HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-01-29, Page 27�14C�9oCatG'�nu�st<8C®R�$tQ, dG'�R'y WHY DONALD ,t ; 5 WAS SO SURE 5 The precentor, as "master 'of the song," as he is sometimes called in certain Scottish churches, is often an indifferent singer with• little or n!o knowledge of music. A) pair of good lungs and a. tendency to bawl are regarded as the chief essen•r titles, and in country places a man With these qualities is usually pre- (erred for the office. To those of the congregation who are musical the precentor's singing is a sore sub- jest, and an amusing anecdote il- lustrative of this was related to the writer the other day. A'n old lady Wvho contributed large- ly to the church Finances called at ' the manes and explained that she could not endure the precentor any longer. ]1DL. T--," she said, "I tell you what it is, either you must get a new' precentor or I must get a new church. On Sabbath he sang one psalm to no fewer than five different tunes !" The minister slid not wish to lose the lady and he was anxious to re- tain the services of his old pre- centor. Ilow,ever, he said he would interview him and see what could be clone, A few flays later he met the precentor. "Nlow, Donald," he Said, "I have had a serious complaint about your sing-, lag. Mrs. MacGregor says that last Sunday you had no fewer than five tunes In one psalm." "Then Mrs. Macgregor lees" (lies), exclaimed Donald, ernphatically. "Tuts tuts, Donald, you mustn't say that of the vady," returned the min - Le -ter. "Hut she is a leear," repeated Doni. add, "for I could not sing that psalm to five 'tunes, ells I only ken four." STATE OP OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, Ise. LUCAS COUNTY FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he 1s the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY .e Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforeso id, and that said firm will pay the cum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL's CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A.D.,1686. r iBID LA t A. W. GLEASON, Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts direct] y0nthebloodand mueoils surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggtss-75c. Take Mall's Family P.an for Constipation. Notary Public. Row Shall 1 Educate My Boy ? President Charles F. Timing, of i(Western Reserve University, writing in the current Harper's Weekly, of- fers some sensible and interesting ad- vice to parents concerning the educe- ' tion of boys. IIs would insist, first, ;on the advantage of the school as opposed to private tutoring. "I would educate my boy with boys, although 'not entirely by boys. Boys, do, how- ! • iever, educate boys; but aboy who ie trained alone is [sable to fail in adjusting himself to his membership ; in humanity." Neither does he be- lieve ir, education abroad—"I should ' -be glad to have him get all that is best from the private school in Lussane or Geneva, but not for one instant would I have his ideals form- ed by the French master, or his meth- ods by the German. A primary note in his character should be the American. * * Ile is, as a human boy, to 1 be trained up for service in this great, interesting, new life of our New (World." WESTBOUND IN A TOURIST SLEEPER. 'Any one contcmi:lating a trip to tatticago. any point in the West, tial-• iforuia or the Paeific Coast, are of- fered exceptional inducements and advantages by tale Grand Trunk Railway System. Through Pullman tourist sleeking ears leave Bos- ton, Mondays and Wo'lnesdays, at 11 a. m., running through to Chicago without change. arriving there at 8 55 p, m. the following evening. Low-, est rates, with nominal charge for ;sleeping car. Illustrated descriptive matter and full iuforruation on ap- plication to Tho;;. Wynne. Traveling Passenger Agent, 860 Washington- street, ashingtonstreet, Boston. Maud Muller 'dap -to -date. Maud Muller on a winter's day Went out to cleat' the Know away !! (She worked till near the noon -time hour And then began to lose her power, Tor hunger came and in she went To give her npilettte content ! She'd cleared the path us) the door, The sidewalk and all else for shore ! Maud Muller after dinner thought She'd view the work that :she had wrought, Sho stood amazed, "with lips apart, Like monument of Grecian art ! " The drifting snow had filled again The pathe she had made so plain ! A Popular Tree Worth $1,500. The great value of timber, says the New York Sun, is shown In the ease o!f a tree recently cut near Waynes- Mlle, N. %'. This giant of the Alle- gheny l\fou.ntalns was a curly poplar, so large that twelve horses were re- quired to haul away the butt cut, which was twelve feet long. The lowest limb tvn.e 8.) feet from the Hound. This single tree contained 25,000 feet of first-elass lumber, most of it useful as veneering, and ,its value w,as $l,500, the single tree was worth more than the entire mountain farm upon which It stood. We Convince Sceptics. Colds. Catarrh and Catarrhal Headache Relieved In 10 Minutes and Cured by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Here's one of a thousand such testi- monies. Rev. A. D. Buckley, of Buffalo, says: "I wish all to know what a bless- ing Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is in a ease of Catarrh. I was troubled with this disease for years, but the first time I used this remedy it gave me most de- lightful relief. I now regard myself entirely cured." Dr. Agnew's Pills are delightful, 4o doses to cents. 