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The Herald, 1904-04-01, Page 6
JAPANESE MUSIC IS QUEER. OeielmtaIs Proud of Sounds Produced on Their Quaint Instruments. When Blanche flutes first appears in The Darling -of the Uods, her entrance is to an' accompaniment of simple and ex.- lessive melody, quaint, odd, Japanesque. this strikes tile appropriate theme in the elaborate ruusie setting. William Fast wastmoele lit fo au ieeirl a year past in eornpo. b numbers, iue1nding entractes and inter- mezzosh, heard in the Darling of the Gods. With Mr. Belaseo he has studied. Japanese music from. every side. So thor- oughly did they become inspired with; the possibilities, musically, for the new play that they decided to include in their or- chestral arrangements several instru- ments peculiar to Japan. These are _the biwa, samisen, koto, tsudzunmi, and fry e. They are played on the stage by native Japanese performers. the quaint melodies blending with the music of the large or- chestra in front. The music in The Darling of the Gods bears a unique relation to the play. Pro- 'tagonists and antagonists of conal is miscalled "Japanese" music assert that it out -1v agnem's ']Wagner in descriptive- ness—that there is no such thing as "music" in Japan. The Japanese them- selves say With the utmost complacency that they have possessed since the eighth century (when to Coreau "melody" was addled the Chinese ' scale an d nois tation) "lite perfect tuueie. thing in Japan as melody for itself ---as we lnow it in Occidental the ik west—and of henlat leis speat at an thinks o'f musk. IIIU1!SII Conic liendUael e,X'Miaow:aand Cata relieved in i(1 ,tiirfatee, by D.C.,x. Af; netic'a,eatarrbal Powder. Prominent people througlioimtEngland,the Catarrhal Powder Canada, praise re you gtlotY's Miss IllanCIl Sloan, London Eng., tile only. sister of Tod Sloan, the worldfamousioeltey, says "I have suffered for years from catarrh and colds, I)r, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave ole relief in 10 ntlrntes. Is worth alio ther remedies combined." Claude G. Wood, Palace Theatre, London, writes : "One puff of .Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will cure any headache.", Miss Bijou Russell, 10 Heppe St„ Bug.. says: "One bottle Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cured ole of ebronle colds or catarrh. It relieves in 10 minutes." PAIS; in.:...t. tea4'tele£iu NO ;;.RASS EYELETS st seffeagehea el ekes MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure relieves heart disease i 31 30 minutes. Better Stay at home. (Toronto Globe.) Cardinal. Gibbons has advised the working classes of Ireland not to emi- grate to the United Stats, He says their condition, on the whole, is better at home. , A Sour S'omach and a Sour Temper travel bead -in -hand and are the precursors of mental and physical wreck.' Nine hundred and ninety-nine times in a thousand food ferment (indigestion) is thee cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple keep the stomach sweet—aid digestion— keep the nerve centres wellbalanced--tltey're nature's panacea—pie:watt and harmless. $u cents. -88 T�i'�w1 tril�fy :� RUMMA 4.a'ie ry :,; '�Sfs ID,pp TORONTO.• ONT vy t,c S✓4 r i...4`;';' 044 al's, L ."dr t r , WEIRD COLD WEATU R STORY- Strmange Things said to Have ILappettecl Wleen Tempera,turrn'iti'xib 32, Below. Oscar wilts, of I.e Suour, dinn., met with a naorst renlarikable accident tlii,9 xnoa-Hing thtz.t very lleaarly cost him his life. With leis hahis wfteS attemptiAg to getritlo witinhin rangnde otla, cat he desired' to shoot, when the animal ,ran up into the framework asuppurting th�a 'ivatbr tank.. Standing dhia fly beneath the cat, Witte shot :straight up at It, care- lesnly forgetttifxg lite Iset that the tank oras w bin range. %tee bullet killed, the cat and pierced the idot,tom :of the tank, and in an ilasta.nt the water, gushing out, sur-. rounded b1r. Witte with to complete showed• bath In a tewperature of uc, degrees below zero. Instantly Ills overshoes froze to the stone .fouzldiation on which he was standing, and, stooping to unbuckle thein, Ile w:uts chained by the �praY• treeztng in the (terrible cold as fast ass it tell into a. helpless statue of ice, stiff and immovable as a stone. Only s face f his d epinomthe :posture, which w�tz lis ht he saved., from suffocation. Soon the flow of the water was stopped b.Y the sediment lir the tank flowing into the bullet hole, and a little son of Mr. Witte, who had seen the whole affair, ran for assistance. It was 'necessary to loosen the un- fortunate man's feet with chisels, and when he had been carried into the house by three strong men. the ice 'melte be broken from him with clubs Iles was badly friglitoned'by the ex- perience, but- otherwise unharmed. The frozen Cod lis backof .Pioneer-Pioncat vea.s eer A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. Among