HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-03-18, Page 2it E: sy To Mare You Now That Wo lave Learned Hew. Relief in 30 Minutes. mor years the author of Dr. A -vow's Heart Cure has behoved that the health of the heart is almost entirely responsible for the health of the nerves and stomach and now it cam bo 'proven. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure will relieve heart disease in lis' minutes and cure it. It seeds the nerves through the heart by giving the heart the necessary power to purnp ricer bloocl to the nerve centers when stomach ;disorders and nervousness disappear as by magic. One dose will convince. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 40 doses, 10c. 29 REAL LAVENDER PERFUME. . The delicate bine lavender may be ,grown by carefully protecting the plants 'during the winter, but it quite repays • one for the trouble. says Country Life n America. No wedding chest is corn- 1ete without the pale lavender silk ags filled with the gray blue sprigs, ievliose perfume adds the last touch of tomance to a dainty trousseau of ?ace and linen. La grippe, pneumonia, and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It :s a dangerous thing to neglect. Curs it with 9 aa qta R nsumption A apo Tie Lung w Tonic The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Prices- S. C. WELLS & CO. SO9 Z5c. 50c $1 LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto. Can. TO COOL HORSES' HEADS. The invention of a bridle has been made by James D. Flynn, of Washing- ton, ashington, D. C., which the inventor claims will give great relief to horses in hot weather. The device is an ordinary bri- dle with a water compartment, designed to cover the top portion of the horse's head. Arrangement is made for the tilling and draining of this reservoir whenever an opportunity presents it- self, so that the compartment may be conveniently- filled with cool water when the water liar become warm. 'The North=1Vesterid Line Russia -japan Atlas. '' Send ten cents in stamps for Russo - 'Japanese War Atlas issued bat The Chicago and Northwest R'yb Three fine colored ntajr's, each 1412.0 ; bound in convenient form for reference. The Eastern situation shown in de- tail, with tables showing relative military and naval etreugtb and financial ret;ources of Russia and Japan. B. 11. Bennett, 2 East Icing Jt., Toronto, Ont. Fish Easy to Catch in Northern Lakes. (Milwaukee Sentinel.) "Fishing has never been so good in the lakes about Mariison as during the pre- sent winter," said Graham Rice, former Railroad Commissioner. "'Tire lakes are frozen over solid, and the ilea are so hungry that alien you cut a hole in the ice they will just Swerru to it hard east ire ca.ugirt with a piece of red flannel for bait. The game wardens aro active in pre- venting the catching of protected fade but we are having perch server. up for breakfast that are 10 inches long." Perhaps. (Toronto News.) There were more than a hundred fewer admissions to Ontario asylums last year than in 1002. had. the good times anything to do with the change? Minard's Liniment For sale everywhere. Atter Wars, Mal. Children, Statistics of population seen to show that after long and eavere tsars, in which many men are killed and,tire male part of a country's pop- ulation is greatly decreased, there is for several years a preponderating birth of mato children until the nor- mal proportion between the sexes is restored. This seoms to have been noted after the thirty years' war in Germany, after the Napoleonic war in France, and even in more recent times after the siege of Paris. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Historical Rooms. (Argonaut.) "This is where the duke was assassin- ated." "Indeed? But last year yen shoved us another room for that story." "So we did; but that room is now being repaired." Another Prospect Upset. (Philadelphia Record.) "You can't eat your cake and have it, too," remarked the cheerful man. "You can't, eh?" remarked the dyspep- tic, as he ewalloved a couple of tab- lets. "That's all you know about it." The man who manipulates the bass drum is not the only one who beats his way through life. BRITISH AMERICA. Seventieth Annual lieet.tn„ — Began in " L+'arnily (;empaet" Days. Prominent among the older of the Canadian financial corporations stands the British America Assur- ance 0o'mplany, o: i.Mo city, which commented business in the days when' the' affairs of this Province were con- ducted by the old "family compact." It was organized in 1833, and had its Governor, Deputy Governor and Court of Directors, which offices were fill- ed by men wboee names are prom- inent in the history of those stir- ring time's in the Canadian political world. The seventieth annual meet- ing of the ehaneholders `vias held yes- terda,y and the replort presented shows that the company has not only been of late years modernized by having a Board of Directors, a Pre- sklea. and Vice -President substituted