22 He Got the Neese for Isis Wit. Stray Stories. "Will you carve, Mr. Cleaver ?" ask- ed the landlady, as she set the tur- key on the boarding-house table. "No, thank you," replied the face- -haus boarder; "let Mr. Racket, He's a stone -cutter." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Bard to Satisfy. i.y; ;,, Titbits • First Farmer—Blessed if I think the agricultural department is any good at all. ' Second Farmer—What's the trou- ble? First Farmer—Well, I wrote to 'em to find out how, high wheat was going up to, and I couldn't get no satisfaction at all. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. How to Avoid Having Chilblains. "Nearly all the women who come to me every winter to be treated for chilblains," said a ehirpodist, "attribute the trouble to misfit boots. As a matter of fact boots have little to do with chilblains. It all depends on the condition ei the blood and the sudden change that women make from hot to cold rooms or from indoors to the street with their thin kid shoes. A woman who has five or ten minute to stay in a room will stand over the heater or get nearer the fire. Her first thought is to keep her feet warm. When she goes out she may walk directly into snow and ice. "1t she would step in the vestibule a minute or two to put on her gloves or to chat with some ac- quaintance, as most men do, she probably, would not have chilblains. It takes only a minute or so to prepare the feet in this way for the change in temperature without plunging directly from one extreme to the other. Mem in business tell women this, but they don't listen to us."- t A Preference. Buffalo Commercial. Mrs. Upplsch—Ab! ! Mrs. Subbubs, I— er—believe my social duties of late —have prevented me from calling u[:on you p,s I should. However, I will surely return your visit some day -- Mrs. Subbubs—Teat doesn't matter much, but I do wish you would return the groceries you borrowed from t! me. 'to -time. I The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets., 11 nau re TTonhe icLung is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 3o2 25c. 50c. $1 LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. What They Missed. 3beIleville Intelligeneer. The Deering Harvester Company, in its Canadian branch, which is situated at L-iamilton, is paying out '$3,000 a month in wages. We always told the Chairman of Industries that lie should have put on his Tam, 0' Shanter and hustled to get that con- cern is Belleville. A company with a monthly pay roll of $80,000 is' just' what we need in our b`usinss. The Old Reliable Remedy for Spavins, Ringbones, Splints, ! Curbs and all forms of Lameness. The use of a single bottle may double the selling price of your horse. GOOD FOR EVERYTHING. DR. n, 3, KENDALL CO.. Dear Sirs ;— Caws., N.M., June re, r9o,. have been using your Kendali's Spavin Cure for some time. I use tram twelve to fifteen bottles a week and find 0 an excellent remedy for spavins, Sweeney, Gulls and all Cute and, Swellings, 1 have two hundred fi I enlosersa astamp for your "Treatise on the Horst end his Diseases," Yours very truly, II. W. LAIRD, Thousands of Adan report equally good or au- porlor results from its use. Price 41; six for Ss. .its a liniment for family use 1t has no equal. Ask your drugglab for ltendan's a nein Cure, also ' A Treatise on the Rorse," the book fret, or address DR. D. J. KENDALL CO,, ENOSBUR1 FALLS, VT. BABES .(ILLED BY IGNORANCE French Women Being Instructed in Matters of Matern i ty. The French, and the Parisians in pa[lticula,r, are becoming alive to the urgent necessity of arresting the de- struction of infant life. A hundred and fifty thousand of the infants of the age of twelve months or under (Ile every yea,r In I+rance—a high, propor- tion In a population of about 88,000,- 000. The Statisticians, including the chiefs of the medical profession, hold that the lives of at least 100,000 of these infa,uts c,an be saved. Myriads of babies die because their mothers —belonging principally to the work- ing Classes --do not know, how to take ease of them, or because poverty pre- vents them from, taking sufficient rest before and alter birth. As a remedy for this last evil the Senate has just given its a:pprovai to a pro- posal prohibiting the employment of laboring women during the two weeks preceding and the four weeks following the birth. The prefect of the Seine his just inaugurated in every one of the 20 arrondissements of Paris a permanent system of con- ferences in maternity for the instruc- tion of women of the working classes, or of any others in need of enlightenment, These conferences are to be held at the headquarters