HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-02-19, Page 2READY TO 00. S in<idy Moo Joe eliacicburaa's formed for Negro Abort to hang'. e When leeoaLtor Joe Blackburn wan etreggiing young lawyer, as all really great statesmen Must have :llee.0 at. some stage of their career, • ;be woes called uptrn to defend a negro charged with murder. Mr. Blackburn 'did then best be could—made au nu- 'passlened address to the jury, and sell that sort of thleig —but tine de- fendant was sentenced to pay; the extreme penalty'. Mr. Blackburf +vis• then taking bis first dip ill politic ,. 'iruniog for some ,(mall local offioe. He had a bard time getting people to attend the meet - Peg's at which he was advertised to speak, and luck generally appeared 'to be agaluist him. Well, hanging :,day: came and the doomed man was laced that he would 1mve fifteen ntin- 'utes in whiob to say his last worda'. Mr. Blackburn accompanied the ';man to the scaffold, and as his eyes :wandered over tbe several hundred rrf bis fellow citizens who bad come :to witness the spectacle — more than nee could ever Nota to attract aphis owe eloquence — his brain was lit rep by a flasb of genius. lie bad a few hurried words with his client 'an which be,painted the waste of ;words it would be for the unfortun- ate man to talk at such a time and impressed upon slim what a godsend 'the opportunI.ty to make aspeech ;would be (to him, Blackburn. The ;negro seems what reluctantly, agreed to let bin] go ahead. Tbereupaen, much "lo the surprise coif the auditors, 11r. Blac1rburn :launched into an effort on the. is- sues Of the hour. Ile zv4n.s proceeding ,`to his own entire satisfaction when ale felt a. toggling at his coat tails. Glancing al+ound Ile encountered the Trained expression of the negro. " eau, Massa, Jose," he whispered, "dat epeesch trot yob made tuh de jury wap bad miff to hang me, but ,its yule ane"—shx sing his head sad- By="Mistnh She'iff, please pull dat rope." --Washington Star. IVlinard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Courteous G. T. R. Official. Toronto News. The thorns of complaints that comes from the branch lines is pleas- antly varied by words of thanks to a c,lurteou i official of the Grand Trunk from it company of storm- bound passengers at Clinton. Sixty- two people wee were stuck in the snow Saturday night, Jan. :33, and 1,fterwardl were entertali:ed in the Clinton hotels till the following Wed- nesday, presented an nddresci to Mr. 1. (e. I'att ti 11 t !:e G. T. It. nget:t at ;Clinton, expressing, in the warmest terms their thank, tor the kindness and. e s',tnr.i teem by that of- ficial during- tl'eir enforced stay in the town Every house needs a New Century Washer. It is the best, you cannot afford to de- prive your wife ofetatl- u bl n .t i. It :i 3 hall strong spiral spitags— /� ti.t'roughiy c.c:tntics a tub -:oil cf elethee in five minutes. I Inve 3 -our dealer show it to you or write us for boot let. TUE BOWS -WELL Am'G. CO., LTD., HAMILTON, ONT. 4 2. t\ aleited 'tomatoes. Boilr�.l tameto:':+ hive a much bet- ter flavor titan the satne vegetable front stewed. smooth t0niatoee nearly of a size should bt' chosen. an? dr0pnrv1 in Boiling halted trater and b 1:i•'a until they ran be sae 1L pa'rei.i with a fork. Tilt them out then, prams on amerces o" but- tered toast, Snore eac'i 011 top Croes- wi-e, season with a 1'imp of butter, HOMO salt. pepper and a very little sugar, and serve as hot as possible. foul Breath, Catarrh, Headache Ar•e Banished by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. it Relieves in 10 Minutes. le A. Bottom, druggist,. Cookshire, Que., says :"'b'or'30years Isneeredfrom catarrh: My breath was very offensive even to my. seri. I tried everything which promised me a cure. In almoet all instances .1 had to pro- claim them 110 good at all. 1 was 111ducool to try 1)r Agnew's tatarrha! Powder. I god relief Instantly alter first application, It cured me and I am free from all the effects of It.,, -35. Dr. Agnew's