HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1904-01-22, Page 2FOR A SECOND BRIDAL, The fashion ie bridal attire for woman who liar been previouslymar tied Was noted at the imposing wed- ding of Mine, de Yearrazaval to the Marquis do Cars, a s-sn of one of the illustrious families of the. Faubourg ,Saint Germain. The bride looked mag- nificent in a becoming robe of white moiee antique, woven with gold and cut en princesse. Point d'A:lencon was effectively util:zed to drupe the shelf - (lees and the bieeves, on which a band Of, xleetest sable fur w,as set on in bre- a ,Away ith , Co aCl lel It's. Loathsome, It's Disgustii;g, Instant Reliefand Permanent Curti secured by the Use of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.. Here's strong evidence of the quickness and sureness of that wonderful remedy, Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder : " For years I was a victim of Chronic Catarrh—,tiled many remedies but no euro was effected until I had procured and used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. First application gave me Instant relief, and in an incredibly short while 1 was abso•utely eured."—James Headley, Dundee, N. Y, DR. AGNEW'S HEART CURE RELIEVES IN 30 MiNUTES. 21 tells effect. A trio of palest .pink gooses w,as tucked beside one of these bretelles, while two more, one at eae1 aide, dominated the cream lace man- tilla -like arrangement wtieh this bride elected to wear on her head. ! his:wee Very clever for one who de- tained 'to wear a veil, but was not eli- gible for it. A. band of sable bordered r;the ;trained skirt, while a cascade of 'lave seemed to continue down one 'side from the lace on the corsage. ',ape e mother 6T the oxide, Mrs. Ed- .w,ards, was in deep Parma velvet, ren princesse, bordered with; sable. The iDuchesse de Cars was in emerald - ;green velvet, 1a,ce and sable trimming her Louis. XVI. coat .costume. The Sour sisters of the bride were prettily dressed alike in white satin crepe de chine, with large pastel blue hats. quite similar, if more youthful, dresses were worn by her two young- er sisters. The costumes worn at the oontrat de mariage, when the pres- ents were exhibited, were almost as noteworthy. Velvets, mousselines, laces, ermine, chinchilla, and sables were In the greatest evidence. Riots of loveliest colorings are the great feature of such great events, splendor and delicacy .runing about even. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The Milkman's Frosty Way. Toronto News. I'd like to be a milkman . 1' ; !' i And with the milkmen rise, ' I ;And skate around, at 3 a. 'in. ,With. bottled milk supplies., , ill& hot brick at his frozen feet; Oh, yes, it must be nice; The morning air is fresh and sweet t ' And his whiskers are full of ice. . ,. To Encircle a Great l+'orest. An antodrome is projected by the Municipal Council of Fontainebleau, 'France. The scheme is to build the course around the great forest. The 'sum of 400,000 francs is needed to 'buy the necessary ground. Tie course itself will entail an expenditure of several millions. The roadway will be composed of tarred macadam, `about 12 yards wide, and will be fenced in for the entire distance. I inellitala ..Washing with Little Work Clothes are torn and worn out by washboards and out-of-date washers —and you are worn out too. New Century Washer saves the worst of the work, saves the worst of the wear and separates the dirt from the fabric in a wonderful way. It washes small, delicate things perfectly clean without the slightest injury to a thread —washes the heaviest clothes just as easily and thoroughly. Ask your hard- ware dealer to show you a New Century —or write us for booklet. The Dowswell Mfg Co., ltd., Hamilton, Ont. No Dull a eason. Formerly the weeks following the :holidayrs were regarded as a dull iseason. Thanks to the influence of gdvertieing, there is no longer a dull season. Every enterprising mer- chant bee a great variety of goods to be disposed of 'ht a bargain, and hie announcements fill the stare with people who hate learned to eave money; for bargains. These people eear•ch the advertising columns more eagerly now than during the period of holiday trade. iYtinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. • Doing a Good Turn. They met for the first time since the engagement bad been called off. "Accept my thanks," said the young magi, cordially. "For what ?" asked the maidenin lsuremise: . "Didn't you sue hue for ten thou- sand—breach of ipromtse?" "Yes ; but I don't see why; you *Wald thank me." • Hesn't Claimed it. "Reuben bet Cyrus he could ,stay, under water the Longest." <,Whoevon ?" _ • "Reuben °'Then,'ivhy; don't he claim the bet?" 