HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-29, Page 5The Zurich, Herald. Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensa1l, is per- manently located in his gallery' again for the winter and will be open for business •every day Tuesdays excepted. GEO. TROTT, ' 43.6f Photographer.. Notice. 1HE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. (RAs, Ln Ent, leader, or Mr. A. MOKAY, Secy., Hensall, Ont. Red Cedar Shingles. -UTYd E HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF Shingles on baud which we are selling at 00 cts,, Ga els., 75 obs„ 78 cts., 50 ots., 85 ots. and 00 cis. per bunch at Welsh's Planing Mill, Near Ry. Track. fruNsALT. A man to represent "CAxADA's GREATEST NritsisxrEs" in town of Zurich and sur- ::oundiug Country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, --Seed Potatoes, Etc,— Stock true to natne and free from San Jose Scale A permanent- position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stone i'y Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES, -.)VE. 800 ACRES: Toronto, Ont. Cuda" . ore & Sonss9 DEALERS IN .... Lime 4R. Cement, LATH, AND ALL KINDS OF Building Material. --; 0 ;-- WE SELL CHEAP.. .43ivo us a Call. West of G. T. R. Station. Hensall , - - Ont. Clubbing rates. ;We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE Hy911,t » : , Daily G1o1x • $ 4.25 „ Mail &Empiro 4.25 .Weekly Globo . 1.75 Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Sold by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental -2i Comp!ete Pieces for Piano—Once a Month for 2g Cent,. Yearly Subscription,$2.00. If you will send us the name and address of Five: performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth 8 Lomita Sts.. Philadelphia. Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRAb IVIARxs v ruoPVFxiGWrs Anyone sendl')g 0 shot c n mal desorlpl ion may /mistily ascertain our opinum free whether an 'Invention is prohabinpatentable. Com ninnies., Liens strictly senil d5 tint. IIandbookenrat /its sent free. Oldest agency for securing pate"trs. Patents taken through ihunn iz Co, reserve specicm1 hence, without charge, in tite Sete loop tricatle A handsomeiy illustrated weekly. Largest eih% Whitton of any acientllin ionrnal. Terms, $3 e year; lour months, $1. Sold. byall nowstleaiers. MUN 1 & C0.36113rcndwaY, eil4 York Branch ofllae. n" ' $t. Washington. L, C. 1 1 �I<.{Mice Lau t I dry 4 We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION . HO FMAf GENERAL: NEWS. A plot to secure the escape of Millman, 'Walsh and Nolan, . the Welland Canal dynamiters from Kingston Penetentiary, was recent- ly nipped in the bud. The £tnntial mill tia camp at Lon- don will be held June 7th. The Warehouse and contents of M. \Veichel ev Son. hardware mer- chants, Elmira, was destroyed by fire Sunday night. Loss V000 ; in- sured. The Tuckett Cigar Co; has closed down its factories in Hamilton and London, owing to the •Cigarinakers' Union demanding an increase of $1 a thousand. The Western Fair, London, has received a grant of $10,000 from th.o Ontario Governlnent. Fire at Brigden destroyed R. Parr's livery stable, W. H. Roane's residence, Parr Bros.' meat mar- ket, and V?'ni, McGuire's bairber shop. By the explosion of a rocket at Coilingwood on Saturday night, Thos. McLaughlin and Thos. Stan- ford were injured and may die. JamesO'Byrne, a carpenter of London, was instantly killed by a freight train at the Colborne St. crossing in that city Monday even- ing. . The three Convicted ear bandits, Peter Niedermeier, Gustave Marx and Harvey, Van Dine, were hanged in Chicago last Friday. The hang- ing of the youthful Bandits follow- ed eight murders, all attended upon robberies or efforts to escape arrest. As a result of boys playing with matches and setting fire to her clothing, the two -rear -old daughter of Alexander Wildfang, of Berlin, was burned to death last Friday evening. The father's hands and grins were badly burned in at- tempting to save ]lis child. Over 2000 men and 300 vehicles are at work in the burned district, Toronto, clearing, away the debris. Dynamite is used to raze the walls. COUNTY NEWS. Messrs. Geiger and MoNevin's Clydesdale stallion "Climax" took first prize at ,the