HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-01-22, Page 5"The
I have several 2 and 3 year' olds
and also a number of aged horses,
which I am offering at reasonable
prices. I can also supply any kind
you want at short notice.
Lot 27, Con. 10, Hay. Zurich, P. O.
Mr. Geo. Trott, of Honsall, is per-
manently located in his gallery again for
the winter and will be open for business
every day Tuesdays excepted.
GEo. Tnm,
13-1.f Photographer.
posed of .about 20 pieces, are now
open for engagement. Applications for
this purpose should be addressed to •Mr.
'CHAS. LINDER, reader, or Mr. A. McKAY,
Secy., Hensall, Ont.
;' a large number of First Glass Posts
at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will
be sold at reasonable prices. For particu-
lars apply to
48-tf MAGEL & BENDER, Zurich.
The undersigned offers his choice 100,
acre farm for sale; being Lot 20, North
Boundary, Hay Township, 24 miles North
of Zurich. The farm is in good condition,
with good buildings and plenty of spring
water; well fenced and well drained.
Eor further particulars apply t0
6-3mp JACOB MEYER, Zurich P. 0.
Farm for Sale.
Containing 100 acres; about 20 acres
good hardwood bush, frame house, bank
barn and. other outbuildings. Good water.
,Price $4000.00. Apply at once to
E. ZELLER, Zurich.
Clubbing rates.
li(grWe have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tula Hn EALp
Daily Globe$ 4.25
Mail & Empire •" 4,25
Weekly Globe . . 1.60:
Mail & Empire 1.75
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Free Press 3.25
Weekly Free Press 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser ' 1.50
Weekly Sun • 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
In order to boom our al-
ready large list of subscrib-
ubscribers and to encourage those
in arrears to pay up, we will
to the enol of the month
only, to all who pay up and
a year in advance give them
the choice of two papers
free for one year; either
the Weekly Montreal Herald
or the American Farmer;
for $1.35 we will club the
three -THE HERALD your
home paper and the two
above mentioned. Remem-
ber the above offers are for
this month only. Samples
of papers may be seen at
our office.
67�r�'ro`✓ax;` 1, i°1.11
1t' 'd 'a ETER
Rye and Buckwheat Flour.
Breakfast Foods,
international Stock Sc. Po .try
Imperial Stock Food.
Tlti it cake G& Linseed meal
Oyster Shell and Poultry Bone
Z > rich.
1111 111,1 0111
Is buying all lkl .dE
It ' , 7:, a
Ili .F� ° 9 r�.. fry
e&,tiler dressed or
Don't fail to can
arid get M B N .E R95
WSW'S! ;sh1 l td- > 111fpltY !Ii �i�ft11"
London, jail, 17.--Particnlars are
published here of a. wonderful' new
motor invented by Peter Thornley;
a Burton -on -Trent engineer. The
invention is considered of such im-
portance that it mal yet result
in express and railway engines .;•tin-
ning twice thepresent speed. at only
half the cost, or of Atlantic liners
crossing from Lis'erpool to New
York in three, days.
A preliminary investigation has
shown that n4 less than 23 votes
were personated in one sub-
divis-ion, in the Tato municipal election
in Toronto. There is ground for
the belief that further investigation
will show at least an equal number
of fruadulent votes to have been
polled in some other sob -divisions
This thing did not begin this year
nor last year it has been going on
for many years, and 1lasbeen a fac-
tor in parliamentary as well asnann
icipal elections. The evil has
spread from Toronto to other parts
of the Province, and if not frowned
down by the honest electors, and,
the strong arm of the law, will like
ly .~~Increase from year to year, until
we shall not know whether results
are the will of the mafority of the
electorate, or otherwise,
When people have parleyed se
long as Russia and Japan have par-
leyed, they seldom fight. Besides,
the philanthropic and pacific lean-
ing of the Czar was certain ; and
'though, as a rule,he is in the hands
of his bureaucracy, at such a crisis
as this lie was sure to malt a his
influence felt. The internal distur-
bance of his empire, moreover, aro
certainly serious, though they may
have been exaggerated by the
Semitic press. The other powers
were evidently doing their best to
extinguish the flames, not knowing
how far, if they broke out, the con
fiagration might spread. England,
especially, had reason, from her
alliance with Japan, to fear fatal
entanglement, all the more since
there has been such an exposure of
her military weakness. The chief
danger was that of collision among
fiery spirits on the spot. Japan,
however, has shown her force and
her resolution. She seems disposed
to take China under her shield, and
the brigandage of great robber
powers in that quarter may be laid
under some restraint for the future.
