The Herald, 1904-01-15, Page 2CANADIAN NiOBLESSE.
Wllat' .Sort of People the French
Canadians of 1750 Were.
In his serial, "The Eight for Norte
America," now renniug In the Cana
Wait tylit.gazine, reit'. A. G, Bradle
gives% an interesting picture of lilt
Ci tidie.0 noblesse of the later par
pats' of the French. regime, He says
• "The Canaeitan noblesse, however
was an artificial affair, a force:l
Matter is its inception end, thougl
a very distinct order of society, ac
quiring but little substance. Just as
au early Governor of 'Virginia wrote
that, everybody wanted to be a gen,
tleman, so the sevonteenth-century
Governors of Canada reported that
there was a universal craving to get
a patent of nobility with its some-
what barren accompaniments, and
assumptions of empty -rank were eo:rt-
lawn and easy enough in a country
where, outstde the official list,
neither' noble nor simple at that time
earned much more than their food or
clothes. Signeuries, large in extent,
covered with dense forests, cleared
only on the river front, formed the
unit of life outside the few towns.
!The log houses of the peasant ten-
antry extended along the river front,
'while the scarcely superior mansion
of the seigneur, with the inevitable
mill and not seldom a parish church,
stood close at band. Trifling rents,
and those paid, when paid at all, in
kind, just served to keep this strange
species of nobleman and his family
in food and clothes. Even this result
was' not always achieved, kings of
Prance baying more than once to
send ont provisions to save their
transatlantic nobility from starva-
tion. Sometimes even their wives and
daughters worked In the field. What-
ever his origin, however, once en-
nobled, the seigneur was not at lib-
erty to follow any trade or calling,
andit is small wonder that "sloth
and pride," according to contempor-
ary mFrencll writers, were his distin-
guishing points. But these very at-
tributes and the conditions of his
life, while inimical to success in
peace, made him formidable in war.
The ragged Canadian gentilhomme,
inured to the chase and a stranger
to luxury, equally at home in the
trackless forest, or on the boiling
rapid, was the beau ideal of an ir-
regular soldier. Brave, hardy, ad-
vent .roes, and somewhat callous to
human suffering, he was an admir-
able leader to a peasantry who akar-
ed most of his qualities and were
Only lees ready than himself to an-
swer the call to arms."
1 rota Jest to Earnest.
Chicago Post.
"Do you know anything about flirt-
"No," he replied sadly, "I thought
3 did, but when I tried it, hanged
if the girl didn't marry me."
Kinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
Try Again.
Again we swear off firmly as
The new year shows its face;
Again, humiliated, find
We cannot hold the pace.
Take Notice
During the year the space devoted
to advertising 14IINARIPS. LINIMENT)
will contain expressions of no uncer-
tain sound from people who speak
from personal experience as to the
merits of this best of household Rem-
Men's Attire.
Meat's clothes are becoming more
and more fanciful, according to a
great London tailor, who welcomes
the growing revolt against the
"sombre sameness" of evening dress.
,Society men are ,taking to knee
breeches among other fads. and if
the present craze keeps up a pair
of long trousers will soon be a rar-
ity hi Mayfair. The king has taken
a personal interest in the attempt
to make men's dress more becoming.
He wears evening dress as little as
possible, and upon every possible oc-
casion he causes the gentlemen of
the eourt to discard the dull black
garments for bright uniforms. To
the influence of the king may be
ascribed the desire of many men to
become more artistically clothed.
Over a Century Old.
Toronto, Junction, Tan. 4. --John C.
Spencer, at one time a slave and
reported to be 104 years of age,
died here on Saturday. Iie had been
a resident of the town for over
twenty years. One daughter sur-
Those whom neglected cdughs
have killed were'once as healthy
and robust as. you.
Don't follow in their paths of
neglect. Take
U C ptVb i o
The Lung
right now.
It is guaranteed to cure.
It has cured many thousands.
Prices 25c., 50c. and $1.00
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N,Y. z:
Has Seen More Administrations Than
Any President in History.
