HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-03-11, Page 6The Zurich Herald. New Butcher Shop. I wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and wi11 continue the business At The Old Stand. I will carry in stock all kinds of Meats and will give my Custo- mers the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash. Harry Yungblut, Zurich - - Ontario. J. H. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH. •111111111111M "Mali Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. AH work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbflelsch'8 MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill -All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. 3. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. G. %nap. 31 Second Hand 24111MEIZICIVIR iWttC LIME% All in fine running order to be sold in ten days for cash --- Prices to the best. F. W. HESS, THE JEWELER. Buggies Buggies Season 1904. Ow new line of Buggies will soon be ready for the market. RUBBER =TYRED BUGGIES a specialty. Give us a call before you buy. F. Hess & Son. Zurich m A Ontario. SLABTOWN Special to THE HERALD. Mr. Sparrow, of Varna, accom- panied by Mr. John Decher were buying horses on Babylon line and vicinity last week. Among the animals purchased was one belong- ing to Mr. Decher. The price re- ceived was $125. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Wiggins drove from Ingersoll on Saturday. They intend to spend a week visiting Mr. John Hey and other relatives in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader enter- tained a number of their young friends on Tuesday evening. All enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Mrs. Decher and daughter Laur- etta spent several days last week with Mrs. Fred. Willert, near Dashwood. HI LLSGREEN Special to The HERALD. SURPRISE PARTY. - On the even- ing of Friday, the 4th inst., about forty friends and neighbors, with well-filled baskets, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Troyer, Hillsgreen. After greetings and some time spent in social intercourse a pro- gramme was extemporized, the principal item in it being the read- ing of the subjoined address and the presenting of a gold watch to Miss Christianna Troyer, who has been organist in the Methodist Church for some time. Miss Troyer although taken entirely by surprise replied briefly, but in fitting lan- guage. The company separated at a seasonable hour, well pleased with the proceedings of the evening. Dear Miss C. A. Troyer. - We the.members and adherents of the Methodist Church, Hillsgreen, rea- lize that for years you have render- ed us real service as organist of our church, and that gratuitously, bnt none the less valuable. And while we do not propose td pay you for the benefits we have received, we wish to indicate to you in some tangible way, our ap- preciation of your valuable and self- sacrificing labors. We would therefore ask you to accept this watch with gold-filled case, as a token of the estimation in which you and your services are held. We trust and pray that you may be long spared upon earth to lead or join in the service of sacred song and that when your singing days below are ended, you with those whom you have led in song, niay rise to join in singing the praise of Him who hath redeemed his. Signed on behalf of the members and adherents of the Church by Thomas Consit. Hay Council, Council inet on March 7th. All present except Mr. J. Goetz who was serving as Grand Juror and therefore could not attend. A. notice of Mrs. Marianna Du- charme was laid before the council in which she claimed to have sus- tained sone injuries, while ;driving on the lake road through there being a ditch cut through the snow across the road. The Council did not take any action in the