HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-15, Page 8The Zurich Herald New Butcher Shop. T wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continue the business Mt The Old Stand. I will carry in stock all. kinds of Meats and will give my Cnsto liners the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich — Ontario J. H. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH Verity Plow Rapairs al ways on hand. All work promptly attended to Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs aay and Friday evenings of eac week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimatest given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. O. %ttapt3. 31 Second Hand R(BE1R1ECJI1R ValiZablE% All in fine running order to* be sold in ten days --for cash -- Prices - - the hest. F. W. HESS, THE JEWELER. Buggies uggies Season 1904. Ow new line of Buggies will soon be ready for the market. RUBREB =TIRED 'BUGGIES a specialty. Give us a call before you buy. E. Hess Se Son. (Locals continued from page 1,) See Faust's line of celluloid col- lars for the summer. A five -cent piece will buy 2 pack. ages of any kind of flower or gar- den seeds at Schrag's Feed and Seed store, Dr. Selle{y, who had been on a visit to Toronto recently, had a severe attack of tonsolitis. He has nearly recovered again. Rival Herb Tablets, a quick, sure and lasting cure for all diseases of the Blood, Stomach, Liver and Kid - , the home of Mr. Daniel Steinbach, De- troit, was the scene of a very pleasant event. The young people, whose homes are in Zurich and vicinity, and who now live unber the protection of another flag, had arranged a re -union A very pleas- ant feature of the interesting event was the presence of Rev. John Streinpfer, of Toledo, who at one time was the pastor and teacher of many of those present when he was stationed at Zurich and who still takes a deep interest in his former congregation. The evening was over all too soon ; incidents of for- mer days were recalled, favorite and apprgpriate songs were sung and all felt themselves benefitted by the evening's proceedings. A wholesome repast had been provid- ed by the hostess and which was enjoyed by all. Those present were Messrs. Adolph Kalbfleisch, Nick. Deichert,Hartman Steinbach,Adam Fassold, Daniel Steinbach and Hy. Bender. Misses Bertha Wurm, Louisa Wurm, Georgina Schilbe, Mary Schnell, Anna Schnell,Kathe- rine Truemner, Lizzie Truemner, Ernestine Truemner, Emelia Ben- der, Annie Heideman, Lizzie Decher and T. Schmidt. The Misses Har- tung were unable to be present on account of the death of their niece at Dashwood. Born. MERNER. — On the Bronson line, Hay Township, On April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'Merner, a daughter. UTTLEY.—At Zurich, on Sunday, April 10th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Uttley, a daughter. HILLSGREEN Special to The HERALD. Mrs. Janes Jarrott has disposed off her fifty -acre farm to Mr. James Turner, near Hillsgreen. James now owns three hundred acres on the Parr line. Mr. Will Jarrott, who teaches a school on the Tipperary line, Gode- rich Township, spent his Easter holidays at his home here. While here he had the misfortune to cut his foot quite severly, while split- ting wood. Mr. Norman Workman has en- gaged with the R. Laidlaw Lumber Co., Sarnia. He will measure lum- ber for thein. Well done Norman. Mr. Robert Stelck, principal of the Zurich Public School, spent his holidays at his home. Messrs. Frank Farquhar and Willie Love were home Easter Sun- day but returned on the following Tuesday to Stratford where they are attending Business College. R.'F. Stelck spent a couple of days last week with Mr. Geo. Campbell of Brucefield. Miss Hood is the guest of Mr. James Love this week. Mr. August Guhr and his gang b.avo again commenced work on the dredge in the swamp. The following are making pre- parations to raise their barns this summer : - Messrs. John Turner, John McAllister, John Forrest, John G. Forrest, This must be a sign of prosperity. Miss V.• Heywood, 02 Clinton, spelt a few days of lust week at Zurich _ Ontario, Mr. Thes ,Far quhar's, Two enjoyable evenings were spent in dancing and other aniuse- monts, one at the home of Mr. Andrew 'Love and the other'at the home of Mr. Farquhar. • HENSALL Special to Tun HERALD. . Editor Neelancls and family now reside in the new Petty block. Mr. H. J. D. Cooke is spending a short time in Detroit and Saginaw, building up his health, Mr. J. W. Ortwein . shipped 7000 pounds of dutch setts from this place last week. Mrs. Manns, Sr. has been very ill with an attack of rheumatism. Miss Clark, a professional nurse of Lon- don, is taking caro of her. Mr. Alex. Lewis left for Atwood, on Friday last. He has secured a good