'He hasn't come up yet." see Limerick Intelligence. Columbia Jester. An eccentric old man in Co•hoes Always bought children's size sults of clothes. "I can never decide, When I'll used them," ;ie cried, "Second childhood comes quick -- goodness knows!" STATIC Or OHIO, CITY Or TOLEDO, i a9. LUCAS COUNTY senior partner of the firm oathoJ CHENEY & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and thatsaid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL. LARS for each and every case of CA -ranks that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CUBE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pre' semen, e,thie 6th day of December, A.D., 1886. { SEAL} A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and mete directly on theblood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J:CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists -75c. t Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation, 1 VV I" ORAN6L OLOSS9MS ARE USED. For many ,centuries the t of pillage nge bloseomThe question ishing for a bride has been a wreath E'sgeoia.11y intercedes ween you note the fact that in many countries the ararge blossom is entirely tabooed. The (Sart:mei bride wears myrtle. the girl of the Black Forest takes the liower of the hawthorn—when Fhe can get it. 'ni'e brides of Italy and the lereeeb Proyiiacos of Switzerland use white roses. Spanish brides go in for pinky, carnations and red roses. In Norway, Sweden and Servia tht' bridal crown is of silver ; in Pra- arfa and ,Silesia; glass, pearls and gold wire ase used ; in the islands o' Greece, vine leaves; in Bohemia, rosemary ; and so on. 'll?)e Roman bridal wreath was of verbena. Holly wreathes wore sent as tokens of congratulationeend wreaths of parsley and rue were given an - der the idea that they were the best preventatives against the influence of evil spirits. Why, then. the or- ange 'blossom wreathe, asks Woman's Life. There is a widely spread no- tion that It was adopted as an ene- blem of fruitfulness,, but there is 'a doubt as to weether; this notion is well founded, The practice of wearing the or - ergo blossom has been' derived from the Saracens, among whom the par- ticular blossoms was regarded as a symbol of prosperous marriage, a eir- cun'stance which is partly to be ac- counteil for by the fact that in the East the orange tree bears ripe frait and blossoms at the same time. You will also read that the flower vas introduced into the wedding ens - ones of our country by French) mil- ihers, having been selected for its Terrible Depravity. Toronto World. The thermometer has forfeited ev- ery claim• to public respect by Its alt too painful display of the fact that there are no depths to which it will rot sink. Neglect a cough and contra jY consumption.' hiloh's _ Consumption Cure TThe ic Lung on cures consumption, but don't leave it too long. Try, it now. Your money back if it doesn't benefit you. Prices: S. C. WELLS & CO, WI 25c 50c. $1 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can; The Earth's Central Heat. In the report of the last Coal Cone - mission the conclusion is arrived at that at a depth of 3,000 feet the temperature of the earth would amount to 98 degrees Fahrenheit, but it was considered that a depth of at least 4,000 feet might ulti- mately; be reached in coal mining.; The rate of increase the commission- ers thought, might for ordinary cases be ;arrisvnied to be one degree Fahren- heit for every sixty feet, but 'it is in realitZy impossible to give any fixed rate of increase. The report of the British Assool:ation• Committee on Underground Temperatures dur- ing the last thirty years tends to show, not only that the temperature gradient varies considerably, 'in dif- ferent localitie,S, but that it is not easy tC reauce a fixed law of, in- crease appllcaole to all cases. In! some partes of 'Western America the heat at 3,000 feet is almost un- bearable, while at the Calumet and Hecla copper mine in North Michi- ga,a, U. S. A., there is a rise o2 on'l(yj four degrees Fahrenheit in a "depth of 4,400 feet, although no artificial ventilation is resorted to. The tem- perature of the coal on discoveryi at the ,REhsebri,dge colliery; in Lanes, - shire was stated by the manage). meat to be 93 degrees Fahrenheit, but it afterward fell to 63 degree Fabreslheit.—Engineering Magazine. Lifebuoy Soap-disinfectant—is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. yg Rebuked by Edward for Drinking Sir Oswald (Mosley, Bart., has been reproved by King Edward. Contrary to the doctor's orders, Sir Oswald drank the king's health in a bumper of old port and the next day advis- ed his majesty of the incident. Sir Dighton Probyn, replying for the king, wrote ; "His majesty particu- larly requests me to say that he thinks it undesirable that any one suffering from your complaint should drink too many health in old port." Good Plan. St'ubb—Yes, I think we would have better protection if 'they put two policeman on this beat. Penn—Think to ? Stubb— 'eo ; IMO would anore so loud he'd wake the other up. 1 , Don't ilePlect A Cough r Many a case of chronic on-' chi tis, Pneumonia and even dreaded Consumption itself,niay he traced directly to "`only a cough."When the first cold comes, start in on GHATSSYR.OFRE PRI}CE WJ IT CURBS COUGHS -- heals the inflammed surfaces strengthens rengte condition throats --. puts the lungs in the strongest P resist the trying effects of a Canadian winter. beauty. ratifier than for any symboli- cal reason. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Afternoon Tea in Berlin. A committee of Berlin ladies, unit- ed under the patronage of the heredi- tary Princess zu Wied (nee Princess of lWurtemberg), has just issued a circular asking ladies "from alt cir- cles of Berlin society" to combine in order to arrange "5 o'clock tea re- ceptions" at the Kaiserhof for every afternoon in the week from 4 to 6, price of a ticket • for these reunions is fixed at 1 shilling 5 pence, where- upon it will easily be seen that an- other object—a charitable one—lurks in the rear of the scheme.-. the object being to "engraft upon Berlin, an up-to-date social life." Those who have been invited to co- operate in this enterprise, novel to Berlin, are assured that 'nothing could be more attractive and more agreeable for them than to be able to receive their friends in this way and to give them a cup of tea. The Little but Searching.—Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big nauseous doses that contain injurious drugs or narco- tics—they are the puke vegetable pepsin—the medicinal extract from this lucious fruit, and the tablets are preparel in as palatable form as the fruit itself.' They cure indiges- tion. 60 in a box, 35 cents. -56 Japan's Intention. Toronto World. There can be no doubt that the present intention of Japan IS to make bear meat of Rustsia. C. C. RICHARDS &"CO.: ' ' - Dear Sirs, Your DEWARD'S LINE.-. MENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure promptly. CHARLES WHOTEN. Port Mulgrave. elate( British Climate and Cooking London Truth. The climate of England kills half the population , the cooking kills the rest. Throughout the world, where - ever there is the sun or a spring, there are English mon and women endeavoring to repair their constitu- tions. The medicine hill of the Eng- lish people—together with its accom- panying expenses—is ' sufficiently large to support a second rate power, and it does mainly support many large and small towns on the Conti- nent and elsewhere. NERVES is rho evil of to -day. Most of as know we have then,. They send sharp shooting phins though us. The D % L". Menthol Plaster is their deadly enemy Nothing half so effective in stopping pain. How Rude 13e Was. Pennsylvania Punbh Bowl. M'aie—Can't you read the answer in my face„ Willie dear?, Boord—Is• it that plain'? ; Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. A Convention on elo quito Ilxolusion. A convention is called to be held on Dee. 16 in Now York, at the rooms of tiie Board of Trade and Transpore tation, in the interests of "Mosquito Extermination." It be expected much interesting data will be given ; and in view of the well-known fact that certain species of mosquitoes promote the spread of malaria, the subject be-° comes one of special public interest, particularly as the proposed general mosquito extermination will greatly benefit the public health, . "Everyone to his trade," says the 14Tanaynnk Philosopher. "A hen can't lay a corner -stone any more than .a mason can lay an egg,yt' 'there are' very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. It makes the home bright and clean. 1B The Curate's Joke. Buffalo Express. Chorus of Ladies (to cora:slyy 'cur- ate who is ascending the ladder to hung decorations)—Oh, Mr. Sweet - low, do take care. Don't go up! So dangerous! Do come down ! Oh 1 Rector (sarcastically,) — Really, Sweetlow, don't you think you'd bet- ter let a married man do that? , In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets read via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley route of the "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage is now checked in bond • and from Canadian points. The Lehigh Valley has three stations In New York, uptownnear all first-class hotels anddown town near 'all European steamship docks, saving paseeu- gers for Europe a long and expensive trans- fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, Where the Boy is Trained. , Chicago Post. "Yes," said the father, 'we are thor- oughly up to date." Then he led the visitor to the wood- sh"This." he explained. "is our train- ing tschool. As long as I have a shingle left, I intend to see that Willie is properly traip,ed." ST. CATHARINES WELL. In St'. Catharines, the Garden City, of Canada, eleven miles from Niag- ara Falls, on the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway, Is situated the historic' "St. Catharines Well," about which Ls woven many a romantic In - dial; legend,whose curative properties are known far and wide t'h'roughout North America. The water of this famous Saline Well is considerably denser than sea water, but clear, sparkling and odorless, and is re- n>;arkable for its penetrative quali- ties. These waters are a great specific for such diseases as gout, rheuma- tism, scrofula, neuralgia, liver troubles, skin diseases, and cases of nervous prostration, or as a tonic pure and simple. The treatment Is conducted on thie broadest possible lines, the Idea' being to assist nature as much' as possible. The use of the waters is the chief remedial agent, accomp tmed by static electricity, massage, exercise and rest. All, treatment Ls itt cii'arge of House Pldysician. The baths are in a sep- arate building, connected with' main building by a glass covered corridor. Full information, descriptive mat- ter, and all particulars, may be had on application to G.