the most beautiful women in London society is the Countess of Air - lie, who still retains the loveliness of. feature, complexion and expression that made her famous as Lady Mabel Gore. The fact that her hair has now grown white if anything enhances her brilliant Irish beauty and gives the effect of powder. She is a widow, her husband, the earl, having been killed in a cavalry charge in the Boer war. It is whispered that her widowhood is shortly to be broken. No woman during its continu- ance has been made and refused so many offers. The successful man is said to be an American multimillionaire, who has taken up his residence in England, himself a widower, and still young in looks. e... Main Thing, Don't Worry. (Ottawa Journal.) Amongst S9.0 patients admitted last year to the insane asylums of Ontario the cause of inanity in 153 of these was directly traced to worry. Ontario statistics classify and sub- divide this worry into sub -heads, under relic cue, business, love. domestic trou-. Liles and other causes of mental discom- fort, but the plain word worry in each case expresses tits cause of the mental unbalancing of the patient. The next active agent he making men insane was intemperance, whose victims number 45. Grad Colltral Stalin The North-Western Line Russia -Japan Atlas. Send ten cents in stamps for Russo- Japanese War Atlas issued liyi The Chicago and Northwest R,'ye Three fine colored maps, each 14x20 ; bound in convenient torm for reference. The Eastern situation shown in de- tail, with tables showing relative military and naval strength and financial resources of Russia and Japan. B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. The only station in New York city is the Grand Central Stiction of the New York Central, situated corner 4th ave- nue and 42nd street. HELD AN EXCELLENT BAND. !ilhings had progressed to a point where the young man had been prat• tio,ai.ly received into the family circle. While he hadn't yet mustered up sot- ticient courage to ask the old man's consent, it cones evident that he would in: time. i' t Time it liappe•r.ed that the old man, who liked nothing better than a good game of whist or euchre or hearts, .. .. of having the The satisfaGt'on, washing done early in the day, and welt done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. IOB It Was an Old Story, That Shamrock -eating lunch-cotulter story comes around as regularly as St. Patrick's Day, And it is nearly as old. Has to Entertain. (Oswego Times.) Sabina -Do you quote Shakespeare calls? Dante when that college professor Sabrina—Not much; 1 whirl in and make hila a rousing Welsh rabbit. Eighty Years ofd—Catarah Fifty Years. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cures him. Want any stronger evidence of the power of this wonderful remedy overthis nnlvcrsaldisease? Want the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis, Shamokin, Pa. He says : "X loot' upon my cure as a miracle." It relieves in ten m1nutes.--S9 UNFAMILIAR FACTS. 1 as you please—yon yourself know what P sunshine a year, against only 1,400 in v seas s ..nw '61teasi HANit.SOME TALKIE MACHINE Reproducessouge, speeches, band music, .Oe., loud and clear like a $50.00 Mash i nay enormous column. can be used at concerts and entertainments, beaea (u'tilulty_ saver Outahad aced anlattacI,t000ts samaras on emoxpensive mach raganosr'handsomel • ornamented base. I®on't nay from $15 to $25for a Tanking Machine, �vogive tasgrandrdlkingMachineFR EiS' for selling only 36 packages at lee. a package of 1SAlives. WASHING .BLUR, the great wash day help. . Send your name and address, we trust you and I send "bluing by mall post paid • we also send Handsome Gold Finished Scat rine andBaoochop to give away with the Blu- ing, you eau sell it quickly every Lady needs Bluing. When, • sold send us the money, $3.60. and wo will send you tbll handsota-4 chine Talking iIa- ebine epmpleto, also ono Musical and Bong Record! My Old Kentucky Home; Llughtng Water, Bedalfa,l Sun Dance Dinh, Girl„ Annie LauIle Carry ado Sault to Old Virginia, The Old Oaken Bucket, Wawa. the; Where is My Wander- ing Boy'ro ttighttt'so G'w1n Back to Dixie Maple Leaf Sorever.HOme S''weet Home, Way Down Yonder in the Corn Fields ole. Send for tb0mufngnownndyomet have the Machine in afew dayef Remember thin Machine Ls not a Toy buts lhllsizo who seng Machina, zt is open for inspection at our calces ant time staer9 am. We will forfeit SiOO to anyone who 00(0(1509 *3:te and Can prove we did not vend the Talking Machine complete. Addresn at Once 4� •rOcsd)np T,D nR'r' THE MARVFI_ BLUING co. RaENi �4 �` t...�.