position there as foreman in a tinshop at $00.00 a month. We, are sorry to lose Alex. On Wednesday, April 6th, a very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. William Cudmore, near Kippen. His daughter, Susie, was united in marriage to Mr. T. Workman. The knot was tied by Rev: Mr. Shaw, in the presence of a number of invited guests. Mr. Walter Lancaster is home from London where he has been in a hospital for about three weeks. He- went through an operation for appendicitis and an internal growth on the stomach. We are glad to say that be is improving rapidly. Miss McKim, of Clinton, is nurs- ing Mrs. Blackall, who is laid up with an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. Johns, of Guelph, is visiting her parents at present. On Sunday, April 3rd, there pas- sed away. to the great majority, Mr. James Miller, father of Mr. W. J. Miller, Hensall. The deceased lived near Croanerty. He was. in his 73rd year, and had been in fairly good health until his last illness. His wife predeceased him about four years. He leaves five sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral, which took place Wednes- day, was largely attended. An Essay on Ducks. A schoolboy in Jewel City was assigned to prepare an essay on the suoject of "Ducks," and this is what he wrote : "The duck is a low heavy -set bird, composed mostly of meat and feathers. He is a mighty poor singer, having a hoarse voice caused by getting so many frogs in his neck, He likes the water, and carries a toy balloon in his stomach to keep him from sinking. The duck has only two legs, and they are set so far back on his running gears by nature that she cane purty near missing his body. Some ducks when they get big has curls on their tail and are called drakes. Drakes don't have to set or hatch, but just loaf, go swimming, and eat. If I was to be a duck I'd rather be a drake every time."— Kansas City Star. MARKETS Revised every Thursday -afternoon. Wheat 88 to Oats ... 30 Barley,— 40 Peas ...... 60. Flour 2 25 2 Butter . 13 Eggs., .. 11 Chickens lis .. 4 Ducks .. 6 Geese ... 5 90 32 45 62 50 14 12 5 6 5 Potatoes ............ 30 30 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 88 to 90 Oats 30 32 Barley 40 40 Peas 65 75 Flour . 2 00 2 10 Hogs (live) per cwt.. 3.85to4.35 CHEAP ONS WAY RATES TO THE WEST VIA Great 'ortherriP y Effective daily during March and April, cheap one way Colonist tickets will be issued from all Stations in Ontario, to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the States of Montana, Idaho, Wash- ington, and Oregon, also all points in British Columbia. On March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and April 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, one way second class tickets will be issued from Chicago to points in North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. L+till infnrination as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleep or, also literature on any of the above States on application to, Chas, W. Graves, District Passer.- ger Agent, 6 King St. W., Romn 12, Toronto, or F. I Whiltileyy, Gen. Pass. Agent,. St, Paul, Minn. GOtoe,Greb,, For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver a'nod `Glass Ware tea. Sherwin=Williams PAINTS and Holl wood Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of • The -Famous Building Materials. LAMB FENCE Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deceiv' d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND CHAS, GREB, ZURICH, ONTARIO. 8P112.1NG I3 RG'INS. We have large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS that we will sell to your advantage. We have this season, the PURINA 8110E A shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron- age because we know we can satisify • you and give you value for your money...,.. P. BEJVDER, & Co. Zuricl2. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. . Spring has come at' last. This is the time when farmers remodel their FENCES. We were never better prepared to serve your wants in these lines. We have the American Ferree and the .IDEAL FENCE made of all No. 9Coiled Wire with No 9 Stays and Lock that can not slip. Also full stock of other wire If you want an UP-TO=DATE HARNESS, Good Stock, Best Workmanship, call on us PRICES RIGHT, QUALITY CONSIDERED.. See the new Pandora Range Just in at G. HART'LE IB, THE PEOPLE'S HARDWARE AND HARNESS HOUSE. SPRING GOODS �s UST ARRIVED.—.A large shipment of Spring Goods, such as Dress Goods, Carpets, Prints, Tweeds, Laces, Embroideries, Etc., Etc. As space will not permit us to describe the above lines, we invite you to call and examine thele, which is more satisfactory to the buyer. I L LJ •••OUR.•. Ti E f, e � ia,�C1 'Sc will be ready for the ladies', shortly.