HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-02-05, Page 1THE 14 14 The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. IV., No. 28. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1904. $1. Per Year. LEGAL. CARDS. H J. D. COOKE • (Late with Garrow &Proudfoot) Barris- er, Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ontario. G. STANBURY, S. A. F. W. OLADMAN. Gladnta.n & Stanbury. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTA - ries,, Conveyancers, Money to Loan on Village and Farm Property at lowest rates of interest. Documents in original German read and advised upon. —AT HENSALL— every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. —OFFICES— Hensall--,Over Stoneman's Jewellery Store Exeter Offices—Over O'Neil's Bank. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, &C. Goderich, - - - Canada. W. PROITDFOOT, C. C I R. C. HAYS. G. F. nTATR. BUSINESS CARDS. JACHAND & CO., REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS Village and Farm Property bought and sold. Rents collected. Conveyancing of all kinds promptly attended to. We represent the Leading Fire and Life Insurance Companies and respectfully solicit your patronage. Special attention given to collection of Notes and Accounts. --OFFICE— Zurich,ZELLER. ELOCIC Ontario. (L. V. BACHAND, Notary Public) DR. J. HAMILTON, Vet. Surgeon and Dentist Treats all diseases of domesticated Animals. Veterinary medicines of all kinds always on hand., Day and night calls promptly attend- ed to. OFFICE— In Wm. Bender's Old Stand, Main St., Zurich, Ont. ANDREW F. HESS. Fire Insurance effected in all leading • companies. Accident policies issued. Confederation Life represented. ZURICH - ONTARIO. DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of tie Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Dcpartment of Dentistry, Toronto U34 iversit y. Pathless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Monday. 1-2ti LOCAL. NEWS Miss Allan and the Misses Drys- dale called on Mrs. F. W. Hess on Saturday last. Mr. Alonzo Foster, Babylon line, has four well bred boars for sale at reasonable prices. The Misses Ash and Kiehna, of Sebringville, are visiting at Mr. Thomas Johnson's. Dr. Murdock, a native of Bruce - field, called on his brother Med, Dr. Campbell, on Thursday last. Mr. Herbert K. Eilber, of Credi- ton, has been appointed a, notary public in and for the province of Ontario. Misses Mary and Emma Drysdale were the guests of their cousins, the Misses Allan, Town line, for a few clays, last week. The Automobile number of the "Scientific American" just receiv- ed at this office, is one of the hand- somest numbers we ever recollect seeing; as a, specimen of fine print- ing it is certainly up-to-date. Mr. E. M. Traoksell, of The Tracksell Land and Investment Co., of Regina, N. W. T., was in town on Friday, in company with Mr. S. Hardy, of Dashwood. The gentle- men gave THE HERALD a short call while in Zurich. A Ball ancl Supper will be given to -night, at the Commercial Hotel Assembly Room, under the auspices of that popular hostelry, of which Messrs. Sohuettler and Little are the managers on the occasion— Tickets to Ball and Supper, only 50 cents. ; ladies free. Messrs. Joseph. Gitscho a.nd. CO22. Trueinner, of the 14th Concession, have purchased a thoroughbred Durham Brill, from Mr. D. McLar- en, east of Chiselluirst‘ for the Ma: provernent of stock in their neigh borhood. It is 14 months old and weighs 1100 lbs. Mrs, Henry Otto is reported quite ill at present. She is nearly 85 years of age. and has passed the alletteqspan Of life. She has been sickly for some time although able to be about most of the time, and her many friends hope sho may regain her usual health. Mr. Lords Weber and family are now settled in the house recently vacated by Mr. J. B. Dennis. By EoBOSSENBERRY, Licensed Auctioneer for Hur- on County, regpectfully solicits the pat- ronage of those who intend having sales. Satisfaction guaranteed. paLLIP SIPPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. I would request those having sales to call on me. Terms moderate; satisfaction guaran- teed, Your patronage soli HOTEL.S. 41) 4olt glyo * ***fir.