•,,,�t�.t. ..:d ;a'. "t. +.t,;,.. ISSUE NOe 14 1.904 Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup rhoutd always he used for Children teething.. It soothe the child softens the gums cures wino colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. WANTED --A GENERAL SERVANT; highest wages paid; comfortable home, Address or apply to Mrs. W. Bolton, Hamilton, Out. a Looted the Part. (April Smart Set.) "There goes Mrs: Gander -Beach. They say she fights continually with her hus- band." "Well, site has a happy, contented look, as if sho thoroughly enjoyed herself.." First Promoter—Are your mines being worked? 'Second Promoter—No; but the stockholders are. O: L. 1,..:: .4s11•.1,e14 THE VALUE OF ADVERTISING. "Robert Bonner," saki a writer of ad• vertisements, "was the biggest adver- tiser of his day. I was once talking to him about advertising, and a remark he made still lingers an my memory. ."To try to attract the public with- out advertising,' Mr. Bonner said, `is like trying to flirt with a girl in the dark. Wink and smirk at her as mud' In all countries more marriages take ace in June than in any other month. you are up to, but she—your public— Spain has an averaQo of 3,000 hours of has no inkling.' " England. Owing to the clearness of the air con- versation in the Arctic regions can he carried on by persons two miles apart. The meat received into Smithfield market every year for the feeding of London exceeds 403,000 tons. The sea is said to be gradually eating away the French coast, having within the last five years swallowed up no less than 460 acres. The rate of interest which the invest- ments of Harvard University earned last year was 4 68-100 per cent., a decrease of 12Cardiifxper expo ••tsfrom 1?,000,000 tonspreceding ofyear. caol a year, Newcastle from 4,000,000. New- port and Sutherland each ship abroad about 2,500,000 tons a year. Dr. William Foster, of the department of chemistry at Princeton University, has discovered a new acid, thereafter to be labelled with the interesting name of trisulphoxyarsenie acid. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 36 • LONDON RAT CATCHERS KILL a a, - 78a RATS. Over two hundred thousand rats - 202,7S2 to be precise—have been caught at the London docks within the last live weeks. They have fallen victims to the official rat-catchers, who visit every ship that conies into port and do their best to rid it of live stock of the rodent variety. "We are very glad. to see them," said on officer of a South American grain ship on Saturday. "We tante here fairly swarming with the vermin, but since the rat-catchers' visit I can scarce- ly see one. I believe the animals colne prospecting around before a vessel leaves port, and pick their ship like passengers. For instance, they, would sooner sign articles on a grain ship than on one carrying pig iron."—Lon- don ron." Lon -don Mail. me one evening, and, of course, he didn't feel their it would be policy to refuse. "You and mother," said the old man, referring to his wife, "can play against Gladys and me. That will be fair. If you and Gladys sat opposite each other .you would probably per- Sist In l;,oking into each, other's eyes, tot the great detriment of the game." Naturally the young woman and the young mann blushed, but they said nothing, and the game began. It wasn't rough abf ti game. While the young woman ;wasn't sitting op- posite tile young, man silo was sit- ting next to him, and every few min- utes one or tho other et thein forgot to splay when it was his or her turn. Then, too, there were frequent In- quiriee as to who 'took the last trick and what was trumps, and, mltcese- th+er, the ' Id. nuzn felt to good deal 1.ke. swearing on one or two ouensions. Finally he mado np his mind that patience had ceased to be a virtue. The game had Caine to a standstill while the .young people exchanged confidences in a whisper. It was no- ticeable that oath, had one hand Un- der the table. "Young man," Raid the old man, elha.,x' .ly, "1 elvfnldl inter from the way you .ire playilrg -that you haven't much of a. .land." "On the contrary, ,sir," protested DEAFNESS CANNOT DE CURED by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Thereto( only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in - named you have a rumbling sound or imper- fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, _Deafness is the result, and unless the iniiam- nration can betakenout and this tuberestor- ed to its normal condition, hearing wnl be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are paused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an lnaentect condition of the mucous surfaces. 'We will give One Hundred Dollars for any c9hnnot be ei 1ed by`Htat1'e Cattarrh Cure. Send for cireulare,free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, "5c. Take Hail's t amity Pills for Constipation. 'the young n11111, "I blink 1 have as good. a 'Nod no I oyer heti." „lrirell, allpp.'yn you drop it for 11 few. minUte4 and try to play the cards that are on the table," sug- tested the old gentleman, dryly. He dtid. his missing hand appeared above the 'table almost instantly, and i so did hers, and they' both blushed. jews. hardly ymay bianSoma lists;, —New 'York- ' rc Sys, Keeping His Word Faithfully. (New Orleans '.limes-Denmerat. ) "I thought you promised your wife you wouldn't drink any, more?" "I did, and I'm keeping my word; don't drink a bit more than I raised to. Most of a cough sett is 0.ink too lightly serious matter and needs prompt attention. Take nsom. tri ti „0: `. e TiTonleitng when the first sign of a cough or cold nand quickly t. It tll heu -latre e it ou easily and dY ; will be harder to curet Prices, 23c., 30c., and $1.00. S11. rtTA------- Are They Christians? (Toronto News.) The Christian Socialists of Vienna, are praying for thedefeat of the 'Japanese Russia, ussie is the arch enemy 4 f the Blow to Treat a Cat. We; aro sorry to see many at the Cat ;Show, es lamentably ignorant of the fel ne nature as the following news would pok- ing into the cages by en- thusiartic spectators v hasery rendered ree er e many of the cats and one man admitted that his et - forts to become familiar with one of 'these animals had resulted in a deep scratch to his hand." 'A cat chooses her own time tot be stroked and "poked at," Montaigne, who was a shrewd observer of the "wrote cat, as he was of everything t ,When e regarding his owdl p play with my cat, who 'knows whe- ther site diverts herself vviith pne, or I with her 2 We entertain one an- other with mutual follies, strug- gling tor a garter ; and, if I have my time to begin or to refuse, sloe also has hers. It is because Lb t not understand her language we agree no better ; and perhapt mak- inglicy she laughsrto ()geeses tier." Ann essen- tial p tial difference between the cat described and by dog uature is also Chateatt'briand, wvho says : 'When we caress a cat eh.e stretches herself and arches ]ler back responsively ; but that is because sht feelshe because an agreetl•bbe sensation, she 'takes a silly satisfaction, like the less loin znaster."-N. . loving a thank - Con ,.Ldv. Uncertain. (Toroni.o Telegram.) Worst of this clima e lothaalmthe e sleighing is apt to get ad. July. k;, THE CHEERFUL IRISH. During his recent stay in this country Michael Devitt told many stories to il- lustrate the cheerfulness of Irish char- acter. "No man's condition," he said, "is so wretched but he will track a joke about it." By way of illustrating this he. told of a poor peat cutter whom the par- ish priest invited to dinner one day. "It isn't much. of a dinner, Pat," said he, "only beef, potatoes and beer, but you are very welcome"Sure, your rever- ence," said the peat cutter, with twink- ling eye, "'tis a good dinner enough.—thee same as Pd be getting at home, barring the beef and the beer," A Farmer Who ises Sheep r.on't be without Myers' Royal Cattle Spice after he realizes how much money it saves, Myers' Royal Spice cuts down feed bills—makes coarse food nutritious -- helps the sheep to get all the good out of the food they eat --keeps them as fat and healthy on ordinary feed as if they were getting expensive grain. Nothing like it to insure plumb, tender, juicy lamb and mutton for market --and grow splendid woo If you want your flocks to winter well at the least expense for food --use Myers' Royal Cattle Spice. Write for our Illustrated Booklet on I,ive Stock— interesting and useful. It's free. Myer Royal Spice Co., Iaiiadare Falls, Ont. Ss N.Y. 1,2 .1.01 WOMEN'S VANITIES IN TURKEY. An imperial irade has been published at Constantinople, in which married Tur- kish women are commanded to discard ail brilliant ornaments, such as neck- laces and must with de. appearing in public.: They usbe dress eorum, and in ,acordance with • the Mus- suilman law, the ordinance says, in de• fault of the hu s of women offending will be visited withpunishmen. bad Speaking of the police force, a ecia copper doesn't always turn up, esp Is 11CU be is -ton t t Us Not as Other Women. (Boston Transcript.) r Mrs. Brown—You don't seem to like Mrs. 'White? Mrs, Black—Oh, I like her well enough, but then she's so eccentric. She actually thinks one should dress for comfort and not for looks. IlE WA taxamsimerszaszmm.woomemazispatma Can be load In TUBS, PAILS, WASH BASINS, MILK PANS, STABLE PAILS, ETC. Prone any first-class dealer. --- -�� This Ought to MaheTrouble, Leap Year Proposal. (Guelph TIerald.) There was s. young lady of Guelph, Who was afraid of being left on the sheulph, She 'threw up her nose. Said, "heap year. 3: ere „,oes! I'll put the sweet question. neyse nxlph i" (Toronto Star.) The shamrock is the Scotehman's flow- er, The Irishman's the rose, And you generally lkuow an English- man By tho blossom on his nose, '`201 �1r ea is the fence annderd the world ver. test �ttph__rough. our local gent c direct from us. sags—ill©1Yailtcrville,Ont. ]!lontreaX; >xe• S$. lohall,lli. a 999nn1b?eigelPa THE fls',i1� WIRE �{�N�� ��, fl.IlVfll'9'��a