HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-15, Page 5"rhe Zurich Herald. M1•. Geo. Trott, of Hansen., is per. nianently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. Ono. TROTT, 13.tf Photographer. Notice. 'Iry1IHE HENSALL )3RASS BAND, COM - .JL posed of about 20 pieces, are new open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be adclr'essed to Mr. elms. L1Nlllaa, leader, or Mr. A. Mt... AY, Secy,, Hensall, .Ont. Red Cedar Singles, E HAVE A G001) STOCK OF. Shingles on hand which we are •sell ng et lint eta, 03 cis., 73 cis., 78 cis., 80 cis., 83 o s. and 00 cis. per bunch at Welsh's Planing Mill, ' Near Rs% Track. • - 14ts :v v.L. arit A man to represent GREATEST "CANADA'S Nrrtmsltr):3" in tow tr of Zurich and sur- rounding Country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- i I mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, a -Seed Potatoes, Ete,- l Stock true to name and free from San 'Jose Scale A pernlaneilt position to the I t right man on either salary or commission, 11 Stone a% Wellington a FONTHILL NURSERIES, i ( ] vi:rt 800 Aortas. Toronto, Ont.( ii Cudrnore �' Sons, .... DEALERS IN ...: Lime & Cement,11 LATH, AND ALL KINDS OF IT. 13uilding Material. d WE SELL CHEAP. dive us a Call. West of G. T. R. Station. a Hensall , - - Ont. t Clubbing rates. t "We have made arrallgcments t' to offer the following low clubbing y rates with Tarr Hz.ItAL» : 1 Daily Globes • . $ 4.25 1 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 C Weekly Globo . 1.75 5 t. , Mail & Empire 1.75 0 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 fi Daily Free Press • 3 25 1 Weekly Free Press 1.75 a Daily Advertiser 2.40 f1 Weekly Advertiser 3.50 c Weekly Sun 1.73 tl Farmer's Advocate 2.25 1 T g; Sold by All Newsdealers 11, it c.. e3'.W PEPPER ;.: pt rg..x. bt a tat -o II pi w • -s a_ a� tsar Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental -2g Complete Pieces far Piano -Once a Month for sg Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. If you will send us the name and address of Frva performers on the Piano or Organ, we will send Sou a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth & LoctistSta.. Philadelphia. Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Ancone send:4g a aket c n and description may quickly ascertain our (wlnten free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica. cions strictly confidential. IIandbook on Patents vent free. Oldest agency for securing_patoms. Patents taken through Munn O Co. receive .epecfalowtire, without charge, 1n the A handsomely illustrated weekly. 1 nrgest clr. dilation of any selentiao Journal. Terms, $3 year ; four months, $1. Sod byall newadr_atera. MUNN &Co 36 !Broadway, Newyork Branch Dolce. h.'= :' St.. Washington. D. C. 11off roman's jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CiONNECTION . OFF AN GENERAL NEW$''. ; The annual convention of the friends of temperance and prohibi- tion in Ontitrio will be held in Toronto, on Thursday, April 21st. The population of the United States, exclusive of Alaska and the insular possessions, is 70,900,380.• Thisisltn increase of 3.005,814 since 1000. New Hamburg races will be Melds on June 7, 8 and 0. Adam McGill, a carpenter in Lon- don, fell down the stairs in the Ontario House a.iid sustained in- juries from the.effects of which he died. A reward of $200 has been offered to any one who captures "Texas who escaped from the "London jail lust Tuesday week. t A collision between two freight trains took place near Guelph o11 Saturday. A heavy fog pre - ailed at the time, Fireman Thos. Snowden, of Siratforcl, and Brakes- nlun Harvey Hall, of Clinton were stilled. Mr. Sidney MoGinnes fell 80 feet �n the Canadian Northern elevator, tt Port Arthur and was instantly illed. Many thousands of immigrants re leaving Toronto every week for ;he Canadian North West. They ire Illostly British. ' The Rectory hotel and stables at 3obcaygeon, Ont.. were completely testroyecl by fire on Tuesday morn - ng. The woollen hills at Hespelel', )au•lton Place, Waterloo and Lamb on will be closed. Seven ilundre 1 rands will be thrown out of en cloyment. About 300 men are at work (ouble tracking the Grand Trunk etween London and Paris. The timely awakening of a baby t a early hour on Saturday morn - ng, saved the family of Mr. John 'olan, Brockville, from asphyxia - ion. The cover of the coal stove, ad been left open allowing the gas o escape. Tlie average daily population of he Canadian penitentiaries last ear was 1,224 as compared with ,447 in 1898-9 and 1,250 in 1894-5. 