HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-22, Page 6Use Fi 0.:"dY' ,AYrti Can iee had in TUBS, PAILS, WASH BASINS, BILK PANS, STABLE PAILS, ETC. From any first-class dealer. Double Dose of Joy. "But your hero and heroine get mar- ried in the middle of the story. How do you expect the public to keep on being interested in a book like that?" "Ah," said the new author, "but they get divorced in the last chapter and live happily ever after. So, you see, the reader is made twice glad for one price of admission." A Cynical Suggestion. (Washington Star.) "So that young woman has jilted -you?" said Miss Cayenne. "Tea," answered the confiding young man. "And you are suffering acutely from •• regret?" Tani." "Well, cheer up. If she had accepted you it might leave become a chronic at- tack of regret." The Tertium Quid. (Weston Herald.) . "Do yeatexow, Mabel, I believe if I weren't here, 'Captain ' Spooner would lass you." "Leave the room this instant, you impertinent boy!" Dear, Sirs —This ie to certify teat I have been troubled with a lame back for fifteen years'. I have used three bottles of ;your isiINARD'S LINIMENT and ane com- pletely! cured. It gives me great pleasure to re- commend it and ;you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of &our! valuable medicine. Two Rivers. ROBERT ROSS. Warrior Woes.—Through damp, cold and exposure many a brave soldier who ]eft his native hearth as "tit'• as a man could be to fight for country's honor, has been " invalided home " because of the vulture of the battle ground—Rheumatism. South American Rheumatic Care will absolutely cure every case of Rheumatism in existence, Relief in six pours. -08 Haven't Heard of It. (Toronto Telegram.) ' A Bartenders'—beg pardon, Wine 'Clerks'—Com-ention is in session at Hamilton and refreshes the news- papers of that burg with the sight of familiar faces from their favorite haunts all over the Province. ,sok, , y+r Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap .Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- fects and cleans at the same time. at Easter .Morning. (Wm. Murray, in N. Y. Scottish Amer- ican.) Blissful morning! All creation ° Flows with joy and light, Christ is risen from His prison, And the world is bright With the wondrous rays which shine From His countenance divine. STREWN ' OF A STOCK ROWER His Lumbago Was Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Suffered for]Twenty Years Before He Found Relef in the treat Canadian Kidney Remedy. Rosedene, Ont., April 11•—(Special)-- Robert C. Lampman, the well known Gainsboro farmer and stock grower, is completely cured of a long-stand- ing case of Lumbago, and lie has made a statement for the benefit of the public, in which he gives the entire credit for the cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills. In his statement lea IL•ampman says: "For twenty years I suffered from Lumbago with all its woret symp- toms. I had the most distressing Trains it seemed possible to bear, coupled with an irritation of the spine. "At times I Was entirely prostrat- ed and was for weeks unable to do anything whatever, and required the services of my family to assist me in dressing and moving from a chair to the sofa. "I tried doctors and medicines, but got no benefit till, on the advice of a neighbor, I commenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. -AI ter the first box I noticed an improvement and when I had taken six boxes ev- ery symptom of my trouble had. van- ished." Like :Rheumatism, Lumbago is caus- ed by Uric Acid in the blood. Sound oldthesblood Dodd's allUric Acid out Pills make sound I%idneys. Mar's Canals. (Toronto Star.) Speaking of these huge canals that they have discovered in the planet .liar::, Perhaps this is what ?1au•s'tice planet', personal appearance. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. • Wall Street Arithmetic. JO mills make one trait, a 10 trusts make one combine, • 10 .combines make one merger, 10 mergers make ore magnate, 1 magnate makes all the money, Minard's Liniment. Relieves Neuralgia. The Pill Output. The annual; ;consumption of pills in the United Suites is 40 per capita. De- troit is the centro of the pill industry, with act outpnt of four billion pills, or 60 per cent. of the national product for both foreign and domestic constmiption. Bells and Thunderstorms. An instance of the absurdity of some of the notions held byour'nn- cestors was the notion that the ring - tug of the church bells had a coun- teracting effect in a thunderstorm. It was supposed that the vibration of the air, caused by; the movement of the bells resulted in the dissipa- tion of the Electric fluid in the air. Tho belief was so common at one time that the priests had the bells rung as soon as signs pf 'an ap- proaching thunderstorm were seen. Science now bolds a contrary' opin- ion. Not onla' does the sound have ho possible effect on the air, but the vibration caused by the sound of a bell upon a cloud, charged 'with electricty, may cause it to discharge its contents upon the ringer of the bell in the church tower. : Too Many People Daily With• Catarrh.—It strikes one like a thunder- clap, develops with a rapidity that no other disease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der Is the radical, quick, sate and pleasant cure that the disease demands. Use the means, prevent the deep -seating and years of distress. Don't dally with Catarrh. Agnew's gives relief in ten minutes. 