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The Herald, 1904-04-15, Page 2
ii'od"i§ir:r-Nlsi ,Atli„ ,.. Raise Every. Chick Your Hens .liatch Iudigestioe tills more chickens than any other disease. When chicks begin to droop'—look peaked and thin—won't eat—it's due to over- ` r- feeding or wrong feeding. Season the food with Myers' P eeeel . Poultry `Spice if you want to raise plump, strong, vigorous poultry. _ 'eIt tones the stomach—regulates the towels—keeps -seechickent and "heal hys'turkeys ducks and makes henslayll winter and young pullets early layers—and insures fertile eggs. Myers' Royal Poultry Spice is a relish—a tonic—that is indispensible to the farmer who wants to make money Out of his "chicken yard." Write for illustrated booklet. You'll find it interesting from cover to cover. MYERS ROYAL SPICE CO. NIagara Falls, Ont. '& N.Y. SOLD EVERYWHERE IIDO1v'T MARRY THIS GIRL. Who is lazy. Who is a flirt. Who cannot control her temper. 'Who dislikes children and animals. 'Who is not neat and tidy in her dress. Who is deceitful and is not true to her friends. Who fusses, fumes and fidgets about everything. Whose highest aspiration has never soared above self. Who is amiable to suitors and "horrid" to her family. 'Whose chief interests in life are dress and amusements Who lacks thrift, and has no idea of `the value of money. Who cannot bear to hear any one put herself rraised or admired. Who thinks more of making a fine ap- lreerance than a fine character. Who is coarse, imperious and domin- eering in manner and conversation. Who never thinks that her mother -aneeds an outing, anntsement or a change. Who humiliates servants by snapping rat them or criticizing them before guests. Who appropriates the best of every- thing for herself, and is thoughtless of others. Who dresses in the height of fashion when going out, but does not care how elle looks at home. -0. S. Marden, in teetccess. MI1sIff's Duly A Clowing Tribute to the Sterling Worth of Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder. " When I know anything worthy of recom- mendation I consider it my duty to tell it," says Rev. Jame' Burdock, of Hamburg, ra. " Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder his cured me of catarrh of five years' standing. It is certainiymagteatl in Its effect. The first ap- plication benefited me In Live mtnntes." 33 Or. Agnew's Pills cure the liver and stomich. tOc Little Th Ings That Tell. It is tho little things of :ifs that often do the most miaohir1, so that it behooves one to look out fr tri- fles and deem not,h•ng unimroitant. A maxi wv1:o was grsatly attractrd by a girl, and zvo•t1d probably hate fall- en in love with her, if tome little thing had rot intervsnell, told one of his in:timat>' r i< mai :vita noli:led that Iris attentions ware discon- tinued, that the little habit of laughing at a h ' en:i o: each remark was tiro wedge that first started the rift within the' lovers' lute wiech, "widenr slowly," made "the mucic mato," so far ea he was oonearnr.d. Almost everyone has one or more little personal habits tnore or Iisr annoying to his asso- -elate:, of which he himself is quite unconscious. "I do with Salina X would not begin to hum a tune. in the middle of a convert;:it'on," said ono of 'her friends, "I1 Is very imitating and shows that she i1 not Flaying tho least attention to anything that 1 tun sa,yirg. It 19 e.ertainly not eom- plimentary, arylI haveh^air-i a num- 19ar of se oplr spank abort it. Some - ¢kite really onirlu to tell her." Unto: tunat- ly, howrv• r hat tom -- one nevor will. Wo all d1-Iike to b told of oar faults, anti the tnek of correction 1: an tingratqnl ono. There are other little Habits that are even wor::P than faults of Inan- ner—unpVtt-ant 111'1- t.r•ill: which dere'op c;11 u: icon c'ou IF, but twill; h aro osci'edingly t +'i.rlm m i- 1. It is scot nrdor'snry ,o hp - e y the little tracks that jar one's srnp•ih.lities, Fveryo gra has n -.t r '1 ru.ih h -Hire trig trifles in of !v.v.; ltin,t *rh hiz him - pelf feelp'rf:'•rily sir- it . h- ha•. no knelt :d o-ylicrtasics N,2wv York Tribune. Neglect a cough and contract"f consumption. hi ©h C'onsumrpfsai 'tii ia` e 'd he Luna Yonio cures consumption, but don't leave it too long. Try it now. Your money back if it doesn't benefit you. Priem m C. v.raree & Co 801 230 Magi Lektoj et. Y., Toronto, Can; fratamtlfteiallt Small Coins Bzighter and Newer. (Philadelphia Record.) "Have you noticed the improved qual- ity of the coins now in circulation?" asked the trolley car conductor, as the pulled a handful of bright pennies, nickels and dimes from his pocket for inspection. "It's due to an effort on the part of the Government to pet better money into circulation by recalline the worn and shiny pieces from which the impression of the die has become effaced. I've noticed for the past two years a steady improvement in this respect. All the banking institutions now throw aside the coins that show decided traces of wear, and the Treasury Department re- deems these with new ones. In Eng- land a soiled bank note is unknown. The paper money is always new and crisp, being recalled before it becomes worn. It's getting to be that way in this country with our small coins." Itching Piles. -Dr. Agnew's Ointment le proof against the torments of Itching Piles, Thousands of testimonials of cures effected by its use. No ease too aggravat- ing or too Iong standing for it to soothe, comfort and. cure. It cures in from 3 to 6 nights. 