The Herald, 1904-03-18, Page 7MSOSMOM tiUi(i Ilial MOM ilii •II >iN�)tl' �� r mERS± f Now is the time to feed your (Horses, Cattle, Pigs and Poultry, Stock The kind to Feed is 1 t d 74L•na1 And don't forget it. We have . Stock and Poultry Food, Louse Koller, Heal= ing Oil, Colic Cure, Heave cure, Harness Soap and Worm Powder. Also the best E. to be had. x }, r� ==eat fa lA : oocis =tc_ When in town give us a call. Watch Seed Ad. C. SCHRAG, = = Zurich.. '' � .......... .....A., AA,A AAA, AIAI AAr/AAAAA AAA AA AlA YU. vitioutmegointimaim The Zurich Herald. Mr. Goo. Trott, of HenseAl, is per. Inanently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. GEo. TROTT, 13-tf Photographer. Notice. .TraE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for •this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CHAS. LENDER, leader, or 119r. A. MoKAx, Secy., Hensall, Ont. ryEDAR POSPS FOR SALE: --We have kJ a large number of First O1ass Posts .at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will -be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-tf MAc:EL & BENDER, Zurich. Farm for Sale. Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres good hardwood bush, frame house, bank barn and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00. Apply at once to E. ZEr.LER, Zurich. NOTICE to CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Sally :.Colosky, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. cap 129 that 41l creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the said Sally Coloslty, deceased, who died on or about the lath day of January, 1904, are requested on or before the 1st day of April, 1904, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned ab Dashwood P. 0., the Executor of the Will of the said Sally Colosky, deceased, their Christian names and Sur names, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And further take notice, that after such last mentioned date, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim, notice at the time shall not have been received by them of such distribution. Dated the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1904 32-3 Jos. SNELL, Executor. A man to represent "CAx&DA's GREATEST NURSERIES" in town 'of Zurich and sur- rounding Country, and take orders for Our Hardy SPecialties 'In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, .Vines, —Seed Potatoes, Etc.— Stock true to name and free from San -Tose Scale A permanent .position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES, OVER 800 ACRES. Toronto, Ont. Cudmore Cr Sons, .... DEALERS IT ... . ,Lime Sc. Cement, LATH, AND ALL KINDS OF Building IVIaterial. WE SELL CHEAP. 'f4ive us a Call. West of G. T. R. Station. Hensall , - - Ont. Clubbing rates. Sale Register. ,Wc have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing -.rates with THE H0.RALD : Daily Globe . $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . . 1.00 ,, Mail & Empire' 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald &. Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3.25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.40 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.i5 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK 17.- and Implements, on Friday, Marcli. 25th, at 1 &lock, p. m.. on lot 25, S. B., Hay. E. BossENEERRY,Anctioneer; FRED. BARRER, Prop. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE and Household Effects in the Village of Dashwood, on Saturday, March 26th, at one o'clock, p. m. Jos. SNELL, Execu- tor of the late Sally Colosky and HY. OTTERBRIN and Steckle BROS., Executors of the late John Coloskey;, En. BossEN BERRY, Auctioneer. a NOTICE. I am closing my hooks and *ill shortly leave the country, I hereby give notice that all accounts owing`me must be paid by the first of April. JOHN SCHAFER. which. be plaid $1600. The names of the best shots in Huron County as issued from Otta- wa in connection with the Rifle Association throughout Canada are ; Mr. John Lpgan, Goderich ; Mr. Thos Lee, Londesboro ; Mr. F. Neagel, Auburn : Mr. Neil • Tailor, Blyth , and Capt. Wilson, Seaforth. The East Huron Teachers' Assoc- iation will hold its annual conven- tion at Seaforth on May 13 and 14. The contract for re -modelling the Seaforth. Presbyterian church has been awarded to Messrs. Guttridge u.nd Edge of that town for $9,000. Mr. Isaac Rapson of Goderich Tp. died ]east Wednesday. A few days before ]1e suffered a stroke, which ended fatally on Wednesday of last week. The Clinton Lacrosse Club intend holding a big demonstration on May 24. The day will be spent in games of all kinds and a grand morning parade is talked off. GENERAL NEWS. Mr. John Nightingale, a junior bank clerk of \\' allaceburg, com- mitted snicide, Friday night, by shooting himself in the temple with a roybolver. No cause for the rash act is fort]Iecininn, it being sul)pos- A car of corn shipped from Wind- sor to Clinton arrived at -the latter place last week. The ear left Windsor on Jan. 19th and has been on the road nearly two months. When the door was opened it was found that the corn gaol started eel that he was temporarily insane. heating and growing and was re - The car -barn bandits. Harry Van Dine,Peter Niedermeir and Gustave Marx of Chicago, will be hanged. The revenue derived from licen- ses and fines of the liquor traffic in 1903 was $304.785, compared with 4301,369 in 1902. The Berlin sugar beet factory produced seven million pounds of standard granulated sugar in 1002 and 1003, and is now be.gilining to .^,omn..and a. ready sale wherever it is introduced. The Dresden sugar `beet factory will be shut Clown. Arrangements have been made to move the ma- chinery to Wisconsin. COUNTY NEWS. Mr. Robert Leathorn of Stephen Township sold his fifty -acre farm to Mr. Albert Ford of Exeter. The price paid was $3000.00. Mr. John Winer of Creditnn well move to Dakota shortly, where he has purchased land. fused by W. (x, Perrin. Mr. John Moffatt of Kippen sold his 50 -acre farm on the Concession, Tuckersmitll, to David Workman for (11,100. Mr. Ambrose Allen of near Grand Bend, died on Wedneedav morning of last week. Ile was fifty years if your track is steep and hilly and you { of ago and leaves to mourn bis loss, have a heavy grade, e, his widow and six children. And if talose who've gone before you have } the rails quite slippery made, On Wednesday evening; the 2nd If yon ever roach the summit of the upper i inst., the home of Mr. Gil bort Mc- table land, Donald near Kippers w0S the scene you'll find you'll have to do it with a ! of a very pleasant event, when his liberal use of sand. youngest daughter, Mist; Maggie. If you strike sonic frigid ~weather and ells• was married to 1'1r. John Gilmour cover, to your coat), of I\loosejltw, As,nI. The ceremony That you're liable. to slip on a Heavy coat was performed by Rev, M. U. Mc- Lennan of i(ippen. Mr. and. Mrs. Gilmour will make their future home in As:.a. SAND 1 observed a locomotive in yards one day, It was waiting in the round -house, the, locomotives stay; It was panting for the journey, it was coal- -0 O ed and fatly the manned; O �� r f IL liacl n. box the tiremetn was tillipg full of (�`�.\J) bas 2nd Mr. the railroad THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. .A leading feature of The WFMKLY GLOBE to be added this fall will be an Eight -Page Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's inechanic,al equipment. This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. For hard colds, bronchitis, I asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any -1 thing better than Ayer's erry ctoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. "1 had a terrible cough for weeks. Then I took Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and only one bottle completely cured mel" Mas. J. B. DAN MATE, St. Joseph, Mob. Mc., SOc., 51.00. J. 0, AYER c0., All tlrtteaiets.telt- Lowell, Mans. iscescusetsiosi Co g,hs,Colds You will hasten recovery by tak- ing one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. where ormismdmiussusolnumnaugh Hoffman's 1 A GREAT COMBINATION THE IIaRALD, Tour home paper, ....$1.00. ----- Toronto ''---Toronto Daily News 3,00. We have also American Farmer •50. Low Rates on other Weekly Globe 1.00. Weekly Montreal Herald 1.00. — Newspapers. Daily & Weekly (1tTU PRICE FOR THE i LOT, ONLY..... Address or ? Call at once. y 0.50.��„• 2o9®o THE HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH. l,s.ie'a•.f�..-4T4 , a:, .' g.tei, r.t' MtV,'T/YS,i„e<.vtrtP,S ..Ft. } 171Iwaa Jubilee Laundry . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN Sold by All Newsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Composition's by the most pop - Mar authors. 64 Pages of Plano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental—at Complete Plccea for Piano—Once a Month for as Cents. Yearly Subscription, $a.00. If you will send us the name and address of Fritz performers on the Piano or Organ, wewillsend You a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth a LocustSta.. Philadelphia. Pa. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE 1ViARRS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a eketoh and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably pntetttuble. Communion• tunas strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive !Witt/notice, without charge, in the Sciattific Merlon® A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir• eulatioa of any,t'letttitlr, journal. Terns, $.3 a year; four months, Si. Seidl)), all newadealera. MON & .26IBroadway, New Ynrk Hranch OStee.+'=r 4t.. Washington. D. C. ;sand. It appears that Iocomotives can not always get a grill On their slender iron pavement, 'cause the wheels are apt to slip; And when they reach a slippery spot, their tactic they command, And to get a grip upon tho rail, they sprinkle it with sand. It's about this way with travel along life's slippery track, , If your load is rather heavy and you're always sliding back; So, if it common locomotive you complete- ly understand, You'll provide yonr:sclf in starting with a good supply of sand. Mr. Henry Kraft purchased 50 acres of lance, being south half lot .No. 23. Lon. 12, Stephen Township, frpiu the Chas. Miller estate at the .auction sale held last Friday. The price paid was $2800. Mr. Ezra Tiernan' of Dashwood bought the other fifty in Hay Township for of frost, Then some prompt, decided action will be. culled into demand, And you'll slip way to the bottom if you haven't any sand, , You can get to any station that is on life's schedule seen, If there's fire beneath the boiler of am- bition's strong machine, And you'll reach a place called rlushtown at a rate of speed that's grand, If for all the slippery places you've a good supply of sand. Top -lllcr� o rs�t, Il 1.0 4 c, n ll xp tie �"ita w :tit; " We know of no offer we could make that would more thor- oughly and faiprove our confidenceth init. If the Chat- witllot:t one cent of cash from y ot1 until Oct., 1904 ham Incubator is not all we claim for it mare not: out one cent, Chatham Inenbatnrs are marlo just as geed as money and skill ran make them. We haven't stinted in anything. The hidden parts are as at, ongly amnio Had ne well flul.ttted as the parts yon see. They are hat to stand the hardest kind of wearend wive Igo very ti best of service, They embody every real improvement known in the manufacture of Inca. i( haters. Gut out tho coupon in the corner of this ad.,orwrite your nameandaddress on a postal card and iniad it to ns for full particulars of our offer. Do it today. z tv ii 1 There );* profit 1 n ragi9ibfng ttC' pouhry :Lice i'ou wo I' about it in the }?l rrnghtwt�l iTnlf- utt-nnut, mt in ta'+ only halt prubte 11 you k •wouhi e t the tall ptulit rt 1' ou t of thisfruitful department of ,our from you 11014, wont under the best r ° conditions: You con do this only when 1.180you ,o a ChathamIncubator and Brooder. \%e positively guarantee it to be a good hat,•her and we sell it on the most liberal terms over offered by any manufacturer. 4 We will ship you—freight prepaid by us—a, tri ti' ta. Incubator to �•1� rs Mention this M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO., Limited paper. DEPT. 510 CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders. Iaatelbnting Warehouse,: at Montreal quo.; ltraudon. MAIL; t•ah;ny,.41ta.: Van, uv'r t t. - itaaGur, N n. Factories at Cbn.thaut, t1ut,. al t t l eia.. f�Alen ,,r the anningMs.1U \ r• re "tN O • ,iv areal Railway Station Address all letters to Chatham, Ont. ti CAIIIPBELL FANNING II1ILL CO. Limited C4-IATHAM, ONT. DEPT. r to Please send your &srrin- tivc Catalogue of the Chatham Incubatnr,tegether with allinfor- mation about your special offer, whereby no cash will be paid until October, 1904. Name 4 u P.O. Address.