'he Roman Catholic convicts i anada average 50.8 per cent. of he whole according to the report f the Inspector of Penitentiaries. enough of Canada. The ratepayers of Hallett Town- ship 'vote on a by-law, granting the Guelph Junction railway a bonus of $;4,000 on April 29th.. Rev. A. C. Jennings, Bayfield, who has been given leave of absence on account of failing health, left for England on Friday last. ] Ee will be gone about three months. Mr. Wm, \Vit el, of near Khiva, had the misfortune to 10se 02)0 of his vttluahle S11ow horses recently. He valued. the horse at )250, Mr. Chas. Box, of Stephen Town- ship, has a 'cow that gave birth to four calves within eleven months - two pair of• twins. Another cow also gave birth to twills, making three pair of twins in eleven Months. This -is a remarkable record, Mr. George Haney, of. Clinton, Leave your. order for any special kings of recently purchased the splendid fawns on the Huron Road, Tucker - smith, from 111r. Wm: Colwell, for which he paid $6,500. To The Farmer: I have a full line of S ALSO....... Fl wee s "-Garden 2 Packages for 5 cts. Regular 5 c*. size. W. C. T. U. The Boy With a Bad Mark. A Bog WANTED. -There stood the notice in the shop window in large staring characters, as if to say that the people inside were really- in earnest on the mutter. A small crowd of boys stood out- side the shop looking at the notice. It \vets Saturday morning slid they had a holiday froi school ; some of them were tired of learning and wanted to commence life on their own account, so they had agreed to take a walk together around some d of the chief streets of the city in order to find out if any situations were vacant. Tack Martin,' said one of the lads who seemed to be a kind of leader, pointing to the notice. here you are, the ver,;. thing. Go in, Jack. and try your luck.' Jack hesitated ; -it was easy enough talking about getting a situation, but it was very different to 1;0 into a place of business. and perhaps be asked any number of very unpleasant questions. 'No, no,' replied Jack. 'I don't care about au ironmonger's. Here you, Bill Fielding, your are very n i fond of pocket knives, why don't you have a try?' It is estimated that no less than Jnr million acres will be seeded in Ianitoba this year. Experts are greed that with favorable weather 01n now o11. this will be it bumper rop year, as it is a remarkable fact hat a hard winter always means a otter yield from grain crops. here is more moisture in the round, and frost takes longer to se, so that the roots aro kept in a oalthy condition all sunlnler,whnn 1 nature generally manages to :lance things out pretty evenly, long, hard winter is generally the ecursor of a good summer, in hich everything ripens well. COUNTY NEWS. Mr. Hanham, of Ridgetown, has leased the Commercial Hotel,Exeter. from Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw. Mr. Hanham will get possession May 1. 1 Mr. W. H. Willis, of Scafortll, will build an addition to the rear of Itis present store. in order to keep pace with his increasing business in the manufacture of leggins, etc. A by-law granting a loan of ;10,000 for establishing and enlarg- ing all upholstering; and ftlrnitilre factory was carried in Win+,halls by a large.lna.jority, only eight votes were cast agatillst Messrs. Sandy Brown and Ed Reid, Bayfield, left for Owen Sound recently, where they ha ve secured situations with the Government Steatlm'1' ''Baty field," Ml'. 0. McKinnon, et the Harris - ton Higl1 School stall`, is the now Classical .:taster at the Clinton Col- legiate Institute. Mr. lllcKinnon is an all arousal athletic. The fixtures of the old postoffico in Clinton have been sold to Mr. A. Metcaty, Stratford. who will take charge of a stab -office in that city. Mr, J. G. Johnston, Blake, -who 110.8 been attending Seaforth Col- legiate Institut:), intends leaving •for Ann .Arbor 'University, May 1st, where he will take; a four years special course in modern languages. Twenty-nine patients were sent to the insane a.syltuu f1.'oin Huron I County in 1903. In the year 1878 Huron County had 150 licensed hotels and 38 11- censod shops, and last year there were 78 hotels and 0 shops. Mr. II, M. Jackson, :Cgnlonclville, was elected to the Executive Coun- cil of the Canadian Lacrosse Asso- ciation, in Toronto, on April 1st, Mr. McLellan, T.L'uckersnlith, re- cently engaged ono of the old count- ry men to work for him for this summer. The pian was not used to farm -work .and became so hosne- siek that Mr. McLellan drove ' him to Soaforth and he started for the "olds sod," saying that he had got 'A tip-top place, I shoilld think,' said. the leader of the little crowd of excited boys. 