HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-08, Page 8The Zurich Herald. New etcher I wish to inform the Pn.blic that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continue the business At The ' Id Stand. uscoamatonscommcsomerusumasearmasotamagamaxampoosasnuogramacepta I will carry in ,tock al]. kinds of Meats and will give my Cnsto- niers the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. Harry a gblut, Zurich _ = Ontario. • fe ISME Horse Sheer and SEAL BLD K -SM TH 1 Verity Plow Rapairs al= i ways on hand: AH work promptly aitendocl to. I' ,Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each! week, at six o'clock sharp. s c (Locals continued from page 1.) Miss Arnelia Axt, of London, spent the Easter holidays at her home here. Highest cash prices paid for eggs and Dutch Setts an Schrug's Feast Store. Call in and examine 'C. Fritz's new stock of shoes, No trouble to show goods. Mr. A. Parker and family, of Hensall, were the guests of Mr, A. Zettle on Sunday. Mr. R. B, McLean left for Gode- rich last Thursday, where he will remain for some time. Mr. Thos. Kelp returned Tues- day evening from a short visit to his house in Stouffville. Miss Dora Eilber returned Tues- day evening from London, where she visited with friends for a short bole. At a recent meeting of the Trus- tees of the Evangelical church. .Fritz. C. Either and J. Preeter we appointed ushers. Mrs. J. A. Williams, and so Calvin, left for Hudson, Quebe to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Rev Whitos:ides, on Tuesday. Word has been received here the death of Mr. Jacob Seh.roode in North Dakota. Many frien in this locality will hear with gret of his demise. Mr. Amos Overholt from ne W iarton was renewing acquain ances in town Sunday. Antos htL: rented the Treffy place on th Sauble and intends moving onto in a few weeks. Letter From Mid-Qoean, Through the kindness of Mr. D. S. Faust, we publish the following interesting letters frons his brother Henry, who is on his way to Pales- tine, to attend the Sunday School Convention to bo holdholdthere. Mid -Ocean, March 14th. 1904. Today we are in laid -ocean, 1054 miles from, N. - Y., we have had a most delightful trip thus far. On Thursday and Friday the waves rolled as it were mountains high, but to me it was beautiful, our ship is so large that we hardly notice anything more than its regular rolling motion. the entered the Gulf Stream the second day, the Weather began to got .wanner and today it is most delightful, like a May morning. The employees on the ship nuns. ber 380, with 140 stewards. It con tains'" 1,000 rooms and is a magnifi Zl dent structure. My berth is No. re 233 on the Upper deck itis a beauti- ful room. contains four, one from I'onnsylvania. one from N. Y., one n' from Oregau and myself. from Mich. ) Wo have fancily worship in our room every morninmorning; at 9 a. in. wehave public family worship in one i __,___-_____..... o_...___...._..__ f .. _- tees_. Of our large rooms ds sed the Atlantic Ocean in the his-. i'e • tory of the world. The delegates number 810 frons every state in the ar • Union and Canada. t- Last Sunday morning we had preaching services in our large 0 ! dining room, services were con - it ducted by Rev. Dr, Potts, Toronto, t For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and 'Glass Ware, a d Hollywood oils, Porl:larnd :Ceme`nt and all kinds of The Famous g � Mateals Most durable Pence on the market Don't be deceiv d with a Fence 1\I hint—You will not be if you buy a LONDON • ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIStE ON HAND ossNi /7 ZURICH, n Ii is said never such a party cros- Mr. Wm. Calfas has bought a entire horse from Mr. Bawden, E eter. He is of the Heavy draught class and is a fine looking beast. His name is Bisgah Knight and he ost Billie in the neighborhood of $1500. Mr. Garnet Steinbach is to be con ratulatee1 on the pretty window he has arranged for the Eastertide. A large cross is in the center and this is tastefully bedecked with artificial fruits and flowers. In all, it makes a very artistic display. The usual change in 'the time of services for the summer months has been made by the Evangelical ehureh. Beginning next Sunday, the Sunday Sc000l will begin at 9 :30 and services at 10:45 in the forenoon. Evening services as usual. On Monday evening, a number of invited young people spent a very pleasant time at the home of Mr. D. Steinbach. Tho evening was spent in playing games, and other amusements, and at a late hour a dainty lunch was ser- ved. The snow is nearly all gone an in. a week's time none will bo left The roads are drying off fast, al though there are a few bad spots or some of the concessions, wher large snow -drifts had gathered and these places are well-nigh, in.i passable. Ont. He preached an elegant ser - n.1 mon, his subject "Our Voyage x_ Through Life and at the end Heaven" nintle a deep impression on our Iarge congregation. At 3 p. m. our Sunday school had its session. The secretary reports 522 scholars, collection $100. We have services nearly every hour in the day. I have not been sick a minute, I never • felt any better, eat three hearty meals per day. Hundreds have been sick, some • are not ablo to be up yet. This is the 8th day. a great many missed their first meal. I could not help but laugh to see steady igen stand. and. spew over the ship and'exclaim-Oh illy ! We are travelling at the rate of about 850 miles every • 24 hours. The people who work on the ship sire all Germans. The meals are of the highest type, never saw any batter. It is a great surprise to our English people, they say they never saw anything like it, so systematic and such fine looking fellows managing the. ship. Last night