for the more stately titles of its early years, but that it has been keeping pace with the gnowth and prosper- ity of the country. ,an regard to volume of business it compares fav- orably with many of the, leading fire insurance companies of Great Brit- ain and the. United States, its pre- mium 'income having reached last year the large sam of $2,373,336.47. This is derived chiefly from agen- cies established throughout Canada and the United States, through some of its income comes from business beyond tbbe boundaries of this con- tinent. As will be seen by a refer- enc.o to the figures published in the report of yesterday's meeting, the year 1903 showed very favorable results and bears evidence of the favor with which Ontario's oldest financial institution is regarded by the insuring public, not only at home, but in its wider field of operations outside the limits of Canada. In his reuiarl'ks in presenting the annual report the President, Hon. George A. Cox, stated that the am- ount or the losses of the "British America" by the recent conflagra- tion at Baltimore had been ascer-4 twined to be somewhat under $210,- 000 210;000 (the original figures published immediately after the fire), which amount he pointed out represented about ten per cent. of the annual fire premium income of the com- pany. These losses are being promptly settled, and it will be ,gra- tifying to Ca.nadiane to know that in the case of this company, as well ne in that of the "Western," these being the only two Toronto fire in- surance compianies having agencies in Baltimore, the losses resulting from this exceptional disaster, will be met without seriously affecting their fin- ancial standing. A QUININE TRUST. It is said that the Peruvian bark rais- ers of Java are forming a trust. As Java supplies about 75 per cent. of the total amount of the Peruvian bark used in the world, and only 80 planters are en- gaged in cultivating the trees, it is pro- posed to erect more factories in Java and to use at least one-half of the yearly crop for this purpose, as well as to in- terest the Peruvian bark growers in oth- er countries in the trust, and so control the price of quinine in the market of the world, independent of the European in- dustry. MINAR'D'S LINIMEN'.i! is the only liniment asked for a;t my store, and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use Lt. ,$ARLIN F ULTON, ,Pleasant Bay,, C. B, , l . L L eee Its Meaning. (Til -Bits.) Unsophisticated Cook—If you please, Ilium, the butcher says I shall get 5 per cent. on all the orders I give him. What does that mean? Mistress It means, Mary, that we Shall have a new butcher. WHY SHOULD YOU SUFFER unnecessary pain from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Backache or Aching joints when the application of "the D. & L." Menthol Plaster will give you in. stant relief? It's an infallible remedy for any of these ills, and not only relieves but cures. Pressing It Home. "Are marriages made in heaven, mam- ma?" asked little Tessie. "Some of them are, dear." "Where was yours made, mamma?" 'i'1'se Lever's iiry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels,—you'll litre it. �^ Cheap and Good Spring Medicine. A distinguished physician, upon being asked what was the best spring main eine, replied that it was breathing. People have been exceptionally deprived of air during the past winter, and as the cold air. becomes sufficiently tempered not to injure the lungs, those organs should be built up again by daily breathing ex- ercises. Breathing is a sovereign remedy for our national disease of nervous de- pletion. Correct breathing brings inta play all the internal organs, artcl at the same time develops the heart, liver and BOTH .SIiOWEI) THEIR Oiti'lr.. Russian Officers Were Well Matched in Point <ifBravery. It is doubtful if the soldiers of any lStttiorl are braver than those of the Czar of Russia. It is related that Field Marshal Paskiovitch that in the course of the siege of Vttrsovie, being somewhat discommoded by a hot fire from a certain battery, he ordered it to he shelled, but to no Imrpose. His troops did not seem able to locate the enemy and their shot had no effect. Finally the field marshal himself galloped forward and stern- ly commanded ; "What imbecile is in tcommand here ?" "'I am," answered an officer who' approached, eWe1l, captain, I shall degrade yon. since you do not know your business. Your shells have no effect." "True, sir, but it is not my Sault. The shells do not ignite." "Tell that to others. Don't come trying to fool me with such chaff. You will receive your punishment this evening." The captain cooly took a shall from a pile near by, lit the fuse, and hold- ing it in the palms of his bands, pre- sented it to the marshal, saying ; "See for yourself, sir." The marshal, folding his arms across, his breast, stood looking at the smoking shell. It was a solemn moment. Both men stood motionless. Finally the fuse burned