HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-15, Page 11.4 RAL The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol, IV., No 38 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. 1. Per 'Y ar. LEGAL CARDS. �r J. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. d. G. STANBURY, R. A. F. W. CLADDMAN. Glladman & SStanbury. - on BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. --AT HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thurladay and Saturday. --OFFICES-- Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Of}icos—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROIiDFOOT, RAYS & BLAIR • BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. Goderich, - - - Canada. W. PROUDVOOT, K. C 1 IL C. IIAYS. G. V. BTAIR. BUSINESS CARDS• laACtiAND & CO., , of 1 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and 'Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection Notes and Accounts. —OFFICE— Zurich, • BrL al Ontario. (L. V. BACHAND, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated a Animals. Veterinary medicines of all ] kinds always on hand. , Day and night calls promptly' attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. t ANDREW F. HESS. i Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. F. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO./t DR. F. A. SELLERY, t a t c; I 1 t Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-26 E BOSSENBERRY, Licensee} Auctioneer for I3ur- a on County, respectfully solicits the pat- 1 ronage of those who intend having sales. \ Satisfaction guaranteed. PHILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the 1 County of Huron. I would request n those having sales to call on me. a Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- n teed. Your patronage solicited. n HOTELS. p r44444*0***44444444€t44444s CO 4 «4 4 4 f; THE 4 4 0 4« CQMMERC! IL HOTEL * 4 4 4 4 ZURICH 4 4 G3 bt �:a T 0 t] * o. 4 e cl 4 t 0 4 t 4 4 e 0 tl 0 0 NV * \v di g Strictly up-to-date in modern im •;, D provements. Dining rooms is sup- t 3 plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ Bar contains choice liquors and cigars. � 1 ¶ I. ¶ Excellent Sample Rooms 44 ii for Commercial Men. J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. k$�0$0 944c 44efor.,t aelee4>:':t4�:+ b THE OMinion i a i of i m Lj of , ar by f to ; in te. a fo de NVt te, House.! asommurnontommammateseamems This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. o wetter ,arable in the ;'Y!y�ominien. R. R. Johnston & Son 'i PH0PItIETO'RS. LOCAL NEWS Mr. J. D. Merner was in London, Wednesday, on business, Don't forget to call in and see the Ladies' Hats at Fausts. Mr. Wei. Kiopp has twenty spring pigs for sale, ready for delivery. License Inspector Ballantyne, of Seaforth, was in town, Thursday. Mr. George Cook, of Dashwood, MIS a visitor in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter were in Crediton, Friday last, visiting rela- tives. Miss Flora Klopp spent the East- er holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ecl Deters, " Misses Helma and Clara Koehler returned to Stratford on Saturday, to resume their studies. Mr. A. Geiger purchased the Booker property on Saturday, the price paid being $610.00. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of Rodgerville, were the guests of Mr. H. C. Doan, on Sunday. Miss Flossie Snell and Mrs. Lam - ort, of Dashwood, were visiting mends in town on Friday last. Mr. "Bill" Uttley was all smiles ast Sunday. His wife presented aim with a twelve -pound baby -girl. Miss Edna Holtz returned • from onclon, Tuesday evening, where he has been residing for some time. Miss Sarah Manson returned rnesday evening from London, where she has been visiting her )rother, Mrs. G. Baldwin, and son, of Sea- orth, visited her parents, Mr. and YIrs. D. Steinbach, for a few days his week. A very enjoyable d tncing party was held at the home of Mr. Alen - ,o Foster, on the Babylon, on Tues - lay evening . The sucker fishing season is here nd a good run is reported. Mike