The Herald, 1904-01-15, Page 5MUUMEUMINIMMIRMANIMMTMPRIATO 0 � _j 0. or c M M NOTICE! COMMENCING AUGUST FIRST, will adopt the CASH pYSSYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS. liar All Old Accounts owing me must be settled by the FIRST DAY OF SEP- TEMBER. JOHN SCHAFER, Butcher, Zurich' HORSES FOR SALE! I havo several 2 and 3 year olds and also a number of aged horses, which I am offering at reasonable prices. 1 can also supply any kind you want at short notice. WILLIA.31 FET;. Lot 27, Con. 10, Hay. Zurich, P. O. 17-tf Mr. Geo. Trott, of Hensall, is per- manently located in his gallery again for the winter and will be open for business every clay Tuesdays excepted. ' GEO. Thum, 13-tf Photographer. The People's Newsy Paper Tell your friends about it Notice. THE HENSALL BRASS BAND, COM - posed of about 20 pieces, are now open for engagement. Applications for this purpose should be addressed to Mr. CHAS. LINDER, leader, or Mr. A. McLS.AY, Secy., Hensall, Ont. ,ariEDAR POSTS FOR SALE:—We have kJ a large number of First Class Posts at the Lake Front, St. Joseph, which will be sold at reasonable prices. For particu- lars apply to 48-tf MAGEL & BENDER, Zurich. 'rhe Zurich Herald. Clubbing rates., We have made arrangements to offer the following low' clubbing rates with Tun Hr"RALn • Daily Globe $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe 1,50 „ Mail & Empire 1,75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Free Press 3,25 Weekly Free Press 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 ...Farmer's Advocate 2.25 E D in order to boom our al- ready large list of subscrib- ers and to encourage those in arrears to pay up, we will to the end of the month only, to all who pay up and a year in advance give them the choice of two papers free for one year; either the Weekly Montreal Herald or the American Farmer; for $1.35 we will club the three—THE HERALD your home paper and the two above mentioned. Remem- ber the above offers are for this month only. Samples of papers may be seen at our office. Ill IN8 1Lo. LrLou +$+ EXETER FLOUR. -- Rye and Buckwheat Flour. Breakfast Foods, c&c.- international Stock & Poultry Imperial Stock Food. Oil cake at Linseed meal Oyster Shell and Poultry Bone * ALWAYS ON *HAND. * C. SC H RAG, Zurich. glii'ii6i"'i'iiii�Ob40�Q490b�0004�04�QQIl�I1Q�R1Q1�0 �Q4(lQ',�4�'C4Q�1�4(f "r 6,Ui�tt!v":,dHt:;za• Iik!"�KdlL4�.kit r s buying all kinds ==of== either dressed or Undressed. Don't tail to call and get'MERNE 'S prices, Seating of embers. lI9 TTERI LEISLI TUR i, There will be some slight re -ar- rangement of the 'location of mem- bers seats in the *Legislature this •session,,Two, inembers have died since the H011se opened last March, Dr., Bridgland ancl. Mrs Pattulo, and three new members have beer), elect ed. Mr. Trauma of South Bruce, a Government supporter, who has long sat down on the Oppostion side of the House, just near the entrance will move over to the Government side of the. House, and take Dr. Bridgland's old desk in the middle of the back row. Mr. Pattulo's desk was well up in the Ministerial neighborhood, adjacent to that of the Hen. Mr. Evanturel, in the so- cond row. Mr. Bowman, 111,P.P., the. Government whip, will move up into the vacant seat, and there will be ati general move along the row, leaving one desk vacant at the end, which will probably be taken by Mr C. N. Smith, the new member for Sault Ste. Marie. Unless a Liberal is returned for North Oxford, the Government will not have a single follower seated on the left side of the House for the first time in thir- ty years. Its membership now ins fifty, including the Speaker. There are forty-nine seats on each side.of the House, and the speaker has - ati chair of his own. • On the Opposition side Mr. Either will conte clown 'Co Mr, Tran 's seat in the front row from the desk