of every municipal division of the cap- ita1. They will be presided over by the enti localfic 1fayore and by the leading sci- men of Paris. lsfinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Row Cupid Figures Time. Life. He—Good heavens, dear! The clock just struck 1, and I promised your mother I'd go at 12. She (comfortably)—Good! We've got 11 hours yet. Messrs C. C. Richards & Co., ' Gents, --I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family and also in inly ,stables for years and consider it tae best nretiicine obtainable. Yours truly, ALFRED TOCHIAV, Proprietor Roston Pond dlbtel and Livery Stables, Roxton Fond, J'uly 4, 1901, t.1-; ! „Jack Frost More Appropriate. Toronto Telegram. It be hard for Canadians to keep waren these days if they could not let their blood boil with Indig- nation at the injustice of Kipling's reference to their beloved country as "Our Lady of the Snows," Where Doctors Do Agree !—Physi- cians no longer consider it catering to "quackery" in recommending in practice so meritorious a remedy for indigestion, Dys. pepsia and Nervousness ad South American Nervine. They realize the. it is a step in ad- vance in medical selencc end r1 sure and per- manent cure for diseases of the stomach. It will cure you. -60. Latest Itusso-Jap hew. •War (peace) is inevitable. The Russians (Japanese) will surely be ,Successful. China can bo defended upon to be neutral (take part). TiIie rowers will (not) intervene. Japan (pu.•sia) has the larger fleet. 'lassie, (Japan) has the larger a.rm!y. The Mikado (Czar) has backed down. The Czar is (not) completely In the hands of the war party. The Jape (Russians) are sibout to occupy Corea. The yellow (Slav) neral m!enaoes the peace of the world. Take your choice, dear reader. John Slnitli always aims to please. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. SOME SMART MAXIMS. A' brunetts may wear a brilliant black with a ,satin sh.een, but It must be garnished and trimmed for the very Mean. An intermixture oo white with dark vio•lict, crimson, lilac or blue adds additional charms to a bllo'nde and a ruddy 'hue. Blue, pale yellow;, azure, Iilao and black trim- med with pink are all colors from w,h1clr the blonde need not ,shrink. Gray, drab, fawn or stone -colors She must combine with pink, blue or orb -aeon, if she would refine her com- plexion. The color in headdreits and drapery should harmonize. We must study our complexion, and also our }size. Maxims contained in the clever paper were; "The pale must wear reds a.nd pinks, while the other wears blue." "alar years we shuddered at combining blue and green, yet in na- ture it was very often seen. The blue of a flower and the green leaves tont perfectly together. So now you often see a ;green hat with blue flo'wiems or feathers." "The ocld markings and charming colors on the wings of the butterfly have taught dressmakers the combinations of colors on which to rely." Tile form in which this essay was delivered did not prevent it from a discriminating hearing and a mer- ciless discussion. For an hour or more the air seemed to be full of ribbons, flounces and flowers. No roto was taken, but when the smoke of battle wa,G over Mrs. Colby's posi- tion seemed In the main to be sus- tained. "'Made always novas lite," re- marked Mr., ettaylate. "Then, do let me play*• for you," exclaimed >L2ieB Pent ;, for It av(n,s nearly midnight. $5,000 Retool EX )' ENIE will be paid by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, to any person who can prove that this soap contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, or contains any injurious chemicals. Aart r'nr Ith" netn"oea 30111'. 21e What the Kaiser Can iDo. Ile Cam talk fluently in cis lan- guages. He has written a play and conducted its rehearsal. No man lives a 'buisier life than. lie, but on the discoery of the Roentgen Rays he telegraphed for Prof. Roentgen and talked with him for hours. He has written a public prayer and con- ducted a choir. He can cook his own dinner, can play chess, paint pic- tures, or draw caricatures. He has learned engineering, and studied electricity. Though he can only URO one arm he can shoot game for hours at the rate of two a minute. He has over a hundred titles, and is an admiral in three of the big- gest ,navies. In 25 years he has shot 23.000 head of game. He changes his dress a dozen times a day, has a dozen valents, and his wardrobe is Worth £100,000. 