Russia will be mortified by her
diplomatic rebuff, and it will not
be wonderful if she seeks to redeem
her prestige by forcing the passage
of the Dardanelles.
•otuoloJ, 'geoJgs eltalloO 'navail° jot
too; IvgcdsoH 0tlq ;o •svaay-'aaS 'uosplawa
ssi fno( of too 'uvtaalvgO 'uoslaagou sso•g
•I+ oq suo3anglxguoa Jnog puss .snot,/
lualdsog ala
og auleu s,quostd sit[ pries -p1.2 ao goq 1003
gnlo agl-pllgo 11019 n 30 atom. not 3I
cherry ) no. z1.
•uo1pllgo egg tuna; gdoal
Annul st pr (dsoH alp tuoa3 gdaal Aauoxl*
' Iilidv au.o. err
•gu9ulgloal 2atg3nan Svp-og I1IdsoH
egg u1. e.out Annul s13• .can stagy •ono
gsvl seen goa;aad ottani autos eaant goo;-gnlo
glum u3 ammo mint uaaputio aaaga•Sauaay
;0 905.1 egg at gangs a1133 n ngapill0 lei 04
-Aquutio;top ;o dvolpuvq:og1 33o minx,
e10 •gvga op og die
II!n' 1vllop anog pus tql °Al2 SIpop2 pinata
nog gaa3-gnlo . ggya. tat l .10 gag olgall n 30
goo; oqg uo3g2lvais pinoo gallop .1nog 31
-vont poo slgg al se.diaq pins. nog
Algins-S1ogs unto alagg nag Sags, ' „..tag3v
pus oao3oq„ jo seangatd egg To aloor1
meat aedvdsmeu egg At irapnno3 moo oqg
ui peotgd 9.1v S.1qunoo otlg-oto.1; stai2 pus
sgoq pus 'sgoo aadudsmou mag Giro eaatj-E
slnadda Jno:du1
-q.1asn3 Sq rsgldson ova padloq Sump' anvq
olavgu0 30 s.1ogaladoatl aodacIsn19N 0ls
's.no1 op oq nog lion s0agsn.1,•1; all pus
'al.1on& pool can u1. Gangs sal coop oluo.mx,
•WNIO:VII}I cion is au gagman° .l0 41°1110.13
.1Gtll9g4& 'itraldsoH
eqg u1. gu9ll.d S.1o.to
30 a0UnU9gUtUUt
eqs spanntot a10g
13 000'L£ 4nogv
ogngt1an00 oltioaoy
30 auazlllo eta
•S4tutoo too tlto
ulna;'aog;opt Tipp
Lane 30 aousuo.