matter. The following were appointed pathnasters for the year 1904. -- Div. No. 1. Adam Case, 2. J. Haw- kins, 3. L. Walper, 4. John Bell, 5. Andrew Johnston, 6. I. Jerriot, 7. H. Reynolds, 8. R. Northcott, 9. W Chapman, 10- Alex. McEwen, 10a. Alex. Ingram and W. Dougall, 11. C. Moir, 12. D. Kyle, 12a. A. Harvy 13. C. Aldsworth, 14. R. Tinney, 15. W. Armstrong, 15a. Alex. Munn, 16 W. Carlisle, 17a. Ed Daters, 17. W. Mulholland, 18. J. Berry, 19. M. Gardner, 19a. Jas. Stacey, 21. Ed Dignan, 21a. Hy Daters, 22. Geo. Reichert, 23. S. Stacey, 25. W. Kyle 26. J. Green, 27. Hy Reichert, 28 .E. Tzoyer, 29. J. Wildfong, 30. Hy Neeb, 31. Alex Rannie, 32 C. Folland 33. E. Gies, 34. Jac. Baker, 35. Hy Treumner, 36. Dan Treumner, 37. J Koehler, 38. Louis Wurm, 39. Ch. Bechler, 40. Sol Jacobe, 41. D. Sch- roeder, 42, Hy Becker, 43. M. Wurm 44. F. Schroeder, 45. D. Gingerich, 46. R. Schwartzentruber, 47. Hy Wiegand, 48. Wm Roeder, 49. Sam Lebegut, 49a. D. Sararas, 50. John Gallman, 50a. J. Gasho, 51. Leno Kipfer, 52. Wm Dawson, 53. John Becker, 54. J. Howaid, 54a. Henry Kalbfleiseh, 55. L. N. Denomie, 56. Maxim Denomie, 57. S. Spencer, 58. Win Jennison, 59. A. Hendrick, 60, Robt, Turnbull, 61. A. Turnbull, 63. Jas. Cochrane, 64. Chas. Troyer, 67. J. Thompson, 68. J. Leslie, 69. Hy Howard, 70. A. Hooper, 72. Wm Pfaff, 74. S. Brown, 75. John Snell, 77. H. M. Willert, 78. J. Willert, 79 Con. Waiper, 79a. Wm E. Turnbull. The following accounts were or- dered to be paid. - W. Chapman, drain across road, $4.85 ; R. R. John- ston, Auditor's salary, $$6.00 ; J. J. Merner, Auditor's salary, $6,00 ; 0, Roehrig, weak C. R. $2.25 ; Brown & Clarke, rep, grader, $2.75 ; W. Bender, ploughing C. R. 50 cts ; Hy Rupp, ploughing C. R. $6.00; D. Wilson, cul. Lake Road, $4. ; Geo Mo'} ay, bal, on contract abutments Bauble Bridge, $35. ; S. Stanlake & Sons, lumber 1903, $6.30. Council will meet again at the call of the Reeve. F. Hess Sr., Clerk. Stephen Council. The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Ball, Crediton, on Monday, the 7th of March, 1903, at 1 p. m. All members were present and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Anderson -Yearley. "That By - Laws Nos. 3 and 4 of 1904, having been read the third time be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation put thereto." Carried. Anderson - Webb. "That the Advocate Printing Co., of Exeter, be awarded the printing for 1904 at their former tender." Carried. Anderson -Yearley. "That the Solicitor be instructed to request John Ratz to pay to the Treasurer of the Township of Stephen on or before the first of April next, the suns of fifty, dollars for illegally removing timber off the 3rd side - road between lots 15 and 16, con. 14. And in the event of his refusal to pay the amount, the Solicitor shall take legal action to recover the said amount." Carried. The following pathmasters,pound keepers and fence -viewers were appointed as follows : Pathmas- ters, Frank Hicks, John Tennant, Thos. Oliver, Sidney Davis, R. G. Selden, Geo. Hill, Robert Mitchell, Newton Baker,James Walker, John Willis, James Shapton, W. D. San- ders, Wm. White, James Boyce, Albert Bissett, Henry Sweitzer, Josiah Motz, Frank Triebner, Rich- ard Davis, Henry Lamport, Isaac Hill Jr., John Fahner, John F. Smith, John G. Wein, Robert Hod - gens, James Lawson, Geo. Fink- beiner, W. H. Morlock, Jos. Mar- tene, Josiah Nestle, Wm. Davey, L. G. Glanville, EWm. Mawhinney, Ed. Dieterich, Thomas Kestle, John Madden, Michael O'Rourke, Wm. Witzel, Xavier Meyer,Hy, L. Kraft, Angus McCormick, Geo. Keys, William Smith, Fred Precter, Jos. Willert, John Houlahan, Thos. Keogh, Dougal Mcisaac, James Baxter, Charles Willert, Richard Hodgens, John Payne, Isaac Bas- tard, Aaron Ireland, Robert Adare, Thos. Hayter, Chas. Stone, James