HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-01, Page 5The Zurich Herald. Mr, Geo. Trott; of Hensel!, is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be 4open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. Gro. TROTT, 13.1£ Photographer. Notice. 13E HENSALL BRASS BAND; COM- -11- posed of about 90 pieces, are i-tiow open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CHAS. LINDELL; leader, or Kir. A. Mo AY, Secy., Hensall, Ont. cCEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For -particu- lars apply to 4S-tf MALUL & BENDER., Zurich. Farm for Sale. Containing 19(1 acres; about 20 acres good hardwood bush, frame ;louse, bank liana . and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00., Apply at once to E. IELLELt, Zurich. A man to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST Nuit$n rEs" in town of Zurich and sur- Toundiug Country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties :In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, —Seed Potatoes, Etc.— Stock true to nano and free from San -Tose Scale A permanent position to the right man on either salary or conunission. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES, anvER 800 ACRES. Toronto, Ont. Cuda -pore & Sons, 1)rA.LISRs Ix ... . Lime & Cement, LATH, AND ALL KINDS OF Wilding Material. WE�SELL CHEAP. 4;`ve us a Call, West of G. T. R. Station. Hensall , - - Ont. Clubbing rtes. ,i:'rWe have made arrangements to offer t]19 following low clubbing 'rates with THE H1.1R:LLD : Daily Globe . $( 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.23 Weekly C -lobo . 1.73 , , !!Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner ,journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.7 3 Daily Flee Press ;, 25 Weekly Free Press 1.73 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly 51111 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 COUNTY NEWS. Mr. R. V. Stoddart, classical mas- ter at the Clinton Collegiate In- stitute, has resigned and will ae- •cept the principalship of the High School at Forest at it salary of $900. Mr. and Mrs. 'Mos. Dowson of Stanley Township, n)ctte(1 to Clin- ton recently, where Mr, Dowson has bought ashare in a livery barn Mr. Joseph Foster and family of Varn t, wlil move to Manitoba in a week or two, Mr, Foster has been tt residelk of Stanley Township for 113 years. Messrs Seel.^ Tntner,ef Clinton, blacksmiths and dealers in bicycles .etc., have dissolved partnership. Mr. Seely will continue the blank- sntithing and Mr. Turner will deal in bicyles ace, Messrs, Harland Bros. are having their sheds at the Clinton station yards enlarged, and when complet- -ed expect to be able to store 1000 tons of coal in thein. Mr. Ed Latimer, of Soaforth, had .a narrow escape on Wednesday last. He was building a scaffold in the inside of the Presbyterian church steeple, Seaforth, and when np about 20 feet the scaffold gave way 11,nd he came down head first. In the fall he struck George Hart and ,save him a bad sharing up, but only received a few bruises him- self. (1n Snndtiy March 13th, the death took place, in Exeter, of Sarah Troyer; beloved wife of ;lir. Henry Makins, at the age of 03, Mrs. Makins had contracted a cold at- tending the funeral of her daughter- in- law, Mrs. Win. Makin, Varna., and a few days later pneumonia set in, and although she hall the best of care, passed away after a short illness. Besides a loving hus- band she leaves seven sons and two .daughters, 'William of Stanley ; Joseph to .Michigan ; Edward and John W. Seaforth' George of Nor. wach; Benjamin of Exeter and Levi of Varna Mrs. J. Smith, Zurich ; Mrs. T. Johns, Exeter and Mrs. V, Patterson, Stanley. The remains were interred in the E,eter ceme- tery on Tuesday last. Several young ladies while taking Sale Register. ON TUESDAY, APR,• 5th, AT 1 o'clock, p m,, Auction Sale of good 98 Acro Form, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, on Lot 20, N. B., Hay. 21. miles North of Zurich. ,TACO! MEYER SR., !'roil.; B. Rust;; N1:IOCKY, Auctioneer. N TIfURSDA1-, APRiL 7th, .AT I n'r)nrlt, p. in., Auction Sale of Farm Stork and Implements, on Lot (1 Cott, 15, Hay. 1-[RN1tY AND SIMoy MILLtctt, Execu• tors of the late U. W. Miller; E. J3ussin - nE2taY, Auctioneer: A tJCTION SALi', ON SATURDAY, April 0th, in the Village of Zurich, at 2 o'clock p. in., auction sale of Real Estate and �• Household Furniture. MRS. HANNAH