HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-01-22, Page 8The Zurich Horan, j. H. WI M R. Horse Shoer and GENERAL BLACK -SMITH, Verity Plow Rapairs al- ways on .hand. 0000101.0010010010001.001 All work promptly attended to. Shop closes every Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings of each week, at six o'clock sharp. Zurich Carriage A Few First -Class * Ct T„J tan IS * Finished and ready for the road, for SALE Cheap, Also several good Second-hand Out - Cuts at a remarkably LoW PRIf;E Call and See them. F. HESS & SDH Zuriclr, Qntaric Kai r' fleisch's MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A full stook of B. C. Bed Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Locals oontinued'front page L prices. They are the best we have ever been able to secure and are in some instances so low that the price barely covbrs the postage which all publishers are required to ptiy at time of dna ling. For instance we send the Ztiiiiou HER, ALD and .the Montreal Weekly Herald, giving you both the local news and the news of the outside world, as well as many stories of merit and other interesting matter for the sum of $1.15 and for which the publishers' price is $2..00. The Montreal Herald is gotten up in periodical forin, easy to handle, the latest news obtainabie,00vering all subjects, and would he good value any time at the publisher's price of one dollar but when it costs you only fifteen Dents it is to say the least, cheap. Then look at our offer'of five papers for the sump of $2.90 while one of thein is a daily and sells in the city of publi-. cation for $3.00 per annum. These are only samples of the offers made. We make nothing on these publica- tions and the loss is really yours if you do not take advantage , of the low prices while offered.. It is true that we very often get new sub- scribers to THE HERALD by being' able to give those papers with it at the great reductions named, but aside from this there is nothing in them for us and ;you could not get them from the office of publication at any such prices as we quote you. Look them over carefully and see which one, or more,you desire with your honie paper, which you can- not afford to be without if you would keep in touch with events transpiring round your home. Field. Gates, Water - Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills I4th Con., Lot 25. • J. C. alb eisch Zurich P. I have much pleas sure in wishing you a Happy & Prosper- ous 1904. F. W. HESS, THEJEIMELER. ZURICH IN 1863. A post village in the Township of Hay, situated on the tenth. and eleventh concessions, twentieth and twenty-first lots, distant twenty- four miles from Goderich, nineteen miles from Seaforth, and four miles from the lake shore.—It was first laid out in 1854,by Frederick Knell, Esq., who still resides at this place. It is surrounded by a rich agricul- tural country, the farms being well improved. It contains two stores, one book store, two hotels, one steam saw and grist mill, one glue factory, two blacksmith shops, two wagon and carriage factories, two shoe shops, one tailor shop, one saddlery, one tin shop, three car- penters and cabinet makers, one church (Reformed Lutheran Ger- man), erected in 1859,and cost $800, one common school, with an aver- age attendance of ninety pupils, and a Town Hall. Population, 3C0 The following persons are named as being in business here in.1S63, at the tixne of issuing the Directory from which we take the above data :—Ad, Frederick, blacksmith shop ; Bauer. Charles, wagon mak- er ; Becker, Louis Victor, painter ; Brown, Robert, general merchant ; Challett, August, bar tender ; Orel - mann, Charles; tin shop; Deichert, Peter, blacksmith shop ; Foster, Samuel, teacher ; Goetz, John, ,cab- inet maker ; Greb, Henry, carpen- ter ; Hill,Caspar,shoe shop ; Hofele, Barnard, general merchant and proprietor Zurich hotel ; Knell, mill proprietor ; Hohler, Henry, saddler ; Landreth, James, miller ; Mclntyro,John B. sawyer ; Messer, Jacob, sawyer; Munziger, Rev. G, N., German lutheran minister ; Poller, Charles, M. D.. physician