Ointment re level eczema In one clay. 35e. Hotl.,,d to le'!ease. The London Chronicle tolls a story of an incident in a Donegal vilage Whetting the friendly Irish habit of giving a piensing answer in prefer- ence to the bald truth. ' I want tome PPP 'Jessiet lozenge ' said the S xOn visi,or, cawing t,tr i.;ht. to ,h•' pont. "buro ya do," sin .1,:d the Iri41 shop- keeper, keeping off it. "Holl- 'much are they 2" par: ued the ,eaxon, as the man did not move. "And isn't It two ounces the p'r,ny thy art?" answered t11> Ire ihuan, stil wt' h'nit moving. "Well, 11tvi' you got any'" persisted his customer, imt'a•'i-n,ly. "Sure, not any at fill," said the Ir- ishman, coming reluctantly to the point with his sweetest smtlo of all. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense 01 smell and completely derange the whole sys- tem when t'.ntering It tllroucb the mucous surfaces. Neil articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi- cians. as the damage they will do is ten told to the good you 01111 possibly derive from then;. 11n1I's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney. & Co., Tol'do, 0 , contains no mercury, ail(1 is tal'en internality, acting directly upon the b ood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It istakee internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75cper bottle. Take Hall's FamilyPilis for constipation No Dancing for Them. The Chicago Business Woman's Ci+ib has decided against tiaeces in which it Is necessary for the gentleman to put bis arm around the lady. If that kind of dancing is to be barred the dancing teachers may as well look around for new jobs.--Cbieago Record -Herald. Little Braves.—Old time a quarter -a box "Purgers" are quitting the field in whole battalions. Dr. Agnew'e Little Pills at 10 cents a vial are driving them out at all Points. Because they act gently, more effec- tively, never pain, and are easy to take. Sick headache succumbs to one dose. -66. The Judge t; ilted. A certain judge, living in tbe upper part of \etv 'York, while trying tt ease, listened with pain and dis- pleasure to the testimony of a col- ored woman who was describing how she had whipped one of her off- t:pr:ng. elle enlarged on the bar - rowing details until the judge stop -1 ht'r. "De you mean to tell me that you. were cruel enough to punish your son like that'"" he demand: -d. "Oen co'ee I did, yob honoh," she replied. "How dire j'on Elie so brutal ?" The colored til oma n looked at him in lane eentt'mp1tt for a moment, then adir.'11 strr.vl-v : "Look a-heah, jedge. erns ,voh ober da' father orb a wtttllle:3s mulatto boa ?" The judge almost fell from the bent'h. "ET soh ain't," eontinned the ! nt,ress, "then :volt don't know nuf- fin' about de ease I" — Il.arper's Weekly. They Bound th Wrong' Oleg. ,A man In North Waldotoro, while, cutting wood last week, had the misfortune to eut a deep gash ttd his leg: which, awing to a very peculiar mistake, •came near being much more serious than the o'r, um - dances would warrant. Ills leg was corded and ho wee taken to Waide- boro village, a dlstance Of six to seven miles, for.surgioal treatment, ( pen the arrival there the in•,ured man -wars found to be at death's door from the loss of blood, and it was then discovered that the cord , had been tiel aground the wrong leg. He is now recovering. When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take hiL 3. a' C natl. ptiOf Tlla Lung Tonic at once. It will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 205 25c 50c $1. LeRoy, N.Y.,Toronto, Can. A JAPANESE WAR SONO. It Describes the Prowess of Japanese During the War With China. When Japan sent a party of naval of- ficers and sailors to the States to take charge of the cruiser Kasai, built by the Cramps, they taught one of the Jap- anese war songs to their .American ac- quaintances. Here is how the Japanese version ran in part : Tenshin aoyaku hakai hashi Toyo heiwa no, giwo shiranu, Mowed ganko no clean-chan