HAIICI[, Executrix; ED. BossEN- BF.RRY, Auctioneer. NOTICE, I am closing my books and will shortly leave the country, I hereby give notice that all accounts owing me must be paid by the first of April. JOHN SCHAFER. awalk up the railway track on Sunday, through Forrester's farm, near Clinton, hacl a narrow escape from being run over by a train which came down the line unex- pectedly. They were passing through the big cut and as• turning out places are not numerous, they had to scamper, as they probably never diel before, to reach a place of safety. News comes from li'arnwell, Assa. of the marriage of Miss Vina E. Curry, formerly of near HillsGreen, to Mr. Frederick W. Hays of Moose Jaw, at the hrnnc of the bride's, mother, Mrs. W. Curry-. Mr. Hays is a pr )Sporons farther near Moose - .law and is the owner of 480 acres of wbeat land with :320 acres ready to crop in the spring. Forecasts For April. BY IRI. 1t. RICRS. The storm period which was cen- tral with the fnll morn at the. close of 14lurr'h will extend into the lst and 2nd or April, t3torms of rain, wind, low barometer and high tem- perature, will have given place to snow, rising bllretlleter 111(1 Int:e•11 colder in all western sections as April comes ins !'olds northerly winds, with frost and freezing nnrtiltwatal, will follow about the 1st to the 3rd. progressing from west to cast. If frost reaches far into central to southern sections at this time, our readers should not be taken wholly by surprise. Plants and terrier vegetables should he protected against the probability of killing frost during the first three or forr trays in April. Abtmt the 4th to the 6th falls a 2'eactiona1'V storm period, during which time falling barometer. thonge to warIller, with more rain and .storminess will be probable. Hail storms will ne most natural tit all the April clistnrbances, and sud- den drops of temperature ::haul(. not surprise any one after all well defined storm movements. The Vulcan storm period, cen- tral on the 10th, will bring a series of pronounced stories. The cul- mination of these stnrmns will fall about Sunday the 10th to Wednes- day the 13th. Look for hie -.11 ten1- pertttnre, low barometer, with ruin, hail and thunder, progressively from west to east, on the 11th, 12th and 13th. Rapid rise of barometer and chain e'to quite noel will follow behind the storms, but a reaction to storm conditions will soddenly return. and from the 15th to the 17 tit it will again become Very waren. Tornodie distnrbances should be apprehended. if very low barometer high tempera titre and abnormal humidity 'prevail at this time. A regnittr Vulcan Venus pertur- bation will be central on the 21st extending from 19th to 23rd. The barometer will droll ]ow and the temperature very high as this per- iod progresses, resulting hi IniLlty vicious thunder and ]hail storms on and touching the 21st, 22nc1 and 23. Tho normal tendency to April thun- der showers will grow into decided and far-reaching rainstorms, with dangerous winds and. possible tor- nadoes during the progress of these distnrhancee. The inevitable change to touch cooler, with frosts general over central and northern sections will follow np the western flanks of these storms. Late snow squalls need surprise no one, as the high barometer follows low areas at these April periods. Ono of the most decided, and per- haps violent storm periods of the month, extends from about the 26th to 29th. Very general and severe storms are more than probable. This is a time when destructive hail -storms are almost a certainty in very many sections. Abnormal flownj)ours of rain will also visit central to southern regions. Tho nlonthwill go out with high baro- meter, cold winds and frosty nights northward. The Great Northern Railway is the popular rotate to the Great West, Write for rates and full particulars to Chas. W. Graves, 6 King St. West, Toronto, or to 11'. I. Whitney, G, P. A. St. Paul, Minn. To Thi Farrncr: I have a full line of SS SEEDS itni:Bic=a Fl and ,barren See 7;t C4 2 Packages for 5 cts. Regular 5 ct. size. Leave your order for any special kinds of IN WE CARRY EVERYTHING THAT IS V V usually kept in a first class Feed and Seed Store. i-- and .. C. SCS- RAG, = Zurich. Irani , e dy or 6 rgng Sellingo oUR Lines of Farm If)ple,ments gave such General Satisfaction last season that we have again put in Mock the FLEURY, COCICSi UTT, WILKINSON and PERCIVAL Ploughs No Better at any Price Drills, Cultivators, Discs, _. This tire noted for Good Quality ttnd Low Price; When yon look for the best, look fcr year we are selling the Magnet Cream Separator —Easy to Trull—Easy to clean—A money-maker—Easy F to buy— Deering. Agency 9 ZURICH A GREAT LO BI':', A 91ON T11r1 Hnu.1Ln, year hcnle paper. .... Toronto Daily News American Farmer Weekly Globe Meekly 'Montreal Herald l,en•�s�,mT.