*** lin; ei)4t 411,t,4 0 41 o THE 41 *0 0 0 0 0 tti) 0 *,+ ti* J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. G 0 EU HOTEL 41; CI ZURICH 41 41 0 0 SantiVninnatantaaranian.lamaaanliatraantala....ean=320=1 11.1=UVraairdai.V.IlatladMarlazalansoalailanenraaa.,[4.4- Strictly up-to-date in modern stn provements. Dining rooms is sup- plied with only the very hest. Bar contains choice liquors awl cigars. ¶ Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. illianacrnaampors-cacalsaffslarziaxrtiamr.fala.r.39:015feena 0 * 0 0 0 0 ..a.roarataKinTrialanantsaramallsgliomalslitaltarar.....110315111.........-^,-........araMrtLanteSaaa THE DOMinfon .a• -•,aa r...u.ararn== House. =sem lintrIMIL101.901.1.135iMinavaterlaffleinli* This House has recently changed. hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con - (Rioted Houses in the Province. pater Igable in the nominion. R. R Johnston & Son, PROPRIETOBS. malttOrtaa0 WOO The things that cause the most trouble often never happen. Miss Hagan of the Parr line has been staying with Mrs, (Dr.) Campbell this week. The ice problem is beginning to engage the attention of those who usually put in a supply, The pleasant countenance of Mr. Will. Brown, of Crediton, was visi- ble in town, for some hours, on Sun- day. Miss Lydia Faust has been fined to her house, under the tors care, for over a week with an attack of grip. The Misses Witv,...er entertained a number of their friends and acquaintances at a party, at the parents' residence, o1. Wednesday evening. The neighboring towns of Hensall and Seaforth, are at present with- out their customery lights, the plants in both cases being " knock- ed out," through lark of fuel. Mr Albert Zettel, a farmer of the Blind Line, made an assignment last week to his brother John, of this town. The creditors are most- ly in Zurich, and it is expected that the estate will be weeind up at once. The creditors' of the Albert Zet- tle estate will meet 'at E. Zeller's Office, to-morrow'(Saturday,) at 2 o'clock p, m., for the appointing of inspectors and giving of instruc- tions as to the disposition of the estate. Even. the stage—the old reliable conveyance, which for thirty years or moro has seldom failed to make its.two trips a day—was "knocked out" for three days, this week, although, it is only fair to say, it would have nano the amal trips, had. the "tie-up" on the Railroad not occurred. It is a hig storm when Robert will not Leo it. Onr hotels are highly spoken of by travellers on the road,who say that they give the best meals of any of the houses on the route. and accoiu modation otherwise is superim to many of the ht whcro they have lo pay, al: lei!,(4111.1:::;" 1jt.4 tier day more, and those who are with- in driving distance of Znrichnisnal- ly aim to act here ami proltnig their stay as long as they possibly con- doc- past can. The biggest bliv,::ard of the wint- er took place here on Tuesday af- ternoonand evening, anti moro the move, Loins has cut the dis- tance considerably to his daily toil at the Commercial, where he has for years ably concocted all sorts s s less boisterous weather, aceompan- led by snow and high winds pre- vailed since Sunday night ; o consequence both railwaya al a of drinkfor the patronof the d stage were held. up tor two or t nu Commercial hothl.e Mr. J. W. Anderson. who 'has been foreman for THE HERALD for nearly a year has severe(l his con- nection with this paper to take n. a da.s„. service is :rally establis'led. days. Tho tram senece had no, succeeded to a normal coadition when this storm came and it may bo some time yet before the 4 train w.,,,,,,,,,,,w,b-,7•?:;:way-ig;•-fogo,.-wo,----,--,•,:-, , 18. q0 lP 1 wish to thank the people g 0 who have patro ized me dur Q rug the year 19o3. . 11 will also extend the in= 0 o.6 vitation to one :.;nd all to call 0 gq.e . . on me again the present V 8 0 8 year, 1904. 0 V , o.'. o. D. S. FAUST. T '0 '0 VA. g(J4', pi.W' -vc4eeeeeeeeeeeecieee---c4-g4; aL a. a. a. position at Avonmore. Mr. An- fr„ight ir„in has succeeded in derson has made many warn friends while in town who regret his departure. fle left fur his new home on Thrm;day. In a fire which occurred early Sunday morning, the gents' furn- ishing store of Graham Bros., 157;,1 and 150 Dundas street, London, was completely gutted, and the stook wiped out—the total InsA being somewhere between $28,000 and $30- 000 with insurance of something in the neighborhood of $17.000. Mr. J. 13, McLean, arehiteet, is in town this week, a guest at the "Commercial". He intends resid- ing in 'Windsor in future, for wilich place lie will leave in a few days. Ho was engaged for some years with Mr. Candi] at