HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-01-29, Page 5The Zurich Herald. HORSES FOR SALE! I have several 2 and 3 year olds and also a number of aged horses, which I am offering at reasonable prices: 1 can also supply any kind you want at short notice. WILLIAM FEE. Lot 27, Con. 10, Hay. Zurich, P. O. 17-tf Mr. Geo. Trott, of 7-Iensall, is per. momently located in his gallery again for the winter and will bo open for business every day Tuesdays excepted. GEa. TROTT, 13-tf Photographer. , Notice. �HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM- .3- OM - posed of about 20, pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CHAS. LINDER, leader, or Mr. A. McKAY, Secy., Hensall, Ont. 'jEDAR POSTS FOR SALE:—Wo have a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph' which will be sold at reasonable prices. 1 or particu- lars apply to 48-tf MAGEL & BENDER, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE— The undersigned offers his choice 100 - acre farm for sale; being Lot 20, North Boundary, Hay Township, 2:1 miles North of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. • For further particulars apply to 6-3mp JAcoll 1 EVER, 'Zurich P. 0. Farm for Sale. Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres good hardwood bush, frame house, bank barn and other outbuildings. Good water. Price $4000.00. Apply at once to E. ZELLER, Zurich. Clubbing rates. Oir"We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with TEE HERALD : Daily Globe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe 1.60 ,, Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3,25 • Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1,50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 IED In order to boom our al- read.y large list of subscrib- ers and to encourage those in arrears to pay up, we will to the end of the month only, to all who pay up and a year in advance give them the choice of two papers free for one year; either the Weekly Montreal Herald or the American. Farmer; for $1.35 we will club the three—THE HERALD your home paper and the two above mentioned. Remem- ber the above offers are for this month only. Samples of papers may be seen at our office. /7 D��Vd i1VVV4 ti1JIi 60I'J ►i'UoGr 'Jl611 � D• 11' b b6 i I+ 537+.r d T AL —F �- a1X ET E Rye and Buckwheat Flour. Breakihst Fi ods, (fie. J'o`A�t*v. � INfiti international Stock < Poultry s nperial Stock Food. Oil cake eLinseed meal Oyster Shell and Poultry Bone ALWAYS * ON * HANP. * C. SCM RAG, Zurich. mQmomfi Q1i'mSHNE '(9i.ENYC. iE' .( 6.fl26 0 • Beautiful Eyes. A happy enthusiast thus discours- es in the Chicago Journal, on the beauty of the Irish eyes :— The eye is what the soul makes it, and, like a true indicator, it re- cords the character 'of its possessor, The Irish eye most eloquently be- speaks the • character of Ireland's people. Deep and blue as the great waves of the ocean, tender and .sparkling as the love -light of the star:;, brave and fearless as the heart of steel - clad warrior—peerless eyes of blue. .Phe underlying patriotism of gener ations, the faith in their holy relig- ion, and their matchless wit and humor, the bright optimism which, however dark the clouds may be, can always see the silver lining—all these are beautifully blended in the azure orbs of Erin's children—ideal eyes of blue. The laughing eyes of France's daughters are charming, indeed.— Luminous are the midnight orbs of the saucy Italian maiden, mild and blue are those of the light•br.wed children of the Rhine, soft and sweet the eye of the golden -haired English lassie ; but for beanty and MIR Is buying all U either d1t ressed or '>LJ n d Il essec" . 't fail to call and get ME . NE'S prices. .1i.'1l (u�ilS • lE4TZETEiSiELEI depth of meaning there is none like 'the true, honest blue of the sham- rock land, "sweet oyes of heaven's own blue." WANTED. AGOOD COOK, no washing, twelve dollars a month. Apply Mrs. C. B. Hum:, Wortley Road, London, Ont. Snbscribo. for TEE HERALD. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MArutS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sondlo g a sketch and description may ri,,I)ly ascertain our opinion free whether an invent.lon 1a probably patentable. Contmunion- tions sr rictly confidential. handbook on. Patents sent free. 'Oldest 'looney for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn k Co. receive special7tntice, without charge, in the Scienli is Ra1'trican0 A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.nreest cir- culation of any scientific ?cumuli. Terrns. $3 a Year ; four months, $1. Sold byall newsdeew iuleran. g� rirtmch Otnce. h'-. ' a+:.- lyrishiauton. L. C. E GRE *x:T CHARITY. THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK. CHILDREN, TORONTO. ".1 Takes Care of Every Sick Child in Ontario Who CaiZoot Afford to Pay For Treatment. 'rho Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, is dot a local institution—it is Provincial. The sick child from any part of Ontario whose par- ents cannot afford to pay for treatment has the MASSAGE IrOR. R•IIEUDIATTSAI. saute claim and the same privileges as the Toronto chilcl born within sight of its walls. This is the reason that the Trustees ap- peal to the fathers and mothers of On- tario—for as their money goes out to help the Hospital so the Hospital's mercy can go out to help the children. This is the 28th year of the Hospital's life. The story of the years is a wonder- ful ono—for in that period 10,000 children have been treated, and over. 5,000 cured and 3,000 improved. Last year there were 868 boys and girls to its beds and cots, and of these 493 were cured and 247 improved. Look at these pictures of club feet—be- ; fore and after. BEFORE AMER Of the 868 patients 203 came from 210 places outside of Toronto. In three years the patients from different Darts of Ontario, not Toronto, average 250 '—nearly a third of the entire number. In six years 1,400 outside patients havo been treated—and for 20 years past they h'iil average 100 a year. The average stay of every patient was 14 days, the cost per patient per day 94e. :',, dollar or two means a small lob of piney out of your pocket, but it takes a piney load of misery out of some little life. The X ltay department gives wonderful results. A girl came in with a double thumb on one hand. She left with one thumb—a perfect hand. Sao wh;yt the hand of the Surgeon dons for the crippled children of Ontario. 1 Your money means mercy to somebody's child. Your money can cheer some mother's heart by saving some mother's ehild. Health and wealth. You give wealth to the Hospital, and the Hospital gives health to the children. Tho Corporation of ronto gives $7,500 a year to the Hospi- tal for the main- tenance of every child, whether from city or country. The citizens' of Toronto contribute about 37,000 a year towards the maintenance of the City of To - Don't try cheap cough medi- cines. Get the best Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 'What a record it has, sixty years of �•r; qY coral Mures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. "flume found that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best meriicine T can proscribe for bron- chitis, lnanenen, coughs, and hard colas." M. LOL,ENAN, bLI)., Ithaca. N. Y. 1 2bo., Gac., };<1.0(I. J. 0. AYr1R 00., All drtiauists.Lowell, Mass. amat aroamata tau for MICAP33a.4.•rz,a n k.0 Bronchitis Correct any tendency to constipa- tion with small doses of Ayer's Pills. tIMIERSEBRiAldI321M1MieliTatilEZI‘ Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry e . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee oar Work. T.AILORiNG IN CONNECTION N. WOMAN ew; ,,r"r„�'ia. T EZISM'liftWE "ily" every patient iu the "GHJ' Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir - Hospital, whether ciliated and Only National A ricul-. fromcity or country ITE ENJOYS TatADINO. ' Toronto does its share in the good work, I.liral and Home Paper its Canada and the Trustees ask you to do yours. The Newspaper Proprietors of Ontario have kindly helped the Hospital by insert- ing our appeals. There are two newspaper cots, and boys and girls from the country are placed in the cots founded by the newspaper then. Look at the pictures of "before and after." They tell their own story—surely you will help es in this good work. If your dollar could straighten the feet of a little boy or girl with club -feet you would gladly give it, and your, dollar will help to do that. uoL l3EFOltE AFTER Affier January 1st, :9041, 52 +-t+ llt�ri�✓ ,.r,y�;r iwt)t::13ers New-ulr-eritna: !.et 1'1;ano•• of this crux free, ine'1'r+1in tn;c ,f;,,,r.r (;,..1kri,tinas until lunar. tie111 iii y.:•tlI• r:1,' i+•t Ot. onre. 1oti t 111"..' a siogl+• i- c•.•, \ , rit•s want, d I overywli •re ; liI't int t(1 lu Iv,. n. Sum1.10 ; cpy free. Take off the handicap of deformity— t The'',. m. VC e1 (.1 Care e in/ d give all children a fair start in the race of ,' i, E1» 0.n, life. 1•it- life. Twenty-three children who came in with n 1 1t', .h ars* `; ecr°i+ club -feet were sent home perfect cures last i °1''I , t•,% c..: . 1 :+.:.c"t� !' year. There aro as many more in the I iw Hospital to -day awaiting treatment. I . MOOREv MICR Money kept from tho Hospital is mercy kept from the children. If you know of a sick child—the club foot boy or girl—send his parent's name to the Hospital. Please send your contriTitions to J. Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas Davidson, Sec. -Treats. of the Hospital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. IPL-Poln&K I-Peunrry ‘,Ktnfz`Lave wo icn0 0f no offer wo could ,,lake that would more hhor- ant hlyith in our confidence without Dile cent of cash from you until Oct., 19041 and Earth batt. If the Chat - claimIncubator is not all we claim for it you aro not ont one bunt. Chatham Incubators aro made Plat tis good as money and skill can make them. We haven't Stinted in anything. Pito hidden parts areas strongly I ;,de and as well finished as the parts yell sac. They aro built to stand the hardest kind of wear a tel wive t ho very best of Service. They embody of ory real improvement known in the manufnctur. . of 1 neu- bttors. (.'ut•out. Cho coupon to the corner of this ad.,ornrite y'aurname and a:Llress on a ttmstal card and mail It to 115 for (1111 particulars of our cit'er. 1)o it to -day. Paperonkhis M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL 00., Limited Paper. DEP T. G10 OHATHAM, ONT, MIanufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders. 1i,trro,ana 21, ''"hrnsrs at mon.rwtr. (221,2.; ltrmd'm, Man.; Calgary, Alpo; ya•v, uv,2r,13.1'.1 1latiar1, v S. naiades at Chatham, Ont.. 21,11 Cmls F1l11atiem;11'0'11,116eCampbell Alga 111s. M.C�.asiw °icr.tich-s. t!yrr 7,141 !`1. ,t, 71 rIi Ceisyrii .: r,c i talar auti; . yr Sc half Vocal half 1t 22iecea for t%irtno--fr 1 Cents. i'earl: ?t.': r: Zi v I Will semi lis the Aurae c:r,l ,. - , rr b't' performers nn tlio l'i,eno of you n cop_' of th,=. Maul;:,,.in. Oren. J. 1V. P'cr^i•'l2, u@ti'•it :or, Elithth & Locust Stn.., P`'hifadetcttla, ,..figs.; There IA'.r profit in rai•i:r; p020111' IC s."t :Pt about. .t. in ri ;h 1 ay. L'ali- 1111;a0`;rt•ci 111 ti only ilali-i,r, tits. if ;-ott Would ;4+4 +%tr fuii l,rnlil. out; of this frith tut ,lei:aurin,,nt•of ,carr 1'r.a'rn you 1111 -1, irurIc1.1121.•1' the hest conditions: You en do t i(t,. ca1i' \•: huh yon use a Ciiatlr,tn lit •;:lt',lor and Brooder. wepositively tlitt,runteeit,tohe12,good hat:'11er and we hell it o1 the most liberal terms over chore(' by any manufacturer. We will ship you -freight prepaid by us—a Mfr' Chathaml ncuba or FRtirsit 4'.„1, A please send pita ,,,•.crip• int; Calai+l.�;l'1 of ih,' 1h ,n .irbat•,r.,,;ellt(F u,. t i' r. r. mat on alcutt your si,e'' 1 011',, vhoicbt' tto cash will he food mm. O. lob r, tyo-0. P'E M. CAMPBELL FANNING MILL CO. 4)J� l,ttntted CHATHAM, ONT. lDEP".e. 510 Nn,xc J`,O. i..41rut ;Ycr res/ h'alllu •1 ::;.rf i„i ,; . tl.t1.....-.,