HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-02-19, Page 8ew ter I wish to inform the Public that I have. purchased the Butcher- ing business of John Schafer and will continuo the business Iftt The Old Stand. • I will carry in stock all kinds of Meats and will give my Custo- mers the Best Value obtainable. Terms Cash, Harry Yungb1utl Zurich = Ontario. H. W11SMER Horse Sheer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH. Verity Plow Rapairs al= ways on hand. W. C. T. U. 'Better Take A Sheep Too' A farmer, about the time that temperance reform was beginning to exert a very healthful influence, said to a lean whom he hacl just taken into employment : 'Jonathan; I did not think to mention to you when I hired you that I shall try to have nay work done this year without the use of rum. How inueh must I give you to (10 without?' 'Oh,' said Jonathan, 'I don't care much about it ; you may give me what you aro pleased to.' 'Well,' said the farmer, 'I will give you a sheep if you do without rem.' 'Agreed,' 'Father, will you give me a sheep too if I do without rum?' then asked the elder son. 'Yes, you shall have a sheep if you do without.' The younger son then said, 'Fat- her, will you give me a sheep if I will do without?' 'Yes, my boy, you shall have a sheep also.' Presently the younger son speaks again • 'Fa.ther, hadn't you better The Zurich Herald,. since they could. The firemen put forth efforts to preserve surround- ing buildings. Pieces ,.f burning Ttatmnyberro,e2 wtavi rits aagaitlroltso HveairstihbloeraOtariagminclloci the fire not yet known. Loss will ma eh probably $.150,000 ; amount of insurance carried is said not to be over :30,000. This inctustory em- ployed about 200 hands, incl was established about thirty years aero, and vas known from Vancouver to Halifax. Assignee's Notice To Creditors. In the matter of Albert Zettel of the Township of Hay in the flounty of Huron, Farmer, In- solvent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said Albert Zettel has made an assignment under R. S. 0. 1397 chapter 147, of all his estate, credits and effects to John Zettel of the Village of Zurich in the said County of Hurolx, Laborer, for the general benefit of hi editors. Creditors are requested to filo their claims with the Assigned with proofs and take a sheep, too?' particulars duly verified by Affidavit as The farmer shook his head ; he hardly thought that he could give up the stimulant,' but the appeal came from a source not easily to bo disregarded ; and the result was rum was thenceforth banished from the premisis, to the great joy and ultimate happiness of all concern- ed.—'Thr Christian.' Pres. Supt. All work promptly attended to. _ SLABTOWN Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Pganing and Saw gill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A. full stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water- . Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. J. C. . albfieiscad Zurich P. 0. 31 Second Hand AribtlillICA111 IKIRCCIIDEZ All in fine running order to be sold in ten days for cash -- 'Prices - the beet. F. W. HESS, THE JEWELER. Bu gles uggies Season 1904. Our new line of Buggies will soon be ready for the market. RUBBER =HRH HRHH HHONES a specialty. Give us a call before you buy. F. Hess & Son. Zurich Ontario, Special to TUE HERALD. MYlr. and Mrs- Adolph Steinbach of Cavalier, N.D., who are spending the winter in. this vicinity, visited at Mr. John 1)echer's last week. I re ,lured by the said act on or before the 15th day of March, 1904. And notice is further given that after the fifteenth day of March, A. 1)., 1904, the Assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person or persons of whose claims he shall not then have had notice. JOHN ZaLz'r>,a, Gznnuns ( Assignee's Aseinee, & { Solicitors. STANBURY Dated at Zurich this 9th day of Feb- ruary, 1904. 30-3 Mrs. Kidd of Exeter, whose home at Slabtown was burned recently, has been spending a few days with her neighbor, Mr. Joel Bechler. Mrs. Weber, who has been dan- gerously ill, is slowly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. John Decher and family and several other friends, spent Friday evening very pleasant- ly, at the home of Mr. Ernst Rader. Mr. Alonzo Foster recently dis- posed of two teams of horses to T. Handford. of Exeter for $650.00. He purchased three more, for one of which he paid $200.00. DASHWOOD Special to THE HERALD. Storms are the order of the day. Mr. J. Merner and Miss Laura Bender were to Zurich on Sunday. Mr. E. Metter spent Sunday in town. Miss Clara Ash of Sebringville is visiting at Mr. Fred. Baker's. Quito a number of our young people spent Saturday evening sleighriding and skating in Mr. George I�ellermann's field and report a very pleasant time. The special services which are being held in the Evangelical church are progressing favorably and will be continued this week. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry was in town on business Saturday. Mrs. Beaver of Crediton has been spending a few days visiting friends in town and getting things ready for her sale, which was held Satur- day afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Morlock has had La Grippe for a few days but we are pleased to hear that she is able to be out again. Miss Olive Fenn, who has been confined to the house with blood poison for some time is able to be out again. Dr. Routledge intends moving into the house vacated. by Mr. T. Brugora. Quite an excitement was caused among the citizens of our town by the cry of fire at about eleven o'clock on Monday morning. On investigating it was found that the house occupied by Mr. Hy. Guin- ther was on fire. In a short time a large number of willing workers were gathered about the house and after repeated efforts the fire was extinguished. Bad Fire At Berlin, The Felt Boot Works Destroyed — Loss, $150,000. Berlin, Ont., Feb. 16.—One of the most disastrous conflagrations in Berlin's history took place this evening, when the large four -storey building of the Berlin Felt Boot Co. situated on the G. T. R., and the largest of its kind in the Dominion, was razed to the ground. Fire was discovered iu the spinning and carding room, first floor, about 3 :45 and no time was lost in getting the fire brigade out, but owing to the severity of the weather and low pressure as a result,togcther with strong winds, very little could be done to save the structure. The fire raged incessantly for over two hours and a half, and is still burn- ing. The Waterloo brigade arrived about 8 o'clock to render all assist - NOTICE to CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Wm. Schroeder, Iate of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. cap 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the said Wm. Schroeder, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of January, 1903, are requestecl on or before the 5th day of March, 1904, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned at Zurich P. 0., the Executors of the Will of the said William Schroeder, deceased, their Chris- tian names and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, And further tame notice, that after such last mentioned date, the said. Executors will proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notiro, and that the paid Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim, notice et the time shall not have been re,eive.l by them of such distribution. Dated the lath day of February, A. D. 1904. FILED HENS SR..i Executors. 30-3 11'n.o:xaax 'fl:ususnn l Sale Register. © o o For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver a!ud `Glass Ware,:gm Sherwh i =WHHl a s and rilywood Otis, Portland Cement and all kinds of v..liding Materials 023 The. Famous Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deceiv' d with a Fence ilachine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON IIAND Oa Thursday Feb. 25, at one o'clock p. in., auction sale of farm stock and i►nplements,on lot 9, con. 15, Stephen, one and a quarter miles east of Shipka. Wm. BAUlvr- GARTEN, Proprietor ; H. BOSSEN- BERR'S_r, Auctioneer.. On Thursday, 1Jitr. 3rd, at one o'clock p. in., auction sale of farm stock and implements, on Lot 14, Con. 10, Hay. Ten months credit on approved .joint notes, 500 off for cash. Geo. Schoellig, Pro- prieter, Ed. Bossenberry, Auction- eer. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely-C1r- culated and Only National Agricul- tural and dome Paper in Canada After January Ist, 1904, ICE 52 I��•�d Numbers It ,URIO� �, New subscribers get balance of this year free, including magnificent Christmas num bet. Send in your subscriptions at once. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere ; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Wim.. Weld Co.,Litaited. London, Ont, FOR SALE BY TENDER 1,9 7 4,:._ t..., ONTARIO.. ,..'4,, �i X ' $oy . ;� y 'l . J , n� TeCe t�' M1 } f3 . rpi aGi" kli We are going to Sell Out Al WINTER, GOODS at Cos - INCLUDING *--RUBBERS AND SOCKS» H0iI tAN's PLANING MILLS . at DAsilwooD, ONT., consisting of a Well-equipped Factory, Stock of Lumber and Dwelling. 'rhe undersigned will receive seal- ed tenders for the sale of the same, h p to Feb'y 24th. The whole or part will be solei as can bo arranged. For particulars apply to Jos. SNELL, Assignee, Dashwood, Ont. Feb, 10611, 1004. 20-2 Of all Kinds, and FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS. Coyne in Time to Get P. BENDER & Go. .1111 argains Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. Dzi3'1.1. - the '®°'a-,-oxite IF YOU WANT A COAL COOK. THAT DOWNS THEM ALL. The above Stove burns wood also, and takes in 23 inches. We can give yon the names of about 40, sold the last 2 years. Consult these parties, and hear what they have to say for its good qualities. Made only for those who require the best. PRICES RIGHT. Call and See it. BLA KETS, RO = ES & FUR COATS AT A BIG REDUCTION FOR CASH. G. HARTLEIBI The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, ZURICH. Zia WOOLLENS. OXIIIKIMMMICUIV WINTER IS NOT YET OVER. You still need something in these lines. Look over your Underwear, Blankets, Flannels, Shir tinngs, Stockings, Etc., Etc. We still have some exceptionally Good Values its tho above lines. • See our double knitt MITTS at 25ots. They are great Value. D. STEINBACH, ZT.-I•