teidinger caught 33 in two hours n Tuesday with a net. The regular meeting of the W. T. U. will be held at the hozne f Mrs. Steinbach on Monday even - ng, April 18th, at 8 o'clock. Miss McDonald, of Ashfield Town- ship, after spending the holidays at her home, has resumed her duties is teacher of the Bronson line school Miss Mina Doan visited friends t Sutton during the holidays She esumeil her duties as teacher in he Hensall public school on Mon - ay. Owing to lack of room. Mr. Chas. ritz has been compelled to increase is shelf space. He is also having he walls and ceiling brightened up eith a coat of Iight blue paint. The Misses Ida and Lanra Weber and their brother, Arthur and his dy friend. of Dashwood, were isiting at the 'home of Mr. and birs. C. Schwartzentruber, on the Bronson line, Sunday last. Mr. Fred Huiser, who has until ately, been employed at the Comn- iercial as hostler, moved his family ncl household effects to a farm ear Scaferth this week. He will anage a farm there this summer. Hogs are still keeping at the low rice of $4,35 per hundred, and hog- tisers are getting discouraged. hey say that their is no money in lean at that price. Messrs. Mittel- oltz & Schafer shipped a carload n Thursday. Miss Minnie Hartung spent a few Sys here the latter part of last NS She came home to attend he funeral of her neice, the infant hild of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Miller, Dashwood. She left again for De- roit on Monday. i Mr. Garnet Magel is now employ - with with Mr. Charles Hartleib as nsniith. Garnet had made arrange- ments to leave for Durham, Monday here he had secured a position ith Mr. Fred Seigner, but owing o sozne misunderstanding his plans d not materialize, and he will now e found at the litartleib establish- nent. Messrs. T. Kelly and J. Deichert were in Blake Tuesday evening. Highest cash price paid for eggs and dutch setts. C. Sehrag. .Nevv ads this week—Chas. Hart- leib, Chas. Fritz, and Peter Bender, Mr. F. Schuettler has some cedar stakes and poles for sale. See him at once. D. S. Faust has a fine range of wall papers at all prices. Call and see tlleni. Miss Mohring is 'spending the week at Drysdale, the guest of Miss Laura Horner. Mr, C. Eilber and wife, were in Crediton, Wednesday, visiting the former's mother, who is ill. Mrs. E. Sehiuuchter and daughter, of Pigeon, Mich., is visiting friends and relatives here at present. Mr. J. D. Merner is starting house -keeping again and has rented Mr. Fred. Rummel's dwelling. Mr. Simon Sararas. wife • and child spent Sunday with Mr. Fred. Howald and family at Hensall. Mr. Wm. Ruby left for Pigeon, Mich., on Monday to visit his father, who is very sick at present. .Master•Herbert, son of Mr. Jacob Howald, is slowly recovering from a severe attack of rheumatic fever. Mr. Charles Schoemaker, of Wag- ner's Corner,left for Berlin, Monday where he will work at his 'trade, masoning. Mr. William. Rcehrig, of the lath Con., was taken seriously ill the fore part of the week and is under the doctor's care. Mr. J. Hey, Jr., recently bought a handsome driver from Rev. Mr. Knowles, Crediton., The price paid for him was $125.00. In 1903, T. L. Borrowman, the Wyoming dealer, purchased $12,000 worth of furs at Dashwood. Where did all the fur come from? The ladies of our town and local- ity may be interested to know that Mr. John Preeter has received. his new dress goods. Don't fail to see them.. I have the following., private funds to loan on good mortgages at low rates. $1000,00, $1500.00 and other sums to suit borrowers. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. Mr. C. Bechler bad a successful wood -bee on Friday last. Quits a. race took place during the after- noon, but Harry Gellman and Joel Bechler came out champions. LOST —A purse containing a five dollar bill of the Sovereign Bank issue. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving same at Tun HERALD office, or return to the owner, Mr. tiiriliiam Badou r, Drysdale. A meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for South Huron will be held at the Queen's Hotel, Hensall, Wednesday, Apr. 20th. A new applicant for Tavern License is N. M. Ca�ntin, Balmoral Hotel, St. Joseph. Mr, Henry Magel is making some extensive improvements in his liv- ery stables. He has put iron gas pipes between the horses stalls and otherwise getting things up-to-date. He will have a very complete barn when completed. Mr. Irvin Motter, who has been employed with Mr. C. Hartlib as tinsmith for about a year, left for Hensall on Monday, where he has secured a similar situation with Mr. J. McArthur. Irvin has made many friends since he has been in town anti we aro sorry to lose hint but wish him success in his new venture. The nuinber of children attend - ng our public school showed a decided increase on Monday, when about twenty little folks supplied with slate, book, pencil and bag, began their edw ational careers. The patience of the teachers of the junior departments, will no doubt be tried, as teaching the "young idea how to shoot" is not so plea- sant a task. A very pleasant birthday party was held at the home of Mrs. Lydia 13ossenberry last Saturday evening, it being her 76th birthday. They brought many useful gifts and lots of good things to eat The evening \vas pleasantly spent, and at a sea- sonable hour the guests departed, all wishing Mrs. Bossenberry many nore happy birthdays. The fob owing ladies were present ; Mes- dames P. Hauch, E. Appel„ II. 11?a,gel, F. Bossenberi;y. C. Fiats. J. Praetor, G. Buchanan, E. Zeller, Govt. Hess, D. Bock. G. Merrier, and C. Eilbor. An old resident of the Township Stanley passed away to the silent ajority on Saturday last, in the i'son of Mr. Robert Keys in his rd year- The deceased was one the early settlers in that section, d was much loved and respected all who knew him, . He leaves , mourn. his loss, his aged partner 1 life, three sons and three (laugh - i's. The departed had been ailing r some years and on Saturday ath claiuied hien. The remains )re interrbcl in the Bayfield ceme- y, and were followed by a large inber of relatives and friends. Locals continued on page 8. �aaooc�ogoc�'c3�c�'000� �•�• OO•.O.O• •Q O'•O•rJU•'O•C1•G. Q v40 .vs a. o MILLIN]ERV OPENING 0$� ON...... a.� Thursday and Saturday 0 D under the management of D•0 a.� D• DD ao OD p g [y qro D. S. FAUST, 0. ZURICH - - - - ONTARIO. (1.OD •Q mo o • O.l�• �.,.. ..pc�c.. . ., , g.,..id. �•O.4•� 0 4 •d•- •O'4• •4 o O 4•b 'or• We invite ONE AND ALL to call and see our goods. Our stock is of the newest designs and prices very reason - able. .---1011111e11111■1.- 0 . iimos...- High Class FOOD y-`4' EAR. My spring Stock of 4 ` N has arrived and l have a large range of the best foot -wear.' made iia Canada. Do .not fail to see them they will suit you in Eggs and butter taken in exchange. CHAS. F I ' , THE SHOEMAN, - ZURICH. waiwi1`dY41a1dkVUmYMYVmwmw1"dw din oat As the season for these goods is advancing, we wish to call the attention of the Public, to the fact that we have a most complete stock of both Ladies' and Men's Garments. Our Ladies' •1 AIN Pg'OOFS are the most up-to-date in Quality and Style we have ever carried and at Prices that will be sure to clear ....them out in a short time MEN'S COATS. --Wo have them to suit all Classes and at prices as low as the •lowest; Quality Considered. Be sure and see our goods before buying as we can guarantee you special values. "Bring us your Dutch Setts, we pay highest prices for all produce." J. PREETER, Zurich AAANMAANWWWW PAWPAW CiTh,Yoviri'arbi, a�o^�mdae^ar �e 0nnn� nnnrotiTh m� rnvelWlW)c-?6) Ce 0 .j Frost }}�� ire Fence 1 m) 0) d m) It will turn Stock without 0 injury— beautify the Farm — does not need constant patching a) -�_.,, and with reasonable usage will a) last a life -time. Booklet and t°, itiiiiiiIIlirOwilii...�r full particulars given on request. (0 %I ,'' w.i, 4...n.1....wnw,.,:.row u yhm+s.JA.a.„w..ou.,-..+'w`a FOR SALE EY 0) Has no equal as General Purpose Farm Fence (W C LEI^ `'0 9Zurich. Uri uova mvwvwu�v „A, „,,s nw°^�n0i�n0i.0i`O.vO� ®vv.0�Ow0Oi�vu�®Ov�na�uOv�O u�?