1tfr. Cleveland has lived in the time of
more administrations than any one who
has ever been President, says the New
York . Sun. He was born in 2837. In
that year Martin Van Buren was in-
augurated President, consequently Mr.
Cleveland has lived in the administra-
tions of Van Buren, the short term of
William Henry Harrison and the re-
mainder of the term to which Tyler
succeeded; also in the administrations
of Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Bu-
chanan, Lincoln, Johnson, two terms of
Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Benja-
min Harrison, McKinley and thus far in
the administration of Roosevelt—in all,
eighteen, 'and, including his own,
Mr. Cleveland has not only lived in
the administrations mentioned, but he
has lived. to see six Vice -Presidents suc-
ceed to the Presidency, three of them
—Johnson,. Arthur and Roosevelt—com-
ing to the White House through the
assassination of their predecessors. The
others were Van Buren, Tyler and
The fact that Mr. Cleveland is the
only President who succeeded himself
four years after his first administration
is well known, and is to be added to the
other unusual things about his political
In Going to New York
Be sure that your tickets read via Grand
Trunk and Lehigh Valley route of the "Black
Diamond Express." This is the direct and
best route from all Canadian points. By this
route baggage is now checked in bond and
from Canadian pointe. The Lehigh Valley
has three stations tnNewYork, up town near
all first-class hotels, and down town near all
European steamship docks, saving passen-
gers for Europe a long and expensive trans-
fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk
as; mts. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger
Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont,
At Hit Inspection.
It WAR kit inspection, says the Lon-
don Answ,ers, and the different com-
panies of the battalion were stand-
ing with their kits on the ground
in front of them. The sergeant -major
was making the examination, when
his eagle eye detected the absence
of soap in the kit of Private Trlinn,
and he demanded what excuse the
man had to give.
"Plaze, sere, it's all used," said
"Used!" shouted the sergeant -
major. "Why, the first cake of soap
I had served to me ,for my kit lasted
mo three years, w,hiie you are not
a, year in the ranks yet. I:Iiow do
you account for that?"
Flinn's eyes had he faintest sus-
picion of a twinkle, as he replied;
"PisLze, seer, I wash every day."
And the sergeant -major walked on
while the entire company grinned.
FR,tNx J. Cassa= makes oath that hats the
senior partner of the arm of F. J. CHENEY &
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesa id, and thatsaid arm
LARK or each and every y HUNDREDcafDO g
that cannot he cured by the use of EALL'e
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence,this 6th day 0f December, A,D.,1886.
( sem T,} A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and
acts directly ontheblood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, tree.
F. J. CHENEY as CO., Toledo, 0,
Sold by all druggists -75c.
Take Yale's Family Pills for Constipation.
Essential to Success.
A century ago it did not seem to
matter much whether business con-
cerns advertised or not, Now the
head of alarge New England estab-
liehment which Is nearly a century
old tells an advertising periodical
that "there is no question that ad-
vertising has become an art, and one
of the greatest arts of modern times.
could possibly succeed,",
Meed it ton years,
Washington 3).C., ziott, ea, leo .
Please send me your Tr atter on
the Borne owl his rinrase.,' nave
used ittndnll's ;pavtn Cure fee ten
years and Skelly to•,t:fy to itq s ,erns,
Yours truly, Justus C. Nelson.
Five Cases or'8pavin
Absolutely Cured.
Buffalo, N. Dakota. Jan. 26, r9o3.
' rc$•ilave cured
iZ 5y%% 5Xpprtlnin the fove hoorsyseaarbsuhyyoor
•uyrsuB`t"Voy trulyyours,arry
D, Ructtel.
And Prost Suoc sesful`"Romiedy Dyer Discovered for Sr tevins, Rh sgbosses,
1'SDlints and all Lameness."
This Is tan unqualified 9^:ptl'fenes of tbot+sands of horsemen and ethers in this and other
e'Suntries and there isno reason why you should not share In these benefits. Just read
what the above people say about "l£endall's," Write to them for your own satisfaction.