and surgeon ; Schmidt, Andrew, bookseller ; Soldan, Henry, shoo shop ; Vauthier, Louis, proprietor Victoria Hotel, Corn. In Q. 13., J. P. and gine manufacturer ; Wagner, Conrad F., wagon maker ; Wohl. nick, Henry, carpenter ; 's Zimmer- man, Henry, tailor. Those marked with a star are the only business -mien still on deck, after a lapse of 41 years. Meeting of the Council of the County of Huron. rpHE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Goderi.oh, on Tuesday, the 26th. day of January, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. W. LANE, Dated at Clodorich, Clerk, January 12th; 1994. MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat.,.... . 75 to 76 Oats .... 27 28 Barley ..... 40 45 Peas 60 62 Flour ....... .1 75 1 85 Butter ...... ... 14 15 Eggs..... ..... 19 20 Chickens ib . 4 5 Ducks,,..,„ .. 6 6 Geese..... 5 5 Potatoes .... 30 30 HENSALL MARR'rT$. Wheat ........ Oats.......... Barley .. Peas. ... Flour;..., .,. 'bogs (live) per 74 to 75 30 82 40 40 65 75 .,2 00 2 10 cwt., 3.75 to4,25 work in this neighborhood ' and. niaae many friends who are all delighted to hear that he) is doing well in the west, where he intends to return next week, He also visit- ed at Me. Louis Rader's. ""Mr.. George ''Broderick is this week delivering the season's wood 1lt Slabtown school. The roads on this line have been badly blocked with snow for .the past week, On Monday Mr. 'and Mrs. J ohn lacy also Mr. and Mrs.. Neeb helped some friends at the 14th to butohor, They spent the imost of the forenoon on the road. Mr. and Mrs; John. Deoher spent Tuesday helping Mr. Ernest . Rader to butcher, Mr. John Battler . and Mr. .john Hey, school trustees, visited No, 6 on Tuesday, they intend to purl chase some new maps and other- wise improve the working appara- tus of the school. BAYFIELD. Special to TRE HERALD. . The Anual Ball, held. by the I. O. F., on the evening of January 8th, was a 'decided success, 'about one hundred and fifteen couples were in, attendance. Music was furnished by the Excelsior Orchastr:i, of Zur- ich, and every one enjoyed •a pleas ant evening. Mr. Will. Ferguson arrived home last week from Cleveland, where he spent the summer sailing. Mr. George Peck, of Dakota, af- ter an absence of eight years, re- turned home last week, for a short visit. The annual meeting of " the Hay- field CelneteryNCompany was ;.field in' the Town Hall, on Monday; Jan. 18th. The following Directors were elected, viz :--Jas. Thompson, Pres - dent; T. J. ]]larks, Vice -Pres. ; A. E. Erwin, Sec.-Treas. ; John Middle- ton, Thomas Brownet, John Mc- Naughton, Jas. Campbell, Gabriel Elliott, John Green. Richard El- liott, Sexton. PHILADELPHIA. The Methodist Church people are holding a Social, at the residence of Mr. Jas Ivt Gaee, on Wednesday eve. of this week. Mr. Jas. Johnston, of Cleveland, was the guest of Mr. Will. Fergu- son, in town, on Tuesday evening. Mr., George Reid, of the Varna Road, has taken a position as Clerk at F. A. Edward's Store. Special to THE HERALD. Mrs. J. W. Elliott is visiting in Parkhill. Mr. E. Smith disposed of a colt to Mr. Beard, of Hensall, the price re- ceived being $145. Mr. Fred. Kalbfieisch has purch- ased a valuable horse' from Mr. Seddy, of the Sauble Line. Mr. Bissoneau is doing a rushing trade in the wine business. Mr. J. W. Elliott, foreman of the flax -mill, has a full gang on at pres- ent, and is rushing things, with the expectation of finishing up .about the first of April. Sale Register. At Dashwood, on Thursday, Jan. 28th, at one o'clock p. m.. household furniture. Mas. C. 13mtvisn, proprietress; E. BOSSES - BERRY, auctioneer. SLABTOWN Special to THE HERALD. ivtr. Joel. Baechler has purchased the nine acres of land 1oining his own formerly o' ned by Mrs. Kidd. The price paid was two hundred and seventy-five dollars. Mr. Baechler now owns sixteen acres of land. He has also purchased an- other horse. Mr. Edward Sanders of New On- tario, formerly of Exeter, visited Mr. John Dechor and family on Moday and Tuesday. A few years ago Mr. Saunders did considerable WANTE A 