HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-02-05, Page 2, ,,.,... -..... w,..,111M.. . CANARY ARY B Ri1S IN LONDON, Soprze or. These sell for *'our ` ntws 7fiit:ia weight ;it Geed. ','file recant shin in London of a pair of canaries for 5:711 has directed pub - 110 attention to the awns now raging In these diminutives gets. Since Mug Edward took up the !lob' by of canary breeding i:rieei' Have Been stoaJily 'Nang. and in many in- stances birch; have changed hands for Tour times their weight in gold. Zino most exi:ensive variety are those with cret,ts, or toi:knots, or feathers. Perfect crested canaries are very difficult to breed, and they are Subject to blindness, the crest being cultivated to such an extent that it grows over the eyes and tides dos even the beak. Prices for b "crests" range from £J. to 1:10. Norwich i:lainizead canaries are far' More copular, but do not realize such high prices. At Huddersfield show recently, n. young bird, in its first season, was sold by auction for £1.5 dos. Blackley Drotilers, of Norwich, 'whose last consignment of canaries to New York numbered 5,000, Wave sola several plainh:eads at prices ,ranging from £15 to £25 apiece. Plainhead Norwich are bred alniOst exclusit sty for color properties, the most highly colored specimens invar- iably heading the list. For the pur- pose of enhancing; the natural color large quantities of cayenne and oth- er peppers are imported from Spann and given to the birds in a i:repar- ation of egg food. For first cines York,eahire canaries there is a strong beme.cd. but rrices are not so re- markable, tle'e highest reported be- ing £20 for a et:Tightly voting fellow exhibited at the recent Blancbester !shear—London Mail. In Going to New York Be sere that your tickets read via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley routeoithe "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage is now checked in bond and from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley has three stations in New York, up townnear all first-class hotels, and down town near all • European steamship docks, saving passeu- • bers for Europe a, long and expensive trans- fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk ' agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger ' Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, Cemetery of Elephants. Major Powell Cotton, of the North- umberland fusiliers, who has just re- turned to l,ngland after travelling for several months through Africa, tells a remarkable story about a cemetery in watch the only bones are those of elephants. The cemetery, he says, is at the foot of a chain of mountains in Uganda, and the elephants have evi- dently conte there for a. long time as soon as ti:ey felt that death was age preaching thorn. In no other way, the Major points out, can wo account for the fact that hundreds of i;kele- tons of elephants are to be found there. The natives know well that the lordly animals aro in the habit of selecting this quiet spat as their last resting place, and whenever they want ivory they are confident that tbey can get it by searching the oemetery. Her Hair - Town anti Country. Paul—What beautiful ration -black hair that Miss Tan Eyck has Virginia—Yes; hatches the Brows' feet around her eyes, doesn't it ? HEAT INTENSIFIES ACTION.—" The D & L" Menthol Pla cli l warmed. te p oi tothe bwdraw upainbetr than any other method of treatment. Its action is almost iustturtaneou.,. 1V'hy. indeed: A (Montreal uudertta,ker displays this sig n -- {Why Walk About in Bei ;cry When I t Can Bury You Decently for $1.8? Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. One of Two Horrors. N. Y. Press. You can never tell from th!e look of horror on a woman's face wheth- er rile has just received a telegrams wb1cl. she has not opened or thought She saw a mouse iu the closet. Condensed Eggs In Germany the/ make condensed eggs 1 Tee superfluous water is re- moved and sugar is added. The con- densed eggs are put up for the mar- ket in hermetically sealed boxes, a one -pounce box containing about fif- teen eggs, 'This article finds a good market in South Africa, but during the present egg famine they might be imporetil into this country, with more or Iess profit. , Tse Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels, --you'll like it. 32 All in the Fatuity. He—Will you be my wife ? She—Certainly not. Ile Teen will you grant me one favor:' She—What in it ? Ile—Be a metier to ine. Father is going to propose to you to -night, 1V1inard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Wanted the Opportunity. Chicago News. "Will you think of me when I'm gone ?" a.s'.leJ the lovelorn youth, who seemed unable to tear himself from her presence: "Sure," answered the fair one, as olieetrangletlia.yawn. "That is, kf you ever give me the opportunity" "le bete it hi ou dn't Work. 