The Herald, 1904-01-08, Page 6Tit RUSSIAN AS A SOLDIER is D(seribed as Slow, Dogged turd Fatalistic, "`T1i.c\ARussian soldier, as I saw liim during `. the Boxer campaign, im- pressed me as being a fatalist of a very practical sort," writes 0. K. Davis in Eeverybody's Magazine. "If if is his time to lose his life be'will iqse it, and there is litttle use ie trying to save it. Ile might as well go to one place as another, and it makes no difference whether he goes bete a fight or keeps out of it. He travels the line of least resistance, and from this develops a blind, but Often unintelligent obedience. That sort of man makes a dangerous fighting machine. "With all these good qualities, however, there are others not so attractive. Big, strong, patient of toil toil and hardship, he is often clumsy, stupid and very slow—a seri- ous fault le fighting men. There was a good exhibition of the Russian lack of speed the day the Pekin relief column marched from Mahto to Chang-chia-wan. For that morning tt had been arranged that a Russian battery and battalion of infantry (should form part of the advance 'guard with the Japanese, whom the regular formation of the column placed in the lead. The Japanese were doing their full share, but the Russians would not or could not keep the pace. .After repeated at - 'tempts to get them to do so, Ja- ' pan was obliged to ask Russia to :withdraw its men and give room to The Japanese, so that the required speed could be made. The Russians halted and formed beside the road, while the Japanese infantry went by them on the double, and the bat- tery on a trot. From that time un- til the day's distance had been made here was no more trouble about the failure of the advance guard Ito maintain contact with the en- elAye l A 31iss, Toronto News. Miss Rhona. Adair has "foozled" badly in her description of the rigors of the Canadian climate. MINARD'S LINIMENT is t1l'e only Liniment asked for at my store and this only one we kelp for sale. All the F•eople use it. HARLIN ]: (CILTON, Pleasant Bay, C. B. a , Vain War on the Cigarette. Philadelphia Ledger. One *PT the curious things about tee cigarette is that the more it is attacked, the more it is used, It has no friends, and yet it flourishes. The endless chain for the purpose of ob- taining 1,000,000 signatures to a Petition to congress asking for anti - cigarette legislation is one of the latest devices of the enemies of the "coffin nail," as it is called, and we would be willing to wager tat nearly every, woman in the land, all other nonsmokers and many slaves to tobacco would sign, but we hn,ve no confidence that the cigarette will be abolished. Americans smoked or paid for 3,2514,883030i cigarettes during the last fiscal year, an In- creaeo of 357,211,403 in a single lyear. We used 337,840,603 pounds of tobacco last fear in all forms and smoked 6,7871454,108 cigars. Contrary to general belief, more snuff than ever is made and used. The thousands of people who write to me saying that Shil C h's Con t; mpg . n Cure The Lung Tonic e.. cured them of chronic coughs cannot all be mistaken. There must be truth in it. Try a bottle for that cough of yours. • Prices 25c., 50c, and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. zi Sit down to the washing To economise fabric, time and strength and wash your clothes cleaner use a New Century Washing Machine. There is nothing washable it will not wash—perfectly clean—do it in half the time without boiling the clothes. Runs on ball bearings, just a touch does it. Send for des- criptive circular, better still, ask any AF hardware man to show it to you. The Dowswefl Mfg. Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Many women are denied ttie happiness of children through derangement of the generative organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use Lydia E. Pink - haul's Vegetable Compound. " Da &a Mns. Pintos f : —I suffered with stomach complaint for years. I got so bad that I could not carry my children but five months, then would have a miscarriage. The last time I became pregnant, my husband got me to take Lydia E. Pinkham'sege- table Compound. After taking the first bottle I was relieved of the sick- ness of stomach, and began to feel bet- ter in every way. I continued its use and was enabled to carry my baby to maturity. I now have a nice baby girl, and can work better than I ever could before. I am like a new woman." — Mas. Freasat BEYER, 22 S. Second St., Meriden, Conn.—,4bo00 forfeit If anginal of abooe letter proving genuineness cannot beam/aced. • FERE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMAN. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. 1Pinkham. She will understand your ease perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her advice is free, and the address is Lynn, Mass. No woman ever regretted having written her, and she has helped thousands. Spun Sugar. Spun sugar is in favor. Spun sugar ice cups come In floral forma. Spun sugar table decorations are good to eat after the feast le over. of violets is the latest and loveliest A white wicker wheelbarrow full of the spun sugar achievements. Spun sugar baskets full of roses, though appealing more strongly to many, do not touch the harrow of violets., It seems that there are no forms nor any colors into which sugar may not be successfluly spun. __ -_� .. STATE or OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO,} LIICAs COUNTY �• norpa.T. nEorthe partner of the firm oath J. CHENEY&C County and Stateaforesaid,andthaotsaidlf Toledo, willay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S C.TAnRH CURE. FRANK J. 0/TENET. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,thie 6th day of December, A, D.,188(1. { SEAL `- ' Notary Public. acts and di ectlyonrh the blood ansre is d mucon us surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists -75c. Take ]:fall's Family Pills for Constipation' A. W. GLEASON, A Few Recipes. Caramel Filling for Cakes,—Boil a cupful of brown • sugar in half a cupful of boiling water until it threads. Beat the white of an• Legg until stiff, and add to it three tablespoonfuls of cocoa and half a teaspoonful of flavoring. Pour the boiling syrup over the ego and co- coa and eta in a bowl stn til It 'hard- ens. , e Fig Jelly Filling.—Take a pound of figs, chopped fine; a cupful of sugar and blalf a baleful of boiling water. Boil to a jelly, stirring con- stlantly. • . In Going to New York Be sure that your tickets read via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valley routeotthe "Black Diamond Express." This is the direct and best route from all Canadian points. By this route baggage is now checked in bond and from Canadian points. Tho Lehigh Valley has three stations inNew York, up townnear all first-class hotels and down town near all European steamship docks, saving passen- gers for Europe a long and expensive trans- fer. Secure your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, Never Touched icer, of Course. Miss Farrasee—Yes, it's quite a pleasure to hear him preach. Miss Ascum—I understand he was rather gloomy; that he always talked about eternal fire and brim- stone. Miss Farrasee—Exactly, and It's such a pleasure to think of what's in store for some people you know. No End 1n Sight. Forrester—I suppose you married to complete your education ? Lancaster—No; merely to con- tinuo it indefinitely, It seems.—Jan- uary Smart Set. Minard's Liniment for sale every- where. , Out of Ilarnu's Way. ._- 'Yes," replied the long-haired visit- or, i.n reply to the office boy',s query, "I am a poet." "Coma this way, then. Quick," said tho office boy. "Brut I thought that wag the edit. ores room ?" "Of course; an' if year don't g1t a gait en, he'll co,rne out and patch yes." i,,,, i,•i�-,_..,i THE CHRJSMAS GREENS. 1 An Old Custom Waiola Has Experi- enced a Revival. V")t, ha•PPily, a revival of the custom' of trimming th,e home with Christmas holly and cedar, thougli a few years ago it had waned to a great; extent, leaving these delight-, furchurcat'hpmes.atio decorations to the 4 wreath hung in each front win - dolly giseis an outward and visib'.o sign of the homes inner joyous- ness, and the hall should be decked in pungent greenery to greet the visitor with its cheer of the season, and a. holly garland, thick with clus- tering red berries, hung on the rod, 1>etenreen the portieres at the en- trance to the parlor. It makers a beautiful effect to twine the large pictures with cedar rope and to mass the largo vase sand jars full of odorous braneli in the dining room the' central window is the place to decorate, for here the house plantscan help to •w.ard the desired effect. Have a bunch of mistletoe, with some holly berries, in atall glass ase on the table, and. a sprig of cedar at each plate for a bouton- niere; all of which helps to make the feasting bright and jolly. The mother and father will feel pleased and honored to find on Christmas 'morning that their chil- dren Lave adorned their portraits, or even their mere photographs, -with s3 mbolic green. Also hang a (bunch of it over your Sistine Madonna, and