50 cents. -07 QUEEN BESS' WAR)RDBE Royal annals have never keeorded a more varied and extensive ward- robe than that which belonged' to the "Virgin Queen." Even at the age of sixty-eight, when she might be supposed Ito havo outlived her youthful vanity. she possessed 99 complete official costumes, 102, Preach, go'w;ns, 100 robes with trains and 67 without, 126 antique dresses, 136 bodices, 125 tunics, not to mention such trifles as 96 mantles, 85 dressing gowns and '27 fans. It is Fossible that she had an ,ugly foot, for she possessed only nine pairs of shoes, which, considering iter extravagances in other articles of apparel, mast have some meaning. At her death three thousand ar- ticles were Tound duly catalogued in her wardrobe which bad adorned her proud person. Great Service to New York '?e New York Central affords excel - leek service to 1cew York, Boston and points in the Eastern States. See your ticket agent for full particulars. Gone,. But Never, Forgoten. The dame who kept our boarding house, A very worthy lady, Has shuffled off this mortal coil, To realms that one calls shady, No more we'll see her irate face,. By nature herd and steely, Grow harder as she hears us say: "This chicken soup is vealy." On stalwart steaks of iron cast mold Now tenderly we're thinking, • And coffee ground—'twas chiefly grounds She gave each morn for drinking. We do not wish her back again, For such a wish most rash is, But with sincerity we cry: • "Peace be unto her hashes" EDISON'S DIET, Thomas A. Edison offers this in ex- planation of his ability to da the enor- mous amount of work he performs: ";l eat just about a pound of food per day —three meals. but just enough to nour- ish the body. My diet consists of meat, vegetables, eggs or anything else that I want, but in small quantities, People eat and drink far too much. Indeed, I know of men and women who are food drunk all the time. I hardly ever take any outdoor recreation, but I live ab- stemiously, as my father did before me. If people would diet themselves and drop drugs many cominon ailments ' would disappear." GIVE CANDY TO CHILDREN.. • Littlo Danger They Will injure Thein.. selves Aly k+ating'roo Muuh,. Na"a;rly .all cit:i hu, especially it they be narinel, Lcaithy oleilclren, crave for eweet:a. A great many par- ents without any euougllt or reason in 'the matter deny to ;their child- ren rill kinds ref sweets. They do thathint froBoatnmad jrveoonoegaudyandived notioncakes sugantr are bad f•or the children. Other par- ents go to ilio opposite extreme and indulge their children in all .'arts of confectionery, from the cheapest to' mita most expensive, allowing them to each ace, ludigestiblo cakes, jams, candied,t'ruits, preserves, etc. Tipsy both, are making a mistake. Children a ilould be allowed to eat sweets, tut Abe proper kind of sweets, Cheat, nasty confectlous shouii never be given toticenx, neither should they be permitted to have too mtioh jam nor any hat definable hodge- podge off •stuffof't:thatinmaspuorades un- der the name 'of cake. Beware of cheap painted candies ; they are poisonous,. But give the eleadren sweets in the form of pure' chocolate, honey and syrup m.ad.e from fruits. A lump of sugar or a stale of good candy now and thea will not hurt them. Let them ea,t molasses, but be sure it is a good (quality. Fruit jellies, if unattul.'eratod, and plain cookies that are not too4swcet are good for ch -id - ren. Let the ch'ltlren have sweets. The system craves for them. '.11lhey im- part warmth and energy. They nourish• and bu'ld up the tissues. Hate best time to give the children sweets is at meal time. Let fruits, .jelly, • syrup,, molasses, honey or cookies, ,corm part lof each meal and then children will not often plead for candy and cake. Let the oh; ltlren have sweets. But see to it teat they are furnished the proper kind, at the right ,time and in a sensible quantity.—Medical 'Talk. , ' • Catarrh Sufferers Read! C. G. Archer, of Brewer, .falne, says: "I have had catarrh for several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days ata time. About four months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. It re- lieves in 10 minutes." Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure relieves in 30 minutes. 34 Something Overlooked: (Philadelphia Record.) Airs. Buggins had just returned from a shopping tour. "There! I just knew there was something I had forgotten to buy," she exclaimed. "What was oit?" asked Mr. Buggins. "I'm sure I don't know," replied Mrs. Buggins, "but I find I have 50 cents left." DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Therels only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a: rumbling sound or imper- fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam- mation can betaken out and this tuberestor- ed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed'forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (Caused by catarrh) that cannot he eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, r 5c. Take Hall's 1 amily Pills for Constipation. The Tyrant. (N. Y. Sun.) Mrs. Knicker—Do you treat your cook like one of the family? Mrs. Booker—We daren't, but she treats us like one of hers. • Minadr's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. The Old Log Home. (Toronto News.) The York Pioneers have done well in voting $300 for the" renovation of the Simcoe Cabin at the Exhibition Grounds. Governor Simcoe would be ashamed of the log -house if he saw it to -day. • The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets., um.ptio Cu "T � T'heani�cLung ,�" is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: S, C. WaLLs & Co. 302 25c, 50c. 51 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can. SnallairilltizalyeRsolnir The less experience a roan has the more advice he gives. The telephone girl may not be a belle, Int she has a great