'f'eacher—Don't you know,Tom- 'sisy, you dlhould not let your left hand know what your right hand does i 1nxnlry--Yes'm, but you've just got .to take both hands when You want tor (tile a tin con to a dog's tall. l Ever Felt That Death Would Be Wko;41e? Mrs. Margaret Smith often dict until Dr. Aenew's Cure for the Heart her er new hope and cured her heart and nerves. "I was for two years tr great sufferer from heart trouble and uetvonuness. At times 1 was confined to bed, when my pain was so in- tense that I would have welcomed death with Joy. 1 was attracted to Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart by reading of some won- derful cure wrought by it. Otte dose garo me relief in 80 Minutes After using four bot- tles 1 Can truly say I never felt better in my life." ---Margaret Smith, Brussels, Out. Dr. A pew's Pills. 40 Closes 10e. 28 About the Size of Liim. Janriary Smart Sot. "Pa, what is a model man ?" "A model man, my son, is generally a very small sample copy, or fac- simile, of a real man, and is usually made of putty." WORTHY OF RECOI1131Ut'NDAT1ON Joggins Mines, N. S., Sept. 29, 1908. Dr B. T. Kendall Co.. Enosburg Falls, Vt. : Gentlemen,—Please mall me immediately a copy of your "Treaties on the Horse and His Diseases." I wish to stake a study of the horse. We are users at my home of Ken- dall's Spavin Cure, which is a most valuable medicinal remedy for the horse, and is ALWAYS WORTHY Ob' RECOMMENDA- TIOS. Yours very truly, William Stvriglet A Sceptic's Mistake. In one of Glasgove's finely laid - out cemeteries, a rich citizen, who was notorious as a sceptic, had erected a massive mausoleum on what he termed "his ancestral plot." One day he met a worthy elder of the kirk coming away from the vicinity of the imposing mass of masonry, so he said to bine: "'Weel, Dauvit, ye've been up see - in' that gran' erection o' mine?" "Deed, hied I, sir.' "Gay strong place that, isn't it ? Tt'll talc' a man a' his time tae raise oat o' p' -on, tt.t the day o' judg- ment." "Hoot, 'ma mon," said David, " ye can gie yerselt little lash reboot resin' gin that day 'comes. They'll tak' the bottom oo't o't tae let ye fa' door."—spare Moments. Rest for Mother Pleasure for the Children The New Century Washer affords the children an o portnnity of rendering effective help, and at the same time delight themselves. Ball Bear- ings and strong spiral springs re- duce to a minimum. alt the work u- sually neces- sary.. Five to six utes does a tubful. If your hardware dealer does not carry them write us for booket. The Dew'swell Manfg. CO. Ltd. HAMILTON, Ont taaMalsnalinglialltataro Bow to Get Good 'toads. Philadelphia Inquirer. The E.omats considered good roads a necessary part of their military equipment. Senator Latimer thinks they belong properly to the agri- cultural department, and. perhaps they do, but he would be more likely to get his bill for them through Congress if he could per - suede that body to take the Rom- ans view,. 2 know MINAE D'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. BOUTILLIER. French 'Village. I know MINAILD'S LINIMENT will cure Croup. T. F. CUNNINGHAM. Cape Island. I know ;ti1INARD'g LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth. 4 -OS LPAI A. SNOW. ,Norway, Me. Surrender. Henrique caught the coryphee in his arms and kissed her. "You will consent ?" he murmured, the hot tears rolling dotvin his flush- ed cheeks. "Though you are only a coryphee, I love you isvath the ford and trusting love Which comes to man but once in a lifetime." "Yes," she whispered, placing her blonde head upon his shoulder. "Take too.• I am yours through all eternity. For many years I have spurned the love of man, but time has Warped my pride, has warmed my heart, and sweet peace now soothes my troubled breast. I could noir refuse it I eii(outid . I heave waived all objections. I have kicked long enough," mhdDo you catch coleasily? Does the cold hang on Try Shil0 19 fa MAMA The L.ung 'Tonic It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. !Prices: S. C. Wines & C@. 303 . 25e. See. el LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto,Can, LEAP YEAR PROPOSALS. Bridget and St. 1'atrLLck—What Scotch Had to Do. o Irish vel'slon as to how this ensi s originated commends itself because of its 'humor. St. Patrick, ao- eorilng to the tstory, was once walk- ing on the shores of Loguh Neagh fallen he met St. Bridget in tears. She stated that a mutiny had broken out fn the nurmory over which elle presided, Line ladles elaim,ing the irigM of 'topping the queetiou." St. Patrick acid he -would conceive thew the right every seventh year. when Bridget threw bcr arms around his neck and exclaimed, "Arrabe, Patrick, Jesvet 1 I daatn't go back to the girls with sucks a proposal. Stake It one year in four." The saint replied, "Squeeee me that way again, darling. and I'll give ye Leap Year, the longest in ito lot." Thereupon rhe Impulsive Bridget proposed to St. Patrick. who, of course, could not marry. so be met the difficulty as best he could with kisses and a silk gown. Bat what