Cronyn, Geo. Webb Sr., Louis Dis- jardine, Geo. Masson, Hy. Hamil- ton, Edward Gill Jr., John Statton, Joseph Hodgens, ',Hy. Isaac, Alex. Ravelle„ W. G. Reilly, P. Glavin, Jos. McKeever, Michael O'Brien, Thomas Ryan, .;no. Barry, Richard O'Rourke, Patrick Ryen, Theo. Whiteside, C. H. Wilson, F. Green, Silas Stanlake Jr., Wm. Sanders, Thos. Atkinson, Henry Kraft, Sam. Baker, Peter Schroeder, John Rhode, Con. T. Waiper. FENCE VIEWERS : Sidney Davis, Isaac Hill Jr., Ezra Haast, Peter McKenzie, D. Maw- hinney, Geo. Finkbeiner, .T. Love, Geo. Down and Austin Hayter. POUND -KEEPERS : Wm. Moffatt, T. Shapton, Wm, Fritz, B. Cunning- ham, Jos, Hickey, Geo. Webb, Simon Dieterich, Jos. Edwards, T. J. Amy, Chris. Finkbeiner, Jos. Brenner, Fred. Preeter, Silas Stan - lake, C. L. Messer, Albert Mosser and Chas. H. Wilson. The following orders were pass- ed :-Sun Insurance office, ins. on Town Hall, $10 ; Chas. Kienzle, grading C. Road, $4 ; Advocate Printing Co., account, $67.44 ; Ex- press Company, express on assess- ment rolls, 40 cents ; B. Gobel, charity, $5; J. Baird, charity, $5 ; J. G. Young & Son, spikes etc, $3.40 ; Wm. Pickering, work on C. R. $1 ; John Love, removing snow, $2 ; Richard. O'Rourke, lumber on 8, B., $1; Hy. Guenther, removing snow, N. B., $6. Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, on Monday, May 2nd, 1904, at 1 p. m. HENRY EII.sER, Tp. Clerk. The Japanese are very painstak- ing in their efforts to acquaint themselves with the English lan- guage. A few examples will show how successful they are. On a bottle of heliotrope scent sold by a Yokohama chemist ap- peared the words : Perintrop hy- genic smelly water. An advertiser in a Kobe paper, who wishes to sell dogs, describes them as "jumping bogs." .A butcher in Tokio hangs out the sign, "Cow shop." It may be that if we tried to ex- press the same ideas in Japanese the laugh might be on the other side. Born. FOSTER. - On the Babylon Line, Hay Township, on March 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foster, a daughter. At the High Court sessions at Goderich on Tuesday, the case of Dykes vs. Rannie was tried. C. M. Dykes sued Erastus Rannie of Hen- sall for alleged false arrest for burg- lary committed at Rannie's plaCb last winter. The jury brought in a verdict for defendant, the plain- tiff to pay costs. Go to e. Greb • • • For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and 'Glass 'Ware --a Sherwin=Williams and Hollywood PAINTS Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials The Famous LAMB FENCE Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deceiv d with a Fence Machine -You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND CHAS. GREB, ZURICH, ONTARIO. We are going to Sell Out All WINTER GOODS at Cost INCLUDING go -RUBBERS AND SOCKS -- Of all Kinds, and FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. Come in Time to Get Bargains P. BENDER & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. buy- the Mnavoxite IF YOU WANT A COAL COOK THAT DOWNS THEM ALL. The 1. above Stove burns wood also, and takes in 23 inches. We can give yon the names of about 40, sold the last 2 years. Consult these parties, and hear what they have to say for its good qualities. Made only for those who require the best. PRICES RIGHT. Call and See it. BLANKETS. ROBES & FUR COATS AT A BIG REDUCTION FOR CASH. 6. HAI ■ LEI B 9 The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, ZURICH. STOOK TAKING ..SALE.. In order to make room for our Spring Stock which we expect will arrive shortly; we have put a great part of our present stock at prices which will not give any of the lines much time to re- main in our store. Are you interested in saving money on clothing? If so call and examine goods and prices. D. S JL E1NB CH, Zurich.