HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-02-19, Page 5HORSES F1 SILE1 I have several 2 and 3 year olds and also a number of aged horses, which l am offering at reasonable prices. 1 can also supply any kind ,you Want at short notice. t.WILLTAM FEE, , Lot 27, Con. 10, Hay. Zurich; P. 0. 17 -tf Mr. Goo. Trott, of liensall, is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter unci will bo open for business very day Tuesdays excepted. Gr•,c. TrtorT, 13-tf Photographer. __ T otice. 1 iHL HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM-. 1yI posed of about 20 pieces, aro now 'open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should bo addressed to Mr. CAAs. Lt oint, leader, or Mr. A. McKAY, Secy., lfeilsall, Ont. riE1)AR POSTS FOR SALE: --We have a largo number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold ab reasonable prices. For partien- hirs apply to 4S-tf MAGEL & BENDER, Zurich. Farm for Sale. Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres good hardwood bush, frame house, bank barn and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00. Apply at once to E. ZELLER, Zurich. Cluboing r ates. aWe• have made arrangements to offer the. following law .elabbing rates with Tnl3 3I4ai:.\LI1: 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly (:Globe 1.00 „ ili:li l c(:^ .1=.nreire 1.75 Berliner r J i urnat-1 (German) •2,ra0 Familw Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Pre',:: Weekly Free Press Daily Advertiser Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate 1.75 2.40 1,50 1.75 2.25 777 02Ae\1161.0 A man to represent "CAN -Ann.'s GRREATi:ST Nuasiuuis" in town of Zurich and sur- rounding Country, and take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Orna- mentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, —Seed Potatoes, Etc.— Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale A permanent position to the right man on either salary or commission. Stone a' Wellington FONTIIILL NURSERIES, ovnit 800 Acii.Es. Toronto, Ont. Rearing Chickens On The Farm. There is every indication that there will be a great consumption of poultry in Canada this year. The demand for every class shows a.striking increase during the last few years. Mr. F. C. Hare, Chief .of the Dominion Poultry Division, does not believe it possible for the farmers to rear, for at least five years to come, more utility -type chickens than can he sold wilh pro- fit on the Canadian markets alone. Moreover, commission merchants in. Great Britian can handle profit- ably at least $1,000,000 worth of our poultry yearly. Last year the ex- port of chickens to Great Britian was materially reduced on account of the great demand. in Canada. The poultry exports from Canada to Great Britian were only $160,515, a small proportion of $5,154,002 im- ported by the Mother Country. The greatest value of poultry was exported. from Russia, Belgium, France and the United. States. Each of these countries shipped over :11,000,000 worth. It is a short- sighted policy on the part of our farmers to neglect this industry, when there is an unsatisfied de- mand for poultry ; information with regard to any branch of the busi- ness can be had gratis, and. the business is a profitable one. It will pay almost every farmer to improve his flock before the breeding season begins. The old fowls should be killed.. There is a greatly increased profit in breeding from utility -type specimens rather than from eon -anon barnyard. stock. It is preferable to select the eggs for hatching from a breeding pen of the best ten or twelve hens and one cockerel rather than from the larger number of laying hens on the farm. As a general rule, the aggs that are incubated on the farm are the eggs from 111e poorer layer:4. A utility -typo Plymonth Rook cockerel should be bought and plac- ed at the heao of the breeding pen. A great improvement will be notic- ed in any flock of farm fowls by Gravenhurst, saying that a mother, v:it cr th the Plymouth Rocks. I two o daughters, both of whom were BS. be a shelter during inclement weather. A packing box of three or four feet, each dimension, is none to largo. The cover of the box can be used for the floor. The box is reversed (open end on the ground) and an opening one foot high is made across one side of the box against the open end. Two one inch by two incl. cleats are nailed on the two ends of the box at the gground ; the cover or floor is reduced in size so that it win slide in on these cleats. This allows the floor to be removed. for cleaning. The box should be covered with tar paper to make it 'coater -tight