1 Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- fects and cleans at the same time, aressing the Bar. A correspondent of Notes and Quer- ies, says the singing of "Crossing the Bar" at Lord Tennyson's fun- eral set the fashion of singing the words at burials not confined to Westminster Abbey; and not long after the Laureate's death a wish that the "hymn" should be chant- ed at his own obsequies. The wish was carried out, and an account of the proceedings, with Tennyson's stanzas, duly appeared in the local paper; but the effect was marred by lowsthe: printing of the lines as foi- 1 hope to meet my Pilate face to fate, When I shall cross the bar. ; CLAP •ON A PLASTER and it will be all right is a common expression and a true one 1f it happens to be "the A & L." Menthol Plas- ter, for no other remedy 1s so sure and effec- tive againstmuscularpatns, rhetidnatiem, etc. A Very Busy Missourian. Osceola (Mo.) Democrat. We are liable to be very busy for the next few days, as we are pre- paring our second annual lecture, writing a book of essays, clearing thirty acres of bottom land and breaking a spars of three-year-old mules, besides doing our chores. Therefore, we trust our kind readers will not expect very muck from us till the rush is over. ISSUE NO. 5 1904. ars. Winelow'e boothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething. 1q • soothes toss child, softens thegums, taros Win 3 i roue and is the boat remedy for Diarrhoea. -RUT LANDS In lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale in the ' heart of the Niagara Fruit Belt, near Grimsby, Steam (tuff electric roads pass, this property. All conveniences of the day. Terms very reasonable. Apply P. 0. Box ds, Winona, Ont- i J. CARPENTER MODERATE CAPITAL can be greatly Increased by Judicious in-; vostment in " Specialty Stocks." You can learn of something which means money for you by corresponding with • A. SEAMAN, 23 Colborne St. Toronto, Ont. �{��p (S�" We will A Money»Maker-_teacheither sea a legit!-, mate and profitable business an exceptionally good] all -the -year -around money-maker, that brings in the dollars. Plan and roil par -1 'deniers for 10 cents in stamps. Don't forgot the stamps. and address Standard Supply CO., Hamilton, Ont. PERSONAL Cox. JOHN THOMAS, OF ST. MARX'S Clyst, Exeter, who sailed from Ply- mouth with father and brother July 15th 1871, Brother Frank Inquires. Write 34. Codrington street. Exeter, England. Reggie's Conclusion. Smart Set. "Olt, mamma," shunted little Reg- gie, as he ran to' his mother in great glee, "what do you think ? I was just over there where they're put- ting up the circus, and they're Wi- ling the ring all full of breakfast food," Like Tearing the Heart Strings— " It is not within the conception of man to measure my great sufferings from heart disease. For years I endured almost con- stant cutting and tearing pains about my heart, and many a time would have wel- comed death. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has worked a veritable miracle."— Thos. Hicks, Perth, Ont, -59. Far From Dome, Chicago Tribune. "Yes, I'I! give you a meal of victuals if 'you'll shovel off these sidewalks." "Would you not prefer, madam, 'to have me shovel off the snow ?" "Poor fellow! Have you tramped all the way from Boston ?" In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets read via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley route of the "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian. pointe. By this route baggage is now checked in bond and from Canadian pointe. The Lehigh Valley has three a tat( ons in New York, up to wn near all first-class hotels and down town near all European steamship docks, saving passen• - gers for Europe a long and expensive trans- fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, Tho world's gold would form a pile forty-five feet high and twenty-five feet square. Your money bechh. if Gin Pills do not cure. ,".'Llinni i+: i' Each Pill Contains all the medicinal qualities of one and one-half ounces of the best Holland Gin. As a positive cure for all kinds of Kidney trouble. ILL stand unrivalled. It is not necessary to wait for days for beneficial results, you know at once that Gin Pills are helping you. Sold by all Druggists at so cts. per box, 6 boxes for $a.so or direct from THE )SOLE DRUG CO.. - WINNIPEG, Man. tr .ilr ,, ,"'l 4 i._ i.;it: A " ,1,131, John's Opinion. John Dickenson, M, P. P., South Wentwoirth : "There is no doubt about it that the best place to see the openin , ofthe Legitiature is from aloft. The members do not get half as good a view as the newspaper men," ' What tie Wanted. "A tall bride is the best looking, don't you think ?'' ( "Well,' replied the titled English - I ma,n, who. had caught on to a lit- tlel American slang, "so far as I am personally concerned I certainly am not looking for one who is 'short: " ittiousalzeisaliatiatIMMENESIENISMESSIGSMSOS Can be had in TUBS, PAILS, WASi-i BASINS, f1ILK PANS, STABLE PAILS, ETC. Prom any first-class dealer. .Advice Worth Heaving. Detroit Free Press. She—What makes you thing his ad- vice IS good? ; • ' He—Because he never gives It unless it's asked for. Little Doing. Puck. Employer—I shall expect you to earn your salary, remember. Newt Office Boy—Oh, if dat's all you expect me to earn de job'lll be a cinch. , c A tlg'. FIVE IEits OF C EARS' P Members. Year. 18,283....».. 1899 ,,.. 20,917 1900 22,417,€ 1901 28,829 ,1902 213.000 .«.. 1908 ,»., 400,000.00 Special Inducements to JOIN NON. Apply to the Recorder in your own town or W. F. Montague, Grand Decorate, U.nl Aton, Ont. or lei. F. Campbell, ()road Organiser, Hafmidittoa„ Oat, OWE FM C If E I8 Surplus. $204,025.00 208,620.00 288,880.00 869,,019.10 1