HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-02-26, Page 8ew Butcher I wish to inform the Public that I have purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continue the business At The Old Stand. I will carry in stock all kinds of Meats and will give my Custo- mers the Bost Value obtainable. Terms Cash. '.Harry Yun.gbiut, Zurich = = Ontario. li ll . `3' d IS M E R Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH. Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each . week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbfleiseh's MILLS. Planing and Saw i16 —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stook of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25, Jo C.atfiei ch Zurich P. 0. 31 Second Hand AIDEIRICNIR litabEZ .All in fine running order to be sold in ten days --for cash -- rices the best. F® W. HESS, P 3u THE JEWELER. ICS Buogies Season 1904. r new line of Buggie, will soon be ready for the market. BER =HRH RH BUGGIES a specially. ve us a call before you buy. Hess & Son. Messrs. Charles Wolper and John Smith were in Exeter on Sunday last, visiting friends. Notice has been officially given that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly at the present session thereof for an Act incorporatitg the St. Joseph and Stratford Electric Railway Com- pany, for the purpose of construct- ing and operating by electricity a railway in the city of Stratford and from said pity, in and through the townships of Downie, Fullerton, Hibbert, Tuckersmith and Hay, in the counties Perth and Huron, and through the Villages of Hensall and Zurich to the Village of St. Joseph, on Lake Huron. A sad accident happened in Lon- don on Monday, morning. Miss Armstrong, whose home is in Exet- er, attempted to cross the railway tracks at the G. T. R. crossing on Clarence street, while some freight trains were shunting. She seemed to be in a hurry and attempted to walk between two tracks to get past in front of the engine, but slipped on the ice and fell with her right leg beneath the moving cars. Before she could regain her feet the cars were upon her and dragged Tier seven or eight feet before the train could be stopped. It was found necessary to amputate her right leg above the knee. Miss Armstong is a daughter of Mr. I. Armstrong, cattle buyer, of Exeter. F - Struck by a Sleigh. Miss Flossie Snell of Dashwood, Ont., who is attending the Conser- vatory of Music,was knocked down by boys coasting behind the Uni- versity Library on Saturday after- noon. She was rendered uncon- scious, and was taken to Grace Hospital. Beyond a bad shaking up, however, Miss Snell received no injuries, and will be about in a few days. Miss Lambert and Ella Tomlinson were with Miss Snell.— Toronto Globe. The ]dais and Empire's War News. People who wish to be posted on the progress of the Japanese -Russ- ian War, should subscribe for The Toronto Mail and Empire, which will cover the field with the same thoroughness that witnessed its handling of the Spanish-American and Boer Wars. Not only will the Mail and Empire be served by the Laffan Bureau and the Associated Press, but it will publish the cables of the special correspondents of the London Times, Daily Mail and the Paris edition of the New York Herald. SLABTOWN Special to TITE HERALD. Mr. Handford the well known horse buyer of Exeter,aceompanied by Mr. John Decher, who also knows agood horse when he sees one, has been buying some of the best horses in this neighborhood lately. On Tuesday Mr. Handford shipped his second car load this month. In this car was a matched team of four year olds raised by Mr. Decher. Those who saw them delivered say they would be hard to beat. The price paid was *375. Mr. Handford is always•looking for the best and knows a good team when he sees it. Mrs. Weber is still improving in health and is able to visit the neighbors. Mr. Joseph Foster visited his parents on the Babylon line over Sunday. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, Miss Clara a,ncl Mr. Ernest Rader, Mr. and Mrs. John Decher and family and a number of other friends, attended a surprise party at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Willert, South of Dashwood. All enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Mr. John Hey assisted Mr. and Mrs. Philip Passaic'', of Dashwood, to move into another house on Friday last. Mr. Seth Brown celebrated his birthday on Monday by entertain- ing a number of his neighbors and friends in the evening. Needless to say a very enjoyable time was spent ; the evening passed all too rapidly. NOTICE. Meetings in the interest of the Partners' Association of South Huron will be held in this distriv_t as follows: Town Hall Zurich, on Wednesday, after- noon, March 2nd, at 2, o'clock, p, rn.; .loser's .Hall, Dashwood, on 'Wednesday g evenin, March `2nd, at 7.30; Town Hall,` Crediton, on Thursday afternoon, March 3rd, at '2 o'elack. name meeting will be addressed by Mr. R. 11, McLean, of l .ippon and others and the questions of transportation, Taxation and other matters in the interest of the fanners will be discussed. A large atten- dance of farmers is earnestly requested, as this organization has clone good work the' past year and your support is needed to farther the interest of the farming comae. its•. 11. m4. T'ruc.r.rm., Seci•etary. OS'i .