word was circulated cl that by 8 o'clock to -morrow morn- ing we will see land. Everybody is looking forward with great anticipation. This morning we aro e able to see land in the distance, preparations are made, ladders fastened to onr ship for passengers to climb down into smaller boats. Our large ship is too letrgo to enter s the harbor. We arrived at Maderia at 12 o'clock noon, were taken to the island by snntll boats. It is the grandest sight I ever saw, it is a bed of flowers, everything in full bloom, all kinds and types of trop- ical fruits. The island. is 30 miles long and 15 miles wide. It is very mountainous, the highest mountain on it is 5050 ftet above the level of ' the sea. I went up the mountains with cars, 2 miles, returned by sled. We were hundreds of feet above the crowds. Wlien we were up it rain- ed with us, while below us they had beautiful weather. I could not give you a description if I would try by pen. Our next stop will •be Gibralter, in Spain, and next • Algiers, in Af- rica. Best wishes to all. Henry S. Faust. (Next week we will publish an- other one of these interesting let- ters.) 1 f Esch MILLS. Planing and Saw Moll —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing clone to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A. full stock of B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways On hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. Kalbf.eisch Zurich P. O. 'f},.',.) j�3 11, Sec/�J(�o//n},�d Han d WIRCelbIEZ All in fine running order to be sold in ten days —for Bash -- rices the best, F. Wb ESS 9 T H E JEWELER., Mies ,ggies Season 11904, Dutl.' new line of Buggies will soon be ready for Mr. Alexander Thompson • ha sold his farm, containing 75 acres one -halt mile west of Blake, to Mr John Thirsk. Mr. Thompson pur- poses working at his old trade, stone masoning. He will sell his farm stock, implements, etc. by public auction on Thursday, Apr. 14th. A very pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Misses Heiuna and Clara Koehler on Fri day evening last. Many of our young people were present and re ported a very enjoyable time. The Misses Koehler proved themselves to be the most entertaining of hostesses. Mr. Louis Mosses, of Dashwood, had the misfortune to cut his right hand quite , severely on Sunday. He had driven to town to attend Easter services and was getting Lis rig out of the barn at the Com- mercial, when his hand cane in contact with some glass with the above result. But now having gotten Ann's age safely ascertained another and more dangerous question looms up, it is "The age of Ann's mother." Mary's mother is just twice as old as Ann's was when Mary's was the age that Ann's is now. When Ann's is as old as Mary's is now the sum of their ages will be 100 years. How old is Ann's mother. "Texas" Burden escaped from the London jail on Tuesday. niorn- g at 7 :20 and has not been caught to the present tirne. He tore t the ventilator, using the bed- tead for the purpose and attacking rnkey Pole, secured the keys and t out into the streets He had coat, hat or shoes On and he had o taken off his top -shirt. Care- s:cr Tingles gave Musa hot chase rough. the back yards, tut 'Texas' ti s longer winded and got away, there aro no funds available for o pursuit of "Texas" he may be tilted a free man, as hi ingenuity 1 keep him out of the toils for a ie at least, An agitation has n staarted to have a new jail It in London, with more modern c1 secure quarters for the prison- , in 111) O L1 S T the market, 11 RUBBER -TIRED UUUW ES t t a specialty. tl (i O Is al ra x1H Give us a call th before you buy. Ooi wll tin F. Hess Son. an Zurich = Ontario, ers CHEAP ONE WAY RATES TO THE WEST VIA Groat art ern y Effective daily during March and April, cheap one way Colonist tickets will be issued from all Stations in Ontario, to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the States of Montana, Idaho, Wash- ington, and (Aragon, also all points in British Columbia. On March 1st, 8th, 10th, 22nd, 29th, and April 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, ono way' second class tickets will be issued from Chicago to points in Nortel Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full information as to tiaiie of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleep- er, also literature onany of the above States on application to, Chas. W. Graves, District Passen- ger Agent, 6 King. $t, W., Itooin 12, Toronto, 01' P. 1 Whitney, Gen, Pass, Agent, St, Paul, ll[iun. p INC E y ON TA 1 We have large stock of SPRING A '`.' D SUMMER GOODS that we will sell to your advantage. We have this season, the P ; 11N! 4..?i L( iii o ; A. shoe worth living in. We solicit your patron- age because we know we can satisifv you and give you value for w ...---your looney...... P. BENDER & Go. Zur!eI° Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. '+...-.3r the Mr,a-Cromite IF YOU WANT A COAL COOK THAT DOWNS THE11I ALL. The above Stove burns wood also, and takes in 23 inches. We can give• . yon the names of about 40, sold the last 2 years. Consult. these parties, and hear what they have to say for its good qualities. Made only for those who require the best. PRICES RIGHT. . Call and See it. BLANKETS, ROBES FUR CO:i,TS AT A BIG REDUCTION FOR CASH. H flL'A TL 1B 9 The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, •ZUR1CH. 6 r l UST ARRIVED.—A. large shipment of Spring Goods, such as t "Mess },1-oods,V Carpets, �'aL�(�Vp'�' cpeds7,,7q Laces, m,L3'rr:ij:ideries, 5�i„ tee, .Etc._ As space will not hermit us to describe the above lines, we invite you to call and examine them, which is. more satisfactory to the buyer. -R .711 RTI '' E N T IT--., P will be ready for the ladies, shortly.