-urntn Gla .103 It)a
-tdsoll 04101.1uagn
00�'Ls so.t12 owoa
-0J, ;o SglO Glp 30 nola1lodto0 alit'
•ua.1pl1go atl1 og 411i09q
san0 tnguds°ll my pus `l11atdsog.0111
011 glplant oa,12 no3 •gap)ant pun tpinaH
pilla s,.10tlaotu oasis 2111.108 ,iq l.1na4
s,.10l11om atuos aaag0 Ivo SOnotu .1no,;
s,gpogotuos oq go.tatu suvoul SGuotu.1no j
•olanau0 30 uoapllgo polddtao oqg ao3
scop uoo2ans egg ;o punt' atm gngm 095
'puvq looped a -grunge
Guo grin& not cgs •puvq euo uo qutngl
eignop u tlgpa ul otuno pili v •sllns0.1
In;.1opuont se, Z quatuq.1ndap gnu x alii
•9311 ellg119u109 30 gno Slasltn 30 pv01.21r,
5 sallvq qi lnq 'ge pod an0. 30 gno geuoui
30 1101 Uvula n suvaur 0.14 too asfop 'd
•0p6 ,Sop sad quolgsd Jed qsoo egg 'sgnp yg
snm qualgvd Saone 30 Svgs avaanr, eqy
•ova. v 001 anions 111.0
Seth gond saves 0z so; pun-palm.1q uaaq
9Avq squalgvd oplsgno 00y'I save.S xis uI
•aagtanu aalque egg ;o Paull n guano
ogti 920.10A11 'o3uo.1oy lou 'olnvanO 30 slava
qua10J33p octal; sanellnd aria savag aaag11 01
'010.0103; 30 oplsgno 500140
018 uto13 001130 £0t' sgualgvd 808 egg 3O
•sal;v pun 0103
-94-11003 gnl0 3o sean10id asotla 135 alms l
•ponoadun al; pU13 pa1n9
slam £O1.
asoqg 3o pull 'e;go0 pun spoq 81! nl
8110 pun sgoq 595 0.aA1(Lag1 ,nlo. gnarl
panoadw1000'£ pun
Nano 000'0 JOA. pun 'palvaai enoq 0.tuti
uaapRtlO 000`01 polaod guru. ui .103-0110 1113
•lapuon1 n 8i snag egg 30 gaols 04J. ' 'opt
s,Iv1ldsoH egg ;o avog t1118i, eqs 51 sly,/
•ttaapllgo ell 111013 01 ono 011
ono Sayan s,IvgtdsoH ole os 11111!d8011 alg
(11011 o3 gno soot gouotu 11119.1 85.103--01.n)g
-1.10 ;0 8.191311out pun saat17n3 ala 01 11.1.0(1
-de so0$sn1J, cup lull u0s110a 111111 s1 spa,
'sf1u•N Si' 30 gggts Ulwglnt IL3Uq pingo
mummy, 0111 811 80.flou uul num owl pm..
turnip owns 9Q8ta.vicasilu 110.,11t1(Vi(vls
ir:Yy1.t 1' �s
0911 stag
.1o; glad
oto plopn
130 turn s1t10
-and 980131.1.
30 land Sun
lung; pinta
1)0)8 atj'(, --.-�•"'"`1i
dr --._ - ° .
•in101.11noa,T st g1.--ttm tintlast:l 31)11.3 n 100) cl
'03110.10) `u.11PlItt) :lana 103 11111(Is011 G9J.
•guottmoo.xy ao,3
Ana og. petoJy gouuu0 ot1L111 mla•nguo uI pgmo 11015 daoeR Jo 9a•u0
'W514101101 `lil::ittar En'.) 3101S 210i uvarldSOH num
'-Drs OlfiVc\/11
M.Efroilirme ,azz
We know of no offer we could
mako'thata'ou1'1 incre tttor-
onahl,3' plot'e Dui tonlidenee
and f:v th in it. If t'tt €.lrat-
harn In nb.tor 1 not :all we
01111111tnl`i11youa riotnutnnocent. fl 1.'l T.rz1(
n urs aro rondo 1.1. 00d'1'n,00. )n.1 •';ill
eanlnalatherm Rchaven't stmtce n. 1 1 u ain1,i11,1 ' 11,0: ehgly ,,tri , P
link ludas tho 316tt1;lat) )(t 'i h(y 1.t. I i 1 n •I IS hil l i 1 1 wear ttl
bunt of Sal ice The'Y crabael::e (1 1.1 i t -'n -thiol 111: a . 1.11.tttul,
bolo. (111nu6t.7ucon potil t` r..1. 1 n 'I'8,ii, , r1,1ll11 unl.,lrl 1. �..
on 0, p074111 card andt Til u i 1, i u !UN , n ) ru 1.l, - 1)1)1L Lo4h
U u,..onthis rat CA'iilii'13F.1.1. FAN&.LNG .i11ti.�,CO., .," IlIicd
. DEP r. aroGri",1 , 0 11
'(111.0'lo,'1..' n 4411011 lorvaers.
ly, , 1)
11,9'14F:r .I . , 1, 1.,, 9:i
3:,.1 1- ,1. 1, htai� , u'1. 1,1. A1.0
fa,ru , ... (l • 1 1 t 31 1.,.. Irl
Falling hair means weak hair.