and there should be a ten by 14 inch pane of glass in the front. This glass should slide in cleats for ventilation. In front of the one foot opening at the ground there should be a crate 15 inches high covered with laths,two inches apart The hen comes out into the lath crate to be fed and watered; the chickens run through • the laths. This form of coop will house safely one hen and 30 chickens. The number of coops is thus redncecl. The hen and. chickens should be placed in a grass field. This will reduce the mortality due to the chickens being reared on infected ground around the farm buildings. .A. ntunber of cases have been reported to the Poultry Division of chickens and turkeys dying because of feeding on ground. previously infested by diseased fowls. A.ee......,,.: .74 A 3 12 -4- Now is the time to feed your Horses, Cattle, Pigs and Poultry, I k The kind to 1 eea is Internti And don't forget it• We have Stock and Poultry Food, Louse Killer, Heal= ing Oil, Colic Cure, Cleave Cure, Harness Soap and Worm Powder. Also the best •�xi => to be had. 'l=- xeEkfast 'C�Od. �'tc_ GI When in town give us a call. Watch Seed Ad. Zurich. 1 Co SCU t AG, = _ TRAVELLED FROM WINNIPEG. A. Mother ani Two Daughters, Ili ced y Circumstances, Make the Journey front Winnipeg to (iravenhurst to Seek Admission to tho Free Hospital for An illustration of the many distressing cases Constantly coming bolero the 'nun - agement of the Free hospital for Con - sum ptiveti at Gravenhurs tis in point this week. A week since, the Secretary, at the .lead wilco in'Tur•nit0, through whom all applications should properly be made, received a long-distance telephone inea- sade from the Physician -in -Charge at using with The eggs for hatching should be theca. with consumption, had pre onte'. kept in a cool place (40 to 00 deg- rees ). The chickene should not be hatched later than the middle of June. May hatched. chickens are preferable. It is quite possible for almost any farmer to increase the number of chickens roared with little extra labor. Sitting hens should not be allow - cd to hatch chickens in any place they choose about the farm build- ings. They should bo in one pen set apart for this purpose. The nest boxes should. be mule without a floor and platted around the ;:ides of the pen. Two or three Shovel- fuls of earth should be thrown into each nest box and a hollow space scooped out or the eggs ; the earth should be covered sparingly with straw. A board is required. in front of the nest to confine the hen at will. This nest will give out- door conditions in an indoor pen. The sitting hens .should be thor- oughly dusted with sulphur to kill the vermin, All of them should be fed on whole grain and grit, and watered at the one time. The hens • should be placed on the nests ' and themselves at the doors of the 1• ren �c s pital, bopiag to be at once admitted. One daughter has the trouble only in a slight degree, anti from a medical point of view is admissible, as soon. as room can be made. The other has the disease in a more acute condition_, and will need to take immediate rest until it becomes sonlmho tquiescent. TThe. family are poor, their railway fares having been paid by a friend. Thu mother has been given em• ployrtlent oi^ the domestic Waif of tiro Hospital, and the daughters will board in town until there are vacant sleds in the hospital to admit them. They camp all this dist,gnce poverty stricken, but in the belief that somehow the' would manage to get admission to tin. institution. Want of money is the only thing, the Trustees tell us, that ,is preventing the increase of accommodation beyond the ,eighty patients already provided for. Up to the present no one has been refused admission on account of his or hor poverty, but we aro told tintthe want of funds is preveniiing the Trustees from providing the increased accommodation needed. Indeed, a heavy burden of debt ifpromptly and must be met this work is to be carried on. Contributions may bo sent to Sir Wnn R. Meredith, Kt., Lampert ampert Ave To- TWEEKLY Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WE . K.T.Y GI♦on to be added this fall will be an Eight=Page Illustrated. Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. For the production of this great paper an. immense new electrotyping, photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. This will make The WZZI�LY GI,OBZ unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it wilt do. It will not disappoint you. "Ery hair used to be very shert•. But after using, Ayer's hair 'Vigor a short time it began. to row, and now 1t is fourteen inelles' long. This seems a splendid result to me afterbe:ug almost without any hair." Mits. 9. J. H. Fl1Colorado Springs, Colo. 01.00 a bottle. J. o. AIl,enni Co., f.11r'iet" for Lowell. Kass. h • rt•n, O r u r ktF>•` ra 'r zoos 0, Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION . �. OFFMAN = ;; ;,r,�w°„x•11 GRE T COMBINATION THE HaRALD, your hone paper, ....1.00. Toronto Daily News American Farmer . .50. Weeklyly Globe 1.00. Weekly Montreal Herald 1.011• 0,50. ODU PRICE FOR THE • LOT, ONLY.... Address or Call • at once. We have also Low Rates on other Daily & Weekly Newspapers. 2.90. THE HERALD OFFICE, ZrIlic 1T. �' -..., n a ,,.t:t�k° `.✓. °'� .IgoGC '' . T Ik :414 ri iI ...:i WWI ti route or Mr. W. J. Gage, 54 .:'rout St. advisable to start several hens to- Wost, Toronto. .closed in when feeding. it is , „ether. The infertile eggs can then be tested out on the ninth clay and ono or more at the hens reset. There is a great loss in farm - reared chickens, caused by the mother hen having her liberty. 'The hen wanders through the wet grass ; the chickens follow her and become chilled and the weaker ones die. This loss can be prevent- ed by confining the hens in a brood .coop It is more satisfactory to Sold by Ali Iewsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of Sew, Choice Copyright Com poaitio0s by the most pop- ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental -2t Complete Pieces far Plano—Once a Mouth for 2s Cents. Yearly Subscription, $2.00. If you. will send us the name and address of Pivn performers of the PMagazine orOrgan, we will send You a copy j. Pd. PEPPER, Publisher, Eiighth & LocdstSls.. Philadetch Ia. Pa. 50 YEARS' , EXPERIENCE TRADE. MARKS 4” DESIGNS COPYRiGIHTS &C. AnyonC sending a sttetr h and description ma? gulelay atseertata our opin'nn free whether an 1nventi.•n i;1 prohni'.y patent:ade. Commtinten- t1ons etrictlyeuntideut'.rl. 11:md1,0(100n Patents BOW. free. Oldest •u:nuey fors ,aurmg;ntrt:ts. Patents taken threuclt ha:mn es Co. receive spreiat nttieo, without charge, lathe • air Io A hanilwomeiy Air.: trtle•2 we l lc I.nreePte r. eeta^.iet of ay pr tin i1to ,rn i' 7 c $i a year, four i••ntu. el So3Sby , .est tk:ucr:. MINN& CG 'u7urnat y 6y w York. ..ranch C lttM.. N'- qt.. i 't limn. It. 1. Tilbury, 01st., Feb. 10. — Fire broke out this morning in the rear of J. R. Palmer's bakery, caused. by the explosion of a gasoline engine. Tho fire spread rapidly to the front of the block occupied upstairs by the IN CMS printing office and Socie- ty Hall. The buildings were com- pletely gutted. Losses, however, are well covered by insurance. have a large brood coop that will Subscribe for THE HERALD. L0r© fffge i1 c°t� )Peutnz),,,F Muloftn 0 wo now of no offer we could melte that would more thor- oughly prove our confidence and faith in it. If the Chat- ham Incubator is not all wo claim for it you are not out ono cent. , Chatham Tneu haters are made just -as good as money and skill can make them. Wo haven't stinted n1 anything. '1'110 hidden parts are ns st+ ongly made and as well finished the parts you see. They aro improvementild. the instlk+nd 0f wean rnodgive o very best of service. They embody every Incu- bators. Cut out the coupon in the corner of this ad.,orwrite your name and address on a postal card and midi it. to ns for full particulars of our otter, Do it to -day. DEPT. 810 y CHATHAM), ONT. There is big pfiot?t its nuking horllr, if Solt tee ahattt, it rte too right way. Ilalf- ti.' 111ensure.i mean only half.p otila. if. yen would t -et. the: ftlli profit out: of this fruitful c1clru tmrnt of Sour fatal you nig.t. work undor he best conditions You can do this only wizen TM use 0Chatham. Incubator and. F;,. Brooder. tV e pnAitivcly goerantim it to bo a good hatcher anti we sell it on tiro most liberal terms ever offered by any nlauufacturer. We will ship you—freight prepaid. by us—a ChathamInc a .or without oro cent of cash from you until Oct., 1904 Mention this M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO Limited. paper. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders. List ri1,I City VVare1. io s 81 Montreal. Que.; lsr:nut.n,, Dlau.1 calory, Alto., Vaileouv e,11.0.; 1laafaa, N N. Factories at eliatha,n. Out., and Can,8" taiulpbeil Also uillstuicra tletthe M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO. Limited CHATHAM. ONT. DEPT. Bio Please send your descrip• tivc Catalogue of the Chatham Incubator,together with allinfor. mation about your special offer, whereby no cash will bo paid until October, spot. Name P.O. Address Nearest Railway Station Address all letters to Chatham, Oat.