HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-04-01, Page 1e 11 The Official Organ,. of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. IV., No. 36. ZURICH y ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1904. LEGAL CARQS.. H. 41. D. COOKE, (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Publie. Hansa', Ontario. �. a, STANBURY, B. A. S. W. GLMMi N. Gla.dnia.n & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan • 00 Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Document's in original • German read and advised upon. —AT 'HENSALL-- every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES-- Hensall--Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &O. Goderich, - - - Canada. W. rr )Unsoor, 11. c I It. C. TIArs. G. B'. BTAIL'. BUSINESS CARDS. JACUAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURARCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bqught and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit' your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. �yy � 13LOCFS —OFFICE— Zurich TI Ontario. (L. V. BAcxAli'n, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist treats all diseases of domesticated .Animals. 'Veterinary medicines of all kind always ou baud. Day and night -calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFJO In 1Vm Loan'er's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. .,, N 1REW E. 111 SS. k iro Insurance effected in all lending companies. Accident policies i5nu'1. ZURICH - - - ONTARIO. R. F.A. SEI.,LERy )t LOCAL NEWS TfOgs are quoted at $4.50 this 'Week. • Mr. Charles Greb was in;London, Saturday, on business. New cuts this week—D. S. Faust, D. Steinbach. Read them. • Messrs. C. Williams and J. Deich- ert were in Kippen, Tuesday. Mefisrs. Mel Harness. and John Dabus left for London, Wednesday. Miss Olara Koehler is home from Stratford on her Easter vacation. Messsrs. Schafer & Mittelholtz shipped a, carload of hogs on Mon- day.. Mr. 'Peter Lamont shipped three carloads of cattle to Toronto, on Saturday. Messy. Chas: Hartleib and .John Preeter were in Hensall, Tuesday, on business. C. Sehrag has received his seeds and now has a full stock. 2 pack- ages for 5 cents. Mr. J. F. Rickbeil is agent for the Woodstock wind -mill, said to be the best wind. power made. Mr. Alfred Mellick recently dis- posed of a team of three-year old horses for three hundred dollars. Mr. Joseph Laporte, of Chatham, is home to spend the Easter vaca- tion With his parents, at the Sauble line. .Miss Addie Johnson, .who has been visiting her friend, Mrs. A. Guhr at Verna, returned hone this week. D. S. Faust has received his new spring stock of prints,• a larger assortment than ever before. Call in and see them. We stated in error last week that ;Miss Josephine Schilbe had gone to Detroit. She expects to leave for that city shortly. Lady Minto, while skating on the ice at the Rideau Rink, Ottawa, on Wednesday afternoon fell and broke her leg in two places. - Mr. D. S. Fant has discontin- ued using his gas mtteltine for light- lino, reports good sap weather this inn purposes and has bad the week. They have tapped 1r;tl trees anti expect to tap about .rl! more, The Stratford. and St. Jose–'• 'ihey boiled on Wednesday and a Electric; i) ic. y tliwi charter has been good quality was -obtained. passed by this Le gi,laetnrer and the company can n' begin wart's. .A very int(.) Cstins, incrtin., was 1,'ortc•i•fir'lct, of Clifford. held here on ednesday in the in - Easter Monday, .,Will he a " bank holiday. Bali And supper at Rau's, Mon- day night. Come, Mr. Justus MelUck shipped a car- load of hogs on Menially. For a new up-to-date hat, gap and shirt, call at- D. B. Faust's. Mr, Joe Rau, of the Sanble, had a wood -sawing bee on Tuesday. Do not forget the ball and sup- per at Rau's next Monday night. THE HERALD is Out a day earlier this week on aceount of Good Fri- day, Messrs. Hess & Deichert shipped a carload of lumber to Elmira, this week. Miss Davis. of Exeter, was visit- ing her friend, Miss Minnie Doan, last week. Mr. J. Preeter has received his new stock of spring shirts. See them. Special values. Mr. August G. Ernes moved into the house he recently