out, and the captain threw the shell to the ground. "It's true," remarked the marshal, turning away to consider other measures to silence the enemy's fire. In the evening, instead of punish- ment, the captain received the crass of the Order of St. Vladimir. FOUR KINDS OF LIARS. The late Sir Frederick Bramwell, of England, was famous both as a wit- ness and arbitrator in engineering dis- putes. It is recalled that his brother, the late Lord Justice Bramwell, on giv- ing advice to a young barrister, told him to be careful of four kinds of wit- nesses: "First, of a liar; second, of the liar who can only be adequately de- scribed by the aid of a powerful ad- jective; third, of the expert witness, and, finally, of my brother Fred." The Pall of l2'heurnatic Pains.— When a sufferer finds permanent relief In eneb a meritorious medicine tis South American Rheumatic Cure, Trow glad he is to tell 1t C. W. Mayhew, of Thainesville, Ont., couldn't walk or feed himself for months—four years ago three bottles of this great remedy eared him—not a pain since—isn't that encourage - meat for rheumatic sufferers?—S2. How to Pronounce It. ; ta At first we couldn't bank on it, ' 'Twas just a mere report; The Speaker's name was said to be Napoleon 13eleonrt, But now we hear fro -r_. Ottawa, The thing is sett, 1 sure; , The mean who will be Speaker is Napoleon Belcourt, Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. NOW THEY ARE MAD. Carnegie Hoax Played on the Kill-. rnar„ock Council. Kilmarnock Town Council hap been the, victim of a great hoax. It has gravely aouepted a supposed offer from Mr. Carnegie to provide it marble temple Ira Burns, to cost "not more than w'000,U0J." Mr. Carnegie has made no such offer. A. letter p'urperting to he written by lir. Iiow Morrison, roi' I diuburgh, Mr. Caruegie's adviser in his library sebewes, reached the Provost of Kel- ma.rnock. It des:ribed ielm i;arnegie's plans for time nagnifi,cent temple, and was duly road to the grateful town council a law hours later. It was Mr. Carnegie's intontiun, the council heard with. rapture, to make the memorial a most elaborate one, the building to be constructed of granite, mate marble. or some other superior material, and to be of mag- nificent design. The interior would contain statues of Burns' contempo- raries and the principal characters of Ins creation, and under the donne cliaste figure of the immortal gen- ius would stand." Artsilo panels wiould embetis,l the wa.,ls, ilustra.tive of ,scenes depleted in his poems, and the wiboie bu.l'ding would be lavishly treated, Now tate counoiilors are vexed and humiliated art being hoaxed. When the news of the supposed of- fer was submitted to Mr. Morrison for confirmation by a Ipres-s repre- sentative the same night, Dir. Dar- n'egies adviser pr Amunoed the letter "an Impudent and cruel hoax," It appears that the letter was typo -written on paper bearing Lhe printed, name of the Edinburgh Public L.brar,y, of which Mr• Morrison is the head. Mr. Dl,rr.son'.s signature was ale.> type -written, and initialled "per J. C." Tiliis fa:et did not arouse the suspicions of the I(.:lma.reock coun- cillors, -although they were surprised at the, immensity of the suns offered. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. No Cause for Alarm. (Chicago News.) Insurance Agent—Now that you have a wife, don't yon think you ought to take out a life policy ? New CVed--Cir, I guess not. I don't kideeys. think sire is going to prove dangerous. It is the fence that has stood the test of time—stands the heaviest strain—never 201 saga—the standard tho world over. Order through our local agoht or direct from us, E PAGE 'WIRE FENCE 00. !R €reep1^Etf2. nl9re>n®i tr.da..r KrrE .: e,,, Rt. .lnlpn ?Cu. uxsnwrtprn. Maims Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them. It will make them soft, white and fleecy. 7Tk Hymenal Superstitions. •Deceanber 31 is o. favorite wedding day in Scot and—xo,ssibly. per'h'aps, because tire Sleepy couple will not have a quarrel los.• the rest of that year. Blessed is the 'bride on whom the eun shines. May marriages are never 'happy ones. A bride Should never wear ;pins in her wedding ,clothes. No bride ,s'h'ould wear green. Pour het water over the doorstep) elle. the (bridal couple have depart- ed. to keep it warm for another bride. The mail who secures the bride's garter will be a bride within a year. The bride wears a coin in her slip- ler to avoid money troubles. We:i with two rings, no parting will OMIT. Time bride should wear "sonsething old and something new, something yellow and something blue." l'learrt Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes,—Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in, 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a, peerless rr,nedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side, and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces.. -88. The Tallest Carhedral. The most remarkable and striking