In addition to been the best stable remedywnf t •,,,
known, ft is unequaled as a liniment for house-
ti ,t e'l , tf 1F and ice family use. Sold gsnfor by all drug , #'itw two e
}„ 3 afs, price iT sig bottles for o. We send +i •t, .*'' ,.�r��.�;;
l l j �%ilC�i Cr, lillustrate "A Treatise
upon requeest orae,,, pro-
falsely'a ',i i6 f 14DAlu
o,1A17N +GUiIL'
i• rye t DR. Ifit. 4. KENDALL G®r,
EIiosbung Falls, Vt. 1�
adore Than Fifty Varieties Spoken in
Different Parts of the South,
•A patron of cake walks or an admirer
of Bal e -walla nuisie might be justified in
hot thinking so,. but the fact is, says the
l.V'ew York Suit, that there are more
than fifty separate d.ialcets among the
colored population of the South.
Any one who has travelled through
the tidewater counties of Virginia is
aware that the speech of the negro popu-
lation there differs materially from that
used in the .eOtton fields of Alabama.
The sing -song speech of the camp -
meeting negro from the hilly part of
Northern Georgia differs essentially from
the softer and more melodious speech of
the Louisiana negroes from the region
of canebrakes and rice fields.
The negro race in the South is essen-
tially imitative, and inLouisianna, where
the reminders of French occupation are
many, the •r'rench accent and intona-
tion are preserved. In South Carolina,
which has, relatively, the largest negro
population, there are found in the tide-
water emetics the Guinea negroes whose
dialect ithas been found difficult for
many visitors to understand.
In Southern and Southwestern Mis-
nouri the negro dialect differs entirely
from what it is elsewhere in the South,
and in the Indian Territory, where there
is a considerable negro population, many
Indian phrases and Indian methods of
speech have become incorporated in the
speech of the colored population.
Palpitation of the heart
Faint or Dizzy Spells
and Nervousness
Dr Agnew's Heart Cure not only cures the
heart, but the nerves as well. In a trice 1t
allays pain, in a twinkling it gives strength
and vigor and it works a quick and perma-
nent cure as by magic. This remedy cures
by a new process and is an honest, harmless,
wonderful remedy for weak hearts, weak
neives, weak blood.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 40 doses, lOc. -20
Husband %Vas Not in.
"Husband In?" asked the gas col-
lector, cheerfully.
"No," answered the woman, "he
Isn't at home." ,
"Expecting him soon ?" asked the
"Well; the woman replied, thought-
fully, "I doni't know exactly ; I've
been lookin' for him 17 years, and he
hasn't turned up yet. You travel
about a good deal, and If you see a
man who looks as though he'd make
me a pretty good husband, tell him
I'm still a-wa.itin', and send him
along ,'--!t it -Bits._ t t , ,
Lever's Y-Z(Wise Head) DisinfectantSoap
Powder is a boon to any home. It disin-
fects and cleans at 1,4 same time.
Her Only Remedy.
He—But if a `man won't take no
for an answer i.•
Site—Then there is only one thing
the girt can do—say yes—to some one
Baby Humor t.—Dr. Agnew's Ointment
soothe, quiets and effects quick and effectiv
cures In all skin eruptions common to baby
during teething time. It is harmless to the
hair in cases of Scald .Head, and aures
Eczema, Salt Rheum and all Skin Diseases
of older people. 83 cents. -55
The Real Mother Goose.
,The myth of Mother Goose an!d
her grave itcxee in the Ceranary bury-
ing ground persists so obstinately
that it rwials a pious end a needed
eerviieo that hires. Atrnbella Stuart
Atusttim performed last night for the
true author of the Immortal 'nursery
rhymes ,for the t.:0Gth latnniverlsary oS
his tdenith, In her paper for the club
of Brooke Houtse, IAS the lecturer
wad : "People ado not know all tihait
they idcin'!t know, hence net realizing
teeet itt take% a rare genius to write
fairy (tales they have heen wont to
attribute 'Mother Gooee' stories to
cut olid houtsewile, whereas 'the real
author, a scholar of classic learn-
ing and renown, is Charles Perrault,
of Plane, one of Ithe first members
of the French ttlotidemy."