85 cents, -55 (Exchange.) "Thirty days hath September," Every person can remember; But to know when Easter eomes Puzzzles even scholars some. When March the twenty-first is past, Just watch the silvery moon, And when you see it full and round Know Easter'll be here soon. After the moon has reached its full, Then Easter will be here, The very Sunday after In each and every year. Ancl if it hap on Sunday, The moon shonld reaeli its height, The Sunday following this event Will be the Easter bright. I was cured. of abaci ease of Grip by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Sydney, C. B. C. I, LAG1'3E. I was cured of loss of voice by MINARD'S LINLMENT. Yarmouth. CHAS PLU1IMER. I was Cured. of Sciatica Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Burin, Nfid. LEWIS S. BUTLER. STEEL CONCRE IE STANDPIPE AT MILFORD, 011!0. A steel -concrete standpipe was recently; constructed for .Milford, Ohio, from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr. J. L. a. Barr, of Batavia, Ohio. The oatenz of reinforcing the concrete . is known as the Weber syisteria and makes use of email steel tees for the ,reinfoeem•ent. The standpipe is ,eighty-one ifeet high from the base to the roof, and the dome- shaped roof has a rise bf 8 (feet, making the total height above the foundation of 84 feet. The minimum inside diameter is 14 feet feet. 1'or the lower J0 feet the wall is 9 inches thiole; for the next 25 feet the thick- nese is 7 inches, and the upper sec- tion of the wall is 5 inches thick, tho reductions in thickness being made on -the outside. The outside surface of the wall is perpendicular. The foundation ns octagonal, with an in,-crib,•d diameter of -2.0 feet, and it )re 6 feet deep. The concrete ;for the foundation war, mixed in the pro- portion of 1 part cement to 7 parte gravel, while the concrete for the wall was `made of 1 part cement and :1 parte clear, sharp sand. The standpipe proper was waillred with, neat cement groult and the top was trowelled smooth. ' The call is reinforced with 1x1 1-8 inch steel tees bent into ringe with the ends lapped aboutt, G Inohes. These rings are set about Metres from the outer surface ot the wall and aro held in plaeo by; perpendi- dicular tees spaced about 18 . inches apart, to which the rings are fast- erred by wire bands.—Engineering and Building Record. It is hard to convince a starving man that most of the ills come from over- eating. KiNCI EDWARD'S TRAYk;LS. The Doyal .aach.t Being Got 1leady 1n Time. - '1"110 Royal yacht 'Victoria and Al- bert has just boon docked at Ports- mouth, for an Overhaul and refit, and She is to be ready for sea by March 1. It is understood that, the VIc Lorin, and Albert will be required about the middle of next month ny the King for €t cruise In the Mediterranean, and that His Alajesty intends to pay a; visit to the King and Crlueen ,ot the Hellenes at Athens. it to rumored that the King's cruise will terminate at ti'eniee, and that he will proceed these direct to Copenhagen for the family celebration 11: Bing Chris- tian's eighty-sixth birthday on April 8411 the state of public affairs should render It Inexpedient fur the Bing to go to the Mediterranean, he will probably go instead for a cruise in laoine water, and the royal yacht will carry Isis Ma jnsty to Copenhagen and back. The Victoria' and Albert will be required about April •22 to eouvey their Majesties from Holyhead eto Rini stows, where She will remain until the conclusion of the royal visit to Ireland on April :10 or i\fay 2. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, Endurance of 111e Yak. Yaks, which are the mast of bur- den -in Tifibet, are very cure -footed and Will carry a load of more than 200 pounds ,Flfely along the steep- est hillside. They. can exist on the scantiest grass, but grain food ,suits them for a few, days only, Eight nines a day is good average work. A recent traveler tried leath- er boots ,far his yaks, without suc- cess. Tame ;,oaks are wvlvite, black, gray and brown, and all i:nterneed- .vate gradations of these colors. The wad yak is invariably black and in early ,spring his winter coat al- most siv eeps the ground. At such seasons wild and tame are almost indistinguishable, and a story is told of a ibiug game hunter in • Thi - bet who shot his own baggage ani- mals by mistake. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Trouble That Rats Cause in Patagonia. (Boston Transcript.) A scientist exploring Patagonia says: "The impassability of Patagonia mud is proverbial. You cannot walk through it and it takes a sturdy mule to carry you through. More often than not it is caus- ed by the burrowing of a tailless rat known as the tutu-tueu. Acres upon acres, amounting to square utiles even, of otherwise sound and wholesome ground are undermined by this indefatigable little pest. He holds the country as noth- ing else holds it, until the advent of sheep or cattle (which he hates) induces him to shift the scene of his nightly lab- ors. Cost 10 Cents—Bit worth a dollar a vial. This is the tea,`rnony of hundreds who use Dr. A.gnew'a tl'+er Pills. They are so sure, so pure, so pleasant and easy act- ing. The demand for this popular Liver Regulator is so great it is taxing the makers to keep up with it, -03 A Curious Dog Tax. " The raisins absorb alcohol, and so, no matter how niur'h one drunks, if he will ' eat raisins continually, not less than three or' tour to each glass of beer, for example, they will ,prevent the alcohol from being taken up in the blood, and thus preserve a state of sobriety." In Brussels the. dog tax is man- aged on a very bdd ,system, dogs being taxed according to their value instead of at a fixed rate. The various suburbs have different rates, too, so that a roan '.living at (Is- elies pays perhaps a trifle less for his dog ,than he would if he bad a. house in Boisfort. A. rich Belgian, who was noted ant'ong his friends as being a trifle "near," as the Seetch say, 'owned a very valuable dog. When looking . about for a lloltso tiS the capital he selected one in the district where he would have to pay 'the least for his dog..n- fortunately his cleverness was mis- placed on this occasion, for his work lay at some distance from his house, and the sums expended for cab hire more than 'made up for the extra dog tax. Minard's Liniment Cures Daedruff, Keep Your Eyes Open. It is no happy-go-lucky business this ever present neces?ity for evading the perils that beset life on the streets of a busy city. Haste to catch a car or to cross the streets in front of a car is the great source of danger and death. If people would make it a rule never to cross a dangerous street until they can see the track clear in frontof them both ways; if people would re- member to take care of their lives even while they^ aro berrying for a car, there would sanely be some re- dupwi:eon an the numnI1er of tragedies that now bring the ache into so many hearts. 1Vlinadr's Liniment Cures- 'Burns, etc. K.IOSES AT SUBWAYS. Attractive metal kiosks are being erected at the entrances of the New York subway. There are very few cleans. ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. it makes the home bright and clean. 1B The Manufacturer's Advertising, The experience of a manufacturer is interesting: "If I could get my monthly mailing card into the right hands, I could afford to rely on it mainly for my advertising. But there's the rub. I found it expedient - to use the newspapers in Order to get • the right persons to apply for the cards. Then I found I could in - elude' the essential matter in niy news- paper advertisement.' Hence, while • nay card is stili valuable, any newspaper an- nouncements are indispensable," $50.00 to California and Return Via the Chicago; Union Paciflc & North- Western Line, from Chicago, April.23 to lfag`1. Choice of routes going and re- turning. Correspondingly low rates from all points. Two trains a day from Chi- cago through without change. Daily and personally conducted tourist car excur- sions. Write for itinerary and full par- ticulars regarding special train leaving Chicago April 20.—B. H. Bennett, 2 East King street, Toronto, Odit. Nothing Left to Break. (Scraps.) Mrs. Wiggs—Cook has only broken one dish to -day, dear. Mr. Wiggs—That's better. How did that happen? Mrs. Wiggs—It was the last one. Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant—is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. az Chicago a Health Resort. • (Boston Globe.) Chicago is the healthiest large city in the world. For years Berlin has been a close second to Chicago in the compe- tition for a low death rate, but London has now supplanted her. London's es- timated population for 1003 is given as 4,013,812, with a death total of 72,109, the death rate per thousand therefore being 16.02. Chicago's estimated mid- year population was 1,885,000, with a total of 28,925 deaths, including the Iro- quois fire victims, mal ine• the death rate per thousand 75,34. or only 1.7 per cent. less than in London. Great Service to New York The New York Central affords excel- lent service to New York, Boston and points in the Eastern States, See your ticket agent for full particulars. She Was a Hustler, 1 (St. Louis Star.) "George," said the leap year girl who meant business, "I love you dearly. Will you be my husband?" "Why—er—this is so sudden." stam- mered George. "G -give nue time to think." "Well,' she rejoined, as she looked at her watch, "think quick. The last car is due in fifteen minutes." ISSUE NO 16 1904. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should alwaye be used for Children Teething. at soothe the child, softens the gumscures wind colic and is the best remedy for Liarrha,a, 'PANTED -A GENERAL SERVANT; highest wages paid; comfortable home. Address or apply to Mrs, W. Holton,. iiamUton, Ont. Any Lady Can Make Easily $72.00 to $20.00 weekly by representing us in her locality In her spare time. The posi- tion is pleasant and profitable the year round. Will gladly Bend particulars to any lady who may need to make some money, and will convince you that this is no decep- tion. Mrs. Davidson, drawer 66, Brantford, Ont Mention this paper. The Independent Cash Mutual Piro In- surance Company, Toronto, Canada, Applications will bo received for Ontario Agencies at leading, towns and villages. Ad- dress head office, 24 King street weat. Chas. C. VauNorninn, President and Managing Director ; Wm. Gray, Superintendent. BUSINESS GUIDE tells all about notes, receipts, mortgages, leases, deeds, wills, property exempt from seizure, landlord and tenant, ditches and watercourses, etc., one agent, sold 47 copies • In three days ; another sold 83 in a week ; Preach edition now ready; outfit 25e ; order outfit to -day; if not satisfactory money refunded. The J. L. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto. Mention this paper. reese ere eisersiterleeassisee. ease I, LONG HIP,,, A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 STYLE 253 r MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TORONTO. - ONZ • When He Fell Down. (The Standard.) He—Won't you let me give you just one hiss before I go? She—Will just one satisfy you? He—Yes, darling. She—Then I won't give it to you. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Therels only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous liningof the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper- fect hearing and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam- mation can betaken out and this tuberestor- ed to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever,' nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarr, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. 1. J. CHENEY a CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, 75e, Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. Origin or the Word "Tariff," The word "tariff" says the West- minster Gazette, is derived from the Spanish town of Tarifa, which was the name given to the place where the Mloorish General Tarif landed in 71.0 A. D. from the North of Africa, with a small force, to make a pre- liminary raid on the coast of Andal- usia, preparatory to the overthrown; of Spain by the 3iioors. It was tit _ Tarifa that the conquerors instituted a table of Customs regulations, or "tariffs," from the duties collected at the port. As in the case of many other of the older Spanish towns, Tarifa, which is the southernmost town of 'Europe, is htill of quite Mloorish aspect. Can be had in TUBS, PAILS, WASH BASINS, tlILK PANS, STABLE PARIS, ETC. From any first-class dealer. A Monument or Bars. Thr+o'trghout Corea a number ot, monuments are still standing whish date from the war of 1592, when' japan invaded Coma with 300,000 men. Those "AIlenuments of Ears," a they are called, mark the burial places of the, 10,000 &ars which were cut from the heads of the Coreans as trophies of victory. There are many of these monuments in Japan also, for BOMB, of these gruesome relics were taken home by the con- quering; army. Canary Bird and Bullfinch Millinery. There has been a run on rare birds skins and plumage for ladies' hats this winter. One young lady wore what, I suppose, is called a -garden hat, judging by the greenery which bedecked its am- ple brim. Among this brilliant foliage I counted eight bullfinches. However, a young and pretty girl could thus bedeck^ herself like an original savage paass- oth the imagination, There was a wo- man who recently spent £300 on a ball dress made from canary breasts --but she was French. It is the fence that has stood the test of Lime --stands the heaviest strain --never sags—the standard the world over. Order through our local agent or aired from us. 201 THE PAGE WIRE FENCE 00. L1110I1TEI!`8, am vatullroxv ln, Ont, riuntlreal, (Anse. . Be. John, Nele Winnipeg, ts[sn