Then strengthen your hair;
feed itwith the only hair food,
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks
falling hair, makes the hair
grow, completely cures dan-
druff. And it always restores
color to gray hair, all the rich,
dark color of early life. • .
"My hair was fallingout badly andIva.s
afraid I would lose It a'.Chen 1 tried Ayer's
Hair Vigor. It quickly stopped the Palling anti
made Loy hair all I could wish it to be."
TIea1con. E. ALLEN,' Eilzabeth, N. 3,
t 51.00 a bottle.
Alldrleelsts• a 0, AYEIt 00.,
Loowell, Mass.
1tg Flair
szsmall rimmusium
11 offman's
Laundry . .
We use no chemicals
to destroy or injure
poor Clothing, and we
Guarantee our Work.
Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir-
culated and Only National Agricul-
tural and Home Paper in Canada.
After January 1st, 1904,
PRICE t1.50 hluralaers
New subscribers g11 bn:ant•e of this year
free, including ;mg, i;11,..ut ('lu'isttuas num
r her. Send in S'orr • 01`..1(11,1 iult11 at Unee.
Don't miss a sing le 1.s111'. Agents wanted
everywhere ; lib, r:ei t, ruts given. Sample
copy free.
The Wan. Weld Co ,; inaited
't., Ont.
Niagara Fi.4. call.. .Tan.
Two th nsa.ntl ;.(r (If land near
the Collodion E'„'1. ,7 '.1' arks btu ve
been :1.11'(1 to Aree ( In ., of 'whom
A. J. Wright, 141i1'lln, is the
rillicat. The Lill(' 'r'1lt()1)t1'mod i_'1i at.
time 1.13"o, and 1.l Ito 1'1t1' Wits
y(swtera us'
It is 1ondc'r.t• (i that nI(1a (1' tiio
tract w .11 1,e la '1 • ."1' ; 1.1.11 13'
bttt a largo seeti1 31 will he immedi-
ately h1f(1 tlrt ):I':(1. (t 1 0\\- tiul'1111)
built. r1'l1e 1 r a 1 \' 1, . ' •'llttr hauler
$500,00 It 1. ,, 1.1.<., ,l that the
Toronto and Nt;.;11111 1'owor Com -
Pally ht:s 1''.."1 t ) ,((•res in ti•1
1.5)1.(3 Vic'lIllit for "` ,,E`•('(),
Three is 1:itg
lir )1.13 if )00 ^.o
&oqt IL 1I1 I-0
91:41..) way1.i1-
7(117).)) 1.1 1111' 1111
0111\ h t.li , , . 1 it Inn
31. a 1.l 1<'1 1.11 1,111 profit,
out of thlvfrli fa! 113.1 1 1.11 1pt• f your
form 3011 t(1 3s, ,11 131 10.11
t ul(: -II UIT, i ilii can rlo (1.' (I 1v
'Soil n J a (liana to I1 nu for and
Brooder. 110 positively ::,1110.111 flt.111 It to all 1,1 11:1!.La r
101(,1 u'se1111. en 1.f-,.` l 1.;,,i .J0flial terms ever at."trw by
any inaltaf1utu:'er.
We will ship you -€r1. n1. ;;rcipriM by us -a
31. 12 41 �S. 1;: L: 4..%il..'.�i I'1 ! Lt i L"� :•t ✓ C. ti t�.�t ((
without ono cent .1l' 011:(f i"tih,Il you until Oct.,. g ilgl..1
-,wt' �,•
1, 1,11: 1,
2V(EI','./ n',rau ::Z: croF
address 1011 letters to t loOl om. 1