� _.�." ,m :3,(1) H We have also •w• I.o;a Rates on other 1.00.1 CUU PRICE FOR TI3E L(.)T, ONLY..,.. Address m' Call at once. s Daily & Weekly Newspapers, 0 50 i„aa $ 2.90. THE HERALD OFFICE, It15 kF.'Y 'Yee 1!('LV• ++item 4„744 7-bp mefritadO) Ery :AI r nteaniall 0 We know of no offer we could make that would more thor- oughly prove our confidence and faith init. If the Chat- ham Incubator is not all we claim for it you aro not out one cent. Chatham Incubators aro made just as good as money and skill h can make them. We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts aro as strongly matte and as well finished as the parts you ace- They are built to stand the hardest kind of wear and give the very best of service. They embody every real improvement known in tho manufacture of Incu- bators. Cut out the coupon in the corner of this ad, ,or write 7018' naIne and addres on a nestsl card and mail It to ns 301' fall particulars of our offer. Do it today, Paper. n this M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited paper. DEPT. 510 CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders, Oistributine Warehouses at Montreal. gm: Brains thin r1Watry, Alta. Vatn.oarrr,13.0.t nalifax S.S. Factories at Ct;athatn, et., and Detroit, htiell. Also Mnnuftrtmere of the famous Campbell L'anuing Mills. 501 r Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. rsa r rill The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it is. He has our formula and will explain. "When 13 years n,d, for many months no one thought 1 eon Id live because of thin blood But, ina few weeks, Ayer's S,r-aparllla corn. pietel`l. restored . Bu cutinlr>:ii,�Vineland, N. J. 51.05 a bottle..7. C. .IYEn Co.. All drm'tri,ts, I wel 1, Mass. r•cuss. :ID fort . , The Children I3iliousness,constipation prevent re- covery. Cure these with Ayer's Pills. Hoffman'sJl4bilee Laundry . . We Ilse no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION 1:.,,•.,,,,,v.,oit.a..:�m,»:tr r�.tgav: r3AGl:a{il�iiilt 11111111411 Sold by All Newsdealers ot�ei.W. PEPPER u •nieheo Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of slew, Choice Copyright CornposItions by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental -21 Comp tete Pieces: for Piano—Once a Month for as Ceuta. Yearly Subscription, s;x.00. If you will send us the name and address of Five performers on the Plano or Organ, we will send Iron a copy of the Magazine Free. Eighth A ocust t*.W. . Philadelphia. Pa. gA'41_4 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE: TFIADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. AnynnE sanding a 014017 n and description may 41118141y aseertaht our opinion free whether all itrrent.lnn 1s probably patentable. •('nmmtnikcn- tions uMelly minden dal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nceney for ;mooring patents. Patents taken through :Munn Fc Co. receive special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ctr• dilation of any Orienttlir, +ournal. Terms, $3 a year; four ®months, $L Sold byall ne,rsdcaler0. MUNN & ue.34lBroadway, New York Branch Onlce. s•, ' Sr-. W ashiutton. D. C. There is big Profit i n raising 1 N' poultry if youo about 1t in the a ej. right way. Half - meas nres alf- meaoul•es mean only' half -profits. If you would get the full profit fr1rY " on of this fruittut department of your farm you must work under the best conditions Fon can do this only when you use a Chatham Incubator and Brooder. we positively guarantee it to bo a good hatcher antis we sell it on the most liberal terms ever offered by any manufacturer. We will ship you --freight prepaid by us—a Chatham Incubator without one cent of cash from you until Oct., 1904 MO 11''1111111Ir7-44!3 FI s C) 4 < M. v •'CAMPBELL PANNING CHATHAM, d('IMILL COT. f , Limited . DEPT. oto Please send your dcserip. tive Catalogue of the Chatham (I )ncttbator,together with allinfor- Cr matron about your speci,,l offer, whereby no cash will be paid until October, tro4. Nantes. P.C. eldth', s„ Nzrrzat Pedl ety.5'lct len Address all letters 10 Chatham, Oat.