about this Act, passed by the Scottish Parliament in 1228 ? "Ilka maiden .Miall has !lber- tie to t31 ak ye man she likes. G'if i)() refuses to tak hir to be his cvyf lit shall pair the sum of one hundred is undas." Rather serious this. but per - hogs this law has been rescinded. This liberty of proposal has often taken advantage of by tbee ladies before now. Tilien for eight 'ears they.11ave been deprived of their m:t- trimonial eaivilege, so baclr'elore will better look out or be r-.repa.red to ear forfeit. Beware of Ointm nts for Catarrh that Contain mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smeliand completely derange the whole eye - tem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi- cians, as the damage they will do is ten told to tbo good you can possibly derive from them. Bait's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney. &-Co., Toledo, 0 . contains no mercury, and is taken internality, acting directly upon the b.00d and raucous surfaces of the system. In buying Sale's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 'T5cperbottle. Take. Ball's Family Pitts for constipation. The Correct Answer. Philadelphia Press. ➢Is. Phoxy—I was going to ask to try this little trick. efultirply the years of your age by three, sub- tract twenty -ono from the total and what's the answer ? Miss Kute—You should be able to guess the answer et once. Mr. Phoxy—Yes ? What is it ? Miss Kute—Nono of your business. i' inard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. The Stitches or a Life Time. Tho other night, says the Cen- tralia (Mlo.) Courier, a. party was in X. Drops' tailor she ) discussing the geceral topics of the day when the c fuvorsation turned to the subject of tailoring and the number of Matches required to make a gar - meet. Bili. Dregs wvias timed for one minute, and the number of stitches he made was found to be seventy. This makes 4,200 an hour, 28,800 per day, 21,462,000 per year. This tail- or has followed his trade for thirty yealis, and during that time has made over 64,3,800,000 stitches. Dr. Agnew's Ointment Cures Pi tee: Itching, Bleeding and Blood Piles. Comfort in one application. It cures all skin diseases In young and old. A. remedy be- yond compare, and it never fails. 35 cents. —63 " Cle?mania " New Fad for Collectors "Clefmania" Is a comparatively modern form of the collecting craze. It consists of an lrres:s.lbie ambition to gather together keys of all Eorts, sizes, and shapes. One victim to the habit, a woman, openly confessed re- cently to having travelled over 100,- 000 miles In pursuit of her hobby, during which time she had expend- ed entirely on keys, quite a re- spectable rortaee. Her collection comprises the key of the Nurem- berg iron virgin; one said to have belonged to Cleopatra's jewel case ; a huge iron speeimen from the Tower of London, picked up in a, Wardour street shop; the one that used to unlock Anne Hathaway's cottage at Stratford -on -Avon ; and many others equally curious and In- teresting.—Chicago Tribune. , Kidney Experiment.—There's no time for experlmenting when you've discovered that you aro victim of some one form or another of kidr ey disease. Lay hold of the treatment that thousands have pinned their faith to and has cured quickly and perma- nently. South American Kidney Cure stands pre-eminent in the world of medicine as the kidney sufferer's truest friend. -69 t«. Estql A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. 411 A Distinction. The Countess of Shaftesbury, sir 9.iboma,s Lipton's guest at the yacht races, is a descendant of a noted English, clergyman. Lady Shaftesbury told an interesting story of this cler- gy/nab to a woman reporter one af- ternoon in New York . "My great uncle," she said, "had two peculiarities. One was an ungov- ernable temper ;the other a curiously ratiocinative habit of mind, mani- fested by a trek he had of beginning everythang he said with the words : 'Here there is a distinction.' 4°At a dinner party one evening, my great-uncle overheard his host telling a beautiful young lady of his trick of saying always, `Rare I make a dis- tiention ' Tilo Dost sa.id he would amuse the yeuug lady by making my great-uncle say, 'Here I make a dis- ticntion; all through the evening.' "Of course at this my great-uncle's blood bo 1ed. His naturally violent temper was redoubled. Ile got ready for his host. "Tee latter, as soon as the soup eam.e on, winked at the young girl. There he said .to my distinguished relative: "`You are a clergyman. Tell me if it le lawful to baptize with soup.' "My great-uncle smiled grimly. 'Flee -e.' he said, 'I make a distinction.' At that everybody roared. He paused till they were quiet. 'Then he went on: "'You ask me if it is lawful to bap- tize with soup. I answer, in soup in general, no ; but in coup like yours, yes ; for between this soup and water there is not the slightest dif- ference.' "'Then my great-uncle winked at the pretty young girl, and she smiled at him with approbation. That nigbt 1xe was feasted,no more." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Blobbs—You seem very attentive to Miss Oldgirl. Whey don't you mar- ry her? Slohbe—I hate the idea of throwing her chaperone out of a steady job. noomaatswoal ISSUE .%i Oe 6 1904. Milli- LANDS In Lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale in the heart of the Niagara. FruitBelt, near Grimsby. Steam and electrc roads pass this property. All conveniences of the day. , Terms very reasonabie. Apply J. CARPENTER, P, 0. Box 08, Winona, Ont. MODERATE CAPM1 AL can bo greatly increased by judicious ln,. vestment in "Specialty Stocks." You can learn of something which means money for you by corresponding with A. SEAMAN, 28 Colborne St. Toronto, Ont. A Molley.Make atx�sewill profitable business, an exceptionally good all -the -year -around money-maker, t h at brings in the dollars, Plan and full par- ticulars for 10 cents in stamps. Don't forgot the stamps. and address Standard Supply Co., Hamilton, Ont. - PERSONAL (lOX. JOHN THOMAS, OP ST. MART'S 'V Clyst, Exeter, who sailed from Ply- mouth with father and brother .Tuly 15th, 1871, Brother Frank inquires. Write 84 Codrington street. Exeter, Engia,nd. L L WW 1P) A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 STYLE " i,ttlf9}'i5 k�db?.ni13d:�a`.4i�i.1ST+1F1�ta19a{,4k'J:rh.ilSyE:i�iY. • rNO BRASS EYELETS ;tete-sieve egeseeteetecesteeesS. MANUFACTURED ONLY FY iJs TORONTO, - ONT. 'fir 'err What News Should be. Buffalo News. The general opinion is that news matter should be given without color or bias and the editorial page reserved for such discussion of the news as shall make its meaning clear and enable the reader to form sound opinions about it. 250 Y'S ✓? t :e=::�"Slant ..'+ t t1t: t,!17tifini*14; t'Ms;er tak. That Cou which ordinary remedies have sot reached, will quickly yield to ,u e VPOF QED FIWCE It cures those heavy, deep-seated coughs—takes away the soreness—heals the throat—strengthens the lungs. Nene the less effective because it is pleasant to take. Just try one bottle and see how quickly you get rid of that cough. At your druggists. 25c. bottle. t' Z KNOW :21 l ektai?R y ir 25 ci The Trip. A London physician, at the risk of giving away the secrets of his pro- fession, writes 'to a paper that in the course of thirteen visits to a victim of the,,grip he could do but two things of positive value. The first was to open a window, and the second was to pull off three of the sL'c blankets under which the patient was swel- tering. She moral is that sick people need fresh! air even more than well people do. Thousand -year -did Cedar. There are many large specimens of the brown cedar, ,Juniperus monosper- me., in the Garden of the Gods, Pike's Peak, Colorado. Professor Bessey, of the University of Nebraska, during a recent visit to that place, made an effort to Ascertain the age of some of the magnificent specimens. He was fortunate enough to find the stlrmp of a recently, cut tree on wbiall it was easy to distinguish the annual growth rings. These were counted for a section of the trunk, care being talon to select a portion in which the rings were of average thickness, and on this basis the mem- heir of the wieolo stump was dalcn- tated. In tithe way it was found that this parrtleuhiar ties Was ,bs .ellen Ii30O axed 1,400 ,selene ells ,, (t 1 i The Difference Between Thein. Washington Star. "Toihnny is a very imaginative ekhl, ' said the fond mother, "but Wil- lie is more practical. When Willie de- cides that he wants anything he sets out to get it." "I have noticed that difference," an- swered the unfeeling bachelor. "Johnny sings 'I want to be an an- gel,' bat Willie emotes cigarettes and skates on thin ice." Can be had In TUBS, PAILS, WASH BASINS, 1'ULK PANS, STABLE PAILS, ETC. From any first-class dealer. Why k'red Was tho Best. Boston Transcript. Carrie --Martha is going to be married to .Fred, I suppose you know?' She declares that he is the best man that 'ever lived. Bessie—And yet she told me the other flay was the worst of all her lovers. 1 Carrie—I know, but none of the others actually proposed, you see. The Time for Economy. Philadelphia Press. "See here, Edgar," said the groo•m',a mother, "don't yiou think you had better eooineomize a little ?" "No, mother," replied the groom; "it ion't time C!'et." "It isn't time yet f?" "No; we've skill got )some of bur saelanegis. In ebonut three months we'll be broke and bave to economize.* TheCan Canadian Order of Chosen Friends Still Forging Ahead, The Order has lust closed another prosperous year, in fact the best in_ Its history. Total increase approved applications 3,308 Total Increase to Surplus Funds $100,000,00 Total Membership 26,000 Total Surplus Funds $420.00('.00 PURELY CANADIAN. REGULARLY INCORPORATED. HEALTHY and RELIABLE Organizers wanted. Write— W. F. MONTA.GUE, Grand Recorder, Hamilton, Ontario. W. T. CAMPBBLL, Grand Oganlzer, Hamilton, Ontario.