The Herald, 1904-03-18, Page 1E ta. The Official Organ ofZurieh and Hay Township. Vol. IV., No. 34. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1904. $1. Per Year.. LEGAL CARDS. H. J. D. COOKE, (Late with (farrow & Prondfoot) Barris- er, Bolieitor, Notary Public. Uensall, Ontario. J. G. STANr3URY, R. A. r. W. MADMAN. Gladanan & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS,NOTA- ries, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. —AT HENSALL— every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. --OFFICES— Hensall—Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC. &C. Goderich, - - - Canada. W. P11011111fOOT, R. C I R. C. HATS. G. r. 13TAIR. BUSINESS CARDS. RACUAND & CO,. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Acconrnts. —OFFICE-- Zurich 2ELLER Ontario. L+ a BLOCK (L. V. B.ACRA,:D, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist LOCAL NEWS Yesterday was St. Patrick's day. Hogs are quoted at $4.90 for this week. Mr. Will Willis of Dashwood was in town on Sunday. Mr. J. Preeter was in Toronto on business for a few days this week. Mr. John Schafer and family, visited friends in Dashwood, Sun- day. Messrs. H. Randell and R. Wil- liams were in Grand. Bend on Wed- nesday. Mr. Sam Brown of Crediton was in town, Sunday, the guest of Mr. John Preeter. Miss Mary Hagan of Tilbury is. visiting her parents on the Parr line at present. Mr. Fred Sehuettler has about 800 cedar stakes and a number of cedar posts for sale. Messrs. Sam. Faust and Tom. Kelly visited particular friends in Crediton on Sunday. Mr. Chester Benedict left on Tuesday for North Dakota where he will work on a farm. Messrs. Joe Rau and Arthur Screenan made another shipment of fish to Berlin last week. Apple growers meettng,afternoon and evening, March 30th. Inter- esting and profitable. Come. Crediton and Dashwood are get- ting roused up over railway mat- ters. Zurich has been there before. Mr. John Roehrig left for the Canadian Northwest on Tuesday, where he will make his future home. A very pleasant party was held at Mr J. Kalbfleisch's on Monday evening last, and a very pleasant time was spent. Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand. Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's; Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. I-IESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading companies. Accident policies issued. ZURICE - - - ONTARIO. DIZ. F.A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speeiality. At Dominion Douse, Zurich, every Irlonctay. 1-26 BOSSENBERRY, ki.do Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, respectfully solie.its the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. H.ILIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed. ;Your patronage solicited. HOTELS. alio '.0000+k"J"0•v:C;:000.0"Cv'0`r3ti:G:C7i C".w'01 t.i rjs `•.sTv T t I E Cv tis fJ £,s e 0 3 ZURICH C.•: €i! 0 0 COM EMU. HOTEL rl+ e;+ 0 cis cis 0 0 Strictly up-to-date in modern im. provements. Dining rooms is sup - plied with only the very best. If Bar contains choice liquors and cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ 9C ¶ Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. O �.. '.. ._. .a J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR, 0 4!0000GsfsA."i.Gs0.41'1.00'41000,04r.'4t3 sa'<? 0 0 0 0 Yet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE DorniInflora`! House. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province,. o Vetter in the pominion. R. R. Johnston & Son, PROPRTi`TO1tS. 1101111.11111.00111011.141311111. 7.11.6=1.09MIDISMAM A heavy fillv rising two was sold at W. H. Turnbull's sale on Thurs- day last for $1.70.00. It certainly pays to raise good horses. Mr. Sam Zimmerman, who has aleen spending the winter with his father on the Goshen, started for North Dakota, last Wednesday. Some of the boys, no doubt being impatient at the lateness of the spring, got out their bicycles the other day and wheeled around town. Patin Sunday will fall on March 27th and Hood Friday on .April lst. Easter Sunday will fall on April 3rd which is nine days earlier than last year. Messrs. C. Williams, F. Ric.kbeil, T. Kelly, S. Faust and T. Pfeffer drove to Exeter last Friday night. They report the ice on the rink ex- cellent. A very interesting meeting in the interests of apple -growers will be held here on Wednesday, Mardh 30th. All interested in this im- portant branch of fanning should attend. If the officials of the Siberian Railway have a time anything like the officials of our own L. H, & B. are having to keep the track clear of snow, the Japs will certainly have a "cinch" in the far East. Mr. John Treumner, who was lately employed as blacksmith with Mr. John Weseloh, started for the Northwest on Tuesday afternoon, where he intends to follow up his trade. ' We wish John good luck. Mr. Louis Weber has bought a house and two lots from the Bren- ner estate, in the northern part of town, now occupied by Fred Hniser. This is a good location and Louis intends building a brick dwelling on the property this year. On March 9th last, it was thirty- eight years ago that the Goderich volunteers were called to the front to fight the Fenians. No doubt many of the older residents in this vicinity remember what an excite- ment was caused by the invasion. Mr. A. G. Ehnes had a very sac cessful sale on Tuesday. The weat- her was fine and a largo crowd was in •attendance. Mr. B 5. Phillips wielded the hamwer and good prices were obtained. • The heavy .team soldier $354.50 ; cows went as high as $55 and seven head rising three brought $58.50 each. When the St. Joseph and Strat- ford Electric Railway bill cailie up in the railway committee 'of the Legislature on Tuesday, M. G. Cameron, Goderich, objected to the clause giving power to run through •Hensall, as paralleling the