HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-22, Page 8The Zurich Herald. New Butcher .hop. I. wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of john Solider and will continue the biismess Tit The Old Stand, I will carry in stock all kinds of Meats and will give my • Custo- mers the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, . Zurich = = 'Ontario. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. Alt work promptly eluded to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. aU _fkkisch9s MILLS. Planing and Saw Min —.All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order..'Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stook of B. C. Red Cedar. Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- . ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and ,Water, Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. athf eisch Zurich P. 0. CERTAINLY. You need a -nice pair of CUFF LINKS • OR BUTTONS fifty cents and up buys the "genuine" article. I now show as fine line of Watches, Clocks a.nd Jewel l ry. Also Musical Instruments Fine repairing 'my hobby, let 'due have your ' puzzri RR," Prices right, :HESS THE JEWELER. The Hess Buggies aro noted for their Style Neat and up-to-date in appearance. Quality Made of the very hest material. ' Price As cheap as any similar grade o9' buggies. See them before you buy. We are now prepared to put RUBEE;f-T '11RES on any kind of vehicle, nevi' and old. .First class work ' guaranteed. F. Hess Sc. Sono zurich Ontario. BLAKE Special to Tim ILe ALD." Mr. Alex. `,Choaxipson aa'tl a very successful sale on Thursday last, .a large crowd was present and good prices were obtained. We hear that Mr. Thompson intends moving to Egniondville,where he will work at his olcl trade of stone masoning. Mr. Thompson's departure front Hay Township will be greatly felt, as he has been an excellent council- lor, which office ..he has held for many years. ;i Mr. Chas, Meyer's is ialaking.pre- parations to put a stone foundation tinder his'dwelling We are sorry to state that Mr.. Robt. Douglas, Sr.. is very poorly at present. 'We all hope for .his speedy recovery. , SLABTOWN Special to THE HERALD.- On Friday last Mr. John Hey of the Babylon line held a very sue- cossful wood bee. In spite of the 'stormy afternoon a large number of his neighbors and friends gather- ed and most of his large pile of wood was cut. On the sante after- noon Miss Annie Hey's friends gathered and put in some fine needle -work on two quilts. In the evening the young folks from both begs finished up with a most enjoy- able dancing party. Mr. John Decker is slowly re- covering from a severe kick on the leg received two weeks ago from one of.his horses: Mr. H. Meidinger, of Philadel- phia, called on his Babylon line friends last week. Mr. C. Hey is this week adding a veranda to his already comfortable dwelling—what next? Mr John Decher called on his sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred. Willert, last week. She still continues very ill,witli not much hope of recovery. Mr. H. Neeb spent Sunday with his brother in • Dashwood{ who <is suffering from a serious illness. PHILADELPHIA. Special to Tsai HERALD. Mr. Frank Denomio has moved to Chatham, where he has secured a situation as carpenter. We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs.Denomie. Mr. Dennis Badour has again returned to our burg,ali are pleased to see him back. Miss Josephine Schilbe left for Detroit on Thursday last. Miss Lizzie Albrecht has return- ed from her visit to Hensall and Britcefield. We are sorry to note the severe sickness of Mr. Willie Wehrle, ho is at..present very low with inflam- mation of the lungs. We hope a a speedy: recovery. Miss Laura Steinbach was Visit- ing at her sister,Mrs. Charlie Kalb- fleisoh, the latter part of last week. Mr. Ezra Smith is at present laid up with a Cold. Mr. Albert Schnell has left for near Zurich, where he has hired with his brother for the summer. Wedding bells are ringing very loudly in our burg get ready boys. Mr. Fred Kalifieisch out a gash on his nose while .going into the flax mill on 'Wednesday. last. HENSALL Special to THE HERALD. Mr. Town Dayivan moved to Lon- don tnis week where he has secured a good situation at his trade. ,Mr,. Alonzo Ortwein left on Wed- nesdtay last for Hamburg, where he will visit relatives prior to his leaving for Baltimore, Mcl. He will' spend the summer in that city. : Mrs. W. Colwiil met vrith a pain- ful accident recently. She was us- ing the step -ladder, which upset throwing her violently on the floor. She sustained several severe bruises on the body`and one Of the bones in her ankle seems to have been broken. The W. C. T. U. held their regu- Iar meeting in the Presbyterian church on Friday last. Mr. Frank Horton, of Chiselhurst is on the sick list at present. Our band has decided to disband, owing to lack of funds and some of the members leaving. Mr. T. Eyre left for 'Detroit last week where he has secured a good position, Mr. Bert Mitchell, who has been employed as painter with W. J. Miller, has secured a situation in vvrinyslam. While at work with his. cattle recently, Mr. Jas: A. Bell, of the London road, received a kick on the leg which fractured the bone. Miss Maggie Bell was visiting; her brother, Mr, Robert Bell, of Scaforth, last week. . 