im- mediately behind. Mr, Dunlop, of North Renfrew, will have Mr. Gain ey's old seat, at the end of the se- cond row, and ,Mr. Gamey will be his desk mate,. moving up one seat, Mr. Mahafi'y, of Muskoka,will have the last seat on the third row,— News. Geneial Manager Hays to -day essays to defend the Grand Trunk Company from the charges brought against it by residents in Western Ontario. The News' commissioner continues his investigations, Con- ditions on the Wiarton - branch of the Grand Trunk are so bad that no person can be found to defend the road. Merchants give incidents, howing how busineis is injured by the unsatisfactciry services. GREAT Cr ry1,- I T Y. TELE HOSPITAL FO ft SICK CHILDREN, TORONTO. '±'ales Care of Every Sick Child in Ontario Who Cannot Afford to Pay , Fop Treatment. The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, is not a local institution—it is Provincial. The sick child from any part of Ontario whose par- ents cannot afford to pay for treatment hss the MASSAGE FOR REEUMATISM. same Claim and the sane privileges as the Toronto child born within sight of its walls. This is the reason that the Trustees ap- peal to the fathers and mothers of On- tario—for as their money goes out to help the Hospital so the Hospital's mercy can go out to help the children. This is the 28th year of the Hospital's life, The story of the years is a wonder. ful one—for in that period 10,000 children have been treated, and over 5,000 cured and 3,000 improved. Last year there were 863 boy and girls in its beds and cots, and of these 493 were cured and 247 improved. Look at these pictures of elub feet—be- fore and after. BEFORE AFTER Of the 868 patients 293 came from 216 daces outside of Toronto. In three years the patients from different parts of Ontario, not Toronto, average 250 —nearly a third of the entire number. In six years 1,400 outside patients have been treated—and for 20 years past they will average 100 a year. The average stay of every patient was 64 days, the cost per. patient per day 94c. A dollar or two means a.. small lot of policy out of your pocket, btrtrit takes a oig load of misery out of sonic little life. The X Ray department gives wonderful results. A girl carne in with a double thumb on one hand. She left with one thumb—a perfect hand See what the hand of the Surgeon does for the crippled children of Ontario. BEFORE Money kept from the Hospital is mercy kept from the children. Subscribe now for the best value office. Your money means mercy to somebody's child. Your money can cheer some mother's heart by saving sorne mother's ehiid. Health and wealth. You give wealth to the Hospital, and the Hospital gives health to the children. The Corporation of the City of Tonto gives $7,500 a year to the Hospi- tal for the main _ tenance of every child, whether from city or country. The citizens of Toronto contribute about $7,000 a year towards the maintenance of every patient in the Hospital, whether from city or country HE ENJOYS READING. Toronto does its share in the good work, and the Trustees ask you to do yours. The Newspaper Proprietors of Ontario have kindly helped the Hospital by insert- ing our appeals. There are two newspaper cots, and boys and girls from the country are placed in the cots founded by the newspaper men. Look at the pictures of " before and after." They tell their own story—surely you will help us in this good work. If your dollar could straighten the feet of a little boy or girl with club feet you would gladly give it, and your dollar will help to do that. To - BEFORE AFTER Take off the handicap of deformity— give all children a fair start in the race of life. Twenty-three children who came in with club -feet werb sent home perfect cures last year. There are as many more in the Hospital to -day awaiting treatment. BEFORE C. AFTER If ,you know of a sick child—the club foot boy or girl—send his parent's name to the Hospital. Please send your contributions to J. Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas Davidson, Sec.-Treas. of the Hospital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. in News Papers ever offered at this r-Prrefffilic(E, 1©uullry Lorin"' MOM'' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- y e ct ,. dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you.. He knows all about this cough medicine, "We have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in our family for 25 years for throat and lung troubles. and wo tldnlc no medicine equals ir." 11R$. A. PoMxor, Appleton, Minn. YSc..5 c., 91.l t. r.dor r. e. AYsItowell,brco.,ass. A!1 druggists. �RrMA.9 L Weak Throats Ayer's Pills greatly aid recovery, Purely vegetable, gently laxative FARM FOR SALE— The undersigned oilers his choice 100 - acre farm for sale; being Lot 20, North Boundary, :Flay Township, 4 miles North of Zurich. The farm is in good condition, with good buildings and plenty of spring water; well fenced and well drained. For further particulars apply to 6-3mp JAcon METER, Zurich P. O. 1 1 Ho frn's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMM q. •1, .24'.L Jt,gs. �h7 ''J7.,-: i'Sfira�"i!: 1EF'ar 1 1 1 Oldest, Largest, Most Widely -Cir- culated and Only National Agricul- tural and Home Paper in Canada. `��•Try y. -,- •.•..��A71Y'a• ,Sr:tr ,ANN-., ,a � 9�z, . �e�a`'.LV.�aE•:.�'.�.�'i6'l: .t�no�i1.`{ �'6 t ."� After January 1st. 1904, PRICE i.5 52 Number s New sub^•cribers get balanre of this year free, ineluding magnificent Christmas num her. Send in your subscriptions at once. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere; liberal terms given, Sample copy free, TIie Wm. Weld Co.,Limited London, Ont. Work is the inevitable condition of human life, the true source of human welfare.—Tolstoi. There is big Profit i n raieing poultry if you go about it in it.o right way. Ilalf- rneasurel. moan only half profits. 1f you would get the frill profit ont of this fruitful department of your farm 1.011 must, work under the butt conditions: 'Von 000 do thi: only witon llrenaier. We po>Il.ivci,v g7ID r lnf: n t, tO 1e it good hatcherham ev and turd wn sell it on Lbc most liberal terms over offered by any htianlif,taill'e •. We will skip yon.. -.f 'eight prepaid by us—a Wo know of no offer we eoulct - Il 1Y i j� �jay © mune that would more they- ay on;;idy prove our confidence hrlinlTnrti}n.tzar is the C'llat- wil.iiorxt 0710 can't of e shfr'om y0CIl Liutil Oct., 15104 iv flet alt we a claim i m f Leif you a1 r not out nn0 cent. Chat 1 1 i r1t l I e 2 ro de n t a c f=ood ail money and skill thc111 Fres110,W,11:1 stintedin0211 1. 1 1 r;t t1:00!. -,n111, L. (Moly 112 111 anti aso111 f2.lut 1 as the Dart.; yon sett. , }aesLoioerv' They 0o 1111, 111t nt ,2 ut 1i of.wed,ltdi2' i 11,0 very ler lhrvrmbodyett-iy n:�Iuil net , tl, t,rrl to Ih• t tont ,•fur,• oa' inm- >* bntOrs. Cut out; i'he coupon int ;;;ti r ,!1'! hi, ar'. rt ait, a•nuaae;.1.1;t i,lrcea on a,l,iostal card 005 01011 11 to a nt i till Apartionit s of 11110 otlr. 11O IL to -day, lricntton this M. u:+.,, , n` !)t,wh 't a CO.f 1n13lied Bartel 11d 6�'�ilaillrl$ F F t , qu d DEP r. eio CHATHAll}, OiT. '�iannlnrt,n.. ,.• "'•n i .o Il i l afnrt, and l.recders, I int, r.11..11,, ad Ainrdri•:.l (11 ; Itr:u 1 i rr :1]1;1,, C.i n. nuv t.Ftri.; 17.n11.'.,.. ..;l..toii-� .' 2111,.m.Ma.,and 21 221 2..di ::, 1i,ta 30; 31:11,it4tquivrs 01 the raurr:1121 c:w.2a' l Eninu,t, 111128, 101 ys�ri' „As. xr'a��r�,l sin MILL CO. Limited CHATHAM, ONT. ri t. Lz'. 810 Please send year descrip• five. Catalogue or 111 Chatham lnoullator, together with rill i nfon whereby notout your cash will be eppa d u til l October, 1904. P.O. Address Xl'eorest .Ti ailwhy .Station ,Address all letters to Chatham, Oat. 1