Huron, Grey and Bruce Company, incor- porated last year. The bill was hold over;, til.1 Thursday at request of the applicants. Spring begins . next ' Afontlay ; so the calendar says. • •Messrs. E. Paulin and J. Eidt of Dashwood were in toWtt, Wednes- day. Messrs. Horn and Meyers of Exe- ter paid our burg it short visit on Sunday. Mr, Will Fritz and wife, of Cred- iton, visited his brother, Charlie, On Sunday. Mr. Chas. Grab, and, family, vis- ited at Mr. August Hill's, Crediton, last Sunday. Mr. Tim Coughlin, oattle buyer from Stephen Township, was in town on Wednesday. Messrs. Newell and Schoemaker of Parkhill were looking up old friends on Sunday last. Mrs J. Preeter left' on Tuesday for Berlin, where she will visit her mother for a sh rt time. Mr. Jacob Meyer, Sr., returned last Friday night.. fz",orn Baden, where he has been visiting relatives. Don't forget to attend the meet- ing in the Town Hall ;on Wednes- day, 30th inst. Everybody wel- come. Mr. Albert Zettel. has hired to Mr. Peter Lamont for the summer, and will occupy ' the . • house on Peter's farm. • ° ' Mr. C. Eilber and slaughter, Dora, drove over.to Crediton last Satur- day. Dora will remain With friends for a few days. , •Mr. and Mrs. August Guhr of Varna, accompanied by Miss Wheatley of Clinton, visited at Mr. Thomas Johnson's on Monday, Mr. Sherrington, 'of Walkerton, and Mr. Carey, of Ottawa, will be in Zurich on Wednesday, March 30th. See bills for particulars. Mr. John Pfaff recently purchas- ed a 3 -year-old team of the heavy draught horses,trom Mr.Robt. Tay- lor of the Sauble line, for $800.00. Mr. Jacob Koehler has the mater- ial ready in his buss), for sugar - making: The weather needs to im- prove before Jake can begin oper- ations. . - ,• Mr. Justus Mellick is having the house, which he recently purchased from Mrs. Mary ,Hill, thoroughly renovated, prior to his taking oc- cupation thereof. Mr. Henry Reichert has purchas- ed the 100 acres east of Zurich, known as the Zettle farm, for $5300. It is the intention of Mr. Reichert to make this his future home. Mr. John Weide bought a heavy horse at Mr. A. G. Ehnes' sale on Tuesday. The price paid made a big hole in a two hundred dollar bill. John knows a good thing when ho sees it. There is nothing so good as tar, pentine for a brume or cut. It will smart for a moment, but takes out every particle of soreness in an in- creditibly short time. Wet it cloth and bind it on and keep it wet. Witch hazel is also good, but the turpentine is the best, The Huron promotion examin- ations will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, March 30th and 31st Papers are being prepared for pro- motion from the Jr. II, Sr. II, Jr. III and Sr. III classes. Teachers re- quiring papers must send at once to the P. S. inspector for the num- ber of papers needed. A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, at the home of' Mr. James Cochrane, east of HillsGreen when his daughter, Mary, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. James For- rest of Moosejaw, Assn,. Rev. M. C. McLennan performed the cere- mony. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest will snake their future home in Assini- boia. Mr. S. Rannie had an experience while driving into London last week that might easily have cost hint his life. A street car came down grade at a very rapid rate, and Mr. Rannie's horse not being used to such sights became fright- ened and refused to move from the track until the car was within a few feet of the rig, with the re- sult that the sleigh was Caught and the dash and part of the 'box torn away, the car passing within a the inches from the driver. Strange to say both Mr. Ronnie and the horse received nothing more than a scratch or two. Had the sleigh been a new one the result might have been very .serious and we congratulate our townsman on getting off so lucky. The rig is badly damaged, but being . an old one the loss is not very •great. Locals continued on page S. •44 .,0.17.O�d•J'OO'd�UddO'4'��•U�•� Oro. 4 at 4. 1 wish to thnk the people who have patronized me dur ing the year 1903. 1 will 'also extend the in= VP vitation to oa e and all to call on me again the present year, I904. D�� D. 5. FAUST. Ooo•o•� .o•o v.o.ov.�a.00.v o•o•o.o•o:O ZERO May last another month and if you will coxae in and purchase a pair of nice warm winter. Shoes, which €yin sellia�g At a 16I NEAT AND PERFECT -you will be able to en— joy foot comfort during. thi.s sax'appywea.ther. FIT ALL WAYS AND ALWAYS SAS® F I T s ZURICH, ONTARIO. Batter and Eggs taken in exchange. 'v1abiliShiM\AM9'NAi'MMAfML33T4IA5 z .e p t•` riZ ler cin Goat As the season for these good, is advancing we wish to call the attention of the Publics to the fact That we have it most complete stock of both Ladies' and Men's Garments. Our Ladies' AIN ' are the most up-to-date in Quality and Style we have ever carried and at Prices that will be sure to clear —.them out in a short time EN'S COATS, --We have then to suit all Classes and at prices as low as 'the lowest ; Quality Considered. mar'. Be sure and see our goods before buying ns we s can guarantee you special values. o, "Bring us your Dutch Setts, we pay highest prices for all produce." :r J. PREETER. Zurichme. WWWWWWWWWWIMMIRAPPWMA. gavtioda^oaroW^amVire Wen 0^o^e^m^aio07^n^^0,s^t 1‘,amu^roe7Iri ntaiivi soros A Coiled Spring Wire Fence With large, stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of e THE FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the rt running wires with THE FROST %'VEDt1E-LOCI, rucking an p. absolutely Stock -proof Fence, :The I,ocks bind without kinking IS or crimping either the stays or lateral Wires, Will not slip, and our ma. e s baking g o0 • o It is the heaviest and the best. For sale by Lt p 000 a•se0 A,,,,ivl'✓,ss,, ,uv sVvVuVsee,,,Win.J4V�2e,vvVvte1.4,„)0a,Nscs.-,