000D COOK, no washing, twelve 1�. dollars a month. Apply Mrs. C. B. Hun, Wortley hood, Loudon, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Wm. Ruin,late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased.. Go to C. Greb • • • For your Hardware, Tinware, Granite, Silver and 'Glass Ware „,,, .Sherwin=Williarns and Hollywood. Oils, Portland Cement and all kinds of Building Materials Notice i Hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. cap 120 that all creditors and others having. claims against the Estate of the said William Kain, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of February, 1903, are requested on or before the 29th day of February, 1904, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned at Hillsgreen P. O.. the Executors of the Will of the said William fair, deceased, their Chris- tian names and ' Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice, that after such last mentioned date, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there - lo, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said 'assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim, notice at tho time shall not have been received. by them of such distribution. Dated the 8th day of January,A.D.,1904. JANET 1ZAIN Executors. ANUBEw Kmzsr PAINTS The Famous LAMB FENCE Most durable Fence on the market Don't be deceive d with a Fence Machine—You will not be if you buy a LONDON' ALL KINDS OP FENCE WIRE ON HAND CHAS. GRE ZVR!CH, 100 ONTARIO, We are going to Sell Out All WINTER GOODS at Cost RU INCLUDING Eg BERS AND SOCKS -- Of all Kinds, and FELT SLIPPERS OF ALL K LANDS. Come in Time to Get Bargains P. BENDER, & Go. Zurich. Eggs taken in exchange for Goods. tut:and Join a Club That 1/17t111 and Save aloney rr You, Everybody should join tho 1 utual Literary Ain. s10 club of America. There is nothing else like It anywhere. It costs almostnotbin to join and the benefits it gives are wonderful. I> enables Sou to purehatobooks and periodicalsMusic andmusie,al instruments at special cut prices. It secures re- duced rates at many hotels. It answers questions free of charge. It offers scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes t0 members. It maintains club rooms In many cities for itelnembers. In addition, every member receives the official magazine enti- tled " tv,ry Montle, a ublieationin aclass by itself, including 6 pieces of high.class vocal and in- strumental music (full site) each month without extra chargge• 72 pieces in one year in all. YOU CAN O8T ALL 08 THESE BENNNITS FOR air ¥OST NOTHING. Tho full yearly membership fee is One)ollarforj Which yeti get all above, and you "nay -with. draw any time within three months If you want to do so and got' your dollar back. If you lion'teare to spend $1.00. send 25 cents for three months membership. Nobody can adord to pass, this oiler by. You tvi11 get your infamy backin value many ti*tes over. Full particulars will bo sent free of charge, but if you are wise you win send in your! request for membership 4vIth the proper fee at once. Tho 25 tits, three months intim• bershtp offer will soon change. Writo at once ad, droeeingyour letter and enclosing $1.00 for full year's membership Or twontrdve codt9 tor threo mina A;r. LI'1l`]dR.I 1Cir)IV410 CLUB No. 1SO Nasaan St.. N. I "La. Si t J1 9 =m' e, 'CT O i,1 't e }1F YOU WANT A COAL COOK THAT DOWNS THEM ALL. The it above Stove burns wood also, and takes in 23 inches. We can gil'e yon the names of about 40, sold the last 2 years. Consult these parties, and hear what they have to say for its good. qualities. Made only for those who require the best. PRICES RIGHT. Call and See it. BLANKETS, RES & FUR COATS AT A BIG REDUCTION FOR CASH. G. ARTLEIB, The Big HARDWARE & HARNESS Establishment, ZURICH. • WOOLLENS. WINTER IS NOT YET OVER. You still need something in these lines. Look over your Underwear, Blankets, Flannels, Shirtin gs, Stockings, Jtc., Etc. We still have some exceptionally Good Values in the above lines. Seo our double knitt MITTS at 25ets. They are great Value, D. TEINBACH, Zt R I .