'Just see what you'll learn here, fenders and fire - irons, lamps, and knives and forks, much better than (Rill driving all day in a stuffy office.' - 'A splendid idea,' remarked Bob Ratcliff, 'your fortune' is made if you only get this situation. You start at six shillings a week, you go on step by step till you become partner, then you marry the I111(5- ter's daughter. Of course, you become Lord Mayor of London, and live a regular toff. Go in, Jack, my boy, I see the guy nor waiting for you behind the counter with • outstretched arms.' The boys laughed, and some of them peeping through the window saw a benevolent looking old gentleman surrounded with inn01n- erable parcels, all of -which had been opened to satisfy a tiresome customer, who after all only pur- chased a pennyworth of screws. Jack being urged en so much by his companions to venture in, at last gained courage, and pnshing open the door, walked straight up to the counter while his compan- ions stood almost breathless with anxiety to .now the result. (To be continued.) e ds E CARRY EVERYTHING THAT IS usually kept in. a first. class Feed and Seed Store. 077= and -t T.:D_ ado CH RAG, _ = Zurich. yetth ,ga� `y tl,J3 '�f for Springy eHhi oUR Lines of FarmImplements gave such General Satisfaction last season that we have again put in stock the FLEURY, COCKSHUTT, WILKINSON and PERCIVAL Ploughs NoBetter at any Drills, Cultivators, Discs, Price are noted for Good Quality and Low Price When you look for the best, look for GbI. jo.�i = Zeira-99 This year we are selling the agnet Cream Separator -Easy to run -Easy to olean-A money -maker -Easy to buy-. J. P. Rickbeil Deering Agency ZURIGi-I aldnyanatIMIN A GREAT COMBINATION i a%)r 1904_ THE H;gRALD, your 110100 paper, .... $1.00. Toronto Daily News 3.00. American Farmer ,50,j Weekly Globe . 1.00.1 Weekly Montreal Herald 1.00. OUU PRICE FOR THE LOT, ONLY. . Address or Call at once. 1 We have also Low Rates on other Daily & Weekly Newspapers. 6.504 $2.90. THE HERALD OFFICE, 1313Kr1I. :` t9liy:' :b.idaM EMMEM-r:MI=�a r�"'�t, 1.`�9s'k„T-igh'Ni'ill Tmelfil MELzilm We know of no offer we could make that would more thor- oughly prove our confidence and faith in it. If the Chat- without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1904 Ilam Incubator. is not all wo 0] 11m for it you are nob out one cent. Chatham Then haters aro made just as good as money and skill ran stake then.. We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts arc au strongly made a»d as well finished as the parts you see. They are built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very hest of service. They embody � every real improvement: known in the manufacture of Inca. haters out Out 0 tampontampon)n the earner of this ad.,orwrite your nameand address on a postal card and frail it to us for full particulars of our offer. Do 11 to -day. paper.aper.nthis (1 M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited p There is big Profit in raising poultry if you go about: it in the right way. Half. ttlearnres moan only half-yr/Mts. L' you would get the (1111 profit, out of this frui.tOil dopar&stent of your farm you must work tinder the best conditions: you can do this only when liroodcr, we positively yeti use a Chatham Incubator and and we sell it put the moslt liberal terms ever altered antee it: to be a good 1 by any manufacturer. We will ship you --freight prepaid by us -a Chatham incubator DEPT. 610 CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders. lastritutina Bhrohol ues ut Montreal Quo.; ] i 1 1 n shin.; r+a gory, Alta.; \'aucouv r 1tC.: 111(0 s X 0. 1+'url oras at Chatham. Ont., and 11(11 ), 1n..11. Also 11:wufl1Ctuler5 so the (1110(11 ('INIIpbCll italluitlg Mills. ' 101 0 M. v CAMPBELL PANNING MILL CO. ed C1IATHA11x, ONT.. DiEPT. sio two Please aloguetof the Chathaor m Inrntbator,togethcr with allinfon manes about your special ot%r, whereby no cash will be paid until October, 1904. Ramo Address ® 11 -rarest Railway Station er Address all letters to Chatham, pat. lowool