in additon to the greenery round the pictures of those gone to their rest hang syca- morebalis, as the sycamore tree fig- ures in all the old "11 Reposa"' pic- tures by the great masters. ,The blueberry cedar is very ef- fective ffective in some decoration and so is the feathery running cedar. It does 'not require a, great deal' of holly 'to give the brightening touch when stuck in amongst the cedar, spruce andine, and even without these it win give a festive look to a room. Foul, L• oathsome, Disgusting Catarrh I' Secure Relief in 10 Minutes And a Radical Cure. Does your head ache Have you pains over your eyes? Is there a constant dropping in the throat? Is the breath offensive? These are certain symptoms of Catarrh Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der will cure most stubborn cases in a marvellously short time. If you've had catarrh a week it's a sure cure. If it's of fifty years' standing it's just as ef- fective. Dr. Agnew's Pilin are the best. 4o Doses so cents. An Economical Mother. Small Katherine, who had been for- bidden to touch the ink bottle, had accidentally spilled Its contents not only all over her mother's desk but on the rug, several chairs and her own apron. Her mother, on discover- ing the state of affairs, had expressed more surprise than ever. When the father of tate famfly returned at night his Iittle daughter met him at the door and asked: "Papa, how much does a bottle of ink Dost ?" "Oh, about five cents." l "Five cents l" exclaimed the ag- grieved youngster in a tone of deep disgust. "And to think that mamma would make ait that fuse about one little bottle of ink -°"—July Lippin- cott's. , , Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant—is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. as Britain's First Newspaper. TO the wisdoi'li; of good Queen Bess, aided by the presence of Burleigh, Britain owes its first printed news- pawl'.Ulna Eng:iah newkpiper. as It was called, was "inn vinted" at London, by Her Highness' printer, 1588," and the earliest number, dated July 23rd of that year, is still preserved in the library of the British! museum. tbiis ancient newspaper contains tiro usual intelligence given in tho London Gazette at, the prresent time. It a,,epears not to have been publis'h'ed at stated intervals, bat only w1i'en imaortant events re- quired to be chronicled. Sometimes more than a month elapsed between one number and the next. The first' article, dated July 23rd, 1588, con- talns advices from Sir Frances Wal- singhsam' that the Spanish Armada had been scan in the Channel on the 20th, with a favorab:e gale. It de- scribes the joy of the British fleet at the sight of the enemy,, and de- scribes the attack of it by the Brit- ish! on the 21st, after which it fled. '1te early numbers of The English Mercurio containing advertisements of beaks, very much like the adver- tisements of the same kind at the present day. • " My Heart was Thumping my Life out," is the way ,frs. R. H. Wright, of Brockvelle, Ont., describes her sufferings from smothering, fluttering and palpitation. After trying many remedies without benefit, six bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart restored her to perfect health. The first dose gave almost Instant relief, and in a day suffering ceased altogether. -51 Not the Gown, the Completion. Philadelphia Press. Tells—I'm afraid tills gown doeten't become my complexion, at all. Jess—Well, whyl don't Mott eha3lg4 Tess—Haw can I? It's made up nowt and they won't exchange--- .Tess—But Jy�eu enir wash) iit off and make up diIforonrtlyl, I I ildifiard's Liniment Cures Dandruff There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. It makes the home bright and clean. 1B Bow Ile Was Born. Philadelphia Record. Bilobbs—Old Gdtrox • is proud df the fact that he wasn't born with a, silver spoon in his 5nouth. Sllobbs—Judging from• his table manners it anust have been .a knife. Mina,rd's Liniment Cures Burns, etc- , O'aed to it. Toronto Globe. Miss Rhona Adair has 'talked of playing golf in the snow in Canada. At one time that would have threat- ened our connection with the Empire, but since the reflections cast on the beauty of Canadian girls by an Eng- lish lady our feelings have been dead to false and cruel aspersions. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neural- giar. •. , A Fiother's Consolation. It .almost scares a mother to think howl 'smart her son would be i1f he did not have some of the Ihrlocial of his father's family in' his veins them is COsou takeAlen'scLung deep iBalsanto Better etlungs for, even l withyAsettle len e Lung Balsam, complete relief will be slower. Lived in Woods Many 'Years. Harry Jones, a veteran of Cariboo, B. C., who has been elected 'to the Brltlsh Columbia Legislature, enjoys the unique distinction of being a member oif parliament who never saw a railway train, before tyle one on which he has just travelled to Vic- toria, the capital of the Province. Neither did he ever see an eleotric car until he took this trip. Mr. Donee is one of thle pioneers of the Province. He crossed the continent to California in tire days of prairie schooners. Then he went north with the rush at gold seekers up the Fraser river and hlas been an the 'interior ever since. ; The Stomach's " Weal or West" —The stomach Is the centre from which, from the statdpoint of health, flows "weal or woe." A healthy stomach means perfect digestion—Perfect digestion moans strong and steady nerve centres—strong nerve centres mean good circulation, rich blood and good health. South American Nervine makes and keeps the stomach right, -52, Family Troubles. Nodd--Whey so depressed ? "' {Dodd—I've just had a quarrel with my, wife and she doesn't speak to me. "Oh„ well. she'll get over that." "That's just it. I'm afraid she'll get over it before to -morrow morn - 1, ISSUE NO. 2, 1903 Mss. Winslow's /soothing ayxupshould always he need for Children Teetering. Lb soothes his child, softensthoginns cures win colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. J, CUMMINGS86 CO Rooms 48-49 Victoria Arcade, 18 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont, 'Phone Alain 3704. DEALERS IN STOCKS, LT 141 S, GRAIN AND ' RO V lSHO S. Direct private wires to all exchanges. WH AT May wheat will sell $1.00 per bushel before this option expires. We handle accounts of 1,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margin Write for our special letter. Branch. Office, 166 Simeon St,Peterboro 'PHONE 860. Stocks Are Cheap! So. Pac., B. & 0., 17n. Pac., Mo. Pac, R. L Com., Ernes, Reading, N.X• Cen., and 'Penw. R R., we regard as PARTICULARLY AT. TRACTIVE at present •LOW prices, and trades in these securities conservatively handled will, without doubt, show substan- tial profits lathe near future. 'While you are waiting for things to settle down the quiet, steady accumulation of the Standard issues is apparent *0 the close student of conditions. A . Word to the Wise is Sufficient. Our board room is public, make It your headquarters. Exceptional exchange con- nections enable us to execute orders In 10 shares on as favorable terms as 100 share lots. Write to -day for our booklet,: entitled " Wall Street's Opportunities." Special attention given to out-of-town orders. JAMES & CO., Standard Stock Exchange Buildings. Toronto. H TO sl�ceEssRIl.LY SPECULATE on tho STOCK EXCHANGE without margining. All losses, if any, reduced to 20 per cent. A plan placing you on both sides of the market. $78 enables yon to operate 60 shares. Write for particulars. MILLER & CO.p P. O. Drawer, 2630, TORONTO, ONT. HUT LANDS In lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale in the heart of the Niagara Fruit Belt near Grimsby. Steam and electric roans pass this property. All conveniences of the day. Terms very reasonable. Apply J. CARPENTER, 0. Box cis, Winona, Ont. Can't Do What He Likes. Chicago Tribune. "But I thought," observed the simple-minded person on the out- skirts of the crowd, "that a king could do as he pleased." "Not at all,"' replied the other perm, craning his neck. "Didn't you' See how he shuddered when he kiss-, ed the Other king ? He didn't want to, but he just had to do it." indispensable in Winter. There's a need in every home for 1 GRAY'S SYROPOF RED SPRUCE CUM A few doses, at the first sign of a cold, will allay all throat irritation—take away hoarseness—check the inilammation— etren en the lungs—ward off the cough. All the healing, soothing, curative properties of Canadian Spruce Win—combined with aromatics. Pleasant to take. 25 ate. bottle. Use FIBRE WARE r,•:.• • Can be had in TUBS, PAILS, WASH BASINS, 1"IILK PANS, STABLE PAILS, ETC. From any first-class dealer. S ii% EEE IT M19' CE ivn 7771 NADIAN ORDER a,; l" CHOSEN FRIEN FIVE YEARS' PROGRESS Year. Members. 18,288 20,97.7 22,574 28,829.,, 25,000 s Snrpluo. 7 899 $204,025.00 . 1900 208,620.00 X901 288,380,00 j 19o2.» ....... 8134,0-.1.2,401908 ... 400,000.40 Special Inducements to JOIN NOW. Apply to the Recorder inour own town or W. P. Montague, Grand Recorder, gem Lite* or W. F CainpbmJi, Grand Organiser, >9taimilton, Unt.,