Mitchell spring show held last week on Tuesday, in a ring of seven horses and dip- loma for the best horse of any age in his class. The Seaforth races will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 5th and (itb, $1300 is offered. in prizes. Mr. Jahn. McEwen has purchased the Aikenhead faruti on the 2nd Con. of Stanley Tp. The price paid was a little over x;5000 The Molson's Bank, Cllnton,have moved into their new office in the. Tisdale Block, The office has been fitted up with everything modern and is equal to any in the cities. Mr. Charles Hoffman, of Credi- ton East, left last week for the West, taking a carload of settlers effects with hila. He will settle in the Snnm nerberry, Asstt.. district. Mr. John Taylor, of Chicago, son of Mr. John Taylor. Exeter .North, recently passed with honors au examination for chief engineer on any Lake steamer: Mr. P. McDonald, foreman of the Sutherland -Innis works, which are to be moved from Exeter, was on Satnrday the reeipientof a hand- some piece of uphnittercd furni- ture; being a combination lounge and chair, at the hands of the em- ployoes. of, tho factory. Mr Mo' Donald's genial disposition,' won the good will and esteem of all those over whom he had charge. Mr. William Glenn met with an accident at Trick's mill, Goclericli,, towiiship,last week iroili the effect -is' of which lie: had since been laid IIIc was standing het'ween two tum`, 1. bei piles when ono tapp]ccl over £uicl Ito Vas pinned between the two front. Inst below the; knees. Mr. Robert Trick lutppened to• be on the scene and he fairly -"humped hina self" in removing the lumber that' Mr. Glenn,nxight got free. For the time being he was probably the more anxious of the two, • though the pain. wasall Mr: Glenn's. - If there is anything in the' old saying, "a big cake of sugar hakes a small loaf," there is a poor pros MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon, Wheat .. ... S$ to 00 .Oats 30 32 Barley .... 40 45 Peas.. 60 62 Flour ...... "2 25 2 50 Butter .............. 13 14 Eggs 11 12 Chickens lb . , ...... 4 5 Ducks , . 6 6 Geese .. 5 5 Potatoes . , ... 30 30 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 88 to 00 Oats.. 30 32 Barley 40 40 Peas .... 65 75 Flour 2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per owt, .4,10 to4,65 peet for good -crops this coming season, for never bas the sap run better than it did this spring, Mr. Westlake of Stanley Township boiler about eighty gallons • of the syrup. Mr. W. J. Stephenson, manager of the electric light works, Clinton, has started a coal yard in that pla,oe and is already serving cos- tomers. , The animal convention of the Huron Sunday School Association and Christian Endeavor Union will be held at Wigham on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 14th and 15th. As outside speakers Rev, J. Gca,hey, Rev. T. AIbert Moore and Mr,.Taek- son, the Sunday School secretary, of Toronto, will be invited, Hon. Thos. Greenway, of Crystal City, Man., spent two or three days at Exeter as a g.zest at the hone of Dr. Rollins. Mr, Greenway has been buying stock and provender , and shipping same to• his home in the West, South Huron Licenses, At a meeting of the License Con- missioners held at Hensall on April 20th; the following were granted licenses for 1904-5: Township of Usborne,--Tavern,Joseph Stephens, Woodbetni. Township of Stephen, Tavern, Win. MVIoiratt, T. Annett, Centralia ; A. Hill, Wal. Fritz, Oettm F To The Farmer: have a full line of GRASS SEE S ALSO."..... Flower and rGarden Seeds 2 Packages for 5 cts. Regular 5 cr. size. Leave your order for any special kinds of 74IN WE CARRY EVERYTHING'THAT IS usually kept in a first class Feed and Seed Store. °SIC "t7= and 1= = C. SGS AO, = Zurich. Crediton ; B. Cunningham, Rhiva ; Sinton Deitrich, Mount Carmel ; A.4 Moser, Corbett ; Joseph Brenner, Grand Bend ; James Hannan, Ship- ka ; 0. L. - Moser, Dashwood. Township:Of Hay,--lllrs, W. Nichol- son. Blake ; R. R. Johnson and J. P. Ran, Zurich, extended for three months. Township of Stanley,— H. Shafer, Kippen aid Wilson Cook, -Varna. Township of Tuck- ersmith,—Charles b'lrilson, Bruee- field; George Strong, Recl Tavern. Village of Bayfield,—Mrs.E. Elliott, • H. Darrow, G. E. Greenslade,: six' months. Village of Hensall,-7, E. Black£ill and W. F. Me0aughy. Village of Exeter, —Wal. Page, James Shacldock, W. T. Acheson and W. 11.awkshaw ; shops, F. .i . Knight, Farmer Bros., extended one month. Town of Seaforth,- 7. Miller, James Dick, Henderson & De Lacey, Mrs. T. Stephens and D. T. Pinkney, shops, E. Dawson and Jos. Weber. • CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have v a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will beg lldpa� to prices: For partieu. i —Easy to run ---Easy to clean—A money-maker—Easy to buy--.. • 48-tf MAUI.r. & B x1niot, Zurich. r 0 0 OUR Lines of Farm Implements gave such General Satisfaction last season that we have again put in • stock the FLEURY, COCKSHUTT, WILKINSON and PERCIVAL Ploughs No Better at any Price Drills, Cultivators, Discs, are noted for Good Quality and Low Price When you look for the best, look for 66D_r'=..i+V I LV C This year we are selling the .1' agnet Cream Separator F. Farm for Sale. a► Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres good hardwood bush, frame house, bank barn and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00. Apply at once to E. Z1:L LEu, Zurirll. Farms for Sale. I have a number of farms for sale as follows: -100 acres, 21 miles from Zurich, price $4000; 50. acres, miles from Zurich for $2,400; 25 acres, 3 miles from Zurich, price $950. These farms aro in good neighborhoods and are worth the Money. Apply to E. ZELLER, Zurich. Notice. As my daughter, Bilda, has left, my home without cause or reason. 1 hereby notify the public that .t will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by her in my name from and after the first„ publica- tion of this notice. FEANN Kocn):xs, Zurich. Dated the 21st April, 1001, 39 3 eil, Deering Agency ZURICH NO YL ICE To HOUSE 'I ♦ 17 ES. Now this is house-cleaning time you will want a nice attractive wgz- WALL PAPER, 1 We can supply you with what you want, prices from 1 eta. to 20 eta. per roll. • Call and see aur spring goods in Prints, Muslins and Dimities. We have just the thing, boys, in the line of .- Freit Hats Latest in style, excellent quality aria moderate in price. We have also tt nice assortment of Ladle's Ready -to -Wear Spring Bats. A call i5 solicited. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. .32. G. NIC H L, _ Blake, _ Ont. oft) ouflIn°37 ry There is big Profit in raising poultry i1' you go about R. in tato right way. MR - mons tt)•e8 111 can' only 11x1 f prolog. It you A i Pfi I;r. •ywould. get the fall prollt ovtof this fruitful department of your farm you must work under the bosh conditions: You,ran do this only when Brooder. Wo positively g iautt use it to be at good Incubator eand and we sell it on the most liberal tortes ever offered by any manufacturer. We will ship ,you-freiglitprepaid by us—a We know of no offer we couldChat ha make that would more thor- oughly prove our confidence r-1 r 1 .tor and faith init.. If the Chat- without one cent of cash frown you until Oct., 1904 ham Incubator is''net all we can,malk�' thor it em.. Wo haven't stinted in anything Incubators /tie parts aro no as as nand skill finished as the parts you ace. 'They aro built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very best of service. They embody ovary real improvement known in the manufacture of Ineu- gators. Cut out the coupon in the corner of this ad.,or write your name and address on a postal card and mail it to us for full particulars of our otl'er. DO it to -day. ger. p p i DEPT. eio CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders, Distributing warehouses at treat. It tn't n hien.; Calgary, t t Alt Van eaves H t.. HaRPoB 1 S Factories at Chatham. Ont., and Detroit, lath Also iIauMattuers of the famous Campbell Analog Millis. 101 Ment on this M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited r0 M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO Limited CHATHAM. 014T, DEPT. sto Please send your descrip• tive Catalogue of the Chatham Incubater,together with allinfor- mation about your special offer, whereby no cash will be paid until October, tgoq, 1i°arfrc,, ..... , P.O. dddrese Z ,arest Pr:Oc,ay Station Address all letters to Chatham, Ont