- T. Bell, . G. P. & T. A., Grand Trunk Railway S,ys- tem, Montreal, Canada. Amusing Blunder. Charles Frohman, the theatrical manager, tells of an amusing blun- der made by a young actor in one of his productions. Up to this time the young man had not risen above thinking parts, but at last he eyes intrusted with this exclamation ; "The king is dead ; long live the king." On the first night of the play he became more and more nervous as the time drew near for him to ut- ter the words quoted. His cue came and he was trembling with a bad case of stage fright. At length his voice came, and this was the use he Inacle of it ; ."Long live the king; ha's dead. ' t ISSTJE ..NO. , 1004 Aare Wlnalowe boothing Syrup should always be need for Children ' Teething. It Aoothos the child, softens thogumes,, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, Mr J1 CUMMINGS 80 CO Rooms 48-49 Victoria Arcade, 18 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. Phono lifain 370t. DEALERS IN STOCKS, BONDS, DRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Direct private wires to all exchanges. BUY WHEAT May wheat wt_ Jell $1.00 per bushel before • this option expires. We handle accounts of 1,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margin. Write for our special letter. Branch Office. 166 Simooe St, Petorboro 'PHONE 360. HOW SUCCESSFULLY SPECULATE ea the STOOK EXCHANGE without margining. All losses, if any, reduced to 20 per cent. A plan placing you on both aides of the market. $75 enables you to operate 50 ,hares. Writs for partioulars, MILLER & CO., P. O. Drawer, 2630, TORONTO, ONT. 1- RUIT LANDS in lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale in the heart of the Niagara Fruit Belt, near Grimsby. ' Steam and electric roads pees this property. All conveniences of the day. Terms very reasonable. Apply J. CARPENTER P. 0. Box 6`8, Winona, Ont. MODERATE CAPITAL can be greatly increased by judicious In- vestment in • " Specialty Stocks." You can Iearn of something which means money for you by corresponding with A. SEAMAN, 23 Colborne St. Toronto, Ont. A I1nneylakern= e will - tsachefther sex alegitt- profitable business, an exceptionally ggood all-the.year-around money-maker, that brings in tho dollars. Plan and full par - Oculars for 10 cents in stamps. Don't forget the etamps. and address Standard Supply Co., Hamilton, Ont. Ivry BUSINESS—TRACING LOST HEIRS, l missing friends, furnishing reliable in- formation regarding unclaimed estates and funds in English ChanceryCourts. L.Huxley, 1938 79th street, Brooklyn, New York. A 'Waste of Time. Philadelphia Ledger. Finnegan—Don't be so lazy an discouraged about it. The best way, to foind out what ye rkin do( is tq trye Flanagan—Ay ! Rut that's the worst way to foind out what ye can't deo. One Short Pull' Ciearsthe Head.— Does your head ache ? Have you pains over your eyes? Is the breath offensive? These are certain symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will cure most stubborn cases In a marvellously short time. If you've had Catarrh a week It's asure cure. If It's of fifty years' standing it's just as effec- tive. 50 cent,. -57 No Surgeon Needed. Montreal Herald. A cold is one of the very few, ail- ments 'the modern physician will un- dertake to cure without a surgical operation. *samasIva mv i r aNrs- "mIVI CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS FIVE YEARS' PROCRESS Members. Year. 18,283........ 1899 ...- 20,917 1900 22,674 1901 28;829 1902 25,000 1903 400,000.00 Special Inducements to JOIN NOW. Apply to the Recorder in your own town or W. F. Montague, Grand Recorder, Ham Ilton, Ont. or W. F. Campbell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton. Ont. Surplus. $204,025.00 208,620.00 -........... 288, 880.00 364,012 10 Why They Plebe on. Toronto Globo. In reply! to offers of canned meat, such ae !Russia is purchasing in large quantities in the United States, the Japanese Minister in London pub- lishers the fact that the Japanese soldiers from general to private live on rice and dried (foil. This permits an immense saving in 'both expense and transport. Helpful Women. Philadelphia Ledgor. "I really don't see ,bow the bach- elors get along without a loving help- mate," began Mrs. Benedick. "Yes; a woman can help a Ivan In se many ways" replied her friend. "Exactly. Now, there's my Henry I whenever he sits down to mend a tear in his coat or sew on a button, he always has to get me to thread his needle for him." J :IIIbRE ARE Can be had in TUBS, PAILS, W'ASII BASINS, CALK PANS, S'i`ABLE PAILS, BTC. From any first -cuss dealer. , IRVI0ill `t0 HQUIUS' "'g1S111.1rtr.V TASiELISS' •