweet, l t produes an exhilaration of a more in- t ease and lasting kind than beer. Those Addicted to the habit become very rest- less and scarcely able to sit still or stand still even for a moment. Reflections or a Bachelor. Grand opera is a good training to go somewhere else to. get some fun. A man can forget to love a iwa- 'man quicker than she can learn not to want him to. A wpman worries a good deal all her life over the possibility of not getting as many floweers at her fun- eral as she deserves. It's funny how much more extra- vagant it seems to take your own sister to a 25 -cent lecture than an old school chum' to a champagne dinner. A woman gets her enjoyment out of tacking about scandals she isn't in, a man out of being in scandals that aren't talked about. A girl is willing to marry a ,mash she doesn't love because she thinks it will somehow come around the Way it does in the story books.— New: York Press. Turned the TUIe In Half an hour after Mr. Lavers took the first dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart he was on the road to Permanent recovery. "I was under treatment with some of the best physicians In London (England) for what they' diagnosed as incurable heart trouble. t suffered agonies through pains about my heart, fainting spells, palpitation and exhaustion. As a drowning man grasps at a straw, I tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. The first bottle relieved me greatly, and when I had used two bottles all the symptoms of my heart trouble had left me." —A. Lavers, Coiltngwood, Ont. 85 Dr. Agnew's Ointment Cures Eczema, 35c PENNSYLVANIA BRAIN THROBS. Mdny a man has found the key to suc- cess, but saw too many keyholes to put it in. Soule of the rooms in the new apart- ment houses are so small that the ten- ants have to use condensed milk in their coffee. :Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. . 9• s !•'b ++o-/-a.-+.-6�- a-a-+m,►J..o-e�-s�-b-s�-►•+. i >r,'•. rtt.") :11,2• "!,, 6L Lunicheorys Ptlt a variety into Summer living—it's not the time of year to live near the kitchen range. Libby's Veal Logi', Potted Turkey, ----Ham, Ox Tongue, &ac. quickly made ready to serve. Send today for the little booklet, "Elm to Make Good Things to rat,,, full of ideas or quick, delicious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed (ilea for 5 two -cent stamps. Libby, McNeill & Libby. Chicago 4+'a�aos�ae�i�seseeoo-000►+�rs+t.maeas.asasdesa�►►r�«as« <i fact with regard to millinery that I ata afraid must be cilron- icled, although d .io too with. a 'bad heart, W,r•ites Mrs. Jack hgay en London Queen, is the cost thereof. There are cheap models, of coarse, but .frankly no one wants 'theme; they meat] well, but they do not look well. elle untrimmed shapes. are marvels at the price, and in a. weak moment we succumb be- fore; their economical possibilities. But, lacking the subtlest millinery faculty, the possibilities end at the purchase of the shape, after which we flounder about with. veils and flowers, teed eacile-peignes, and mostly produce failures. Nothing either irr millinery or anodes is so disastrously misleading as simplic- ity, which every touch tells. Su- premo efforts are alwv,a.ys inspired, and the only millinery • efforts a fastidious taste can induce tee to accent this year are essentially inspirations, creations of dangerous simffxlicity, the result only of an exceeding extraval;anco. The ostrich feather of our heat af- fections is the Neil Gwynne variety, which by a deft manipulation is disposed upside dawn or curled over on its back. This is some Bale col- or, such as cel blue, hyacinth blue, orchit;ea ,mauve, vert salade, caress- ing—how I love that word 1—a black picture shape, the feather monopil- zing, indeed, the whole decorative sit- uation, consunlates a millinery triumph of the highest order of ele- ganoe. iv horoscope predicts a, dan- gerous run, one verging to ubiquity, which a crowning triumph is found in one of these black chapeaux 'frith its accompanying feather of delicate genre. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. New York Central Lands You in Grand Central Station Above Station In New York le situated on corner Fourth avenue and 42nd street, and the New York Central is the only trunk line whose traits enter it. The Mighty. Microbe. "Here," said ^.liarmorek, picking up a phial the .size of a finger, "is enough microbic poison to kill off all Pari." DJ you wen.er that, dur. ing filo strife between Spain and Cuba, a boll, ba'l Cuban sought ad- ultfS'ou to him and asked to purchase, a. gel m wi1ich could oe let hoose La the Spanish camp? PI trmorek was so tickled by the man's native no- tion or his fut:etions that 11e burst out laughing in the fellow's• alga; whereuppn the Cub in, cutrag:d, cry- ing, "I see, you aro not a serious acien List," turnei an indI n int Iiack upon the institute.—Israel Zang - will, in the header. " i believe it to ire the most effect- ive remedy for the Stom ich and Nerves In the market." .is what Ann 11 Patterson, of Sackville, N. B., says of South American Nervine, for, she says, •La Grippe and the complications which followed It left her nest to deed with Indigestion. Dyspepst» and (General Nervous Shattering. it Sill d her. -100 What Zion City Should Secure. (Cleveland Ptailt Dealer.) Zion City has a printing establish- ment and the superintendent is looking for a printer who does not chew, drink, smoke or swear. Of course, there are printers of this deseription, but they are not looking for jobs in Zion City. What the superintendent should do is to compromise on an automatic attach- ment to a linotype machine that can be worked with a erank. Minadr's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Too Much of a Feast. "Can I see the editor?" inquired a stranger, as he stepped into the editor's offrice of a Carbon county newspaper, and turned to the ink -daubed devil, who was roosted on a high stool. "He's sick." "What's the matter with him?" "Deno; said the boy. "One of our subscribers gave him a bag of hour and a bushel of pertaters the other day, axed reckon he's foundered." fuse Lever's Tery;Soap ' ea ,powder) to wash woolens and flannels.—you'll like it. se lSt "i tea. a• Abdul Makaroff. (Toronto Star.) Brave Makaroff is surely dead, No more the Saps shall flout him; At rest he lies in oceans bed, His gallant crew around him. A sailor brave, no other grave Would he have sought, nor ask it, His requiem the ocean wave, His battleship his cricket. $50.00 to California and Return Via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line, from Chicago, April 23 to May I. Choice of routes going and re- turning. Correspondingly low rates from all points. Two trains a clay from Chi- cago through without change. Daily and personalty conducted tourist oar excur- sions. Write for itinerary and full par- ticulars regarding special train leaving Chicago April 26.-13. H. ]Sennett, 2 East Ling street, Toronto, Ont,." A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash . other things than clothes, 411 FISH UNDERSTAND LANGUAGE, A Spanish naturalist, Dr. Ribera, has proved that fish can hear and distin- guish sounds and words. Concealing him- self behind a bush, he taught the carp in a pond to come to the surface for food every time he spoke a certain sen- tence. To other words not associated with feeling they paid no attention. DEAFNESS CANNOT .BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There's only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper- fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam- mation can betaken out and this tuberestor- ed to its normal coudition, hearing will be destroyed forew/er; nine cases out of tea are caused by Catarrh, which 3s nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Cue Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CIIENEY ,2 CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by Drugglsts, 75e: Take Hall's family Pills for Constipation. AT ALL EVENTS, SHE WON. A preacher, who went to a Kentucky parish where the parishioners bred horses, was asked to invite the prayers of the congregation for Lucy Grey. He did so. They prayed three Sundays for Lucy Grey. On the fourth he was told not to do it any more. "Why," said the preacher, "is she dead?" "No," answered. the man, "she won the Derby." Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. The woman who has mastered the art of holding her tongue, even when in the right, has little fear from her enemies. ISSUE NO. 18 1904. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always he used for Children Teething. It soothe the child, softens the gums cureswlnd colic and is the best remedy for Dlarnccsa. UTANTED—A GENERAL SERVANT; Tv highest wages paid; comfortable home. Address or apply to Mrs. W. Holton, 'Hamilton, Out. WANTED—HOUSEMAID, GOOD WAGES, comfortable home, four maids kept. Mrs. Collinson, "Highfield School," Efamil. ton. Ont. Any Lady Can Make Easily $12.00 to $20.00 weekly by representing us In her locality In her spare time. The posi- tion is pleasltnt and profitable the year round. Will gradlysend particulars to any lady who may need to make some money, and will convince you that this is no decep- tion. Mrs. Davidson, drawer 66, Brantford, Ont Mention this paper. The Independent Dash Mutual Flee in- surance Company, Toronto, Canada, Applications will be received for Ontario Agonies at leading towns and villages, Ad- dress head office, 24 King street west, Chas. C. VanNorman, President and Managing Director: Wm. dray, Superintendent. BUSINESS GUIDE tells all about notes, receipts, mortgages, leases, deeds, wills, property exempt from seizure, landlord and tenant, ditches and watercourses, ete., one agent sold 47 copies in throe days ; auother sold S8 In a week; French edition now ready; outfit 25c ; order outfit to -day; it not satisfactory money refunded. 'rile .1. L. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto. Mention this paper. LLoc HIP) A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 VPI® BRASS EYELETS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY RUSH TORONTO, - ONT. se Use ONLY the SOFT, SILKY, TOUGi ,AFNE. IR! a MANUFACTURED BY Insist on being supplied with one of the following brands :— In Rolls—" tanclard," "Hotel," "York," "Mammoth," &c. In Sheets—" imperia ," "Royal," "Regal," "Orient," &c. i Zi liti;SE9h71i919t gran tit IN CALIFORNIA Fanners' Crops DO THEIR LEVEL BEST because Climate Goes with the Land Winter has much sunshine and warmth and GROWTH IS CONTINUOUS all the year. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TELL THE WHOLE STORY tt The San Joaquin Valley," " California for the Settler," " The Land of Opportunity," and other descriptive matter free to agents. Colonist Rates els mated don prix $33.00 from Chicago Writs to H. F. CARTER, T. P. A. 73 Yongo Street, - - - Toronto, Ont. TALKING MACHINE FREE Reproduces songs, speeches, band mule, de., loud and clear like a $50.00 Mae hi no, ono/mous Volun% can bo used at contorts and entertainments. beautifully sliver tlnlehed motel amplifying horn, spring motor, speed regulator, horn rest and all attachments same as on expensive machines. haadsoni ornamented baso. Don't Darfrom 516 to Sas fob Tniklntg Machine,woglvohtsgranOTallcinOMachine RR EE forgo tog only 36 packngos at 100. a pec Be of 1dAhvaL W,tSnI1iG nLTJE,. the grout wash day help. Solid your ham0 and address. wo trust yon and send bluing b mall post paid • wa also Send Ilandsomo doldylntshoi Soar rIns and Broochep to give away wltk the 13111. Ng, you can sell it quickly every lady needs Bluing. Whoa sold send us the money, 53.60. and wa will send you this handsome Scl1playing Talking Ma - china complete, also one Musical and Song Record 1r3' old Sontnekr lromo, Laughing Water, Beattie, Sun Dunce, nixie Girl,' Annie Laurie Carry die Back to cid Virginia The Old Onksnnucket, !Sawa. tbai Where 10 My Wander. lug BoyTo•lanht?l'so G'win Back o tlxio,118310 Lan( Larbver,i30ma Sweet 'Way Down Yonder in the Corn picide etc. Sand for htl.eave, lJluitheng now aHandnd youore cw'7 an Talk iei7� Maoh rleinal'owdays? Remember this Machine is net a Toy but a IntlsIz0 TalkingMachine.'it 1s prow woad not iaend at hOar falling 3lnchlno 000mriote: 01.1h. oa onforfeit e lei 4100 to mono Who Bonds as jS 6e and aha,' THE mARw1F BLUIMC CO &aHIFWSiiiimi DEPT. �CA Tmtte,lttv�NT �4r, .,..`•. �a ' .�,