- --.1 large sized Beagle Hound, . -t spotterl tan and white. Answers to name Of "Sport". Has been away two weeks. Reward of $5.00 for recovery. 3J-;31). 1Vrl,r.TAlN CAlti xu, Ilay P. 0. The Zurich Herald. Assignee's Notice To Creditors. In the matter of Albert Zettel of the Township of Hay in the f`ounty of Huron, Farmer, In- solvent. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said Albert Zettel has made an assignment under R. S. 0. 1897 chapter 147, of all his estate, credits and effects to John Zettel of the Village of Zurich in tho said County of Huron, Laborer, for the general benefit of his creditors. Creditors are requested to filo their claims with the Assignee with proofs and particulars duly verified by Affidavit as required by the said act on or before the 15th day of March, 1904. And notice is further given that after the fifteenth day of March, A. D., 1904, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person or persons of whose claims he shall not then have had notice. JOHN ZICTTEL, GLADTIAN Assignee's Assinee, Solicitors. STANBIIRY Dated at Zurich this 96h day of Feb. ruary, 1904. 30-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Wm. Schroeder, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. cap 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the said Wm. Schroeder, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of January, 1903, are requested on or before the 5th day of March, 1904, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned at Zurich P. 0., the Executors of the Will of the said William Schroeder, deceased, their Chris- tian names and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. .And further take notice, that after such last mentioned date, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim, notice at the tirne shall not have been received by them of such distribution. Dated the 10th day of February, A. D. 1904. FRED HESS SR. Executors. 30.3 WILLIAM TaIoEMNER } Sale Register. On Thursday, Mar. 3rd, at one o'clock p. nz., auction sale of farm stock and implements, on Lot 14, Con. 10, Hay. Ten months credit on approved joint notes, 5% off for cash. Geo. Sc'hoellig, Pro- prieter, Ed. Bossenberry, Auction- eer. ON T13li.RSDAY, MARCH 10th AT 1 o'olock p. m., auction sale 4of farm, stock, implements and household effects, on lot 36, N. B., Stephen. W. H. Trnx- L'm'LL, Prop ; ED and Hr. BossEN;mj ctv, Auctioneers. "j'>ECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ES- -3-L4 tate, Farm. Stock and Implements, on Friday, Maro'h 11th, at one o'clock, p. in.; on lot 23, con. 12, Stephen, } mile South of Dashwood. E. Bossl•:NlORRY, Auctioneer; Wm. B. BA•rrLEa, Executor. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements, on Tnesday, Mar. 15th, on let 21, con. 6, 2i miles east of Zurich. vivo G. ERNES, Prop.; B. S. Pnutrxrs, Auctioneer. A VCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK 1G. and Iumplements, on Friday, March '25th, at 1 o'lock, p. m.. on lot 25, S. B., Hay. E. BessExinta1ty,Auctioneer; FRED. BAEmCER, Prop. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir- culated and Only Netional AgricuE- tural and Home Paper In Canada After January 1st. 1904, PRICE q'L.o 52 Number s New subscribers got balance of this year free, inolndin:, magnificent Christmas nun her. Send in your subscriptions at once. Don't miss inf„ le issue. Agents wanted everywhere ; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The m. Weld Co.,Limited London, Ont. FOR SA .1 BY TENDS I.IC)F'PSr;.:;':, PL:1NINer Mints at DAsnwooi,, ONT., consisting of a Well-equipped Factory, Stock of Lumber and Dwelling, 'he undersigned will receive seal- ed tenders for the sale of the seine, up to Feb'y 24th. The whole or part will bo ;sold as can be arranged. For particulars apply to Jos. SNELL, Assignee, Dashwood, Ont. Feb. 10th, 1004. 20-2 Go to e. Gre 0 o • For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, and a Glass Ware __._.-.; 5herwfln=Wjllja.ms and Hollywood oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of B Uding Materials Silver The Famous ,FE Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deeeiv. d with a Fence Machinc—you will not be if you buy ry °LONDON ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND ZURICH, ONTARIO.- 0.1111. NTARIOP .00 .,h We are going to Sell Out All WINTER GOODS at Cost INCLUDING *--RUBBERS AND SOCKS Of all Kinds, and FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS, Coyne in Time to Get Bargains P. BENDER, & Go. Eggs taken in exchange Zurich. for Goods. ist : �t��tt15i "�':f' � �� -t�.r" `.r,,, S�YLc�:R`� �Sz.��`�•- :� 6 " • . t l M--9 5.. IF YOU WANT A COAL COOK THAT DOWNS THEM ALL. The above Stove burns wood also, and takes in 23 inches. We can give yon the names of about 40, sold the last 2 years. Consult these parties, and hear what they have to say for its good qualities. Made only for those who require the best. PRICES RIGHT. Call and See it,. BLANKETS, RO:r-• ES di. FUR C•ATS AT A BIG REDUCTION FOR CASH. G. HA T LE I B, The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, ZURICH. a F 2' MIZAIraZZ =32E2 -OS u In order to make room for our Spring Stock which we expect will arrive shortly; we have put a great part of our present stock at prices which will not give any of the lines much time to re- main in our store. Are you interested in saving money on clothing? If so call and • examine goods and prices. .cam, .3a. D. STEINBACH, Zurich.