There ie no estimating the amount
of fine mortal culture 'conveyed 'to
simple minds 'through his tales in
the 'course of two 'cetntturies. The
ltriumpol of docility over •'ityrianny,
for hesitance, tis nowhere More forci-
bly illutsltrate•I than in "'Cinderella,"
whitt mtarvellcu..a tnatd, who, with her
Is tercels, aces us many adopted coun-
tries us there are tnartions in the
unirersse. Left all this; be greeted,
them the question to 'whit is there
cif high exit to he found In "'Cinrler-
elle." ? There le the flawing style,
the =irate a: expresexion and the
imlteretating lesson :that, with the
potnttod morel, lingerie aleout it like
the !fregranee of is. choice greased
flower. In "Rivet with the
Twit; ane iia f,utoinlated by the wit,
logic held (harmony of leonitraislts in
Mils 'story of a beauty and a mon-
ether. "Ci,nderollsa," the feminine, and
"Rique't with the Tuft," the Mascu-
line (type of the lekuss of unfortun-
ates, taro only Iwo out of a ,series
of eleven of 'the rsevel'nteen!th century
publ5ettltictn'e o: Porrtault'is fairy tales,
and 'they etill live, !although their
attitiror idled in 1703, just 200 years
age. Allay :Lae fairies eves protect the
♦name of 'Charles Perrault !-tl3asiton
Triauneerip t.
The German War Fund.
!.Ulla German war fund Is six mil-
lions t in gold. It Ilea been lying un-'
touched since 1.874. The periodical
1(nspeetion took plate last year,
dila. 3, 1.904
Aden. Winslowa ;soothing Syrup should
always be need for Children Teething. lI
seethes ties child, patens thesenms cures win
collo and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea.
000 Reward will be paid by
! " Lever Brothers
Limited, Toronto, to any person who
can prove that this soap contains
any form of adulteration, whatsoever,
or contains any injurious chemicals.
Ask roe ttim Octagon Bar. erg
A Hard VGorktng Actress. ,
Stage struck girls w'ithl visioes of
midnight suppers, boxes of candy and
romantic novnde, will probably) bo
shocked to know. that Miss Rose
Shay, the Cincinnati girl, who man-
a,gets her own ,opera company, and
sings the leading roles, spends her
leisure Lours—which are not man.
—in the study; od history. history
has been leer great hobbyi ever since
she was a child, and now every Mo-
ment, when not ooeupbed with her
duties as manager or prima donna
fledge Mee' paring over her histories.
She rayl: "I find it more fascinating
than novels or fancyi work or so-
ciety—though I love ply,friends. I
believe that any, one who is unfam-
iliar with history) is only half edu-
eated, and I believe that a thor-
ough knowledge of history is a lib-
eral education in itself." ,
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
Exposition at Milan.
The oompietlon of the world's long-
est tunnel, Simplon, is to be cele-
brated in 1905, at Milan, the nearest
important Italian city, by an inter-
national exposition, 1'or which pre-
parations are now: being made._ A
fund of $600,000 has been raised, and
the Icing of Italy has promised to
aid the undertaking in every pos-
bible way.
The committee which has the mat-
ter in charge announces that only
Italiants will be permitted to ex-
hibit works of fine art, but that the
`departments of transportation by
land and water, navigation of the
air and the division dealing with tbo
question of protection from acci-
dent in the transportation world, as
well as the so called decorative
arts exhibits, may be international
in character. It is alae provided
that only ouch products shall be ad -
misted for exhibition as have an
actual. technical or artistic value,
the object of this rule being to pre-
vent the exhibition of cheap bazaar
e inard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Passing the Word Along.
