The Herald, 1904-03-18, Page 12The Zurich Herald.
New Butcher
I wish to inform the Public
that I have purchased the Butcher-
ing business of John Schafer and
will continue the business
At The Old Stand.
I will carry in stock all kinds
of Meats and will give my Custo-
mers the Best Value obtainable.
Terms Cash.
Harry Yungblut,
Zurich = m Ontario.
Horse Shoer and
Verity Plow Rapairs al-
ways on hand.
All work promptly attended to.
Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs-
day and Friday evenings of each
week, at six o'clock sharp.
Planing and Saw Mill
—All kinds of woodwork and saw-
ing done to order. Estimates
given for all kinds of buildings.
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al-
ways on hand.
Field Gates, Water -
Tanks for Wind -mills
and Water Troughs.
Mills 14th Con., Lot 25.
J. C. Kalbfleisch
Zurich P. O.
31 Second Hand
All in fine running order
to be sold in ten days
—for cash --
Prices _ the best.
Locals continued, from page 1.
A jolly load of young people from
town took the home of Mr. Charles
Stelck, on. the Parr line, by sur-
prise, on Wednesday evening. The
evening was pleasantly spent.
The Misses Armstrong, who have
been visiting at the hoane of Mr.
Robert Armstrong, Goshen Line,
Stanley, the past few months, re-
turned to their home in La Riviere,
Manitoba, on Friday.
The man who values his friends
and wants to hold his own self-
respect will keep much to himself.
The follow who thrusts himself
eternally upon his friends is sure
to be dumped on the rubbish heap
of boredom.
Mr. Harry Levitt, who has been
staying with Mr. Joe Smith on the
Bronson for a few months, left for
Hamilton on Monday morning,
where he will remain for a few
weeks before leaving for his home
in Assinbioia.
Five cent pieces converted by hy-
draulic pressure to the size of ten
cent pieces is the latest form in
which an attempt is made to de-
fraud the public. The counterfeit
coin is made exactly the same size
as the ten cent piece and has the
figure ten impressed upon it quite
legibly, although the word "cents"
is slightly blurred, owing to the
heavy pressure to which the coin is
Maple syrup made from trees in
Huron county will be an unknown
thing this year unless the weather
moderates very quickly. Other
years trees have been tapped: and a
very good supply of sap running by
the end of February, but what with
frost and snow, it is useless to at-
tempt to get to the bush to com-
mence syrup operations. If two or
three weeks of sunshiny clays
would welcome us, without a too
sudden rise in temperature, there
may be some hope of getting some
of the genuine maple syrup made
around here but present prospects
are not very bright:—Ex.
The Grand. Trunk certainly de-
serves credit for the way they have
fought the elements the past month
or so. No sooner would the track
be open from London to Winghani,
than a snow -storm would stop all
trains again. This has happened
over and over again, and no doubt,
there are none who welcome the
spring more than the officials of
the G. T. R. It has cost the cor-
poration thousands of dollars, not
onlytfor wages paid to Hien to open
up the road, but also for board. of
passengers detained at towns by
the blockade. Our merchants have
had some difficulty in getting their
spring stock delivered, some of
which has been on the road for
seven and eight weeks.
� zggi
Season 1904.
Oltr new line of Buggies
will soon be ready for
the market
a specialty.
Give us a can
before you buy.
t F. Hess & Son.
Zurich = Ontario.
Special to THE HERALD.
Three of our cattle buyers were
north of Bayfield recently, looking
at some cattle.
It is reported that while two men
of town, were returning from God-
erieh recently, the horse took a
sudden spell of "that tired feeling"
and as no farm house was near by,
they loaded it on the cutter and
pulled it for some distace, but this
was too hard work so they put up
at a farm house for the night.
Special to THE HERALD.
Hauling wood and logs is the
order of the day in our burg.
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Leibold were
visiting at Mr. Kyle's on Sunday
Mr. Thos. Kyle is painting his
house. It is said he will have the
nicest house in Dixie after he • is
through. with it.
Mrs. Blackwell is on. the sick list
at present.
Mr. Prank Folliek has hired to
chop brush ahead. of the big dredge
for $35 per month. Look out fol.
flying brush when Frank gets at it.
Mrs. Tom. Kyle visited at John
Kipter's a few days last week.
Mr. Burkholder is visiting friends
in Michigan and other States at
Special to THE HERALD.
Mr. J . Sheppard bought some
hogs for shipment on Feb, 29th
but they clid not leave until Thurs-
day' night.
We are glad to say that Mr. H. J.
D. Cooke, who was seriously ill
with pneurnonia, is improving,
Mr. J. C. Stoneman is back from
Toronto, where he attended the
Grand Lodge meeting of the Honie
The band concert was held on
Monday night. A good crowd was
present and all report themselves
wall satisfied with the programme.
Miss Aggie Shirra, who has been
visiting her sick mother in Hamil-
ton, has returned.
Mr. T. Palmer of Wheatland,
Manitoba, has purchased the res -
taurant from R. Spear.
The W. C. T. U. is circulating a
petition in favor of local option.
While Mr Chas. Troyer of Hills -
Green was driving to Hensel. re-
cently, he killed a fine coon with
the butt end of his whip.
Trains are running on time once
more. Now for a freight train.
Special to THE HERALD.
Mr. Harry Eilber's new dwelling
is nearing completion ; what next?
Miss Emma Morlocle of Benton
Harbor is spending a month's vaca-
tion under the parental roof.
A very enjoyable time was spent
at the German parsonage Tuesday
night last, where the Ladies' Aid
of the Evangelical church surprised
their pastor and wife, after a plea-
sant evening spent, the ladies pre.
pared a meal such as only our
Ladies Aid has the skill to prepare.
The secretary of the society, Mrs.
J. II. Holtzmann, then read a kind-
ly worded address, after which
Mrs. Samuel Brown, Treas., handed
Mr. and Mrs. Damm a very hand-
some quilt as a slight token of the
high esteem in which they are
Several fine dwellings are to be
erected this spring in our village.
Mr. James Clark, our popular har-
ness maker and Michael Hirtzel
are both hauling the material for
their dwellings.
Mr. John Weiner and family left
Wednesday last for Manitoba.
The many friends of Mr. Chris.
Eilber were pleased to see his
smiling face again. He was visit-
ing under the parental roof on Sun-
day last.
Miss Wagester of near New Ham-
burg is visiting her sister at the
German parsonage.
Mr. Wm Fritz, proprietor of the
Royal Hotel, and family spent
Sunday in Zurich.
We are pleased to report that
Mrs. Frederick Eilber, who has
been on the sick list for some time
past is rapidly improving.
Mrs.Oestreicher has been serious-
ly ill the past week but is some
Messrs. Faust and Kelly, of
Zurich, paia our village a friendly
visit on Sunday last. Come again
Mr. Samuel Brown and family
spent Sunday last at Zurich.
Once upon a Monday dreary, she
was working weak and weary;
down upon 'her marrows moping,
moping up the kitchen floor.
While the mop was flipping, flap-
ping, suddenly she heard a tapping,
tapping at the kitchen door. " 'Tis
some visitor„" she muttered, "rap-
ping at the kitchen door ; gracious
Peter what a bore." Up she. got
and nearly swearing, hastily began
preparing to appear as women Wish.
to when visitors coni.e to look then
o'er—yanked her apron off and
slung it, grabbed a dolman up and
hung it over the greasy gown she
wore. Then she opened wide the
door,—and found a sawed off boy
who wanted to know if she didn't
want some fresh roaster. peanuts.
W. C. T. U.
The Cigarette Evil.
In the cigarette discussion in
Parliament, I notice that one of the
speakers said, If smokers would
only practice self-denial for the
benefit of others, it would do much
to lessen the cigarette evil.' How
MR men who smoke expect their
children to abstain? The difficulty
of convincing youths of the evils of
tobacco is great enough, but be-
comes greater when their seniors
smoke. If the 'smoking' members
and adherents of the church would
set ane .ample of abstinence, they
would, in my opinion,lbenefit them-
selves, but they would benefit
society as Well, and particularly
the rising generation.
Assuming that smoking is simply
a, habit of pleasure—though I think
it is much more—would it not be a
step in the direction of moral re-
form to give it up for the benefit
of others? Are there not some
men connected with the church
who are willing to show their de-
votion by so doing? Let us have
a revival along this line. Paul was
willing to give up meat if his eating
it caused. offence to others. Surely
we could do with a good deal less
tobacco. I WMA. only reasoning this
matter from its influence and ex-
ample, and my appeal is to those
who stand in the way of moral
reform. This matter needs all the
help it ,;an get. 1t needs the help
of the 'church—not alone in prayers
but that personal and practical
help which would be effective. I
ask the thoughtful attention of
those church members to whom
these lines may have application,
to this question, assured that if
they aro guided by their con-
sciences, instead of by their .per-
sonal feelings, they will practise
what I ani preaching.
Press. Supt.
Goto eo Greb...
For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver
and ' Glass Ware �� cl
and Hollywood
�� `
Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of
Building Materials,
The Famous
Most durable Fence on the market
Don't be deceiv d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON
S. EB,
We are going to Sell Out
Of all Kinds, and
Come in Time to Get Bargains
P. BEJIDEI & Co. Zurieio
Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
23 ,- t1-1,9 �""' -er o r i t o
I above Stove burns wood' also, and takes in 23 inches. We can give
yon the names of about 40, sold the last 2 years. Consult
these parties, and hear what they have to say for its
good qualities. Made only for those whb
require the best. PRICES RIGHT.
Call and See it.
The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, ZURICH.
n N
ID. order to make room for
our Spring Stock which we
expect will arrive shortly;
we have put a great part of
our present stock at prices
which will not give any of
the lines much time to re-
main in our store. Are you
interested in saving money
on clothing? If so call and
examine goods and prices.