HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-02-05, Page 8The Zurich Herald. J. 11. WISMER Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH, Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on hand. All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zurich Carriage llUorhs. A Few First -Class C . TT ISS Finished and ready for the road, for SALE Cheap, Also several good Second-hand Out - Cuts at a remarkably LoW PRICE Call and See them. F. HESS & SON, Zurich, Ontario Kalbfleisch's MILLS. Locals continued from page 1. Mr. James Bowman, of Morris Township was elected Warden, at a meeting of the County Council, at Goderioh, last. A tie between him and councillor Connelly, of Goder- ioh Township, was decided by the flip of a copper. Mr. John Eley Jr., of the Goshen line, sold a fine bay agricultural horse to Mr, Geo. Dowson of this vicinity for a handsome price— $165, last week and bought a fine young mare from Mr. S. Kellerman, of Dashwood, for which he paid a good price. From the Inspector's list of teachers for the Inspectorate of West Huron for 1904 we learn there are 18 teachers in Ashfield, 10 in Colborne, 11 in Goderioh tp., 13 in Hay, 12 in Stanley, 18 in Stephen, 10 in Usborne, 8 in West Wawanosh, 9 in East Wawanosh, 2 Bayfield, 3 in Hensall, 8 in Exeter, 12 in Goderioh public school and 6 in Collegiate. 137 teachers in all under this Inspectorate. To those who have been shiver- ing with cold and wallowing in snow for the past two months, it may be some consolation to learn from so high an authority as Dr. Kellogg, in an article in Good Health that cold, fresh air contains more oxygen than warm air ; that it quickens the heart action and increases the number of red cor- puscles in the blood. The vital fires like fires of coal or wood, burn more brightly in cold weather. Cold air aids in the killing of poison ous matters from the body, increas- es the appetite, helps to assimilate foods and allays nervous irritation and fatigue. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stock of 13. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Field Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th. Con., Lot 25. Jo 0. Xa1bfleisc). Zurich P. 0. have much pleas sure in wishing you a Happy cC Prosper - 0115 1004. HESS, THE JEWELER. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. 'Wheat Oats Barley Peas Flour .1 Butter Egg. s. .. ...... Chickens lb Ducks Geese Potatoes............ 70 to 7; 27 28 40 45 60 62 75 1 85 1'1 15 10 20 4 5 0 6 5 5 30 30 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 74 to 75 Oats .... 3() 32 Barley . ............. 40 40 Peas .... 65 ,75 Flour 2 00 2(10 Tiegs (live) per cwt. , 4.35 too, 85 Walkorville has lost four large manufacturing concerns within the last Mouth, the latest to move is Gardner Bros. basket factory. The firm will locate at Bruce Mines in New Ontario, where it has pur- chased a large timber tract from which it will cut timber for its factory. Stratford, Jan. 23.—Mr. N. M. Cantin, the St. Joseph roan with whom arrangements have been in progress for a city electric railway service in connection with the pro- jected extension through Hensall to Stratford, was in the city this week. Mr. Cantin's prolonged absence had not increased the con- fidence of local people in his plans, and his arrival was therefore the occasion of a prompt proposition on the part of Mayor Hepburn. The Sloane agreement for city ser- vice was secured with required alterations as to streets and this was presented to Mr. Cantin, giving the option of accepting it and put- ting up his $10,000 security or losing his chances of a Stratford franchise altogether. Mr. Cantin stated that he had the money ready to deposit as soon as an agreement might be signed. Mr. Cantin left for St. Joseph. He said before leaving that he and his solicitor were trying to frame an agreement acceptable to both sides. He could not say, however, when he would return to Stratford. ,Stray Thoughts. Little sins prepare the way for larger ones. A talent must be used in order to increase it. Great privileges involve great re- sponsibilities. The task is easy when it is done through love. No one is so happy as when he is doing his duty. The most earnest prayers are gen erally very short. Selfishnes$ is the fountain from which all sins spring. No person who is able as too old to attend Sunday School. What many persons need most is sanctified common sense. If you want your religion to shine you must use it every day. Uniform Apple Barrels Wanted. The Fruit Division, Ottawa, has received numerous complaints this year from English buyers to the effect that for the first time there is grave irregularity in the size of the apple barrels sent forward from Ontario. No doubt the shortage in barrels is responsible for some of this irregularity; nevertheless, a number of apple shippers have ex- pressed the intention of using only the standard size (96 quarts to the barrel). As this is practically the first year any but the large barrel has been used in Ontario, apple shippers should immediately arrive at some agreement among them- selves as to the size to be used in future. It will be the cause of considerable loss to the trade if some continue to use the larger size and others use the nminimum. size. The law prescribes the mini- mum size, w.licl1 is a barrel 26X inches between heads, inside mea- sure, and with a head diameter of 17 inches and a middle diameter of 1812 inches, representing as nearly as possible 0(3 quarts. -- Commercial travellers who were storm-btunl on the G. T. R. have made a complaint against two St. Mary's hotels. " Drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of God," so says the bi- ble. Some people say too much even if they don't talk more than five min utes. The person who always does his