Philadelphia Press. +•
Eisie—There's a man at the door,
pa, who says he wants to "see, the
boss of the house."
Pa—Tell your mother.
51a (calling from downstairs)—Tell
AT THE HEAD OF THE LIST of pain relieving
plasters stands The D & L ' Menthol
Plaster. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Headache,
Backache or stitch in the side speedily disap-
pear before it. Try it once and you will be
loud in its praise.
Ibsen is Broken Down.
The latest news concerning Ibsen's
health is of a serious kind. A Vienna
Pdoctor who recently visited hien in
Christiania reports that "he has prae-
ticdlly lost his speech;" The doctor
says further: "Also his faculties are
impaired. His loss of memory is par-
ticularly noticeable. In consequence of
these defects he cannot work. Ibsen is,
in fact, completely broken up. He pre-
sents the picture of a helpless old man"
Rooms 48-49 Victoria Arcade,
18 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont.
'Phone Main 870.4.
STacks, n-rtvios, GRAIN
AND §2+i° :[1 VISIE3PJS,
Direct private wires to all exchanges.
Iifay wheat w't'_ eon 61.00 per bushel before
this option expire°. Wo handle accounts of
1,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margin
Write for our special letter.
Branch Office. 166 Simeon St, Poterboro
'PHONE 860.
on the STOCK EXCHANGE without
All losses, if any, reduced to ZO per
cent. A plan placing you o:i both sides
of the market. 815 enables you to
operate 50 shares. Write forparteoulars.
P. 0. Drawer, 2630,
In lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale in the
heart of the Niagara Fruit Belt. near
Grimsby. Steam and electric roads pass
this property. All conveniences of the day.
Terms very reasonable. Apply
P. 0. Box 68, Winona, Ont
A a will
profitable business, an exceptionally good
all-the•year-around money-maker, 'Fit at
brings in the dollars, Plan and full par-
ticulars for 10 cents in stamps. Don't forget
the stamps. and address Standard Supply
Co., Hamilton, Ont. -
The Prickly Heat.
Chicago Record Herald.
"Don't you think," asked Mrs. Old -
castle, "that the new minister is in-
clined to be pedantic ?"
"Oh, I don't know. Josiah thinks so,
but It mightn't be anything left the
prickly. heat.
Pln-Dosed with nauseous, beg purgers,
prejudice people against pills generally. Dr
Agnew's Liver Pills are revolutionizing the
pill demand—they're so pleasant and easy to
take—the doses are small and so is the price
10e. for 40 doses. Billiousness, SIck Head-
ache, Constipation dispelled. Works like a
charm. -58
A Daring Man.
"'He is the kind, of a mart who courts
danger, I understand."
"Well, I should say so. Wily he
doesn't hesitate to open, a flirtation
with any young widow he meets."
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
An Furdotn.
This liking for shadings has been
carried even into the furrier's do-
main. A: moleskin tie shows lines et
seal in Van Dyke effect, and until
one has/ seen the combination one
cannot quite understand how 'well
the dark brown fur harmonizes
with the 'smoke brown of the mole♦
Seiteleee ei + fes,: r e,s
We believe we have in Gin Pills the
most perfect remedy that has ever
been discovered for all kinds of
ISidney Trouble. So positive are we
that Gin Pills will cure any case of
Kidney disease that we guarantee
every box and authorize any druggist
to refund the price in case of failure.
A11 Druggists, 5o cts. per box,
6 boxes for $2.50, or direct from
11r A.I G EL Etkrir S fir' ®I; Imo:
CANAIAPI OR 1 ER .i ° CF,9OS.E9l Fi"°'�
Year. Surplus.
18,288 1899 6204,025.00
20,917 1900 208,020.00
22,574 1901 238,830.00
23,829 1902 • 364,012 '10
25,000 1903 400,000.00
Special inducements to J ON NOW.
Apply to the Recorder in your own town or W. F. Montague, Grand Recorder, Ham
Ilton, Ont. or W. P. Campbell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton. Ont.
From any first-class dealer.