ga. Burei kiwaniaru furumaiwa, Sotshi yakuwan korai hifun, Nippon danshino udemaide, Yates no game o yaburanto. Translated, the song is as follows : "The Tien Tsin treaty has been brok- en. The extremely discourteous conduct of the barbarous and stubborn Chinese, failing to recognize the value of peace in the east, causes teeth to be set and arms folded, while public sentiment is sorrowful and angry. "To break this dream of barbarism by the power of the Japanese soldiery, our reinforcements are continually advanc- ing, with flags floating bravely. "Both in the desperate battle of the Gulf of Pechili and in an attack on the Province of Serio, we displayed the na- tional prowess by slaughtering the Chin- ese fighting against our country. • "We are marching through a country in which the scorching beat blisters the flesh. We are passing Omagh fire and water, but we do not care. The enemy's projectiles come like hail. The corpses are piled mountain high at Ueijo. Blood discolors the waters of Wei Hai Wei, but our soldiers, never retreating an inch, easily captured the Chinese fort. "Grasping 400 provinces with one hand and planting the flag of the Rising Sun on the Castle of Pekin, let us return in. triumph. For you are to be an example of the military elan, increasing the Ifame of the nation. "-Human life is only fifty years. If we `; are reluctant to 1,=e it, we become dis- t loyal to the Emperor for generations. •Two ways lie .pen before us : the loyal way is to die. Let our motto be to continue fighting until we fall exhausted. "This is the mot ,etisfactory solution. How desirous. Hot: joyful." Brilliant Little Nelly. Philadelphia Record. The Squire's Pretty Daughter (ex•. a,m•ning the village eole.oi,---Naw, children, c0u you tell use what a miracle is? 71 e chi idren looked at one another, but remninott "Can no one anewor tele grr•etion?' the new curate asked, who was tstand'uig behind the squire's daugh- ter. ' 111 A little girl was suddenly struck With a brilliant Edea. She held uta her hand excitedly. t '"Well, Ntlll,e ?" the egnire's dnuh- ter nsied, sin ing appr.lval. "Please, miss," the email child ro- oted. breathlessly, "mother says 'twel be a miracle if you don't marry 'tlie new curate." In Going to New York e sure that your tichete read via (errand rank and LeIligl.valley routeofthe ""Black iumond express."1his 1e the direct and est route from all Canadian pointe, By this fit"' baggage is nOw checked in bond and om (50110iain points. The Lehigh valley ad three stations in New York, up town near 1 first-class hotels 111111 down town near all uropean steamship docks, saving paseen- rs for Europe a longn.1 expensive trans- . secure your ticaets of Grand Trunk ents. Robert y. Lewis, Canadian Passenger nt, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, A k3int to the Powers. Toronto News. n this Wea,theilsomebody will get a ere cold if that open door in Man- t'la Is not closed. Dear Sirs,—I woe for seven years a r, -utterer from Bronehiai trouble, and would be so hoarse at times that I could senreely sp"ak above a whisper. I got no relief from any- thing, till T tried your M'N.1.RD'S HONEY BALKAM Two bottles g,:tve relief and six bottles made a com- plete cure. I would heartily re- commend it to anyone suffering .from throat or lune; trouble. Ti. F. VANBUSKIHK. Fredericton. Inconsistent. She would not, though I coaxed and teareed, And b'"ggerl of her my bride to be, She said she'd marry 'whom she pleaend, Yet—(;oodness knows 1—she pleases me. A Cry for Help. A pain in the back is a cry" of the kidneys for help. South Ameri- can Kidney Cure is the only cure that hasn't nfailure written against it in cases of Bright's disease, diabetes, inflammation of the bladder, gravel and other kidney ail- ments. Don't neglect the apparently nlaig- nificaet "signs." This powerful liquid specific prevents and cures. --70 The horse fiords its Pince. The automobile, rn.pid, shifty, and a bit da.ngerotls withal, came to con- tend w'th the horse