feature of the new Liverpool Cathe- dral, Liverpool, England, will be this height of the viaultin,g of the nave and choir—measured in the barrel vaulting, 116 feet, and into the'bigb transcepts 140 feet—which cannot fail to produce a very' magnificent effect. No cathedral in the country', says to London St James Gazette, approaches its height. The nearest is 'Westminister, the nave of which has a height of 102 feet, 'while York measures 99 feet ; then Salisbury' 84 feet, and Lincoln, 82 feet. Chester reaches only 78 feet. The whispering gallery{ of St. Paul's Cathedral is 100 feet from the floor. "This is my trial trip," remarked the facetious burglar, as he stepped into the prison van that was to carry him to the court room. ISSUE NO. 12 1904. IYIrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Ulionid always bo used for Children Teething. it soothe the child, softens the gams, cures wind eolte and is the best remedy for Diarrhara. WANTED—A. - GENERAL SERVANT.; highest wages paid ; comfortable home. Address or apply to Mrs. W. Bolton, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OJIDE toils all about notes, receipt.,, mortgages, leases, deeds wills, property exempt from seisure, landlord and tenant, ditches and waterconr•ees, eta. one agent sort 47 coptei in throe dams; another sold SS In a week ; French editlthi now ready ; outfit 2lc ; order outfit to -day: if not satisfactory money refunded. The The .1, L. Nichols Co., Limit»d, Toronto. IngarMERIEZEMEM COM -11U A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 • K F mil,. IP) tG' LW:4`ii41I9ia.Lj BASS EYELETS tiaantiil i Fieneilearetlitteieeri?iri,,,,af5"ler MANUFACTURED ONLY BY fle;i4n.,:zurarni.1411witunte;ftAtziv,o0,eiltto, 3" COSTLY FURS WORN BY GREEN- LANDERS. Not infrequently a semi -savage girl has a wardrobe consisting of furs which would be worth from $5,000 to $10,000. Grundeman, the explorer, relates how one fair Greenlander wore a dress of sealskin with a hood of that costly fur, the silver fox. The garment was lined with fur of the young seal -otter and there was a fringe of wolverine tails. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured -'by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .T. OHBNEY .Sr CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe hint perfectly honorable in ail business trans- actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by thie firm. Wsnotsa, FINNAN a M.&avnr, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internafly,ac' lug directly upon the blood and muoous sur, faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggist" Take Hall's FamllyPtils for constipation, Hear, Hear. Lord Dundonald's new arnay scheeao will make most of us soldiers in war time. The hope is that the time wi3 never come. FIBix.E 1 A Can be bad in TUBS, PAILS, WASH BASINS, tULK PANS, STABLES PAILS, ETC. From any first-class dealer. TOLSTOI ON DICKENS. In reply to a request for a criticism made to Count Tolstoi by the secretary of the Bristol Dickens Society, the great Russian author has written: "I think that Charles Dickens is the great- est novel writer of the nineteenth cen- ltur•y, and that his works impressed the true 'Christian spirit. They have done, and will continue to do, a great deal of good to mankind. Oklahoma Girl's Composition. Men are wihat women marry. Them drink and smoke and swear and bare ever so many pockets, but they won't go to church. Perhaps if they wore bonnets they would. Tilley are mere logical than women and also ma e zoological, I3,oth men and women have sprung from monkeys, but the women certainly sprung further than the men. A `„ie.o , 1i4,; 60. P41 X5,1 •• 11'5 .T are not the biggest eaters --but they get the most good out of what they cat. Too much food often does as much harm as too Iittle. The farmer who keeps his cattle in prime condition all winter—who fattens thein quickly -and who spends the minimum for feed—uses 1Slyers' Royal Cattle Spice. It keeps the digestive organs in sound, healthy condition—makes cattle enjoy what they eat—helps them to get all the nourishment out 1 r. li of hay and grain—prevents stomach and bowel trouble—and sends them to market so plump and sound that they net a handsome profit. Let us send our Illustrated Booklet on Horses and Cattle Helpful and instructive. It's 'tree. tri Myers' Royal Spice Co., Niagara Falls, Ont. do N.Y. fal'anti,l:.14'.:iru•:'I'ilPAM pnvnma man, w ,,.n,nmmo ou„mmm,ernne.nie+,.,r;sp,m,n.. .wyar .ac„c to be Burned, (London Mail.) The late Queen Victoria's old yacht Victoria and Albert is to be broken up at Portsmouth. Relic hunters will be disappointed to know none of the wood is to be cold but all to be burned. A NECESSAlea DEPARTMENT: A advertising expert says that "'4, large and growing number of manufae- bears have learned (what retail 'firer- ' chants have long known) that without an enterprising advertising department it is impossible to have an efieotive sales department"