purchased from Hy. Weseloh Jr., on Wednes- day. Mr. William. Bender has dealt off his driver for another'horse and a cow. Billie is never stuck for a deal. Mr. Bourette, of'St. Joseph, pas- sed through here on Monday, on his way to Stratford, where he has secured a job. Mrs. Stacey, of Dashwoed, who has been visiting with Mrs. J. Preeter for a few weeks, returned to her home last week. Next Tuesday,there will be offer- ed by publio•attction• the splendid 08 -acro farm of Jacob Meyer Sr., 2% miles north of Zurich. Mr. WilliamHoffman gave an ex- hibition of horse -back riding the other evening We have not Beard whether Bill intends following up the races or not, Mr. Leno Kipfer of the 14th Con- cession, had a wood -sawing bee on .Thursday afternoon last. A danc- ing party was hold in the evenin, and an enjoyable time VMS spent. Mr Daniel Smith, of tale Sanble $1. Per Year. ��c�'c`moo'c�o©o'��1�'1.�1�Q:c�sopQpL'.O•p., e •P�d • J•0•G/ v G'• 6•,J•4.4•U.•U•4.0�'�C�,�. •�'h� 40� o�J 4UD MILLINERY OPENING a0a 'ro 14 L!• under the management of ON Thursday and Sats D-day 10 D•D D.D 0.00' QQ ZURICH AL o0D aQI IVZISS 40 We invite ONE AND ALL to call and 4Q0 see our goods. Our stock is of the l u newest designs and prices very reason- 400 able, D. S. FAUST, , electric lights put in his stere I 1 t -the t' 1 t forest of fruit growing. Moss: — ra 1• Lit:ic�s. We welcome Mr.^Porter. j--• .l. (-'a,n�r, of Ottawa, ga.n* veru, livid and fancily to Hay Township. interesting addresses oil the cure • Dentist, graduate of the Ivoyat College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto, ii1ro horrn graduate of til partnu.nt of I)ce,ti. trv, Toronto j'niversity. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a Speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon:lay. ' I-26 -� 0 BOSSENBES. .i,�'elY, Licensed Auctionel••r for Hur- on County, respectfully eoii�iits the pat- ronage of (hose who intend having sales. Satisfaction :guaranteed. • HILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on ine. `Terms moderate; satisfaetion guaran- teed. Your patronage solieit,d. HOTELS. r~1 THE 0 0 f3 0 0 COMMER �L HOTEL C"+ Cj W f4 11 ZURICH :;) E;1 0 3 t: • Strictly up-to-date in modern deli' provements. Dining rooms is su p- ax plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶f Bar contains choice liquors and • cigars. lf IT ¶ ¶ 01 tt1 {S 1 to J. P. RAU, FROPRIETOR. Excellent $ample Rooms for Comniereitti Men, lowammomalowswenaca e1 0i 3 .tti';30G+:; * SE•'00.1E:aG�i+�'+61G3F�•(i:00***04 T f - E - ,.,� s Tominton House 1.1,1.,.1,, - This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. id'�"e letter ;'able in the Rendition. R. Johnston & Son' I'1OPRIUTORS, i115n)()Tt'( onto .Ie? aal•all :A re'('e?n is t'il '1••r'•,�11 from l.i Anui t ('r 1' ('i'rlrlgtnn. of \ at1' eris.n, and tact rn 111!!(nlc•nt +.f the orelntrd. ()wing to the bail state of tlac ()tving to laelt of :-l) nee we art, un- able t..) give u. ft:11 ucconnt of tiie fortune, rcccmily, to sprain l:ir. r•( at ds, Dr. Baeltatnan hint the nii - 7 oetin.c lic,i o's len:. He has laora it an- otl r from Dr. Hamilton, paying a On Thursday of last, week, a ((11price dor it. .. serious aceident Iv: penned on the Ii: you 11av e ane photos yon want farm of Mr. ,1e11in 111', Blind lin( to got enlarged., leave them at O. Mr. Pfaff had invited some of the i (ti cr/ e; hardware. Von cLtn get neighbors to a wood -bee, and clur- the-1a"Cnharc1.0 Ulla framed all coin- int; the day, Ile art- Howa.d had i I)lete, til th(s nta>11 suiu c)1 one •The c S in his foor. Lhc cut is •L btu. rine, f dollar and twenty -Ave cents. touching the ban(+ alae. scvcrilis;, Mr. Henry S) eseloh Sr. and wife toucn arteries and andseve n , moved into town on Tnesdav, and ;several considerable nebut is ei' r will occupy part of the house with ins, is well ra can e blood, expected. do- • misfortune to eat •L deep t ;h S ., their son, John. Mr. Henry'Wese- will be laid up for n month or so. the house vacated by his father. On and after Monday, March `28th lob Jr. laved the same city into Some residents are complaining letters posted ren Canada for any of being disturbed through the part of the Dominion can be insured