for mastery in the matter of outdoor exercise and transportation. The motor oar has made a sure place for itself, but nei- ther it nor the chest-flatteniny bicy- cle can, cle,im equality with the horse tie a bracer of nerves and Qreserver of tealth. t , • Sleighing Good. The winter b2 1003-4 will live in the memories of Sir Thomas Shaugh- nessy' and Mr. C. M. Hays as a sea- son wiser) 'the sleighing wast much better than the railroading. , Minard'; Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Shirt waists linen are made clean and fresh light Soap. and dainty delightfully with Sun- 5B The le usive Hare. To my notion, there is a peculiar A good general servant. Good wages. Ap- cllarm about trailing a harp. In the ply to 11IItS. W. A. BOLTON, first place, there is a superb unser- Hamilton, Ont. taiilty about where you will locate the beast, if It knows where it is at- WANTED FARM HAND—single man. Mhet an - self. You find a fresh track, and if bethoroughlyami he gnafnted with general Yarm work and the wise, you will follow it in what ap- care o4 stock and be weilrecommonded, Ap- parently is the wrong direction, and ply P. 0 drawer 37, Hamilton, Ont. then—well, you just keep On follow- — trig. Somewhere, perhaps only a few Yards to one, s;do of where you struck the track, is the other end, and, of course, a hare. You acquire wisdom concerning this small tehnicality later—possibly hours later—but that does not of necessity spoil the sport. It may be the tract: is first found in a briery thicket, which hampers ail the rising ground, marking the odge of a great swampy woodland. It is easy—in fact, almost too easy. The hare loves swampy woodland, so, of course, he merely has skipped for a trifling distance along the rim, as it were, of the depression, then gone down and squatted under some handy log, from ;which shelter you will bounce lam within five minutes. The- oretically tide is sound ; practically, it es a hundred to one shot on an utterly unreliable tip. Impulse prompts you to slant down toward the swamp tett once, to jump hint from somewhere, promptly knock him over and be done with it. This will save useless pottering over foolish tracks and also save valuable time.—Edwyn Sandys, in February Opting. ISSUE NO. S• 1904. Sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should, always be used for Children Teething. It soothe the child, softens the gums cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diorama,. p1� We will A (ti A]y„ 1 pi�_wteacheit leen- mate _yio a F9 fat& sea aelthe a n d profitable business, an exceptionally good all-the.year-around , money-maker, til at brings in the dollars Plan and full par- ticulars for 10 cents in stamps, Don't forget the stamps. and address Standard Supply Co., Hamilton, Ont. INTELLIGENT TREATMENT with Allen's Lung Balssm brings up the phlegm, allays inflam- mation, stops the cough and pain in the chest, and overcomes those terrible colds which if neglected soon beeomes consump- tion. Easy to Escape ltecognization. Modern Society. Young auteor (who thinks himself famous)—I b:lieve I should enjoy my holiday better if I could go in- cognito. Friend—Good idea. Travel ander your nom de plume. Are You Going to New York? Then use the New York Central, the only trunk line whose trains enterNewYork City, corner 4th avenue and 43nd street. The wages of sin may be paid in money or en alimony. Destructive 1 lies. A Boston entomologist makes the extraorii.•iary satin nt that buts, udder which generic name he in- cludes the lith r creatures from the grasshopper down to the ladybug, are destroying property In thls ersuntry to the amount of $'350,000,- 000 a year. The grasshopper eats e:p $00,1 00 000 worth o'' veretatiton, the H'st:.i:til fly $'0.000,000, cahinehbng, $1000'10)0, and the po- tato bug $8,000 000. Moths, Indy- bugs, tobnccco worms, s'lutshbues, beetles and numerou, other entomo- logical entities consume the re- mainder.—Oswego Times. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Fot' the Children. The Earl of Meath, a somewhat en- thusiastlo British humanitarian, has suggested to the Lando.' school au- thorities that children of the eie- rnentery grn.des be taken from the city and brought up in model country villages, the parents to pay only the bare coat of food, tee county council footing other expenses. He urges that in t''is way ole 10re:e of the very poor would have an otherwise unobtain- able chance t,+ grow up strong, healthy and good citizens. In edit - tion, many of them would probably stay in the country, thereby hi Iping to repopulate tbe rural districts. iylinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. rTh Canadian Order of Chosen Friends . Stili ForgingAhaadi„ A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 STYLIS t' rdrtesrys alrt'4>Fa%>: ASS EYELETS TORONTO, - ONT. A Tame Answer. I found the motorman an intelli- gent and courteous fellow. "Would you like to drive a ear at the rate of 100! miles an hour?" I asked. "'Not unless I were passing people who were Signalling me to stop," he replied.—Detrolt Free Press. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. 36. Afraid of Morgan. 'Toronto Star. J, Pierptrnt Morgan has gone to Montreal for a rest. His action seems natural enough here, but Mon-. real, which isn't really aware of its resposeful reputation abroad, Is nervously' nailing down the moun- tain. The Order has fust closed another prosperous year, in feet the best Wilts history. Total tnereaae approved application.; 3,868 Total Increase to .surplus Funds $100,000.00 Total hiemhership 26,000 Total Surplus Funds $420.00(.00 PURELY CANADIAN. REGULARLY INCORPORATED, HEALTHY and RELIABLE organizers wanted. Write— N. F. MONTA(}IIE, Grand Recorder, Hamilton, Ontario. W F. CAMPBELL, Grand Oganlzer, Hamilton, Ontario. Her Concinsio'?. "Do ytou think your father has any idea that I have serious inten- tions concerning you?" "I heard him telling mother the other days that he didn't think it would oast any more to have you at the table regularly' than it does for me to . feed you from the pantry shelves every night."—C'hieago Re- oord-Rerald. Why They Parted. tt He—Their engagement is broken I off, Shia --For what reason ? "Whey, he told her one night that when he was att his work her face Was ever before Sim." "Well 2" s`Whey, he's a cartoonist." I ers Statesmasi WOMEN -Yonk- Can be had In TUBS, PAILS, WASII BASINS, I'11LI( PANS, STABLE PAILS, ETC. From any Met -class dealer. Age of Mooser Earth. Lord Kelvin's estimate of the age of the world is: "Not so great as 40,000,000 years ; pioesibly as lit- tle as 00,000,000 years ; probably 80,000,000 years." As not even the greatest scientists have been able to find out within 10,000,000 or 15,- , 5;, (100,000 tyears how olid Mother Earth is, it must be oonfessed that uhe keeps the secret of her age quite as woll as do her charming delight, "Thus i,s a dilution and a snare," ers. The scientists may at lest came remarked the man with the impre'- to the conclusion that, like the elonlotie nose as he realized that his others, she is "on1;y1 as old as she isle had 'been watered. looks. wh y Even More Apropos. A good story is going the roundel! in the Oranges of a prominent Pres- byterian clergyman 'mho Was pre-; oersted Ls1'Lh twins the day before; Christmas, says the New York World He had prepared a sermon for Christ- mas meriting upon tee subject, "Unto USI a Clad Is Born." When tbe twins arriyed ne thought the text might prove too apropos. Ile thereupon ex- cavated another sermon Iron the' Harrel, and preached upon "Are 'ilhrou Be Who Should C•Ome, or Look We for Another ?" Even with thisi thoughtful substitution, the Bong e- gation Pad 'to smile just a little. . It is the forte that has stood the test of time—stands the heaviest strain—never sags—the standard tho world over. Order through our local agent or direct from us. THE PACE WIPE FENCE CO. LtMII ED, Wattterville.Ont. Montreal, Que. St. Johne Nee. Winnipeg, 1125 201