best will have no regrets for the past. Earnestness is just as essential to a preacher's success as eloquence is. It sloes not take our actions, whether they aro good or bad, long to ripen into habits. True courage is not acting in the absence of fear, but acting in spite of fear. Those who are truly thankful will show it by their actions as well as by their words. More preachers of the gospel fail for lack of piety than fur the lack of education. Whether we give to missions or not is more a matter of inclination than. ability. Every one is able to give something if he is willing to do so. Contributors to benevolent work generally suffer first and most in the retrenchment called. for by hard times. Church members have been livid ed into two classes the workers" and. " the skippers," To whioh class do you belong? Secretary .Pritchard of the (:;lii- eag o Board of health say's : " The anti-t,ixin trust is nothing more or less than a traffic'. in human life.— Three concerns which manufacture and practically' control the anti- toxin supply of almost the entire c'.onntry, have seen fit to arbitrarily advance the price of their product 100 per cent. This discovery was trade by the department of health of the city of Chicago when order- ing its needed supply for charity work,it was. net with those increas- ed quotations, The. (horizontal in- crease in price inade by the trust means that the city of Chicago will be compelled to appropriate double the sunt to do the same amount of charity work in diphtheria, cases for 1904 that it did in 1003, This the city can do, and; doubtless will clo, but outside of this it must 1.)e remembered that •chis burden will fall heaviest on the self-respecting self-supporting heads of families of modest incomes. To all such., should diphtheria, invade their homes, they will bo compelled to pay the increased prices, and the burden pat upon them by the anti- toxin trust will indeed be grievous. Go to @. Greb. • For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and ' Glass Ware Sherwin=Williams and Hollywood PAINTS ils, Portland Cement and all kinds of uilding Materials The Famous Card of Thanks. St. Joseph, Jan. 30111, 1504. I wish, through the columns of Tim iii a: i,!, to express my sincere thank:) to my neighbors and friends for their kind assistance, during the illness and death of my beloved wife. It is a great cunrfolt when in time of grief and sorrow nue has stili faithful friends, as you have shown ynut•oives to be "A friend in need. Is a friar+i indeed." SiIlcer'ely Yours 1ixrn.ar.0 JE1 N L:ox. Most durable Fence on the . market Don't be cleeeiv d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON ALL FINDS OF FENCE WIRE ON HAND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the .mutter of the Estate of Wm. Kuhl, 1:.to of the 'Township of Stanley, in the Comity of Huron, 1 0.)01tan, deceased. 'Notice i+ hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. call 119 that all creditors and ethers leaving • laiurs against tiro Estate of the said William K uu, deceased, who died on or about the 2(1111 clay of February, 1003, are requested on or before the '29th day sof February, 1904, to send by post; prepaid or dc1iycr 1' the undersigned at Ffillsgrc:en 1' 0., the Executors of the Will of t he said William Karn, deceased, their Chris- tian names and' Sur•narnes, :Idttresses and cleseril.tion5, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ae. counts. incl the nature of the securities, if any, I e l, t 1,y them Alntint her take notice, that after such last mentioned data, the said. Executors will premed to distribute the Assets of the dlore,a3. c1 among the 151111cs entitled there- to, l lvin4 regard only to the claims of which they shall thou have notice, and that tin: -aid Executors will not be liable for the; raid assets or any part thereof to any prison er persons of whose claim, notice :It the time shall not have been ra:eia• ,1 1y them of such distribution, Dated 1iro 8th day of.ianuary,A.I).,1004. JANET KArx 1 Executors. ANDI,EW 1CAIN H S. 0 ZLIF ,!CH, }a 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyonr: smiling a }':(etch and description zany tanteidy a.i,;oa•tain our opinion free whether en mvenlinn is probably patentable. Commute/v. 110)11 oflit1' (01111001)111(1. itandbooken Patents seat tree.. Oldest agency for seeming patents. (oleeta 101(on through Munn S Co. receive epeeCiij)apd7,ngpotippcgle', without, �g out, charge, ii(n,/phtjlth'oi A handsome1y111nstroted weekly. Tnraeat our, Mallon of any selent10e Journal Terms $:l u year rgfour ��gmgonnths, $1. Solar byallpgnowsdealerc, MUEril�� & Co,364Broadway' Nei' York 11rnua, Mice. t'• r St». Washington. 1). C. god EB, ONTARIO. t d,,j A. 7 re 12}1 Fl k� 1,' �7'tii it'a� t1 ' ,., „pts We are going to Snell Out All WINTER GOODS at Cost INCLUDING c6 --RUBBERS AND SOCKS Of all Kinds, and FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL KINDS, Come 1 z rime to Get Bargains P. BENDER & Co. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. CI1„7 the 0.=5B -ratite 1F•.OU WANT A COAL COOK. THAT r)OWNs THEM ALL. The above Stove burns wood also, and takes in 23 inches. We can give yon the mantes of about 40, sold the: last 2 years. Consult these parties, and hear what they have to say for its good qualities. Made only for those who require the 1.1c'tit. PRICES RIC IIT. Call and See it. BLANKETS, ROBES & FUR COATS AT A BIG REDUCTION FOR CASH. G HARTLE! a The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, ZURICH. WOOLLENS. WINTER Ig3 3 OT YET OVER, You still need something in these lines. Look over your Underwear, Blankets, Flannels,. Skirtings, Stockings, Etc., Etc. "We still have 507ae exceptionally Good "Staines in the above lines. Sco our double knitt MITTS at 25cts. They are great Value. D. ST INBACH,