many callers. The people wbe wear spectacles natur- al y see specks before their eyes, $ 0®® Relnia,°23 will be paid by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who can prove that this soap contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, or contains any injurious chemicals, eau r,,- i+a. Oetaxou lllar. mfg As Represented. (Buffalo Commercial.) Markham—Seo here, when you sold me that ]corse, you said he wouldn't harm a flea. nip—Well? Markham—Well, just look at me. I've been kicked and dragged and— Gip—Well, my dear sir, you are not a flea. $50.00 to Caiimor&a and Return Via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line, from Chicago, April 23 to May I. Choice of routes going and re- turning. Correspondingly low rates from all points. Two trains a day from Chi- cago through without change. Daily and personally conducted tourist car .excur- sions. Write for•itinerary and full par- ticulars regarding special train leaving Chicago April 26.-13. H. Bennett, 2 East King street, Toronto, Ont. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. An Unusual Question. Mrs- Leslie M. Shaw, with her daugh- ters, Miss Erma and Miss Enid, visited San Francisco last month, and many social functions were given there in honor of the Secretary of the Treas- ury's family. At a tea one afternoon Mrs. Shaw, smiling towards her daughters, said:, "When Enid was four or five years old she used to repeat at night the little prayer, 'Now I lay me—' "I suppose that millions of children have said, 'Now I lay me' millions of times, but I doubt if the simple and charming words of the prayer ever sug- gested to another child a question so unusual as they did to Enid. She one night repeated the prayer reverently, and then asked me, with a puzzled frown: "`Mother, if I should die before I wake, how would I know that I was dead?'" Detroit Times. ISSUE NOs 17 1904.` Firs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething, It soothe the clixld, softens the guns cures wind colic and is the best remedy for .Ularrho:a. r7eTANTIBD—A GENERAL SERVANT; hone. hAddre s or wagespaid; to Mrs. comfortable Hamilton, Ont, Any Lady Can Make Easily in 1 erlocalii y n he0.00 weekly e spare tirepresenting e TeT hof posi- , tion is pleasant and profitable the year round. Wilt gladly send particulars to any lady who may need to Make some money, and will convince you that this is no decep- tion. Mrs. Davidson, drawer 06, Brantford, Ont MIentlonthis paper. Tlio Independent Cash Mutual Eire In- surscneo Company, Toronto, Canada, Applications will bo received for Ontario Agencies at leading towns and villages. Ad- dress head office, 24 King street weet. Chas. C. Van\orma.n, President and Managing Directory Win. Gray, Superintendent, BUSINESS GUIDE tells all about notes, receipts, mortgages, leases, deeds, wills, property exempt from seizure, landlord and tenant, ditches and watercourses, etc., one agent sold 47 copies in .three days ; another sold 88 in a week-; French edition now ready; outfit 225e ; order outfit to -day; If not satisfactory money refunded. The 3. L. Nichols Co.,'f tmited, Toronto. Mention this paper. LLONC HIP,,, A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 STYLE 253 NO BRASS EYELETS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BRUSH r `a.CO., TORONTO, - ONT. Trouble Over a Nalene. (Topeka Capital.) A man stepped up to the window of the post office at Stafford and asked for his mail. "What is the name?" asked the postmaster. `Louder," replied the man. "What is the name?" then shouted the postmaster. "Louder," again said the patron. "Your name?" roared the post- master, until he rattled the windows. "Louder, J. H. Louder," meekly replied the man. r.........minefflummammeesznagammiargi IN CALIFORNIA .Farmers' Crops DO THEIR LEVEL BEST because Clip ate Gees with the 1_ fid Winter hes much sunshine and warmth and GROWTH IS CONTINUOUS all the year. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TELL THE WHOLE STORY .< The San Joaquin Valley," " California for. the Settler," "The Land of Opportunity," and other descriptive matter free to agents. Colonist Rates Marhased don grit $33.90 from Chicago Write to H. F. CARTER, T. P. A. 15 Yonge Street, e Toronto, Ont. • i s Interesting War Routes. The ;World's Work gives the fol- lowing table of distances, showing among other thing.; how far Russia must transfer war supplies to the Far East ; Bt. Petersburg to Flsdivosto:k, 5,- 800 mil. L St P.cttrsburg to Port Arthur, 0,- 00" i miles. Vfadivostoeit or Tort Arthur ;to Harbin, X00 milers. Nate 'York to Yokohrnia, via Vie now , P,ananxa canal, 10.091 miles, New Bork to rokohema via the San canal, 13,391 miles. •Odossa to ,Viadivostock, 10,823 miIos aniitt to Yokohama, 2,848 miles. Courting a Girl in Spain. Courting in Spain is conducted on principles thatmight almost be described as unique. Ile Spanish girl of any at- tractions is almost always attended by a young man who is known as her novio, and who has the privilege of squiring her on her walks, although by 'a singular anomaly no formal engage- ment exists. So long as this state of things continues the young lady iias to be loyal and obedient to her gal. lent. But he may cease his attentions at any time and openly transfer his attentions to some other lady, Although the advantages of such a custom are all on the side of the male, very few Span- ish girls would care to be 'without a novio, however fickle. .r:.661. Indestructible, Handsome, Perfect. Only 20 Dents per running foot. Supplied by us or local dealer. 242 THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. Limited. Walkerviile; Mi;ntraal, Winnipeg, St. John