night, by some evil disposed per- the letters being entered and re - sons throwing stones on the roof ceipted the sante as ordinary regis- and in somecases breaking win- teres letters. The limit of amount of insurance of a registered letter is $25. The insurance fee, as well as the postage and registration fees inust be fully prepaid by stamp. The insurance fee on sums up to $10 will be three edits ; on $tai four cents ; on $20 five cents, and on $25 six cents. clews. Surely we have a law that will put 0 stop to these low praticos. On Sunday last, a class of eleven were confirmed in the Lutheran church. The children answered readily to the questions put to thein, showing the thorough train- ing received by them at the .lands of the pastor, Rev. E. Schuelke. The church was comfortably filled. Many persons who have had stray animals come on their premises, have been under the impression they could claim costs -from the time the animals carate to their places, whether they advertised, them or not. This is wrong,. They can claim expenses only from the time they aro advertised, The regular meeting of the W. C. T. 17., held at the home of Mrs. P. Bender on Monday evening, March. 28tH, was very interesting. Miss Beatrice Steinbach led the Dove- ' ti.onal part, after which a quartette was rendered: The programme ar- ranged for the Educational part was on ''Christ and W omen," and "Canadian White Ribbon Tidings," during which a suitable trio was sung by Miss Ethel Williams and Misses Ella and Lizzie Rannie. The Business was then conducted by the President. School Report, Report for the month of March of the standing of pupils in the Sr. Div. of Z. P. S., flames in order of merit. , V. Freda Hess, Helena Sipple, Pearl Buchanan, Addison Koehler. Sr. IV. Fred. Hess, Milne Rannie, Pearl Wurtz, Roxio Eilber, Edwin Koehler, Lily Faust, Ella 'Wesoloh, Victor Apple. Irene Lipphti,rdt, Uiova Prang, Joanna Elbert,,Gertie Hartleib. Jr. IV. Herbert Axt, Ada Koehler, Chas. Silber, Celia Hess, Frieda Haberer. , Melinda 1F uss, Cora Dav- idson, Alvada Wese'lo11, John Wal - per, Ahnah Fisher, Gornall I 'oltz- ma#i, Lva Brown, Lizzie- V olland, Hamor Well, Arno Brenner, Leon- ard Wurm, Arlett L Walper, Morris Weber, Joe Randeil, Laura Sipple, Wilfird Weido, 'Katie Howald, Adatn Theil, R. F. Stolck, Prin. 0 liV ro } May last another month and if you will come in and purchase a pair of nice warm winter Shoes, which p am selling t L 'k Tre�y Y P2IGL you will be able to en– joy foot comfort during, this 1-' n:- ppyweather. NEAT AND Pl i:l'rYT FIT ALL WAYS AND ALWAYS r... ,a a, r" !a,t,Vfls..elate.,'C .:-I..M�1,-•eLrl^N'°see'-m,�F.fTrSa•.Yz..'JC.n.A._Lx_Y. m:....... ..,_rseznLi,it•M-J d:: -.CH, ONTARFO. Butter and Eggs; taken in exchzmge. C-. � r. n (( e}�}r�,T,,,ny�4�lr r,2, n � s�, , �r�.��,.�n��t�M1,gc)"r'r'#t �r¢(� " � 't };� t%�rt�'� k,T 1tt •Y�gAm�Gir.)()''WL6° LciS uW titi.J instil k dud w.',a`a".1.ai\iu.':u s1Jg -, �v� * pVc.. t� d ' `� t:i'r�4��;" fs i?' qty �`q � � `�'��. 41 y` ( ii ,,..9-!.....„-‘7,..h.:,,,„ e �e3 �:1 _'fit :^....1-2) y As the e'ttsnu for those err.)« iS ,nlvanein s we t;) � call. the attention u, ,1 e• i',,.r;i•: it tie'';atct that we"` ]tat -170 at most (•oinplc t i st•J"•.+, of ,)ntlt Lades' and en's Garments. Our Ladies' ?. A 1 N 0IF are the most up-tc-delta in Quality and Style we have ever carried and at Prices that will be sure to clear ....them out in a short time EN'S COATS. --We have thein to suit all C'iu.ssos and at priecs as low as the lowest ; Quality Considered. Be sure and see our goods before buying as we can guarantee you special values. "Bring us your Dutch Setts, wo pay highest prices for all produce." J. P EETERI Zurich AMMAMWAMMAMARMWMARMWMAVA attr 1;eta 5:0-in'EsaVe O�Yd�pVimm9m�d�'b i�`�Ab®wes^^m m^l°) cam<ig el () <,„ FROST" Ornamental Gates Light in weight Artistic in design (( _ i' Reasonable in price Cm Also a large line of Standard Sarni Gates ® always on hand, Every progressive and 80 farmer insists on having lE1`OST la ��� up-to-date or7GATES. Catalog asml prices Ott request. A �au r_ -,a l Ola SAI. BY to F_,',.1 L I „1. T,.1.e.4.. a .h'i., D ..� 4f .e' of a- 0) e) 0) 0' 0) B) 5) 0) q) 0) 0) 0) Pi