St. Jos- eph, but latterly hat; been .doing some professional businessat Goderich. A son of Mr. Nelson Moss; near St. Joseph, has been laid up for a couple 01 weeks with an attack of appendicitis for which he was operated on, on Tuesday, by Dr. Amos, of Exeter and. the local Medicos, who fennel an c'xceedingly large abscess at the point complain- ed of. Between two and three Ouarts of pus was taken out, and as far as we can learn the opera- tion promises to be elnillently 5110- eessful. The young man is in the neighborhood of 15 years ofage Messrs. Laidlaw & Hamacher have, we understand, sold. out their Shoe business, at 14anilac Centre, Mich., andMr. Hamacher will re- turn to Zurich and take up his former business—that of a Barber. Ho has already secured living apart merits in town, and will doubtless be able to get business quarters should he fail to be able to close 'a bargain for the purchase of his fernier plant, now in the hands of Mr. Harness, who bought out John Knorr, a couple of months ago. deliverirg freight ut 1.61.1 nearly two weeks and local iner.1 Chan tti 1'0 short of many ljfl. ol, staple goods. Ray Council. The above canneil 7net in Cat Town Hall on Monday afterneon, 1st inst. All members present. The Auditors' Report wee on motion received and passed. The following sams were ordered to be pa i d Moses Geiger, for gravel, t Municipal 'World. for blanks and subscriptions, $12.25 ; 311:1l), for printing., $13.50 ; Tp. Clork, regis- tering births,marriages and deaths, $13,20 ; T. & johm4on, go.);ls tor Mrs. Ilse, $1.00 ; Tp. Treasurer, for postage, $2.87; Joseph Grigg, char- ity, $5.00. Connell adjourned to Monday the 7th day of Navel) at 2 o'clock p.m. P:tF,DitlEss So., Zurich School Report, ---- Repart of Senior Division (if Z. P. B. for month of January. Name:; in order of merit : V.—Fro(la Hess, Helena Sipple. Pearl 13uchanan, Addison .1.(4;:qtlor. Sr. IV. ----Fred Iless, Edwin Koeh- ler, Roxie Flilber, Lily Faust, Milne Rennie.Ella Weseloh, Victor Appel, Gertio Hartleib. Pearl Wrirtz,Oleva Prang, Irene Lipphardt, Joanna Elboi't. Jr. IV,--A1nta1i Fisher, Arnold Heideman, Chas. Eilber, Cora Davidson, Alvada Weselph, Frieda Haberer, John Wolper, Arno Bren- ner, Celia Hess, Ada Koehler, Cornall Holtzmann, Melinda Fuss, Adam Thiol, Leonard Wurm, Katie Howald, Joe. Randell, Lizzie Vol - land, Eva Braun, Herbert Axt, Hamar Well, Morris Wober,Arletta, Wainer, Laura Sipple. Locals continued on page 8. For good Fall Water -proof ots and »Shoes9 Rubbers and Ove7shoes, Legging F. Sho — AN1 ti'ACT — Any and Ali kinds of Shoes A:t RIGHT PRICES, Go to OHAS. FE1 I ar THE SHOE fin A N URICH, ONTARIO Butter and Eggs taken in. exchange. '',..Z4.,(W \MilitiVi4 \ 4WJV \ 74.V 1.:1.%".":14\-iiiVVV.-41it.VAA4i.lt.614V14 \ IfT7i5 /4257:::Z 1/4:4 ' 4 ' L• • il fa 1 • • tt. (17, U Pst 11 tg ti S'L t 4& • 1 ti ,i,... .0.4 •n......,,..v-t ,,, 97)1,7 ., r *7 .-... I ... g„......... :.:77i IL , L.,',..5 ..e -t '.k,.,.? f --t., • ,t4 e - inr' e'7 -2-a AT ue ,-1...; „...,,... A r„:...• oul IL=4‘ -.R4'4'''''.''.. P. 11 11.--..! .4 ....•`--'11.'l .1.,..... , - ..,,x -ix ....m.cruv -...1. AL •1/4„,.... , p _ j t,,,zte ...:.,3 -a. .... ,..531,, V* r a Pperette heavy E'4,,%.%:'„.:4-745, Cr 6 '4-_.14,‘.:_:-."rFo.7., ...,..,...r.i...i'.....n -,_. --..... ...1:12 --'''.0 -arIca. -el 777 "i•':.:; e.ra:: .,, -A-A ,..c .A.:1,:i tIll YS'illtev (.(-;-:)l)riS, '',-ii1)Y: sol,(1 ai.:, '.r.v.) '...:f.4) .:',......T.'" ..k -3.ft DIC(Ytr:';re. 731:7:I.110.11,1*: • • • • p.m '7,..:27''1,7" '1\77z 'moo %we' retir+7,2.111 adow s4 ,......„,., r v.'T El OW <r., f1 d Sae PI' ..› .,„ 4.1. . ' 13,:ii.C.evdr‘„„..,77 ,..,.._„ ta;;'', . . .......-,, T „ 1: .,) 1 /-1 , , ,, . p.c.., '110 i n.ii Litil. .,-t'°_,' °,..a. .4.-61..k.,:j....•t all(1. 0.1c1 ii`,,i,.°111V3.1 S 1.11,'‘..all.„. A:A.. it: -D J.. ()11 Wi 1I COI,„..., ., ........,, ...0 . 4 • . , 047, ,-,-, lre,112 • triteAlztd 42.4yr Preartee J. rti'z \Y'v rIgc 511R R u" •,) d 5,C0 vrk. 4 10 tiOr 1-4:' Ct; tr• alaN, 114 Z1i'k'Ji ir e N ar.. TArsr rarni a a 'TM:0. *1 A (.4):, . I t selltrdP 1•.14, %X= ea.; bt„:7,a3 ,til w‘t ' tol&uto.• 4:1 C16:t. iOcat (q•Hgitatti, tIla fil.i.rwatl.:. :::,.eittr,; zu1c0-, nINITT4.113E0 We have a number oz•!: (*.VD:a 1? ol'or r ‘ •.:A1.) and also s(nrie property in -List) Vill )2.',‘ (5! F‘. ietra::: Good Agetzt Wanted in evy erTowtt and '... life nee., 1-- .. in the County, to take risk iiw tho otilEUEORIA LIFE