14TH CON. HAY. Special the Tim Hi 1iALn ' . Mr, William Beaver, who has been laid 1tip with a severe attack of rheumatism, is able to be:,around again: 1\Zis. i�lilliaaut) Trueinner is visit-' ing her mother at Milverton, whe. is ver ill at .present. Mr. Seth, Meriaer has just finish- ed the last .yelar's threshing, last week. • Iiispector Tot. visited our school on Tuesday last. Mr. Wen: Fee drove through etir burg on Tueeday. Mrs, David Se1i1uobter fora near. Pigeon. Mich., was visiting friends aand•relatives in our neighborhood last week: • Mr. Athan Thiel is engaged with Mr, Will, Truemner for the ,stun - mer. Mr. Elmore Thiel is engaged tvitb. Ml. n. Trueniner. Mr. C. Trueniner wasp visiting friends in Shipka en Sunday. Mr, Martin Edi,l,ef•I'er was visit- ing at Mr. Sari, s;•hoch's last Sun clay, Mr..'Williaiu I1 ie, of Dashwood, was in our burg ,:n Sunday last. There must be some attraction. Mr. John Weide was in our burg on .Monday last after a load of tile. Mr. Bon. Satrara:: Lias been laid up with La Grippe last week. tir•. Ezra Kaercl!er lost a fine cow the other day. •• •_ DRYSDALE Special to Tsc iltauLD. Owing, to the :.now storm,Friday, the roads are very sloppy. - Mr. Joseph Rail and Eli Shallot visited Zurich last Saturday. • Mr. Laurance Manore has opened his shanty at tiro lake for this season's fishine., we wish L. luck. Mr. R. J: Talb+:t has sold his fine driver to his brother-in-law, Mr. \V. Jennison. Mr. Arthur (Teffory is engaged with Mr. JOaa. matt for the simmer months. Mr. Joe Mere has purchased a fine horse from Mr. Klopp for which he paid theca. Miss Laura Horner was at a quilting bee at Mr. John Hey's one day last week and reported a good time, Miss Mobring.:if Bonmiller, was the guest of Miss Laura Horner last week. ' Mr. Blake Horner was at a wood bee at Mr. J. Hey's one. day last week. Mr. Alex. Shallet accompanied with Mr. Joseph M)sseau visited. Zurich last Wednesday.. • Messrs. Edward Stelck and R. J. Talbot visited at Mr. W. J. Horner, Sanday last. Mr. Ezra. Deejardine accompanied with Mr, Calvin Wilson, of Grand Bend; visited Mr. Alex. Shallet last Sunday. Arthur Sero0nan is engaged with. Mr. Manore fishing at Drysdale. RKH-JT GOODS ,at; RIGHT PRICES Hardware', Tinware, Granite, Silver and Glassware. Curtain and Carpet Stretchers, Carpet Sweepers. 7,l13.am c11 7-woopi.. Oils and Portland Cement. The famous L;arnb pence made of No. 9 coiled wire, stays are also No 9 and the Ko oma Garden Pence.. ALL KINDS CF 'Fl+ NCE WIiE. Agent for the London Fence Machines. Photos enlarged and framed all complete for $1,25. Zurich Ontario. We have large stock of SPRING AN,!•' UIV ME GOODS that we will sell to. your advantage. We have this season, the A. shoe worth living in. We salieit your patron- age because we know we can satisify you and give yon value for your money...... P. BENDER, & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Spring h,: s come at last. This is til e time when farmers remodel their FENCES.. We were never 'better prepared to serve your wants in these lines. .•.•. have the Miss Laura Horner accompanied American Fenee with Miss Mohring visited the home of Mr. J. Rau one evening and th e last week. (^tED:&R POST li'OR SALE: --Wo have a large uus„i,er of first Class Posts ab the Take 1'' n,. St. ,Toseph, which will be sold at re.a:a,m:ahle prices. For particu- lars apply to 43•tf \1.tc:t;a. ~F Bemva<a.; Zurich. Farms for Sale. t 1 have a anuul.Lr of farms for sale as follows --10o ai.•a,'i, 2G miles from Zurich, price $000: 50 •acres, 14 miles from Zurich for $3,100; 25 acres, 31 miles from Zurich, price ;050. These farms are in good ricighborh,,:ads and aro 'worth the money. Apply to • • E.. ZELLI;R, Zurich. Notice. As my daugh'ur, Hilda, has left my home without ('mise or reason 1 hereby notify the pill di • that ; will not be respon- sible for any dH.t., eontracted by her in my name from and after the first publica- tion of this noes; I r.:ixla KMOisias, Z rrfeh. Dated the 21st April, 1904. 39-3 • CHEAP, On WAY RATES TO TEE WEST VIA coat North rn, y Effective da.iiy during March and April, clime one way Colonist tickets will '.,e issued from all Stations in,Ontario, to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the States .of Montana, Idaho, Wash- ington, and Oregon, also fall points in British Columbia. ' • On March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nc1, 20th, and April 5th, 12th, 19th, 20th, one wa second Blass tickets will ' be isstt, tP from Chicago to points in North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full inform tion as to time of trains, berth rates in Totirist Sleep - or, also literature on any of the above States on application to, Chas. W. Graves, District .Passen- ger Agent, 0 King St. W., Room 12, Toronto, Or • F. Whitney, Gen. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. IDEAL PENCE made of all No. 9 Coiled Wire with No 9 Stays and Lock that can not slip. Also full stock of other wire j �(' If you want /an {{�� V ll' 11 O=DATE HARNESS, ESS, Good Stock, Best Workmanship, call on us PRICES RIGHT, QUALITY CONSIDERED See the new Just in. at Pandora Range HAR 6i LEI` �9 THE PEOPLE'S' HARDWARE .AND HARNESS HOUSE. e rnishin s Nothing suits a house wife better than a BRIGHT NEW CARPET ur stock this season is an entirely new one and -Fye do not hesitate in saying the best ever shown by us. You want to inspect our range of T M1ES (for floor and stairs.) INGRAINS and ALL WOOLS. JAPANESE just. the thing for something cheap. - See oar .. . . i9ku, . -tea Ls, (pure Mohair) 3.2-'11002: Oil J.©t..s in different widths. Scrims and M.usl.i is for Curtal a s, PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS.