The Herald, 1904-03-18, Page 4COST OF DYING lad PARIS. Grasping Landlords Pile Up Esorbii;ant Bills for Relatives. "It is cheaper to live than to die iu Paris," says a member of the American • colony in the City of Light now visit- ing New York. "However dear the liv- ing may be, to their friends the dead are sure to be dearer—for a short period, at all events, For a stranger in t furnished apartment the affair is still worse. "The landlord claims the right to re- furnish and refit the chamber at the ex- pense of the deceased. In the case of an American, who recently died, leaving two young daughters. as it were, un- protected, the landlord brought in an exorbitant bill for new furniture, paper and paint, and seized the corpse for pay- ment as it was leaving the horse for the cemetery. o It is advisable in a Lease to have th ie expense of dying agreed upon, If it were not for the natural sentiment of respect for the dead it would be jolly retribution to leave the corpse in the hands of such a harp, to be got rid of at his own expense.—New York Press. $33 TO THE PACIFIC COAST Via the Chicago-t'nion Pacific & North- ' Western Line from Chicago daily dur- ing March and April, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland. Seattle, Tre_oma and Vancouver. and other Pacific Coast ' points. Very low rates to Ilelena. Butte, Spokane. Ogden and Silt Lake City, Cor- responding low rates from all points. Daily and personally conducted excur- sions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, through without change. double berth only $7. Choice of routes. For particu- lars, address B. E. Bennett, 2 King street • east, Toronto. Ont. An Official Proposition. "Madam." began the stranger, as the !lady opened the door in answer to Shia • ring. "I have an attachment for you: "My goodness!" exelaimeh the aston- • ished woman. "Are you an escaped luna- tic?" "Not necessarily. madam," calmly re- , plied. the party of the other part. ex- tracting an official document from his in- side pocket. '`I'm the. sheriff." Row They Interpreted it. 1 Asked too interpret the sermon on the mount, two London school chil- dren gave these answers: We are taught not to be anxious Toe the future, as the future will come in time. We are taught in the sermon on the mountain to think of the future, because the evil we do in one day is sufficient: • l ! ' COUGHING, SORE THROAT AND TIGHTNESS t across the chest are too serious for delay or experiment. Allen'a Lung Bassam cures a common cold in a day or two. Obstinate 1 cases take more time. In an Exclusive Circle. (Judge.) "You say they move in the very high est circles?" "I should say so! Why. tiller navies never appear in the society columns of the daily hailers." Lever's Y-Z(Wise Iieati)Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- fects and cleans at the same time. 3E YOU CAN'T BE ATTRACTIVE. An Offensive Breath and Disgusting Discharges, Due to Catarrh, Blight fliliions of Lives Yearly. Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Ppwder Relieves in 30 flinutes. Eminent nose and throat specialists In daily practice highly recommend Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder, as sure, perma- nent, painless, In all cases of Cold in the Read. Tonsilitis, Headache and Catarrh.. It gives relief in 10 minutes and banishes the uisease like magic. Use Dr. Agnew's Pills. 40 Doses 10 Cents. 28 Takes 459 Razor Strokes to Shave. "Very few men realize the man- ual labor entailed in the operation of shaving, aside from the constant caro and skill thee mulct be exer- eised," said the handsome barber as he pa.used to strop his razor. "I didn't realize it myself until the, other day. 'i']be man I was shaving was a stranger to me, a.nd he poem - eel a trifle nervous. When I got through with him he said to me: 'D'o you know how many srtrokes of the razor you used in .:having me?' I looked up at the clock. It had taken me nearly twenty minutes. 'I give it up," I said. 'I never thought about it.' 'Well,' said he, are he buttoned bas roller, 'you used just 459 strokes with the razor.' That's pretty fair for me, because I'm nervous. slave frequently been up to near six hun- dred. Yon see, I Buffer from insom- nia, and the only way I can get to sleep at nigltte is to lie in bed and count. In that way I have gotten into the habit of counting the ra- zor strokes while getting shaved, and I want to tell you that 459 is a pretty good record for me: Say, do you believe that ?"—Phila- delphia Recons. --IIESSR•S. C. C. RICHARDS & CO., Yarmouth, N. S.: Gentlemen,—In January last, Francis I,eclair, one of the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him, crushing him fearfully, He was, when found, placed on a sled and taken home, where grave fears were en- tertained for his recovery, his hips be- ing badly bruised and his body turned black from his ribs to his feet. We used MI1ARD'S LINIMENT on him freely, to deaden the pain, and with the use of three bottles he was completely cured and able to return to his work. SAUVEt7R DUVAL. Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que., May 26th, 1893. Fruit in Minter. During the winter nronthb, and especially at the time of early spring . ecarcity, fruit is apt to be omitted to a great extent from the daily bill of fare, but the practical housewife will see that it is seed in some form. at ever. meal. Its value will lie better understood when we reliLze that our ordinary ' fruits cv.yLain the following sub- • stances i.i greater or less propor- tions : A large percentage of water. • Sugar in the form of grape or fruit sugar. A small percentage of ash and min- eral salts. Pectose, the subs tanee which gives firmness to fruit, and which upon bailing yields various; fruit jellies. Cellulose, or vegetable fibre, the material which forms the cell walls, and whic)i is found in all parts of plants Protein or albuminoids, substances • containing nitrogen, which resemble the white of eggs, and aro its equiv- alent in food value. �...• SIA,1114,14.1. n.ry ....w,.n .v- ,.I,1 , . DRESS FOR BUSINESS WOMEN Ula Cis' Ladies and Tbeir Ad- vancement, That wardrobe dealers are on the w,iiole a rospectable, worthy body of cvom'en will be generally ad- mitted, but until recently they have not been wont to mix in the high- est circles, except by appointment ewlth the ladies' mai i, and then in oamera. Thiels trade, liko many otli ors has, however, been invaded by flim wealthy amateur, anti of all the eccentric fancies that leave in turn taken society by storm, surely there is none more calculated to mystify the historic New; Zealand- er .who is .piously expected to come seeking the bones of his an- cestors amid the ruins of St. Paul's than the inexplicable desire lately shown by as ies of fasliian to buy epch other's clothes, My Kidneys aro all wrong 1 How shall I ensure best results in the shortest time?" It stands to reason that a liquid specific of the unquestionable merit of South American Kidney Cure will go more directly and quickie' to the seat of the trouble than "pill form" treatment, and when it strikes the spot there's healing in an instant. -78 White for Children. The craze for dressing children en- tirely, in white ehowis no sign of abating, and certainty; it is a moist charming fad. In p. long white coat with cap or bonnet to match, white Leggings, white boots, and white fur gloves, the brilliancy of a child's complexion seems almost dazzling, and ermine, the most teying fur in tale world, ix powerless to spoil the effect. The gray -squirrel octet and cap with just a 'touch of red vel- vet is another beoo'ming and effec- tive outdoor postume. although not a new fachion this season. There has always been a prejudice against allowing children to wear fur, espec- ially close to the throat, but the DOW ooats are cut to fasten below the neck, and if there is not a heavy' interlining and the coat is not'worn in too mild weather, there is no pos- sible reason why it is not just as healthful as a heavily, interlined cloth.—Harper'rs Bazar. USED FOURTEEN YEARS WiTH GOOD RESULTS. 'ME, 164 50, New York, Sept. 8,1 52. DR. D. J. KENDALL CO., Gentlemen I nave used your Spavin Cure on my horses for the past fourteen years and 1t has always given me good results in every particular. I also have one of your books that I have tollfraael Very useful. If you have any later edition of the "Treatise on the florae and hisniseases," Will you kindly send me one. Respectfully yours, B. y'. entente. It to ail absoutely reliable remedy for Spavins, Splints, Curbs, Itingbenes, etc. Removes the bundle and leaves no scar. Price SI; six for $5. Ask As all druggist for familyuse it hat no equal. Ct1RE ALI.9 SPAVIN Rhe ti bur dru�tKist for inb "A Treatise on the ilorse," the book fres, o* 4drese B. KENDALL CO., ENCOOBURG FALLS, Vi. Those whom neglected coughs have killed were once as healthy and robust as you. Don't follow in their paths of neglect. Take hill01193 C±' % au 1S The Lung Zgeeary Tonic right now. It is guaranteed to cure. It has cured many thous- ands. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 309 25c. 50c. gl. LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can, Both of the Same Mind. Towne— I met that fellow De Bates to -day. Browne—Yes, so he just told me. Towne—Talk about a man who won't listen to reason— Browne—Don't! That's teltat he's just been talking about. THE CANADA LIFE'S REPORT. Splendid Showing Made at 57th Annual Meeting. A striking statement was made by Hon. Geo. A. Cox, President of the Can- ada Life Assurance Company, at that institution's annual meeting recently. He pointed out that since the company's inception it has paid out to policyhold- ers and their heirs over $27.000,000. Such a fact gives some idea of the vast bene- fits that result from life insurance. And the returns that will come to Canada life policyholders as years go by, will, of course, be much greater than this amount. Indeed, over $95,500,0000 of as- surances are now carried by the com- pany. During 1903 the new business paid for amounted to well over $10,000,000, a grat- fying, advance even upon 1902, itself a record year in the company's history. The assets of the company increased notably during the year, and now stand at well over $27,000,000. In making up its policy reserves the company again em- ployed the most stringent valuationbasie of any old -established life company on the American continent. Over and above even these strong reserves the surplus on policyholders' account is more than $1,- 860,000. The United Kingdom branch, institut- ed a year ago, has proved most success- ful. By extending its operations only within Anglo-Saxon countries the Cana- da Life has been able to increase the vol- ume of its business without at all in- terfering with the high standard of the risks insured by it. The Dominion, tho United.Kingdom and the Northern States are certainly the best of the world's in- surance territories. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. " Pure soap I" You've heard the` words. In Sunlight Soap you have the fact. ISSUE NO. 11 1904. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Seamp shoulee always be used for Children 'teething. It, soothe the child, softens the gums cures wind colic and 1s the best remedy for Diarrhtea. Wb. ' E A good general servaut. Good wages. Ap- pty to Mlle. W. A. HOLTON, &ttEmuir Hamilton, Oat. Ezit lEaPTSI. Ask for tise Octagonitar eat Should Scratch and Keep Warm. It is here submitted that the fullest measure of justice is not being done to the hen. Certainly, eggs aro high— forty cents per dozen, the grocers are charging for guaranteed new laid. But that is not the fault of the mid- dleman—the grocer -or the maunfac- turer--the hen. Neither is there any trust or corner in eggs. True, they are sometimes in corners, but it is the fence - corner, not the corner commercial. The price is (mite natural, because the hens are not laying. They are not blame- worthy; the fault is not theirs. In this awful winter the uulfortunate chick -a, - biddies have had a lot of trouble in keeping warm; let alone laying eggs. An Asiatic Sentiment. "I understand," said one Corean, "that we are to be seized." "Yes," answered the other. "I love my country, but I wish it weren't so much like the prize in a grab bag at a fair." Uew le1erida Exports Water. 'lout, after all, there is a prodigi- teilo -percentage of water in the alimentary as +Cve1l as anti -bilious products which) Florida ships to the north. It is a fine and high art to market water at good prices. Florida cucumbers, for instance, have (hardly enough dry miatter for the chemist to swear by, yet they bring $6 to $10 a barrel early in the season ; and several Sumter county groiwers bleared from $500 to $1,000 an acre on 'this seductive fruit of the vine. A. 'ton of cucumbers carries away from Florida only 88 pounds of dry matter, while a ton of hiay shipped down here brings away from Iolwa 1,977.50 pounds. A ton of hay in the field in Iolwla illi wort$ no!t above $8 or $9 at 'Mb outside, while a ton of .cucumbers at the depot in Florida is worth! on an average at least $35. 'lihe hay carries oft ten times as mach fertility from 'the soil as the cu- cumbers, and is only worth a third as much. In actual cash Yet our fellow -countrymen of the north, the shrewdest market goers In 'the world, aro willing and quick to 'buy 'these packages of Florida water, perfumed and medicated a little and done up elegantly In preen and red and yellder skins and attractively stenciled. — Florida Timea-U;ulon. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Our Time to Laugh. Russia must have bad a whole lot of fun in the early stages of the Boer war if she enjoyed the discomfiture of the British in South Africa half as much as the British enjoy the disconi,- fiture of the Russians in the Far East. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. NEW YORK CENTRA. Above is the great four track road, the only trunk line whose trains enter New York City. �+,�' •� -fat;1� Strong Man. (New York Telegraph.) This story is advanced by M. Martini, the sculptor, as new: There was an Irishman employed on the West 34th street dock as 'a roust- about. He was the strongest man on the west side, and may still enjoy that distinction. One day he was loading iron anvils on an Italian steamship when the gang- plank broke. Nothing wail seen for a minute and a half but bubbles, and the stevedore was about to mark the man clown as having quit the job when he rose, spluttering, to the surface. yelled,"rllddrop oneCk me a of these e anvilst" Stopped the Press. "Sam" Davis, editor of the Virginia City Enterprise, was once annoyed by a rival, who was continually "storming the press" in order to insert a piece of late news. There was hardly a day that the rival did not say, "We stop the press to announce that" somebody had shed, moved, been born, run away, lost money at cards, sold it mine, bought a new hat or been arrested. So one day Davis inserted the following on the front page of his paper, deeply leaded and under the heading, "Important": "We stop the press to annouce that there is no news of sufficient importance to justify us in stopping the press. Giddap," Pile Terrors Swept Away.—Dr. Agnew's Ointment stands at the head as a reliever, healer and sur© for Piles in all forms. One application will give comfort in a few minutes, and three to six days' ap- plication according to directions will cure chronic cases. It relieves all itching and burning skin diseases in day. 85 coots. 79 BUSINESS GUIDE tells alt about notes, recelpte, mortgages, lotuses, deed. wills property exgmpt from seizure, landlored and tenant, ditches and watercourses, ete., one agent sold 47 copies in three days; ; another sold 88 in a week • French edition now ready ; outfit 25e ; order outfit to -da ; it not satisfactory money refunded. The The J. L. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto. titi ti , Nl5l'A h lei i,'e..1nllN''ai , ��'Si 1 1i}ir R � s 1,. htel 4t t .,t:•r; A POPULAR CORSET FOR 0904 STYLE lereereterettlelie i e .s ieeee, reeveleeleeee ease' MANUFACTURED ONLY BY RUSH .1 TORONTO ONT. 3 :!'gin !;t.'t19YF.aderc.,.+.3;:W0e5t 41+.1•',. RS's The King and the Tailors. ;At a dinner of the Tailor's Society of London the president, in proposing a toast to the King, said that King Ed- ward never wore the same suit of clothes twice, and, "if only for this, tailors ought to be grateful to His Majesty." HOW'S THIS' We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans- actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by this firm. WALDtxo, KINNeN & MARPIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hell's Catarrh Cure is taken fnternally,ae Ing directly upon the blood and mucous our. faces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's FamilyPUls for constipation. - . The Way to Win. Chollie—But a fellah can't alwaps pick the winnah! Gussie—Then, bah Jove, pick the los- ahs. and bet against them! Use ECTAoLCee IFI E, �,�1A Can be had In TUBS, PAILS, WASH BASINS, fiILK PANS, STABLE PAILS, ETC. From any first-class dealer. .c..44 A Good, One. (John Smith.) "If the Russians fall back on Harbin," observed the strategist, wille l o only one thing from the map, "there left for the Japanese to do" "What's that?" asked the victim. "Find a harbinger to fall back on," replied the strategist, turning once more to the weather report. Women, Answer These! How many women can answer these questions without Peeling guilty ? Doyou wear any article of cloth- ing which, makes you feel unoomtort- albie ? • Do you eat food which you know di;eagrees With you ? Do you give yourself so little time to dress that you have to rush' through. life to .keep your appoint- ments ? Is your bath a pleasure and a re- oree'tion ? Do you keep your feet dry and warm ? Do you drink plenty of pure water? Do you take plenty of exercise in the open air ? i ' Do you do to -day's work only, leav- ing to -morrow's burden until to -mor- row is to -day ? try you plan your work and t y to save yourself time and steps, or do you dip into first one thing and then another blindly ? Do you always try to be cheerful, or 'do you fuss and fret and worry about everything and everybody 7-- Savannah. Ga., Press. Both Lame. Chicago News. Little Eimer—Say, Uncle Bob, what makes ylea !walk lame? Uncle Bole—There was a: street- car accident to -day) and I got caught in the jazn'. Little Elmer—Well, I knew pow that is. Mamma caught me in the jam one time and I walked lame for a !week.. tgyDSCYL,0 o000• o000 igegagooe00000000 e,Utex mo(r a.aomomo•.00eso $,))8a ,J`X ,., e Aliso a. LOVELY BlIZACELIC'sT and , OL1!1L1) O t�C�OLl •4Etaaisfly d J;<.:' iVZLI.�ED KING , ,,..�, a saswamear em ----'•,,,•om- ' GIRLS, I Here is a Tremendous Bargain *+ , we have In our faotoryhundreds otbig 'tt• ,, 33oot,itag and, Jointed molls that c 1 r y arrivedfrom Germany too late for our , •, 's C , , Christmas trade. Wo don't want to carry them ever the summor so you can have I aro e:,.E bid loxrs,ntioa hours' en=. work. They ... -2m YARD TAU handsomely dressed in latest French Doll Fashion with Drese and Waist in lovely colors,'trimm0d whit Locvee, bUlntlful �t+ Race trimmed Uuderwar, 1 g a Lodges• litegauc Gold laid ! stocirings, Slippers, Buckles, eta Sty Watesolowelledmoveme v l Turning Moue 0 edea,ole,relladmove,noat, ' 'a'nrntn 810040 Hcad• L'nll,ioiuted oo e rlove y DOIt.00no oh gin Pe I'y Teeth,, Beautiful Sleeen ping to thlshCautlfm wn,ah 5,,,•. ; Blue Eyes. Dolly goes tooloepiuet • like a 50.0a1Sweet Daby. 1r♦5805.0 we otter a grand 'bargain. Wo will give yo • 2lovely Nllaeluo Drosses ono a hrsteeme iiig 1D0 . al .loo meld H e vv4er a fitting 5030ilue tee lir >uon, uy) also a lovely Heavy a ad. Go d.Stnl •gglared lSyaco- y�tet and a beautiful Solid ltoid 1lniehod Jemronotl • Boaz all =EH lbr soiling only 2d pac0•ages at 2000 J package of Marvel Washi eg Blue, the groat washday hole, nn Id your name and address at once. no 2110x107. WE v TRUST Torr and send Bluing by mall postpaid. Woalso o amyl you with the Mining hamdnonie Gold•Ardnhed • dcdrf 5'inn and Broochos, You givo a brooch or Scar) Fm Freo with Duch pac0a4o of Bluing you solL Almo'atorery d body whiny. Itvor lady needs Bluing when sold return us 'y.7 rho money, #1.00.0441 wo will sand yo:in, nt onto rho two lowly . Dolle and the lr are nmo Bmeciet and ing. Tho boautifnl rre• . 510000 we offer aro not to bo compared to the choap peemhtm. ,o usnnlly gluon. No 01:01:73 f ,or of ever ogaed such a lot of valuable premiums for so little wort. we aro a reliable business firm and e will trout you fair and richt and expect the same from you. n Girls send us your order now and you can have all these hand. Spume presents in a few days ^ddress. The lwarve Iii r, Ca, 10 7aopt e.072 Toglanto, Ont EXTRA, 3'R ESIEINWS 1:',)) � ij • Given to you enema bootees \\\ dtitin 2 ateeme2,11• ROLLS. Haase lt EIS} FMLL n 01 0 e •l . o i • 11011 Wide il u �. iSAJ -F'+ t �if M frr}I e �JJ 1 =1. HandsomeROar7 , t YI° • �, , � . Elegant seed ' rr Steel in,aSDver•psateda, 3. Awake Look • ..1�• Gold•linloChan hod ; 5ci, Chased Curb Chn JewonuiRlog. Sraoolot. Its I.,,. 4 L .N 1 %�' .,..f. log for . No money wanted, nted not 0. cent from your ownpocket, asw e • _-MAMMb. ,mak arrangements to deliver these handsome presents • rightto your adrbs? without costing you one cent.ilomember, Curls, we givo these lovely presents freo for soiling only 16 packages of Marvel Waehinir Blue. , 0004 00.)00.00000000